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Luna's KPD app #2


Level 5
IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
AST (Atlantic standard)

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Accepted - Luna's professor application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Luna's psych app | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Luna's Councilor app! | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
L:una's kpd app | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

Describe your activity on the server:
I've had a few roles, student in grade 12, I've been a fox for a little while, however I got bored of it, so I got whitelist removed. I've also been a band leader on SRP for about 5 months, with about 6 other members, including a manager. I've also been a gang member before in SRP for about a year, in a verified gang. I quit gangrp after a while due to it going down hill in my opinion, I then got into street racingrp, and got invited to a crew in which I declined to continue going solo, I more or less quit street racingrp and rarely ever do it, however I do at times. Currently I do schoolfaculty rp. Which I highly enjoy, however I've wanted to be KPD for a fair little while, as I've heard it's a lot of fun. Overall I've been on SRP for about three years. And I'm on daily for 3 hours atleast. I have over 8 weeks of play time (1344+ hours) So I believe I can remain active, if for any reason I can't I will inform the faction lead, asking for permission, and a reason.
apply for KPD comes from my real life. I’ve always wanted to be an officer in real life. As Well as me wanting to help and make the roleplay more fun for everyone! To let everyone join the fun! What would the trill be to Gangrp if there was not a potential for KPD to show up? Or street racing with no cops? Boring! I want to help, and contribute to the server, and add more fun, and joy to others. To bring more excitement. Another reason is: I’ve always wanted to join KPD! As it looks, and sounds so much fun. And like I’d thoroughly have fun with it. And hopefully make it more fun for others! I love the law, and find it highly interesting, and I’d love to join KPD to help enforce it. I’d like to apply to make SRP more fun, entertaining, to all. Let them all have some fun and joy. And some risk, and add to the Roleplay experience that this server already has. That and to give back for all the fun I’ve had on the server, so others can have that same amount of fun. I truly want to give back to the community in a way that’s fun for me, and others. Let all have fun!

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I know a fair bit. However never joined a faction related to KPD, nor law. I know the basics, and laws in SRP. It also has two main branches. Detective and officers, or called the main branch at times. With their own chains of command. Every officer has their own little duties, and jobs, doing their own thing, in and or out of the station. There is also an exam in order to graduate, and different trainings you must undergo.

Chain of command:

Commissioner - The commissioner is the head of the KPD. They decide where the officers should go, promotions, etc. They should be told all that you may find on the field.

(Detective branch)
Detective Superintendent - The head of the detective branch. Any detectives should report to them anything they find, or know. They will decide if it should be given to the commissioner or not.

Detective chief inspector - the second in command of the detective branch. They lead any and all major investigations, such as murder cases.

Detective inspector - they conduct detailed expeditions of complex criminal activities'. They also collect, and ****yze as well as preserve evidence.

Detective Constable - they investigate and solve crimes, and work on a various complex cases

(Officer Branch)

Captain - Head of the main or officer branch. Anything of importance should be told to them first.

Lieutenant - second in command of the officer or main branch.

Sargent - the third in command, reserved for senior officers.

Corporal - they are the first line supervisors, overseeing the cadets, and lower ranks.

Patrol officer - These officers mainly patrol, or report to smaller crimes. They are typically assigned to smaller areas.

Cadet - Officers in training. These are the future officers of the department, who are under training.

KPD also carry a verity of equipment with them. Some can be mugged, most are not, and KPD exclusive. Luminal spray, and body camera are two examples of non-mugable items. The Riot shield is muggable, and an example of such.


Pepper spray - A defensive weapon which inflames the throat, eyes, etc.

Two pairs of handcuffs - Used to arrest and or detain people, who may or suspected of committing a crime

Police badge - Primarily used for identification, to show that they are with the KPD

Radio - Used to communicate between other officers.

Riot shield - It can be used for both defense, and offense

Body Camera - The Body camera is used to record where you are, and what you're doing to provide evidence if needed. It is destroyable.

Baton - The baton is used to Two hit individuals

Crowbar - Used to pry open doors.

x26 Stun guns (or Taser) - Typically used on people resisting arrest, to cuff them again. Or people running, or getting too close to a certain situation.

Breathalyzer - Used to determine the alcohol percentage of a drunk individual

Gas Mask - Typically used in raids, with riot gear.

Luminal Spray - Used to find blood on lethal weapons.

Med kit - Used to help someone, if they need medical attention.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to SRP as the crime always goes up, with various gangs, etc. With laws, there will always be crime, no matter what you do. Thus KPD, or police, are highly important to enforce those laws. They bring Law, and Order. As well as an example for those who look up to them. This also brings a delicate balance, Between Law, and Gangs. It also brings realism to SRP, and more fun for said Gangs, giving them a reason to be scared, or careful with what they do.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I will not miss any trainings whilst being online.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Rockwell Andreev Loke

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Grade 12

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Latin, and Korean

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Rockwell is of Canadian - Japanese descent male, he was tall, for the country at 6'4, and he'd be at a very healthy weight. He'd have black hair that was often times messy, yet still very clean. His skin was tanned, making him look like he's been outside a lot. He was typically seen chit chatting with his friends, however when it was time to be serious he would be. He is always ready to give his best, and honest advice from his point of view. He sees mostly everything as a learning experience. Which can be learned from. He would help anyone with whatever they need help with, weather it's advice, or questions. He's more simple of a man who'd clearly would be the type who'd be perfectly happy in a tiny home. What makes him unique is his personality, his honesty. He'd be honest about anything about him. He is also highly aware of his surroundings, knowing just about everything that may be around him. Especially if his help is needed.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Rockwell A. Loke, is an extroverted man, who was always easier to spot, as he'd be chatting to someone, and drinking a coffee. Despite this he was always serious when needed. And ready to help someone in need. He'd be there when he was needed, and always before expected. And earlier. He'd seem to more lack emotions once you got to know him better, only ever showing some, at rare spots. Showing he didn't mind doing what was right, no matter what, even if it may cost him his life. He pays high attention to his surroundings so he knows exactly when something is wrong, or something may be happening, and as soon as he knows the location he'd be there. He's also highly detailed when he speaks, sharing everything of importance, and even more to everything he tells, or any stories.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Rockwell loves his co-workers, and would be willing to fight, or even die for them if needed. He may not show many emotions, yet he loves his co-workers, and sees them as family. Thus he'd fight for them, and with them for anything needed. Weather it's against a gang, or just an argument, he'd be there to help his co-worker, and would ask the full story afterwards. He'd never let a co-worker get hurt if it was up to him. To him he would rather take the hit then a co-worker of his, even if they don't get along well. As they are his family.

What's your character's backstory?
Rockwell had a pretty rough childhood, with his parents taking care of him, and being there for him. His father was a lawyer, and his mother a nurse. They weren’t overly wealthy by any means at all. None-the-less they took care of him, occasionally buying him a treat despite the financial problems. Rockwell loved them in return, making them the best gifts he could as a child. Which were pretty crappy however they still smiled and thanked him for his gifts. Eventually they got better financial health, so they adopted another kid, Rockwell’s little sister who meant the world to him. He taught her as much as he could despite their age gaps, and he’d attempt to help her with the simplest things if she needed. He's always retained a polite, loving, and caring demeanor. He has been called a gentleman among gentlemen before.

In his teen years, he moved, from New Brunswick to England, in Oxford. He’d be picked on by the older college kids, but this didn’t ruin his spirit. He’d enjoy life. As he got older he realized something, via people saying he’d be good at teaching, he decided that would be what he wanted to do when he got older, a teacher. He kept this dream through him all throughout his teenage years. He decided what subject he’d like to teach, and ended up deciding he’d rather be a professor, and he’d like to teach Ethics. He studied ethical stuff, and took courses over his free time, which helped him understand the ethical standpoint of various things. He loved Shakespeare, and ****yzing who was in the right and wrong in the plays. The first of which he did was Romeo And Juliet. He continued to teach his younger sister as much as he could, doing it all the time in his free time, teaching her everything he could and all he could. This is part of where he got some of his early teacher experience and why being a teacher has been recommended to him. He eventually felt like he should join the police force, rather then being a teacher. However he ignored it, till he got older.

As he went to university he decided he’ll teach at Oxford university, as an ethics professor. He’d have an advanced understanding of ethics, as he got a 96% as his final mark in ethics. He applied to Oxford university as an ethics professor and taught there until he turned 27. Eventually he quit there due to many reasons. He then moved back to New Brunswick where he taught at UNB until he was 33 he enjoyed teaching there, but eventually needed a break and quit there. He moved from Canada to Japan, to Karakura in Japan. He typically talked to his friends and gave them advice of every kind. Eventually he got the courage to go back to being a professor, and applied to Karakura High, once again for Ethics, as that is what he loves teaching. However despite his love for teaching, he always felt like he wasn't doing what he really wanted to do, and why he became a professor. To help others. Eventually he decided to join the police force, doing what he loves doing, and feeling like everything is how it should be, with him helping those in need.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No, owning a pocket knife is illegal, and considered possession of illegal weaponry.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Wooden cane
Cough syrup

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
I would make sure my body cam is on, and would radio a higher-up to ask if they can come down. I would write down the time and remember it. If no higher up or help as arrived, I would then try to break up the fight, and ask what happened, before getting a higher up to deal with the situation. As well as make sure the inmate is safe, and in good hands.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
I would check on how many people there were, and radio for backup, and state where in detail, before trying to get my co-worker out of there, and in safety. If they for some reason carry on the attack or assault I would be forced to use a baton to break up the fight. As well as detaining them, and getting my co-worker into the hospital to ensure they are okay, and alright. If they had a weapon, I would tase them.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
I would immediately inform a higher up, letting them know of the corrupt officer, and would start collecting proof of them being corrupt, and would give them all and any proof I collected, for them to decide what to do. Hoping that they do launch an investigation of the cop.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
I would inform them that bribing an officer is illegal, and that it will be added on with there other charges.
Last edited:


Level 328
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.​

We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but
we have made this decision based on the following reason(s)

Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the
faction, we sometimes have to deny good applicants because there are
others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to
server reputation or due to the detail that was put to their application.

- A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation. We tend
to pick players who have been in the server for a while, and that have a
relatively clean history. We suggest applying for other factions / community
teams to improve how other players see you and boost your chances at
becoming part of our faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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