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luvnelliot's BMD application


Level 61

luvnelliot | Adult [Applying account]
itselljot | College cheerleader

Previous bans/warns/kicks:

The only ban I ever had, isn’t the best ban for what I’m applying for; yet it's explainable—assisting in duping / not reporting it.

This was when I was newer to SRP, and trusted the wrong people. They gave me a PK, logged onto a separate account - which was new to the server, took it back, and started duping them through something in AH. I had no idea what was happening because I was new to SRP. But I now know what to do in a situation like that. . . to avoid any more bans.

Describe your activity on the server:

I would say I have good activity on the server, and between both of my accounts. I try my best almost every single day to at least get an hour of activity on each account. And then going from the times I’m normally on, which can change at random. Matters if I have school that day, or if I’m busy after school; which I usually don’t end up being busy after school. Going along with all the roles I’ve gotten in the past, and currently, I’ve always tried to be as active as I can be on that account, trying to keep what I normally did even before getting accepted for the role.
If I had to put my activity on a 1-10 scale, I would say 7-8/10, yet on some days it does decrease.

Either way, I try to stay as active as possible. Which is something I'm glad to keep on doing, as I have no life out of SRP; I'm normally just online whenever I can be.

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:

Elliot#3670 and I do have a microphone.

Specify your country of origin and time zone:

The USA and my timezone is EST.

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:

I’ve been looking into going for something to do on my adult account, yet something that would fit my character and something I have an understanding of what the BMDs do. And it also goes into I've seen a lot of things done in the past with Black market dealers, which peaks my interest even more with the activity that can sometimes happen; people opening up a few times a day. I've wanted to try applying multiple times for it because it was always something interesting; yet I was never really able to due to me either already being a part of a faction, not having another account, or just straight up not having the motivation to do. Recently, I've had that motivation to apply and to be online a lot more. I personally think this would give me more time to not be AFK, or just wandering around waiting for a situation to happen.

Especially with being more motivated to get involved in GangRP, combat RP, or even CrimeRP. Something more enjoyable once you find the right crowd, or a little group to do it with.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:

I would say one of the biggest things that stands out from me and others; is my activity. Ever since I joined SRP, I found good enjoyment in it, and I'm on every single day. To multiple hours at a time, or to just a few. I would be able to also offer my past experiences with being on SRP and even a detailed Character, one that has a lot of lore; and its all just not backstory.

I can also offer the past experiences that I have had within GangRP. Other than that. . I’m more of just a normal SRP player..

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:

I’ve been apart of many different sorts of teams; going to my real life day to day, and on SRP. Even to owning Families with friends.

Within SRP I’ve been apart of many families, each i try to stay active with and put in my input into situations, or maybe even problems And I also pay attention to what others say and even add onto it; to expand on their idea. And even going into leading gangs, making sure.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:

I’m not the total best at making suggestions; yet one that I’ve always thought about for the BMD would to be something with hosting slightly more events within the Crime faction. I noticed with the most event open being Fight Club, having events often. Yet if I am given a set amount of time, I would probably be able to at least think of another suggestion. Yet there are some things I could see with improval. Going along with. .

More Detailed actions for combat/crimeRP
More masks?

Otherwise, I’m not exactly a good person to go with for suggestions; I may end up thinking of good ones every once in a while, yet that happens occasionally.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:

I am familiar with all, and I try my best to keep myself up to date with what is happening within SRP, Rule wise, weapon-wise. Ext.

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:

Of course.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:

I am familiar with this, and I hope to not be getting my characters arrested or killed.

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:

I am familiar with this, and it makes perfect sense.


Full Legal Name:

Rei Chinatsu Helvete

Criminal Alias:


Age & Occupation:

37, unoccupied

Gender & Marital Status:

Female (she/her), engaged

Ethnicity & Race:

French, Caucasian

Known Languages:

German, French, Japanese

Former Associations/Occupations:

Multiple unnamed gangs

Karakura Police Department

Highest Level of Education:

Masters in Psychology

Physical/Mental Ailments:

None diagnosed
[Intermittent explosive disorder involves repeated, sudden episodes of impulsive, aggressive, violent behavior or angry verbal outbursts in which you react grossly out of proportion to the situation.]

[Folie à deux ('folly of two', or 'madness [shared] by two'), also known as shared psychosis or shared delusional disorder (SDD), is a collection of rare psychiatric syndromes in which symptoms of a delusional belief, and sometimes hallucinations are transmitted from one individual to another]
[ Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental disorder that one can develop after exposure to a traumatic event. ]
[ a person with an obsessive desire to set fire to things ]

Known Family Members:
Way to many.
??? Chinatsu | Mother | Unknown
??? Chinatsu | Father | Unknown
Helvete is a family that Rei has been adopted into
Rose Helvete
‘SOBA’ Helvete
‘JUNO’ Helvete
London Helvete
Hayden Helvete [ Son ]
Noa Helvete
‘Nyx’ Helvete
Tsuki Helvete
Nagato Helvete
Onyx Helvete
Ivory Helvete - Dead
Hachiru Helvete
Koyuki Helvete
Aoife O'D. Helvete
Ashlyn E. Helvete
- Zemirah Helvete Sané
- Jovanni Helvete
- Violeta Helvete
- 'Ark' E. Z. Helvete
- Rossanah H. Helvete
- Alya O. Helvete
- Harley Helvete
- Elise Helvete
- Genki Helvete
- Elfriede Helvete
- Vixine Helvete
- Viola Helvete [ Daughter ]
- Viola F. Helvete
- Akimitsu R. Helvete
- Ayumi K. Helvete
- Margarete Helvete
Mist K. Helvete [ Child figure ]

Adopted but didn’t take the last name
Serena Santarossa
Fae S. Blackburn [ Child figure ]

CHINATSU - Adopted children
'SPIRIT' Chinatsu
Adrian Chinatsu-Marie

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:

Rei is a tall 5’10 French female, one of the many things that made her stand out, was her scars against her face. . Normally covered by makeup, like one going over her eye and cheek, multiple if others going across her nose and lip. Going against her pale skin, she wore many facial piercings. Going on her nose, eyebrow, and 2 on her lips. The metal on her skin made her bright contact purple eyes stand out, almost making her prosthetic tongue blend into her looks. She had soft red hair that reached her hips, which also covered a tattoo on her back on a raven. Bringing attention to her arms and hands, she held tattoos, one being on her arm which was of 2 skeletons. Another tattoo placed on her thigh which drifted down her leg was a green snake. A small delicate one was placed on her left wrist of a black rose. Which almost got cut off due to a prosthetic hand. She held multiple burn marks on her existing hand, almost mocking her missing hand she held many rings, one being an engagement ring and a burn scar along with an unknown carving on her inner right arm. Always being covered, seemingly to have forgotten about it. More recently she's been seen missing her left eye, yet if paid close attention she's been no different as before, due to her past of being blind in it.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:

If I had to describe Rei’s personality in one word, it would be chaotic. She has a different personality than many, she shows her weak sides, and her soft sides in front of people. . She can be overly talkative at times which shows her personality trait of charisma. She's able to make friends easily, and start conversations out of nothingness. Yet she is also one of the most stubborn characters I’ve had, she is one to cause fights over her being stubborn, unable to say that she was wrong at times, if she believes in herself so much. She is also very observant, she is one to pay attention to her surroundings and the people around her, their body language even.
Some people see her as a sweetheart, and some people see her as a mean old woman. It all matters on which side you find yourself in.

She can be seen in multiple ways by people; she almost changes her personality to how people treat her; very talented in manipulation. . By this and other ways.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail: (200+ words minimum)

Zero to age 11

October 31st, 1984. The day when little Rei came into a harsh family, she grew just enough. She was then forced to be her family's little house pet, at the age of four. Following every order that came towards her, being a clumsy child there were many situations where she got yelled at for it, spilling coffee and pouring drinks all over the counter. She was too young to understand the harsh life she was made to be in. A year later this started, and she joined the elementary school. She was the only kid, whose lunch box wasn't filled with the sweetest notes from her parents, or even made-at-home food from them. this continued for years, until. a certain year came around when she had enough.

Age 12 to age 15
This is when she knew she deserved better, she was a child. Not somebody's personal maid, especially her parents. She understood that this continued for years, it didn't just start with her, it started with her ancestors on the mom's side. . Always treating the child like a maid, a personal slave. And that's all they knew how to do with taking care of their child. She packed a small collection of her favorite things in her room. Then ran. Ran until she couldn't anymore. Until she had to stop, she stopped on a side of the road in the middle of nowhere. . Being drenched by cars which were taking up the water from the gutters. Just as she was falling asleep; she heard someone. . She was too tired to even fight her eyes open to find out who it was. . Just let it happen; hoping they were just passing by. When she woke up; her first thought was to look around. . She was in a car, strapped into a car seat, the car in perfect condition, she felt safe in this one. . A feeling she wasn't familiar with. When the car finally came to a stop, it was in front of a mansion, the woman knew her whole story as she led Rei inside. . Leading up countless stairs before she was finally told the words she needed to hear. "It's all over now. . You don't have to suffer any longer, welcome home Rei." She was then raised among other kids, all having their own stories of running away from home. All being raised by 'The Countess' a woman, who was actually Rei's Aunt. Hating how people treated children, she used her riches to give them all a home.

Age 15 to age 20
She was welcomed with open arms, to her nearest new private school. Quickly becoming the top student. Which caught the attention of a boy, her very first love. The nice boy was only showing a facade, he didn't act like this and was only doing so to get into her heart. He was a part of gangs, even a mafia some people said. Quickly being known to his family Rei was just a part of it, being forced into it. Something she hated was how she knew she didn't have her own strength to leave. Once she hit 16, she was still with him. He was way worse, using her as the bait in many situations, which led her to be in hospitals on occasion. The Countess hated how she was being treated, she knew everything, and he made Rei leave him behind. Knowing that he may come back in the future for her. The Countess made sure to keep her safe while she was in the private school. Rei was back to doing what she did every day studying, working, and doing anything to ease her boredom. Until she met a coworker, going by the name of Konomi, somebody who brought light back into her life. They continued to be best friends until Rei met a man, at the age of 19 while she was in college. Somebody who was just like her ex. Showing his nice side, once she hit 20 they were engaged. .

Age 20 to age 25
Once she was engaged at age 20, everything was finally being set into place. Just how he wanted it. He quickly resorted to violence whenever they got into fights. One night, Rei pushed him too far. Causing her tongue to be removed; in his very own words. "So I don't have to hurt you anymore my love, your lost tongue will shut you up." Rei once again, ran. And ran until she wasn't able to anymore, ending up in a hotel. . She stayed under the radar of anything, the news, police, even people. She stayed unknown of her location being put up as a missing person for 5 years until she hit 25; which was also when she ended college. Getting her masters degree in Psychology.

Age 25 to age 36
For years, she continued to stay under the radar, normally staying at home. One day when she was on a walk, she decided to lift up her head and take a look at her surroundings, was when she found a young man sitting on the side of the road; like how Rei was years ago. She quickly took him in, just like The Countess did when she needed help. They quicky become close, soon Rei was able to call Hayden Helvete, her child. it stayed the same for years, on years, until she reached 36 was when Hayden finally decided to want to move away from France, he wanted to move to Karakura, Japan.

Age 36 to present
This was also when she got a job working in the hospital, besides a woman to be known as Ukimo, they grew close, being friends quickly turned into lovers. Unlike her past relationship, she wasn't a person that involved herself in gangs, she saw a new world with Ukimo. until they quickly moved away from Karakura, engaged. It didn't take long for Rei wanting to go back to Karakura. Which made them break up. Rei returned joining the police force, being the quiet one, not many knew of her actually being there besides the fellow cadets. This was also when she turned 37, and was also when she went off-duty due to her new daughter, Serena's request to set Rei up on a blind date. Lets just say Rei's way of getting over a relationship is getting into another. Which worked, Rei and a new woman, Cecillia both started seeing each other, saddly didn't last long as Rei quickly noticed she didn't have alot of time free, ending the relationship. Cecillia was then reported dead a few days later due to a gang. This was when she left the force, she didn't like it how she thought she would. A few months later, she found herself in the midst of gangs, yet it was ones with people she knew, going along with family members. She never wanted to leave it, she felt comforted. This was also when she realized that how she was treated in the past, any relationships wasn't the best. She decided to stay single during this time, joining a vigilante known as Otake-Tatsu. Staying in there for a while, before she got busy with friends and family, leaving soon after. Around this time was also when she met a man going by Saint. They stayed friends for about a week, before they started dating. They quickly became close, almost overnight. Shes now currently engaged to him, hes a safe haven for her. As she was also trying to figure out her mental problems. .

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer: (This can be anything — a weapon deal, an event they may be involved in, or maybe an interaction with a gang)

She gets news from somebody she knows about someone reselling weapons. . It goes perfectly.

“So? I need a name, and evidence of this happening.” Both of Rei’s hands were placed on a desk, as she looked at the shorter person infront of her.

“I. . Have both, evidence and a name. . I just want something in return.” The smaller person infront of Rei, being unnamed stayed speaking in a quiet tone, maybe trying to avoid people that may be outside of the room.

“Fine, what do you want?”

“Money. And alot of it, maybe 200,000 yen, and maybe once your done doing your business. What happens to him.” The persons arms now crossed, a smile across their face.

“Of course. . I’ll be able to give you that money once I know who it is, and evidence. Now, show it.” Rei’s fingers were tapping on her desk, one, two, three. She continued, almost annoyed at how long it was taking for them to show the actual evidence.

“Found it!” They quickly raised their phone, showing a photo of somebody, giving another a knife. . It wasn’t in public, it was more by the beach, under the docks. “That person there is ██ █████”

Rei then sat down, quickly typing something person's phone, before Rei’s phone lit up with a text. Which was the photo, “Thank you. Now leave, I have work to do.”

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer:

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Level 92

Thank you for taking the time to apply.
After discussions with my BMDs, I have chosen to deny this application.

If you would like more information regarding this denial feel free to direct message me on discrord at LEWK#0666

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