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Denied MAIDEN APPLICATION | TrixieAnjinho


Level 1
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section




Western European Summer Time


I'm active all the time, I could even say it's all day, IRL I don't work at the moment, so I'm available almost all day, I think it's only these days that I'm less so because I'm sick with a fever but I can say I'm online almost all the time now


Well, I don't know much, but I tried to research it and I was really interested, so I think I know the basics. I know that Shintoism believes that there are spiritual powers in the natural world, and I found this part about them beautiful and interesting, I don't know much about Shintoism, but I know that the Kami have two opinions. They can nurture and love when respected, or they can cause destruction and disharmony when disregarded. Kami are the central objects of worship in Shinto belief. Ancient animistic spirituality and as i said i don't know much about it, i managed to find myself some documents to study and know more about the practices, tradition and what is/expected to do at a shrine and i read a few types of kami, the most important ones are Amaterasu, Inari or Susanoo, yōkai Bakeneko, Inugami, and kitsune to a more specific extent, a few specific types and other spirits are yūrei, the ghosts, or mononoke, the vengeful spirits, and a bit about The Seven Lucky Gods, I will study more about Shintoism. As I don't have much to do I will dedicate my time to learning more about their religion and Shintoism
And yes i'm willing to learn more aboutthe religion!

I believe this would give more life to my character and would certainly give me more interest in the Shrine, my character really likes to talk and certainly learn new things, learning a new religion could give more value to my character and I would feel more pleasure in learn a new religion. so I really like to take part into roleplay and do the most of it, mostly when it's a role such as this, i've been roleplaying as a HS student for a while now, and I've been researching things I could try to apply for, and I've seen the applications for Shrine, but I never really understood what it was about, I studied a little and started learning and i can say i got curious about it so i'm happy to continue studying if I'm accepted or not, I'm very interested in the Shrine!

Yes i do acknowledge that i will have to attend Mandatory Trainings!

In-Character (IC) Section

SECTION 1: Character Details


"My full name is Ellie 'B' Ariya Romanoff, The 'B' stand for my Mother's middle name Belov."

CHARACTERS TITLE (E.g. Mr. Mrs. Miss):
"Miss Ellie."

CHARACTERS AGE (E.g. 21-80):

"I'm happily engaged with Hazel Graves."

"I'm Russian."

"My phone number is (030)-593-6463."

Well I love peace and balance, something the shrine can offer. Even if it's just basic cleaning, or making tea, I find these activities relaxing and it's something my mind needs, Shrine is a peaceful place, if you take good care of it, it'll last forever which is beautiful to know, as you see some countrys cant keep something living for a long time and Shrine is a beautful example of it, if you take good care things last forever and it'll bless you. Once I was in the forest I always had a strange feeling of someone constantly following me, and now that I've started to study it I've discovered it could be an evil spirit, I still don't know much about it, but I know the Shrine will provide me the answers I don't have. So I really feel motivated to apply as cleaning is one of the most relaxing things for me, it would relax my mind and take all the stress away from me. As it's human nature's, I adapted to these ideals and grew to be a pretty immature person, so i managed to be more self-conscious about myself, and decided that I needed to distance myself from the city.

"My knowledge is a bit blunt, though I do wish to learn more about it in the future. I believe it was constructed as a Buddhist teaching ground, and is now committed to Shintoism. A great fire swept through the monastery, and burnt everything except for one building. I believe a Priest said it was the closest to where Kami resided. It had been constructed in the mountains for isolation, which, in turn, was a great thing for a while. . .It’s said that a priest at the monastery was the one to light it on fire, if I am correct. Though, I know for certain that many Kami left the mountain. Except for one that is filled with terrible sorrow, which is why we are constantly flooded with storms."

"Dear Monastery Lead

I hope that everything is going well.

I'm writing this letter today, as I made a decision to serve to the Shinsei Seinaru Shrine as a maiden.
I've been in a few shrines in the past, and always admired the religion. During my time here, I managed to meet spirits, some bad, some good, and I wanted to find out more!
I took my time to learn about the basics of a maiden, and just fell in love with all of it. I want to show my devotion and dedication to this shrine to preserve its beauty, helping with every task needed, learning to grow myself and my knowledge.

Ellie Romanoff!"

BACKSTORY (100+ Words):

(third person talking)

Ellie Ariya Romanoff, born on March 27th 1997, in Russia hospital.

Ellie was always a very happy child, excited about everything and her father made picnics for her mother and Ellie almsot everyday! She really liked her Fatther picnics because she was always with her loved ones, one of the picnics that marked Ellie the most was when her father bought her your first bike! She cried with emotion when receiving the gift but the most important thing she saw was her parents' love, she didn't care about anything but her parents' love and how happy the family would be!

When Ellie turned 7, she received the terrible news that her father had died in a car accident... By the time she was playing in her room and heard her mother talking to someone on the cell phone. When she arrived in the living room, she saw her mother devastated on her knees crying over the loss of her father... Ellie's mother didn't know how to tell her daughter that her father was gone, but as her mother keep on crying she couldn't see her crying over and over and she cried together without even knowing why... Ellie's mother would never have told her why her father died, so Ellie's mother always kept quiet about it...
After a few weeks of still not knowing why her father as gone Ellie was never the same and seeing her mother depressed, seeing her destroy herself would make Ellie even worse... Ellie always asked about her father but llie's mother always ended up yelling at Ellie...

At age 12, Ellie traveled with her aunt to Japan, because she felt it would be better to get rid of bad memories... as such as her father passing..
After Ellie placed her mother in a nursing home because she could no longer help her mother or bring her happiness, Ellie traveled to Japan, she was still young so she needed to study, her Aunt said that there was a free school named KaraKura which it would be good for Ellie since she was so depressed and couldnt leave home.. would be good for her to try making new friends and try to feel more motivated, on the first day that Ellie went to study she felt her heart beat faster when she saw Hazel Graves who would be the great love of her life...
She wouldn't have felt something like this in a long time, she would have been afraid of falling in love and becoming a disappointment because she would have lost her father who was like a storm for her... and having lost his mother to an old people's home because he didn't know how to take care of her... It was just Ellie and her aunt for life, but Hazel seemed to add more color to Ellie's life that day...

Over time Ellie forgot Hazel because she couldn't communicate with her out of fear, she ended up meeting Daniel Springs, in a math class Ellie was paired with Daniel Springs, exchanging glances between them... the physical stumps, would have made the two fall in love... and finally she gave him hope and allowed him to enter her life, starting a beautiful relationship, being very healthy and happy for her. After some time studying Ellie when she was 15 years old, she discovered that her great love Daniel Springs had passed away... She cried and cried, her heart seemed to have broken and as if she had lost someone as important as her father... But this pain seemed different, the pain of losing a great love... who would be like a kindred spirit, it took Ellie months to recover from the loss of Daniel Springs...

At 17, Ellie was almost finished studying and would already have a strong friendship with the long-awaited Hazel Springs... Hazel and Ellie had a lasting friendship but secretly Hazel had a crush on Ellie since the day she set foot at school... Over time, Ellie finished her studies and finally at the age of 18, Hazel admitted her feelings for Ellie, who had loved her for years and could no longer love her secretly and wanted something more intense. Ellie cried with happiness telling Hazel that when she started school she had a crush on Hazel but couldn't talk out of fear. They both burst out laughing because they had fallen in love on the same day but neither of them had the courage...
And by then Ellie and Hazel would have been together for 7 years, a long time!! Ellie couldn't wait any longer and asked Hazel to meet on the beach so they could talk. At sunset Ellie finally asked Hazel to marry her and nowadays they are brides waiting for their admired and beautiful wedding!

Hazel after a while told Ellie about the Shrine, which Hazel had visited a few times and wanted her to finally go with her, the two started going to the Shrine more often and Ellie ended up falling in love with the place, how clean and beautiful it was. it was, and the connection had caught Ellie's attention. Ellie started to learn more about Shintoism and it was by them that she met spirits and learned more about them. Her interest growing in the religion, she decided to finally join the shrine as a maiden, sending her application letter.

SECTION 2: Self-Knowledge Details

What duties do Shinto Priests and Maidens have?:

"Even though they have similar jobs, there are clear outlines to what duties they perform. A shrine maiden's duty is to learn specific festival dances, one being kagura, a worship to the gods. They are to pray, give divination, and receive divine orders. They are assistants to the priests and are responsible for keeping the shrine clean. Priests are similar to a spokes-person for the kami and as they carry out most of the ceremonies, host wedding ceremonies. They offer rituals to those seeking such. They are both as valuable as the other, and are the guides to those in the modern world to keep Shintoism alive and pure.”

What are the steps needed to be taken at the purification trough before entering the Shrine?:
"Upon taking steps to the shrine, you are faced with a trough full of water. This water is from the monastery itself, a pure source of divine water. It is important to take a ladle that is sat near the trough and fill it with the water. Then, you are to pour it on your hands one after the other, and it is to be done slowly and thoroughly. Your mouth must be cleansed afterwards. To do this, you are to cup your hands that have already been cleansed and fill them with the cleansing water. You are not to swallow it. Instead, you carefully pour it out of your mouth into your empty palms and then empty your hands nearby.

How are offerings to a Kami performed?:

“At shrines there are often bells that you are supposed to ring, though if there is not one, then you make an offering of a specific amount of yen into a box at the main building. After that, you can make your offering. You are to keep the lids off the water and bottles while you make an offering. You can also offer fish...but its a complicated process will say. Just like bowing, you have to make sure it is at a certain angle. After you make your offering, you are to give a formal bow at 90 degrees, and snap your hands together. Twice. After they touch, you keep them snaped together while you make your prayer, keeping silent afterwards and thanking them for their time.”

How do you perform a tea ceremony ritual?:
"You must be the first to bow, then the guests bow in return. If they accept your offering for tea, then it is your job to guide them into the tea house. It’s important to direct them to their seating and bow once more as they sit, excusing yourself for a moment while you prepare the tea. The herbs are almost always prepared. So then, you take the herbs and tea leaves and let it sit and simmer in hot water. But make sure the water is hot but not boiling too. Once finished, you slowly approach the guests. The tea bowl must be held in your left hand and turned with your right and you must pour it slowly. It is important to then ask the guests if they wish for their tea to be strengthened. If not, then you continue. Once the tea is empty you must always refill it, otherwise it is shown as disrespect.”

Explain what a Tamagushi, Ofuda and Kagura Suzu is and what they're used for:
“Tamagushi is form of an offering in Shinto. There are different depictions of it, one being made from the bark of a sakaki tree, with strips of washi paper and cotton. It’s a gem of an offering.”

“Ofudas are often used for protection, blessings, and keeping off the negative influences. Ofundas have the power to actually change thingsAn but after all they are a charm to protect you from dangers like curses, or spirits. And like most things, they have the life force of kami. Blessed, truly.”

“The Kagura Suzu is basically a set of twelve bells that are used during the Kami no Kura dance, said to purify visitors and activate divine powers."

(OPTIONAL) Based on your character; which other Kami would they worship?:
Kannon. Goddess of compassion and mercy
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Level 71
Shrine Lead

Sadly the team has had to deny this application. I do encourage you to reapply next wave but below I will list some of the reasons we chose to deny you.

Capacity: This wave was a tricky one. There were a lot of other good applications that were selected over you. Don’t let this discourage you though you may always apply again for the next wave, we just didn’t have the spots open for everyone.

Detail: Your application lacked detail or is lacking detail. If you choose to reapply, try to take some time to add some more detail into your work and flesh it out some more.

Other reasons, there are many contributing factors for your denial and you may DM me if you want specific details.

Please DM me further for details if you wish to know via divingblues.

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