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Level 33

thanks to @Customable for letting me use formatting style thing. Her biography still WIP...


What is your age?

"I am 14 years old! HEAR THAT!? I AM A TEEN, NOT A CHILD!"

When is your Birthday?
"I dunno."

What is your Ethnicity?
"My dad is Japanese and my mom is Korean, so I am Japanese-Korean!"

What languages do you speak?
"I speak Japanese and know like a few words in English - I can also speak Korean!
Don't tell my parents though, it's so I can sneak into their conversations."

How tall are you?
"Ummm... I am 5'8! Yeah.." In reality, she is 4'9.

What do you want to be when you are older?
"I want to become a paramedic so I can drive the ambulance
around and I guess treat people too. It seems less schooling than being a doctor too.
Or maybe I can be like my parents and be SLT... Who knows!

Art by @ara


Though it seems like Mi only has one brain cell left she is smart and has some skills! Like setting things on fire - Wait is that even a skill?

(skills WIP because I don't know??)

Mi has a wide range of interests, she loves learning about different styles of fighting as Mi wants to learn how to properly fight in the future. She also has quite an interest in frog facts, ask her anything about frogs and she got an answer - It was like her brain is Google or something.

Mi also has an interest in medical-related topics, this mostly is due to people like Himawari and Katsuhito who already in or planning to go into medicine. She wants to become a paramedic as it less schooling and she gets to go out to crazy scenes.

- Frogs
- Fire
- Cats
- Augustus Kagura-Cove

- Large groups
- Punishment

(Still a WIP...)

Thanks to @Sporkmoment, @Aania, and @will! for helping me write her appearance/personality.

When you look at Mi one thing that catches your attention is that she is SHORT - Standing at a towering 4 '9 Mi seemed to wander around with a tall confident stance. Black silky dark hair would fall just below her shoulders with slight curls at the end.

Mi is very messy and chaotic, if you hadn't already been told. Although being scandalous at times, this foe leaves her clothes without stains of blood - a neat thief, drowning in her disguises. She wears her outfits like it's a work uniform, creases are apprehended on sight.

Mi is the most chaotic neutral character you'll meet, due to her actions and morals heavily affected by those around her. She lacks a sense of danger and awareness for her actions, often acting on purely intrusive thoughts while the people she chooses to be around encourage them.

She can be sneaky, and often deceitful to those of authority. However, once befriended, she can be incredibly loyal and a helpful scheme-artist. She is very outgoing and sociable, you can easily spark up a conversation with her. However, she is a very emotional and angry person, acting out even when the smallest things happen.

Often enough, her emotions are turned to a more physical matter, referring more to the heat of fire. Mi has the tendency to become entranced by fire and uses it as a way to relay her emotions. The faint glow that emits from the flame not only excites her but creates a rush of adrenaline - The devil's eyes see the world set ablaze.​

(wip for this, i am too lazy to figure something out)

Byeol & Iwao Akihito - PARENTS

Mi loves her parents, kinda shocking to hear that after you hear all the stuff she done to them. Despite everything she does cares and love them, she just has a hard time showing that.

Mu Akihito - TWIN SISTER
Though they are sisters Mi can be pretty nasty to Mu, perhaps because she was born first. Despite their rough relationship with one another, deep down Mi does care about her slightly older twin.

Nathaniel Blackwell - (COOLER) COUSIN
Mi looks up to Nathaniel, she thinks he is such a cool person and wants to be just like him! He encourages her to start fires, who wouldn't like this man!?

Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito - COUSIN
When it comes to Katsuhito Mi has mixed emotions. Though she thinks he is really cool and does look up to him, some of the things that he does do makes her think "okay buddy".

Tsubaki Akihito [AUNT]
Tsubaki is like a cool aunt but also can be pretty strict and that creates mix emotions for Mi, though Tsubaki will always be the number one aunt (Sorry Mirai!)

Mirai Akihito [AUNT]
Mirai is like the cool aunt and Mi likes that a lot, she didn't yell! Though she does wish that she could hang out with Mirai a lot more then she does. And she has a really cool fiancé!!


(WIP - I'm lazy)



Level 81
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Mi loves her parents, kinda shocking to hear that after you hear all the stuff she done to them. Despite everything she does cares and love them, she just has a hard time showing that.
her way of showing it *throws a rock at Byeol*

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