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Michiyo Saisei | Biography


Level 61
Character Name: Michiyo ‘Michi’ ‘Seraph’ Saisei

. . .

Basic Information:
Full Name:
Michiyo Helvete Saisei [ Dr. ]

34, August 10, 19??

Female [ She/her]


142 lbs

Michiyo holds a pear-shaped figure, which she fills out almost perfectly.

Hair Color:

Eye Color:
A dull green color.

Skin Tone:
A smooth brown color with blotchy white marks.

Place of Birth:
Michiyo doesn’t talk about this, at all.

Caodaism Shintoism

Michiyo never learned her parent's first names, either way, she didn’t care enough for them to learn about their first names. She has a twin sister named Onryo that she doesn’t stay in contact with after a certain incident. She was taken in during her teen years by her uncle, never knowing his first name either she called him ‘Uncle Destiny’; as that's what she believed, it was destined for her to be closer to her uncle then anybody else in the family due to him being one of the few that didn’t ever try to harm her and wanted to watch her grow.

Michiyo doesn’t talk about this.

Michiyo went to college for a Phd in Criminal Psychology, during the time she was also learning how to hack and strengthening herself mentally and physically to be able to endure more abuse than more people would be able to, her uncle considered this ‘training’ due to the plan of her taking over their Criminal Association, which is something she is trying her best to restart today in her own-time.

Mental Health:

Michiyo has PTSD (diagnosed), and other things that are undiagnosed.

PTSD ; Michiyo has recently fell victim to episodes, where she almost gets stuck in a flashback.

Delirium ; Michiyo gets hallucination episodes, and more..

Physical Health:
Michiyo doesn't talk about her physical health.

Tumor ; Caused Michiyo's infertility. (Symptoms ; infertility, pains.. more to add..)

Michiyo isn't open about these, and nobody can ever tell which ones are real or that she fakes.. Besides one; overprotective and obsessive.

Michiyo has a few goals: to get married before she turns 35, restart her uncle's business and have many healthy friendships. She doesn’t have many goals that she deems very important.


Michiyo has a fear of cats, she will stop in her tracks just because of one and turn around; if one ever touches her she will most likely run in the other direction, somebody she knows, or scream.

Michiyo hates thunder and lightning, it's almost to the point of phobia. She doesn’t even know why.

Michiyo hates her scars, it's one of her major insecurities. If anything, she normally wears clothing that hides them instead of bringing them out; in her mind it shows that she has had a weakness, or a difficult moment, not the fact that she was able to survive it.

Michiyo loves being at the Shrine, she enjoys the topic of Shintoism and the beliefs behind it. . She doesn’t have any hobbies.

Lack of emotions ; or so it seems. Michiyo is very good at being able to hide her emotions, especially around people. It became a heavy habit.


Michiyo seems to lack both... She doesn't know what's right and wrong, yet she does seem to take most things normal people see as wrong. To be good.

Character's Journey:

The nonsense has escalated.

In the city of Shinagawa, there was a Family Dynasty between the police force and the Saisei family, They all followed the people that came before them and became police officers, and due to their family being so well known, they quickly all raised the ranks. That was expected for years to come until Michiyo came into the world. The one named after the ‘eternal generation’ completely stopped the Dynasty to their name.

You slowly realize you weren't meant to save the world, you were meant to destroy it.

As soon as Michiyo was born, she was instantly shown into the police world, through small games of cops and robbers when she was a child! It eventually became even more over time, her parents telling her about the family history that she was in line to continue, they also almost instantly during her years in high school told her about the corruption of the line they followed. The Saisei name meant something else to them than it did to their city, in the family it meant something of corruption, they all had power and they knew it. To the city, it meant savior, some people they could always speak to and ask for help.

'You don't seem to realize this yet, but I will find you, sooner or later. And when I do, it won't be pretty.'

Michiyo changed the meaning behind her name in her high school years, she told everyone she knew. She even tried to report it to the Commissioner of the police force, which failed dramatically, and she was reprimanded much during her teen years due to her attempt to save the police work from the people they trusted most. She ended up getting into a huge fight with her sister who was following her parent's choice to become an officer. Blood spoiled, yet again, Michi threatened that if she ever spoke to her sister again when she left the home the situation wouldn't be pretty, either ending in murder or attempted murder on Michi's end.

Congratulations, you have survived! Now live with the trauma.

The reprimands she was used to by her family and her own twin sister, worsened over time, leading to screaming matches due to Michiyo's unwillingness to stand down to her own family. She never lost these fights between her and her family. Her family thought she was more than strong enough to become a police officer, so they tried to manipulate her to the point of thinking that family corruption was something every single police officer had ever done, this quickly failed due to Michi's past research within the force, Michi laughed in their faces at their in her mind, sad attempts. This ended with blood getting spilled, her family becoming abusive, still trying to push the belief of becoming a police officer onto their daughter. This failed quickly as Michi ran away from home, going to the person she deemed closest, the uncle who decided not to follow the family line as well. This led to Michi joining his line of work.

'My bloodline is irrelevant to my value!'

Michi soon rose the ranks in her new job; as an online professional in hacking, of course, she was involved in hackings against the police workforce, hacking into their databases to change anything she could in her family name, that was her whole point in life during her high school years, was looking for ways to ruin her family name, once she was old enough at 19, she joined her nearest college. She searched and asked the people closest to her, and her uncle. She soon found herself in studies filled to the brim with morgue work, which is something she did end up doing once she left college, for around two years before the rumor that she had a criminal background spread, she quickly fled..

'I am the monster you created Onryō'

As soon as she left her old workforce, she and her uncle moved elsewhere. This is where her talent in manipulation sparked, she worked on it. Her friends and fake lovers are the victims of her mental maze. She completely had control of the people around her, it brought her power and she let it get into her head; she quickly developed what people call a god complex.. She now moves to Karakura, leaving her uncle behind. Her old life is behind her.


Michiyo hung around the Shrine for a long while, where she found the love of her life. October came around, she met spirits. This caused the end of her relationship and the start of major episodes..

Current Situation:
Michiyo is currently 29, she spends most of her time at the Shrine where her life has come to a stand still.. Nothing is happening of importance.

Key Relationships:

Sho Hirobayashi, she's over what has happened, and considers him a friend.
"Eh. I dunno how to feel about you anymore."

Mamoru Hakonenomori, one of her closest friends whenever he is around. She trusts him with a lot of her secrets, she sees him as a brother. Another blind person that she is able to relate to.
"Where did you go? You were my only comfort in hell."

‘Mother, this isn’t an actual person or a spirit.. [ Find out more icly. ]
"Devil. She has the devil in those sick eyes of hers.."

Nazuna Kotoya-Croeau, Michi considers this person her all old secret holder.. She'll tell her anything and everything as long as it doesn't put either of them in danger.
"Where did you go?"

Daiyu Tsu Saisei, is her adoptive daughter.
"I will protect you.. all costs."

Jeff Woods, was the person she admired, he inspired her.
"I swear.. next time I see you, I am protecting you from them with my life."

Niibu Tsu, share custody in a way over Daiyu. They relate in one too many ways.
"Stop being so pissy all the time.. please?"

'Albi' , she sees herself in Akira. Her younger self wants to protect her at all costs.
"I still need to figure out why Riwoo did what he did.. When I do, it wont be pretty."
"Don't know where you went."

Kenji Maasaki, her little brother. She protects him at all costs..
"Whyyy... your so stupid.. in jail, seriously?"
"Don't know where you went either!"

Grayson ???, she remembers him very well.. She can't recall where he went.
"I know who you are. I will fucking protect you from him- he can't touch you."

Lori Akihito, she doesn't know how to feel about her. Michiyo doesn't consider her a friend or a foe. Yet, she is sure on how Lori views her.
"Eh, if I wasn't interested in somebody right now, and we weren't so diffierent because of Sho, you would be a woman I would flirt with. Just to piss somebody off."

'Kitsa', she feels like she could befriend Kitsa. For some reason, she has wanted to protect her from whatever is out there.. Human protecting a Kitsune, won't be happening soon.
"Are you okay? Don't tell me you gave away a tail.. don't lose parts of yourself for people.. especially for ???.."

Kaiyo Chereau, they're friends for their kids sake.
"He don't know."

Darius Ikemori, she doesn't know how to feel about him. Daiyu and Valentino are trying to set them up, but she feels iffy about it.. she doesn't know who he is, and neither does he.
"Eh, a nice guy I guess.. Kind of a pretty boy, but thats it."

Onryo Saisei, her twin sister. She despises her.
"Don't ruin this, don't ruin this. Don't ruin this."

[ Click on character's names to see the song linked to the character! ]
Skills and Abilities:

Natural Abilities:

Learned Skills:

Memorization; With how Michiyo being blind.. It's more difficult for her to memorize where things are, yet she has that locked down. She has the Shrine memorized out of all places.
Will add more.


White cane. Michiyo used this to assist herself in getting around..
- Small purple flower
- Journal
Will add more.

Fun Facts/Trivia:
Michiyo enjoys reading poems. She also enjoys taking care of people she is close to, yet she doesn’t get to do that often. Michiyo’s favorite color is green even though she does in fact lie about it..

Favorite poem

If time were made of color
You’d be my golden hour
If love was just a seed
You’d be each and every flower
If the sky could whisper secrets
You’d be its wind and summer rain
If the morning sun has arms
You’d be held again, again, again
If my heartbeat was a language
You’d be its love letter at dawn
If stardust formed a trail on earth
It would take me to when you were born.
- ??

Current Tarot Cards

Will be added.

Past Tarot Cards

The High Priestess - Reversed.
The Hierophant - Reversed.
Strength - Upright.
Death - Reversed.
The Devil- Upright.
The World - Reversed.
The Star - Reversed.
The Hanged Man - Upright.
The Hermit - Upright.

Appearance References:

Michiyo is a 5’9 Japanese woman, with a dark complexion that holds blotchy white spots covering her scarred skin, it was obvious she had vitiligo. She had dull green eyes, that held the shape of what people consider ‘siren eyes’. She held thick and wild ginger hair that fell past her hips, barely ever up in a ponytail or bun. She held a pouty bottom lip with devil bite piercings.

More information will be added shortly, this is more of a base for her biography so I don't lose it.
Last edited:


Level 61
Thread starter
Updated - Nazuna

Soon to be updated / added ;
Mental issues, tools, natural abilities, people (Niibu, Touki, Matteo & Serena, Diabolus)


Level 61
Thread starter

+ Backstory (added new section ; will be updated over time)
+ Physical Health
+ Mental Health
~ Updated - equipment
+ Person


Level 61
Thread starter

+ ' Tarot Cards'
+ Relationships (Kitsa, Grayson)
+ Added Michiyo quotes to almost all people

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