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MidSpaghettis doctor app


Level 1
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Previous bans:
I got banned for 1 day for having 4 warnings but i do understand what i did wrong

Describe your activity on the server?:
im active at least 6-7 days a week

Which timezone are you in?:

Do you have discord? If so what is your tag?:

Do you have a microphone?:

List your current and past applications:

Out-Of-Character Information

What experiences do you have with Detail RP?:

As someone who has been on SRP and online for a long time, I have accumulated the knowledge and ability to have a creative outlet. English is not my native language, but the internet and the various English-related interests I cultivated as a child have supplied the majority of what I know now. In the past, I've taken creative writing classes, produced poetry, and have shown an experience in developing a novel.
As explained previously, I began taking and keep on taking honours English classes during my final two years of college, and my passion for attempting to create characters and stories is one of the many reasons I was drawn to SRP, and thanks to general CityRP and working as a Receptionist, as well as my prior employment as a Doctor, I have become accustomed to the use of DetailRP and FormalRP during my interactions with others.

What is your motivation to apply for EMS and how will you benefit our current team?:
During my first run working as a doctor, I unfortunately had to quit due to focusing on my school work at the time, but now that I am almost at the end of the school year, I will be more available and less stressed. Despite all that, I still was able to meet my quotas while working, and I do not intend to miss any.

I have a general interest in MedRP, and now that I have experience working, I believe I can do much better than I did the first time. Aside from doing Out Of Character internships at vet clinics and hospitals, I also have taken the time to continue studying medicine and human biology, which is why I am applying for Doctor once more. Now that I know the ins and outs of the EMS, I am more confident applying now than I did the first time and i believe that i would be outstanding at the job and dedicate A lot to the ems roll.

Which medical role are you applying for? (e.g: Surgeon, Doctor, Psychiatrist): Doctor

Specify your knowledge for the role you’re applying for:
Doctors must pay attention to detail during all phases of patient treatment, from understanding patient history to diagnosing and prescribing medication. Effective doctors are meticulous with their work, ensuring they stay organized enough to diligently troubleshoot the symptoms their patients present
Edical knowledge is an important tool that should be available to our patients. Reliable, evidence-based information can have an impact on the decisions that our patients make and empower them to take control of their health

Categorize all the functions of the EMS and tell us what each of them does:


Helps in the recruitment, selection and hiring of competent and skilled hospital staff.
Reports to the highest authority about the events in the hospital whether Favorable or Unfavorable.
Coordinates and works with the department heads about setting of salary range, benefits, incentives, leaves and insurances where each employee is entitled for.

Clinical Manager.
Recruit, hire and coordinate the training of new staff members
Design and implement business strategies to help the clinic meet organizational goals
Manage staff by assigning and delegating tasks as needed
Develop protocols and procedures to improve staff productivity
Act as a liaison between patients, their families and additional care staff
Plan and manage the clinic's budget and approve payroll

Clinical Lead.
The overarching aims of the clinical lead roles are to: Provide effective clinical leadership on behalf of the CCGs in the redesign and commissioning of models of care based on a clear evidence base and population need, which also responds to growing demand, increased clinical complexity, and finite resources.

Head Department.
Liaising with existing staff members, managers, supervisors, and clients in order to achieve set goals.
Observing, ****yzing, and offering suggestions on current operations.
Scheduling meetings and training sessions with staff and other stakeholders.
Assisting with recruitment, training, and onboarding processes.
Establishing professional relationships with clients, staff, and other stakeholders.

Attending Position.
An attending is considered an expert in their field of medicine or surgery. These physicians are typically working at a facility that provides education to physicians and may play an active role in that education. An attending typically has their own practice in their specialty that may include teaching residents and fellows.

Surgeon, Doctor.
A surgeon is able to remove diseased tissue or organs, repair body systems, or replace diseased organs with transplants. Surgeons can be general surgeons and perform all types of surgery, or they can be specialized, such as heart surgeons or brain surgeons. Surgeons may be physicians, dentists, or veterinarians.

Thus, a psychiatrist is a trained medical doctor who has received further training in the field of diagnosing and managing those illnesses and disturbances. The role and responsibilities of the psychiatrist include planning and delivering high-quality services within the resources available.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished?

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Dallas. a 6,1 male weighing 135 LB. He's got styled orderly and fluffy dark ebony hair. Hes got a tattoo on his right arm that verbalizes 20/3/22. He would have a serene voice verbalizing in a Not so vigorous Spanish accent. He emanates from Madrid in Spain and would have a scent of DIOR Sauvage Eau de Toilette. He stands out by being a nice but shy boy once he kens he can trust you and get acquainted with you better he opens up and becomes a great, Trustable and caring boy.

What are they like on and off the job?
Dallas always was the nice type of co-worker, That being verbalized, that does not obviate him from being stringent and professional when dealing with his job, he exerts himself strenuously and always ascertains to meet prospects, and he kens how solemn his jobs are, from her receptionist job at the local High School to the period of time he worked at the hospital, he was always reliable to her co-workers and was kenned to always work strenuously, and he never took her denominations for granted.

Outlook on their co-workers?
Dallas does working with others, and due to all his jobs requiring him to communicate with fellow peers, he was always ebullient. The male had an incentivizing and warm feel to him, and while maintaining his formality, he does withal want to be a friend to his co-workers. he is very candid, and always had many conceptions to apportion with his higher ups.

Does your character have any past / current mental and or physical illnesses we should take acknowledgment to?
Dallas has suffered from short-term recollection loss due to a contingency afore his time working as a receptionist. And had a broken leg

(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)

With a family filled with only boys, the Joneses had celebrated when their first son arrived. Dallas. , of course, but the very first name they had cerebrated of was “jack ” when they visually perceived her ocular perceiver colour. On July 12, 1990, a baby boy was born. It was safe to verbally express that he wasn’t born into extreme affluence, but they had gotten by quite well, especially when it came to fortifying their children. Dallas's mother had passed away at an adolescent age, leaving him as the main care-taker when it came to taking care of his siblings. She packed school lunches and availed his siblings with homework, and went as far as to take a component-time job when living in Portugal. While being in Highschool, she had met a friend by the denomination of “Miyasaki C. O'Sullivan” a student who had worked at the local store where Dallas shopped at customarily. Miyasaki C. O'Sullivan emboldened the male to switch over to medicine-focused courses when it came down to university exams, despite him wanting to study business and math, he gave in and was convinced with Miyasaki C. O'Sullivan right in juxtaposition of her. In 2007, he graduated from Highschool, and had no quandary finding a position as a student attending The University of Tokyo for Medicine. While not being consummately fluent in Portuguese , he spent his time learning from Miyasaki C. O'Sullivan and fellow students, not only that, but he had withal commenced to work on his tailoring accommodation on the side that is still running till this day, he graduated in 2017.Unfortunately, being away from his family was arduous, and after a hard and prolix argument with , his only ‘family’ at that time, he had gotten into quite a traumatic contingency where he had suffered from short term recollection loss as long as any recall facility of her life. Physiatrists believed that he had to bring on an incipient identity. ‘Dallas’. Afore applying for her job as a Receptionist in Karakura. Dallas is cognizant of his abuse of the substance in his past, he is very sensitive about the topic of alcohol which is why he is very kenned to be against his adopted daughter's imbibing habits as well. After he had quit his job from school, he found it hard to find another one, wanting to spend some time alone as his motivation had drained, but after the passing of his brother, jack , he had decided to join the Karakura Hospital Staff where he worked for a few months after consummating her training. At first, joe did not optate to work as a person who superseded jack on the team, so he left, needing to find her want to perpetuate as a health-care worker without living in the shadows of his older brother. Now, he is endeavoring to endeavor again, kenning that his daughters are old enough to take care of themselves, and he conclusively found her purport.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Dallas Volkonsky

Characters Title (e.g, Mr. Mrs. Miss):

Characters Given Name(s):

Characters Preferred Name:

Characters Age:

Characters Gender:

Characters Religious Domination:

Characters Marital Status:

Characters Nationality:

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of Residency:

3 years

Working Experience(s):
Dallas has worked at the Karakura Hospital before, as well as a hospital during his residency

Academic Degree:
Dallas has an MD in medicine

Year of Graduation:
Highschool graduation: 2008
University graduation: 2016
MD: 2019

Human Physiology


Native Languages: Spanish

Other Languages: Portuguese
Last edited:


Level 234
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator
We appreciate your interest in the Hospital Faction, however, we have decided to deny your application for the following reason(s):

- Your application was short compared to some others.
If you decide to re-apply, try to include more details.
- There are some issues regarding your reputation and history.
We recommend that you improve your reputation before applying again.

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