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Denied Mihiyo Shopkeeper Application


Level 0
What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

I only use discord with real life friends

How old are you? (Optional):


What is your time zone?:


Describe your activity on the server:
I would say that my activity on the server is decent. After I exit real life school I normally go onto SRP, but would only play up to 4-5 hours if it would be after school. If lets say, it was not a school day, then I should be on the whole entire day. Sometimes, I won't be on for a day or two because of personal family reasons. However, this doesn't happen until the summer. I've been playing SRP for around 7 months now. I took a short break though, because there was a new server out that I wanted to play. Although usually, I'd probably be on at least 3 times a week.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
No, I have never been banned.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I understand that if I am inactive then I will be demoted.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):

Grade 12

Shop Information
/*You may add your own questions to the format*/

What shop are you applying for?:

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
At first, I wanted to become a shopkeeper for the money. However, I realized that it wasn't just about money. It was about meeting new people, and having fun along the way. Another reason I wanted to become a shopkeeper is because the fact that shops rarely open every day. This probably due to personal reasons, but I'd try my best and keep my shop active 24/7. I also want to become a shopkeeper because of the fact that almost nobody owns convenience stores. As a person who also wants to become a chef or just cook something up for fun myself, it is pretty annoying that we can't ever get the ingredients we need. Even though when other convenience stores open, all the ingredients are out of stock. It's pretty frustrating to not get the things you need, and once, when a store is finally open for them, all the stock is out.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:

What I Plan To Do With It

I plan to make my shop a convenience store where you can buy all your ingredients, (ex. tomatoes, bananas, bacon, white bread, onions, etc.) and also order some food. You know how some convenience stores like Target, have some sort of restaurant in them? (ex. Starbucks Well I want to make it a little like that. I want to make a selected area to be a mini cafe or restaurant while making it a convenience store at the same time. There could be a sitting area, where you can sit down and chat with your friends. There can also be like, a cooking area, so when you buy your materials, you can just cook them up in the oven here right away! I also want to have like, weekly cook offs. The winner could get 10k yen and get a 10% discount for the next time he shops at Mihiyo.

How Its Unique

As I said previously, I want to make it unique by adding a mini cafe area. I want to also put in a lounge and cooking area too. There would be a normal lounge, and a VIP lounge I will tell you about the VIP lounge later. But the main way I want to make it unique is by making a mini raffle each week. Raffle tickets can cost 250 yen, and at the end of each week, there would be a winner. This winner would be picked by the wheel. Each time someone buys a raffle ticket, I will add them to the wheel. This wheel would have a prize money of 10-25k depending on how my profits are. The last way I will make it unique is by having a "premium membership". This membership would cost around 10k yen, and these are its following perks:

20% discount whenever you shop

Exclusive VIP Lounge Access

One Free Raffle Ticket


You might be asking, what is the exclusive VIP lounge access?
Well, I plan to make it a custom lounge where people with a premium membership can chill in. This lounge area would have free sandwiches. These sandwiches would restock each week. A free cooking area, TV, and a comfy couch.

What will you sell in your shop?:
I want to sell numerous ingredients and snacks such as tomatoes, bacon, white bread, onions, fish, carrots, eggs, full water bottles, milk cartons, cigars, lighters, coffee, wine, beer, tea, tacos, hotdogs, popcorn, donuts, and a lot more.

I want to sell cooking ingredients, such as spatulas and frying pans.

How many employees do you plan to have?:

I want to have around 7 employees in total. This would include the following:

Shopkeeper (1)

Manager (1)

Cashiers (5)​

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