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Level 7
Min-Seo Taroshinichirouku 'Taro' Kanji-Yakazuki

Basic Information

First Name:
Middle Name: Taroshinichirouku
Surname: Kanji-Yakazuki

Preferred Name: Taro

Aliases: Taro, Rukohide, Shintaroku, Kuki

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Height: 7'3

Weight: 199

Build: Clean bulk

Skin Color: Tan

Eye Color: Greenish-Hazel

Hair Style: Medium-Long

Hair Color: Blond

Date of Birth: January 1st, 2004

Place of Birth: Karakura, Japan

Nationality: Japanese

Race: Asian

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Religious Beliefs: Practising Muslim

General Appearance


Personality: N/A

Diseases/Illness: OCD, Alexithymia

Character Voice: Deep, Manly enough

Equipment: Phone

Clothes: Greenish-white undershirt, Black Hoodie

Hobbies: N/A

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Problems with feelings emotions

Skills: N/A

Family: Kanji-Yakazuki

In the heart of Karakura, a town that exuded a subtle harmony between timeless tradition and contemporary allure, Min-Seo Taroshinichirouku 'Taro' Kanji's existence unfolded as an intricate tapestry, woven with threads of complexity and nuance that mirrored the delicate patterns of cherry blossoms gracing the streets. Born amidst the auspicious descent of falling petals on January 1, 2005, Taro's arrival wasn't just a birth; it was a moment heralding the commencement of a narrative destined to be as layered as the myriad petals that adorned the cherry trees.

Taro's physical presence, a living embodiment of paradox standing tall at a remarkable 7 feet 3 inches and carrying the weight of 199 pounds, became a living riddle to the curious townsfolk. His towering stature, reminiscent of ancient monuments, seemed to be a veil concealing more than it revealed. The details of his familial roots remained a cryptic puzzle, with whispers akin to the hushed rustle of cherry blossoms in the town's quiet alleys suggesting a lineage intricately entwined with the rich traditions of ancient Japan. Each rumor, like an artist's brushstroke, painted another layer onto the captivating enigma surrounding Taro Kanji.

The trajectory of Taro's upbringing, as intricate as the spiraling dance of cherry blossoms carried by the wind, took an unexpected turn with the early diagnosis of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Within the labyrinthine framework of this condition, Taro found sanctuary in meticulously crafted routines and rituals, each action becoming a ceremonial performance of precision. His daily life unfolded as a silent ballet, a nuanced choreography where every movement served as a deliberate response to the perceived chaos of the world around him. These rituals weren't mere habits; they were the keystones in the architectural design of his life, each serving a purpose akin to a sacred rite.

As the delicate ballet of childhood transitioned into the intricate dance of adolescence, Taro's interactions within the community became a symphony of subtle nuances. His towering stature and stoic demeanor, akin to the sturdy cherry tree amidst the blossoms, created both fascination and, at times, an awkward discord. Yet, beneath the surface of this seemingly impassive exterior, Taro grappled with Alexithymia, a condition that veiled the full spectrum of his emotions. To those observing from the outside, he appeared indifferent, his responses meticulously calibrated to mirror the expected reactions dictated by societal norms. Yet, behind this veneer, emotions flowed like an intricate river, hidden from the casual onlooker, a complex interplay of sentiments beneath the surface.

While the social landscape presented its labyrinthine challenges, Taro's academic pursuits became the canvas on which he painted the vibrant hues of his intellect. Propelled by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, he excelled in his studies, the pursuit of intellectual mastery serving as a beacon of light guiding him through the intricate passages of his life. However, the social fabric of Karakura remained elusive, leaving Taro on the outskirts of the tight-knit community that defined the very essence of the town, an academic luminary navigating the social intricacies with a certain poignant solitude.

As the years unfolded and Taro reached the symbolic milestone of 19, Karakura continued to buzz with speculation about the enigmatic young man. Some perceived him as a living paradox, gracefully navigating life with a peculiar blend of grace and detachment. Others spoke of an ethereal calmness that seemed to envelop him, leaving an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to encounter him.

Taro Kanji's journey, intricately woven with the threads of unique challenges and an indomitable spirit, continued its odyssey against the timeless backdrop of Karakura. The cherry blossoms bore witness to the enigmatic young man with the daunting name and the elusive emotions that stirred beneath the surface. In the quiet alleys and bustling streets of his hometown, Taro's story resonated, a testament to the enduring mystique that etched his presence into the very fabric of Karakura's rich tapestry, an enigma waiting to be unraveled by those willing to delve into the depths of his complex existence.


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