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Mircegg's Reporter Application #1


Level 4
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:
My in game name is Mircegg and I don't have any alternative accounts.

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: My Discord is mircegg and I do have a microphone.

List your timezone and country: I am from Ireland and my timezone is GMT.

Describe your activity: I try to be as active as possible on SRP. Usually, I am most active on weekends, and on Thursdays and Fridays. If I get accepted, I will do my best to be as active as possible. However, if I become inactive, I will inform the reason and the duration of my absence. I am usually not active during the week because of school. But, if I need to be more active, please let me know through Discord, and I will ensure to increase my activity. My primary interest lies in GangRP, JockRP, MugRP, and CrimeRP.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):
KPD [Deleted]

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?: My motivation for applying to join this IC faction is to spread awareness about what's happening behind the scenes in Karakura. I want to protect the people by advising them on what actions to take and what not to do. Additionally, I wish to join this IC faction to take on more responsibilities and help my family and friends with their needs, such as providing food and other necessities.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?: I don't have much experience with writing, but I am willing to improve. I understand that my writing may not be great, but if I am accepted, I will make sure to give my best effort to produce quality work. If there are any mistakes in my writing, whether it's grammar or anything else, please do let me know so that I can correct them and avoid making the same mistake again. If I do make the same mistake again, please let me know and help me to learn from it.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?: I acknowledge the rules and I am committed to following them. In case I break any of the set rules, I will take full responsibility for my actions and ensure that it never happens again. I understand the consequences of breaking the rules, including being punished or kicked out of the faction. Therefore, I will be disciplined and adhere to the rules at all times.

Why should we accept you over others?: I don't consider myself better than anyone else since everyone can have better skills or different applications than me. However, if I am accepted, I will ensure to follow the rules and complete the monthly quota. Moreover, I am willing to improve my writing and make my reports more interesting if necessary. I believe I should be accepted because I am disciplined and ready to get more disciplined.
Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.) I understand that it is important not to be biased and to remain completely neutral with all reports. If I ever find myself being biased or not neutral, I will take measures to avoid any biases in the future. If I fail to do so and end up being biased, I understand that I should be punished for it. This is because if I am biased, it may affect my job and reputation, and I may even be removed from the IC faction. Therefore, I will make sure to avoid biases at all costs.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?: I am confident that I can remain active and meet the monthly quota. However, if I am unable to complete the quota, I will communicate the reason for it. In case I plan to go on a vacation, I will inform you in advance so that you are aware that I will not meet the monthly quota. Although I trust myself to complete the quota, if I fail to do so, I understand that there will be a punishment. I do not know the exact nature of the punishment, but I am aware that there will be one.

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is: I dream of working as a reporter, where I can go undercover and explore places where gangs usually hang out. This job may seem dangerous at times, but not always. My main goal is to report everything interesting that happens in the city of Karakura and make sure my reports are engaging enough to grab people's attention. As part of my job, I will also interview gang members and even those involved in gang wars. Additionally, I plan on educating people on how to stay safe during dangerous events and ensure that as many people as possible are informed and protected.

IC (In-Character) Information:

Full Name:
Alejandro Drakos Adalsteinn.

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr) My name is Alejandro, but I prefer to be called Ale. My title is Mr. Drakos.

Current Age (25+): I am 25 years old. (OC- my character is in grade 12 but is gonna be 25 once accepted)

Past job/work experience: I am not sure if these experiences count as jobs since I wasn't paid for any of them. However, I did work as a model for an online business called Onrain. You may even be able to find the post I was featured in. Apart from that, I also served in the army for three years and spent one year in a war.

Degree/qualifications: I left school at 18 to become a reporter, even though I only completed grade 12.

Nationality and born location: I was born in a small village near Moscow, Russia, so my nationality is Russian.

Phone Number: 030-555-7346

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?: I am a man who stands at 6'5" and people often remark on my height. I am considered to be somewhat intelligent, and I am known for wearing cologne. Occasionally, I can become aggressive, especially if someone makes fun of me, but I am working on controlling this aspect of my personality. My family would describe me as kind and loving, while others may view me as both strong and weak. I aspire to become a reporter and I hope to have better control over my anger issues in the future.

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?: I am interested in writing about crimes and gang wars. I plan to conduct interviews with gang members and people involved in these conflicts, even if it means going undercover or hiding. I will approach the people committing the crimes and ask them about their actions. I will make sure to make the interviews intriguing and engaging for readers. To ensure a great report, I am willing to step out of my comfort zone and take risks.

What are your expectations for the job?: I understand that this job requires high accountability and any mistakes I make will have consequences. I also understand that not meeting the monthly quota may result in disciplinary action. As a part of my job, I will be exploring Karakura to find interesting topics to report on and conduct interviews. I am aware that at times, I may have to conceal myself while investigating crimes or even pretend to be a part of the crimes to gather information. I am prepared to receive constructive criticism and work on improving myself.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below: I do not have a criminal record, which means that I have never been arrested. To me, that's a good thing because criminals are bad, and some are even evil. Although I have been detained before for wearing a mask, I was never arrested. The reason I had a mask on was that I used to think my face was ugly. However, I have changed my mind and no longer think that I'm ugly.

Fluent Languages (Underline your native): Russian, Japanese, Arabic.


#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

"We have received information recently that some KPD officers are corrupt. We are not certain which officers are involved, but we have heard that when people commit crimes in front of them, the officers do not take any action. This is not what KPD officers are supposed to do. If you come across a corrupt officer, please report it to the commissioner and make sure you have proof to support your claim. Otherwise, they will deny it. Do you think that these officers are fulfilling their responsibilities or not? We should be vigilant and watch for these officers because we know that they cannot keep Karakura safe. If they cannot do it, then we must. That's all for today, folks! See you another time!"
#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

[Alejandro] "Hello everyone! Today, we will be interviewing a former KPD officer who was involved in corrupt activities. Let's welcome him in! *A KPD officer walks in."

[Alejandro] "Well let's ask him a few questions I guess. First, what is your name?"

[James] "My name is James and I am not a corrupt officer I am just a chill and cool officer."

Alejandro] "Okay, but I have been informed that you don't arrest criminals. However, let's forget about that for now. Do you think the commissioner will ever find out?"

[James] "I mean, since we are doing this now, he will probably find out. So, yes, I do think that he will find out."

Alejandro] "Okay, do you think you could get arrested for this?"

James] "I mean, I will probably get arrested, but it's too late to avoid it now. So, I most likely will get arrested, and therefore, I don't think I should give up on being corrupt."

Alejandro] "Do you like your job?"

James] "Yes, I love my job. It's a very fun job!"

Alejandro] "Was it hard to get into KPD?"

James] "Yes, it was pretty hard to get into KPD because of all the training and everything involved."

Alejandro] "Do you believe that you will be able to stay in your job for a long time or not?"

James] "I mean hopefully I will stay in the job for longer but I don't know."

[Alejandro] "Have you ever arrested someone?"

[James] "Yes I have."

Alejandro] "What was the reason?"

James] "I arrested them for owning illeagl weaponry."

Alejandro] "Okay, well, it was nice having you here. You can leave now!" *James would walk out* "Well, wasn't that interesting, ladies and gentlemen? This is the end. Bye!"

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Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead

We appreciate the time and effort you put into applying - however, you have not been accepted this time around.
Please DM @ aania on Discord if you have any queries about the application

- If you wish to re-apply, we advise you to put in more effort.

You may re-apply whenever!

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