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Miss Juliette Bloom's Biography


Level 5
~Miss Juliette Bloom ~

Basic Information

First Name: Juliette
Surname: Bloom

Preferred Name:
By Students: Miss Bloom

By Adults/Friends: Either Juliette, Juli, or Miss Bloom

Aliases: none

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Height: 4'8"

Weight: 80lbs

Build: Skinny Body Frame

Skin Color: Pale

Eye Color: Her Left Eye is Blue, While Her Right is Green/Hazel

Hair Style: Loose Curls, Slightly Wavy, Relatively Long

Hair Color: Light, Ash-Toned Blown/Blonde

Fashion: Usually Seen in Over Sized Hoodies, Skirts, Crop Tops

Abnormalities: Heterochromia iridium, faint scar on her chin

Date of Birth: March 3rd, 1995

Place of Birth: Miami, Florida

Nationality: English, Slightly Italian

Race: American

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Religious Beliefs: Catholic

Political Beliefs: Freedom of Speech, Equality

General Appearance

Appearance: Relatively Pale, Light Makeup, Small Nose,

Very Petite Features, Big Eyes

Personality: Relatively Happy, Tries to Hide It Whenever She Feels

Down, Tries Keeping Her Feelings To Herself

Diseases/Illness: Heterochromia Iridium (two different colored eyes)

Character Voice:
She Has a Very Light Voice, But Isn't Afraid to Speak Up

She usually carries pencils, books to write down something in

a rush, and always her cup of coffee in the morning

Clothes: Very light colors, usually goes for skirts and crop tops

Hobbies: Juliette enjoys writing stories off the top of her head, and teaching others. She also has a huge interest in painting and sketching in her free time.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: She suffers from deep depression,

and tends to feel alone or as if her back is against a wall

Skills: She is a relatively good at writing, and a pretty fast reader/problem solver

Querks: She is usually seen hopping around the streets, and being herself. In a public setting she keeps herself pretty private- but around friends, she is totally herself.

Mother~ Miss Rosette Ann Bloom
Father~ Mr. Alexander James Bloom
Grandmother~ Magnolia Bloom
Grandfather~ *unknown*

Miss Juliette Bloom entered the world on March 3rd, 1995. She was born in Miami, Florida- right after her parents moved to America from England. She was their first and only child, and had a pretty simple childhood. She attended school in the same town she was born, and continued on until she was graduating high school. She always had a good amount of friends and did everything she could to get her grade the best it could be. She learned to try the hardest in everything she does, and she keeps that with her to this day.

However, by senior year, she was faced with some pretty big problems. One of her closest friends, Hazel, had left her. She had left the world due to a few mean girls who didn't know when to stop. Juliette had known her pretty much her whole life, as they were childhood friends. This pulled her heart down to her stomach, and she was left torn for years. She didn't want to accept it, but she finally had learned to let it go. Juliette had never forgiven the girls who drove her best friend to suicide, and she still hasn't. This has made her hate disrespect and bullies even more, and that's still sticking by her- and always will.

This wasn't the only bad thing she's faced in life, though. It seemed as though things kept coming at her, faster than she could learn to cope with. This was the start of her crippling depression, what she refers to as a black hole of emotion. Whenever she became happy, it seemed as though things would just drag her back down. She didn't know how to deal with these things the slightest bit until she was nearly a full adult, because she had such an easy childhood.

About a year after she had lost Hazel, she lost one of her other bestfriends, this time being family. She lost her grandmother, Magnolia, due to a heart attack when she was at age 81. Nobody was expecting it, and just as Juliette thought she was recovering the slightest bit, this left her worse than she was before. Once again, it was a piece of the puzzle in her endless emotion. She remembered doing everything with her grandmother. From cooking, to playing, to traveling and going on adventures... they did it all. She almost moved into her grandmothers house multiple times, for two reasons. She had never met her grandfather and wanted to keep Magnolia company. The other one, being more important, her parents just couldn't take care of her. Since she was doing so well in school, they figured they could leave her home most of the day- while they were out working. They worked most of the day, only coming back to sleep. When they were working, however, Juliette would try calling but usually got no answer. When she finally got a bike, she would ride to her grandmother's house everyday- sometimes without her parents even knowing. She felt safe there, it was her happy place.

After her death, the house Juliette called safe was torn down. they were making room for something else, more "innovative". Juliette fought with the government to keep the house up, but failed miserably. The only thing they gave her were photos in the mail, of the house. She kept these photos safe, she didn't want a thing to happen to them. She thought life couldn't get any worse. She lost both her bestfriends in life, and her parents were slowly drifting away, as they found new jobs and were considering moving and leaving

Juliette all on her own, as she was now a legal adult. It never crossed Juliette's mind that this would happen, until she woke up to a note bed the next morning. "Dearest Juliette, We love you. We will always be here for you. We found new jobs in Chicago and will be back soon. As you are reading this, we will most likely be on the train. Don't try and call yet, there will be no signal. just remember we will always be there, as we have been all along. xoxo mother & father" There were lipstick stains at the bottom page, in the shape of lips.

Initially, she chuckled at the thought of her father putting lipstick on. Then, it sunk it. She realized she was all alone, without any warning. Her life flashed in front of her, and she was considering a lot of things, suicide being one of them. She grabbed all the pills she could, running to the bathroom. As she was running, there was a divot in the floor, from something like a heavy suitcase as her parents were walking out of the door. This made her trip, and land chin down on the hard wooden floors. She screamed bloody murder, as the pain was so sharp and sudden. thankfully, her neighbor called the police and an ambulance arrived right away, walking into Juliette on the ground in horrible pain. She was brought to the hospital, receiving the help she needed- and ending up with a faint scar on her chin, where they had placed the stitches.

She had begun therapy appointments, and her depression was slowly getting better. She ended up going nearly bankrupt, all the bills were adding up. the house, the medical bills, the therapy sessions... she just decided to leave. She got in her tiny car with all her things, and left. She didn't really know where she was going, but she knew she was going somewhere. She had brought some money her parents had left behind and was going to the airport after she heard an ad on the radio for ticket sales. Still, with no clue where she was going, she hopped onto the freeway and drove a million miles a second. She wanted to be away, to be able to be herself.

She had brought all her essentials; food, clothes, money, pictures, and most importantly- her diploma.
She was ready, and had ~hopefully~ made up her mind. She was going to Japan to attend schooling. She was going to get her degree, and try and land a job. She would try and support herself from now on, and not to worry so much about her emotions and them taking over.

She would just be herself, and surround herself with people, like Hazel, that care for her. She began having flash backs of playing with Hazel in her grandmothers house. She began to get so emotional, she had a mental breakdown- while driving. She was still on a freeway, going at least 80 miles an hour. She was distracting herself from driving so much, she began to swerve around, more and more. It was just about morning rush hour, and it wasn't helping the situation. She slowly began drifting off the road, towards the metal barriers. Just when all the bad things began stopping, they came back. She ended up drifting over into another lane and being pushed into the barriers, causing her car to spin uncontrollably. She tried smashing the breaks, attempting to stop. Sadly, this didn't work as the crash was so severe. She can't remember the rest as she blacked out, but she woke up to the sounds of ambulances, firetrucks, and police cars. By this time, she was already in New York, pretty much a day's worth of driving away from her home in Florida, and really far from her parents in Chicago.

Her injuries were so severe, the police didn't have time to question her. She was put in an ambulance and brought straight to the nearest hospital. All that was running through her head was "Am I gonna die? Am I gonna die? Am I gonna die?" over and over again. She was scared, and her anxiety wasn't mixing well with her depression. She didn't want to die, but at the same time, she was wishing for death. She didn't feel like dealing with life anymore, not one bit.

Something in her kept her going. She ended up breaking her arm and needing surgery in her leg, but there's nothing a cast and physical therapy can't fix, she thought. She knew that she couldn't fly into Asia like this. It was her goal to recover. She tried her best in physical therapy, for a whole month and a half- after getting her casts off. The first thing she did was get cleared to fly.

The second she was, she went. She went to Japan without anything holding her back. She enrolled in one of her dream colleges, made it, and tried her best once again. She tried taking all the bad in her past experiences and turning them into good. She believed both her grandmother and bestfriend were there with her, every step of the way. During college, she had to work and support herself financially. She tried a whole bunch of different jobs, trying to find the right one to do part time. None of them really sparked an interest for her, so she just continues in college, getting her master's degree in English Language Arts.

Shortly after, she applied to work at a few different high schools, but decided that the one she currently puts her heart and soul into was perfect. The location, the students, everything. Life was good.


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