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more realistic arrests


Level 3
IGN: Oralie Panic
DATE: April 6th 2020
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: so i have been on the server for quite a while and have seen many role plays' happen good and bad, some realistic some not so much. Over the course of time i have seen many role play characters arrested for good and bad reasons which can be pretty funny at times but my concern is with the reasoning and how they should be arrested and searched, ever since a couple days ago i have seen more and more people who wear masks get pulled by cops and searched because they are just wearing a mask, now i know this is a Minecraft server and that gang role play happens on here but if this is suppose to be a realistic server then why are people wearing masks getting arrested for just wearing a mask in public? Another thing that i've seen happen (from experience first hand) is over hearing conversations and jumping to conclusions and arresting people, what happened was my character was sitting reading a book and two of her friends were talking in the kitchen about a friend who went missing (they died from gang RP) and their body had not been found and the cops couldn't find their missing friend and as they were talking some cops were walking by the apartment and "over heard" the conversation between the two and arrested them because yes it did sound bad in that part of the conversation but how could they be able to hear the conversation between the two people if they were in an apartment and the door was shut with the cops outside the apartment? another thing that happened was they just arrested them with no questions asked, now i know that this is Minecraft and its not a big deal but in my opinion what could have been a better and more realistic way to handle the situation was to ask them some questions and put in a missing persons report for their missing friend instead of just flat out arresting them both. i hope you take this into consideration and really ponder on it and i'm okay if this does not get accepted i'm just throwing a suggestion to make the server more realistic and fun for everyone :D
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Gamma Rose

Level 22
I think the problem lies with what 'realism' is to those of a younger generation. For example, you could tell a bunch of kids, 'Hey, make this game look as realistic as possible.' but in lacking the knowledge they need to create something that matches the realism of our reality, the request itself is ambiguous. The majority of the player-base on SRP consists of a fairly youthful group that is usually dependent on the world they see around them in real life. Of course, when applying for jobs on the forums, it is primarily based on real-life experience and research (if they have done it), but it doesn't fully mean that they comprehend what the job entails. Through the experience of working as a T.A, the more rules that are implemented for 'staff' to follow, the easier it is to find and locate whoever breaks said rule. Sure they may not always go by it 100% of the time, but they will do and follow them. HOWEVER, this leads to an unnecessary rush in roleplay. I'm not sure with how the PD works on the server, but the income most likely depends on the number of arrests they make (do correct me if I am wrong.) Without the knowledge of doing proper searches, players are more eager to perform more arrests which to the increased number of false and faulty arrests, skipping crucial details that could and/or would deter them in the other way. (Though, not to say that this doesn't happen in real life seeing that it does…)

I fairly enjoyed reading your post and it would be great to hear from you more often! Also, this reply was made at 3 AM so it is fair to say that I am going to forget writing this and wake up completely baffled.

Gamma Rose

Level 22

Another thing that we also have to account for is that Karakura is a high-crime rate city. This makes it fairly easy for police, or rather, anyone to arrest anybody without fair cause or evidence. I'm sure that when starting off, rookies put in the effort to implement all sorts of details, but most likely after time and time again of being faced with the same repetitive roleplay… it makes it easy for them to become worn out and jump to the end line.


Level 86
Community Team
Lore Team
Reply from one of SRP's officers here, before I start I'd like to clear up something

why are people wearing masks getting arrested for just wearing a mask in public?
People are only patted down for wearing masks, which is separate from an arrest. I reaalllly want to clearify that here. Like Gamma said, Karakura is a high crime rate city so it makes quite a bit of sense as to why we pat down for masks. Especially when a good 75% of unsolved crimes have people who are masked committing them.

Additional note: we aren't paid based upon number of arrests but simply bail money.


Level 10
I agree, a lot of reasons why people are arrested are because they're just talking, I've even designed an experiment for cops where they spray your masks, you can say it has blood, and then say it's your blood. It doesn't make sense, and that if there's an already existing petition to change the laws and re-do them, I would sign it.
I'm not saying the law system is bad, but a lot of officers jump to conclusions and end up arresting innocent people while the criminals get away. If the system could be improvised on, that would be so much better, and might possibly turn the system around arresting criminals instead of innocent people.


Level 22
It's not usual that masks are sprayed. It doesn't happen too often, unless the officer were to watch the mask used as a means to injure someone.
I agree, a lot of reasons why people are arrested are because they're just talking, I've even designed an experiment for cops where they spray your masks, you can say it has blood, and then say it's your blood. It doesn't make sense, and that if there's an already existing petition to change the laws and re-do them, I would sign it.
I'm not saying the law system is bad, but a lot of officers jump to conclusions and end up arresting innocent people while the criminals get away. If the system could be improvised on, that would be so much better, and might possibly turn the system around arresting criminals instead of innocent people.


Level 79
IGN: Oralie Panic
DATE: April 6th 2020
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: so i have been on the server for quite a while and have seen many role plays' happen good and bad, some realistic some not so much. Over the course of time i have seen many role play characters arrested for good and bad reasons which can be pretty funny at times but my concern is with the reasoning and how they should be arrested and searched, ever since a couple days ago i have seen more and more people who wear masks get pulled by cops and searched because they are just wearing a mask, now i know this is a Minecraft server and that gang role play happens on here but if this is suppose to be a realistic server then why are people wearing masks getting arrested for just wearing a mask in public? Another thing that i've seen happen (from experience first hand) is over hearing conversations and jumping to conclusions and arresting people, what happened was my character was sitting reading a book and two of her friends were talking in the kitchen about a friend who went missing (they died from gang RP) and their body had not been found and the cops couldn't find their missing friend and as they were talking some cops were walking by the apartment and "over heard" the conversation between the two and arrested them because yes it did sound bad in that part of the conversation but how could they be able to hear the conversation between the two people if they were in an apartment and the door was shut with the cops outside the apartment? another thing that happened was they just arrested them with no questions asked, now i know that this is Minecraft and its not a big deal but in my opinion what could have been a better and more realistic way to handle the situation was to ask them some questions and put in a missing persons report for their missing friend instead of just flat out arresting them both. i hope you take this into consideration and really ponder on it and i'm okay if this does not get accepted i'm just throwing a suggestion to make the server more realistic and fun for everyone :D
I'm a Sergeant on the force, and have been in it twice, once in April - October/November and December - Now. We do not arrest people for wearing masks, we arrest them for what may be found on them when we pat them down. Our income doesn't change if we get 30 or 3 arrests and I can guarantee you all of our arrests are reasonable and will be voided if they are not. I see where you're coming from but please only make this judgement after hearing it from our side, too.


Level 135
Feedback Accepted

- We have reviewed your feedback request and have implemented it into the Police Department. Thank you for your suggestion!

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