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Most Memorable SRP Character?


Level 66
1. Snoobs Wigglesworth
2. Faye Jahii
3. Eli Zennix
(I may mention Mr. Min)

Citizens/ Students:
1. Karl Stark ( his name is long but you know who I’m talking about :D )
2. Niibu Tsu
3. James Pretzel
4. Any Takada or Heddo
5. RipShrimp’s character (forgot what his name is, but RIP Father Jokull <3)
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Level 3
Being someone who has primarily been in the volleyball and basketball community (basketball from only the last year so idk some older players), some iconic characters from those 2 sports for me include Alice Delabre, Chloe Evans and Brendan MacLeod.

Honourable mentions:
-Rin Kirigaya
-Chris Masuo


Level 14
idk how many people actually know him but anyone who met him probably wont forget... id say that Dakotaz dude. I dont remember his surname lol. He's the guy that tries to hook everyone up :'D

He tried to get my character a girl, except I was just comically awkward and horrible at everything the whole time and he started to rage lol

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