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most relevant pieces of art on srp??

Level 34
I want to hear what you guys think are like the most popular / relevant pieces of art made for SRP chars!! By this I mean, the art is relevant in the community in some way, e.g it might've sparked a specific artist's, character's or the server's popularity. it can be your fav art too ig Doesn't have to be made by a player, but it just has to be made for a player's SRP character!! Also credit the artists
me first

1. COLLEGE COUNCIL ART!!! These were made in 2022 and are what brought joifulli the recognition they deserved yippee Mxxkie commissioned them and ART IS BY JOIFULLI!!1 jOIFULLI GUYS JOIFULLI

2. Two relevant chars by a relevant good artist = relevant piece i love it and i feel like it's been posted on every srp server and for a good reason its perfect in every way ART IS BY HOUNDRATS!!!! It's Reina Ruiz played by tova and Nathaniel Blackwell played by asya yippee they also commissioned them

3. Idk about you but this art has been stuck in my mind ever since it was posted the first time AODKWAKd It's director Rokku Heddo played by lovely alex and the art is made by PROZY PRAWZY PRAWZIE Idk if they still play

maybe this shouldve been in the artistic section but idk i posted it already also guys if you dont want your art here tell me


Level 21
I think my lil scrunkles are pretty neat


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