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Accepted NachoRP's Office-Secretary Application


Level 1

In Game Name

School Employee Role you are Applying For

How often do you log onto the server?
I log in SRP almost everyday, spending from 2 to 6 hours, depending on how busy I am. This time may change on weekends, due to the lack of studying / homework.

Do you have discord?
Yes. My discord is NachoRP#7920

Do you have a microphone?

Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?
Throughout my entire SchoolRP experience, I've never been banned.

Can you ensure that you will often come on
I can't 100% ensure that I may come everyday spending many hours in the server, since I may have other responsibilities to do, but I'll do my best to spend as much time in the server as possible. Moreover, summer has just arrived, and I should have more free time than ever, allowing me to log on more often and getting more hours, not to mention the fact that having a job will give me more roleplay chances, motivating me to come online more often.

Do you recognise that you can be ICly fired?
I do indeed recognize that I can be fired due to any non-compliance with the stated rules, such as remaining close to students (Those who aren't family-related), or talking to them in a non-respectful way. Thus, I will always avoid such kind of event.

In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee
Office workers’ main task is to remain at the reception area inside school grounds in order to attend any student who may be asking for help, either because of they’re lost, or don’t know what to do. Office workers should also be cautious with any kind of situation that might cause any trouble to both employees and students, reaching SLT members if the situation requires them to be solved.
Moreover, although they have break times, they should remain as long as they can in secretary, making sure that there’s at least one office secretary in reception, so that there’s always someone to ask for help. In breaks, however, office secretaries are allowed to walk around school, making sure that everything is under control and, if they don’t have anything to do, they can always go to the school employee break room, located right above the Private Tutoring room.
Furthermore, as every other KHS worker, they must make sure that both students and colleagues comply with the rules, reporting any kind of misbehaviour to a former Vice-Principal or Principal
Although taken for granted, Office workers should also comply with every single rule, only breaking them when it's strictly necessary and has been approved by the heads. If this is not the case, every single rule must be followed and made sure to be enforced upon every student.

Do you have any past experience in this type of roleplay?
I myself have acquired experience as a High School Private Tutor on my main account. I've been working there for months, and I know which rules should be enforced, what's and what's not allowed to be done, as well as the measurements one has to take in any given situations.
Although I resigned there, I'm more than willing to go back as a different role which, although I may not have taken before, I'm willing to take the responsibility of.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?
I've been roleplaying since around 2015, the year in which I was introduced to minecraft roleplaying. This is the time where I first began learning English, so my descriptive skills weren't nearly as good as the ones I have now. However, the more time I spent roleplaying, the more I was able to understand the essence of roleplaying, understanding the basics, and the different ways of stating a message, doing an action, and such.
Moreover, in 2018, I started roleplaying in Discord, and this is when my skills truly started to develop. When roleplaying in Discord, one has to put more effort into detailing each and every situation that's presented, forcing me to start learning a more specific vocabulary that helped me in the task of describing an specific event. This would then help me in minecraft roleplay, when doing /me's and /it's, in SchoolRP
However, in 2019, I first joined School Roleplay. Despite the fact that I wasn't a really good detail-roleplayer, I slowly started to familiarize with the term of DetailRP, starting to gain interest towards it, as well as willing to be able to type long paragraphs to describe a certain situation with great amount of details, as I had been witnessing from other roleplayers.
Lastly, nowadays, I'm able to DetailRP and SeriousRP with relative ease with circumstances that require a lot of detail in order for them to be clear.

Are you familiar with what your job does? If so, describe it
Although I may not have directly OOCly worked as any job alike to the one I’m applying for,, I have been in contact with people who are currently studying, or even working in a similar environment, giving me experience in how one should behave during their shifts, as well as giving me a point of view which I've gained quite a lot of interest in for the past weeks. I've been asking them "What if" questions, in order to acquire information for situations like any possible event occurring in real life, or in game.
Moreover, I usually check videos and tutorials of what to do if you have to deal with a certain situation, as well as asking old employees about how one should behave when certain circumstances are given, such as a troublesome student, or any possible event that occurs in school grounds.


During a workshift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?:
In this situation, I would walk up to them to properly tell them to stop, since any kind of disrespect towards a school worker is a severe rule-break. Depending on what the offense was, as well as their intention or the individual who committed such action (due to the amount of times they’ve gotten involved in any similar problem). they will receive a higher or lower punishment. This, however, doesn’t mean that favouritism is allowed at all. After all, equality is something that should be achieved at all costs, and a student must not be judged wrongly simply due to their past, for something they may not even have done.
Nonetheless, if they were the one to blame for what they did and, if they kept going despite my previous warnings, I would take them to detention and, if any member from SLT (VP, Principal, Dean) is found in school grounds, I’d let them know. However, if such student did this one action in order to intentionally get suspended / in detention, I’d be forced to OOCly tell them that what they’re doing is against SchoolRP rules, which would lead both of us to void the situation.
In another case, if such student doesn’t seem to show any kind of fear or respect to me, a school employee, when they’ve been told off multiple times, I’d have the necessity to tell them to FearRP in LOOC. If they ignored my OOC warning, I would reach /help, in order to let staff members know about the way this one student is roleplaying. Before this, of course, I’d take screenshots in order to provide proof of what I claimed.

You are doing a hazardous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?:
If my character was asked such request, which may possibly happen due to my role's usual tasks, I'd tell them if it's completely necessary for me to do it, instead of reaching other people who may be more qualified and experienced with such hazardous jobs. An example of a situation like this would be that I'm asked to help a student who may have a dangerous illness which may spread to other student/colleagues. If such situation is given and I'm told to do it, I would ask them if it's better for EMS to handle the situation.If, for any reason, such thing isn't possible, I'd take as many security measurements as possible, and proceed with the requested task.
Before this, of course, I would ICly inform the ones around me, both colleagues or students, about what was about to happen, warning them of the possible hazards that may occur while I’m performing such task. I would, of course, take any possible measurements that would give me the highest chances of preventing any possible danger from me and the people inside school grounds

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?:
If a colleague of mine is committing any kind of rule-break, two situations may be given :
- If the infraction must be ICly discovered, and isn't a severe one (unprofessionalism, skipping shifts, etc.), and I found out, I'd tell them to stop, ICly telling them that they can get in trouble if they keep going at it. If they don't, I'd then ICly contact a Principal/Vice-Principal and report the situation with screenshots providing proof of them breaking such rule
- If they have broken a severe rule (Such as GangRP without permissions), I'd then OOCly contact via discord to them, sending them screenshots of such rule berak, in order to let them know what they're doing.

Applicant Name:
Shian Lussier Kihara

Chosen Job:

Motivation for Joining KHS:
My main aim when doing this application is introducing myself into a new field I've been preparing for the past years throughout my academic experience. All of the high school and college classes I've taken have slightly helped me take the decision of applying for the Karakura Academics Employees Team.
The principal reason why I decided to pick this field rather than other ones (such as EMS, KPD, etc.) is because of the fact that I've always seen High School as a way to guide people into what will be their future. The simple idea of being able to decide a person's fate by simply helping them out in High School indeed fascinates me.
Furthermore, I feel like my attitude and behaviour with other individuals is suitable enough for me to be able to aid them in school grounds, guiding them through any
possible issue they may be having.
In addition, I’d like to point out that one of my relatives is also applying for the KHS team, which led me to take the decision of following their same steps. This, of course, doesn’t mean that I will be having too much direct contact with them, since that would drift me away from my main task in my station.

Age (Minimum age is 25):

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
Although I'm certain that there are way more skilled people out there, I do indeed have skills that can settle me above many others. One of these skills is my ability to work under pressure. No matter how tense the situation may be, or what the risks are, I will hardly ever enter in a panic attack, nor lose my composure.
Furthermore, I'm also able to change my mood to a suitable one. For example, I'm able to behave seriously when the situation requires a formal attitude, and in a calm and confident way when the situation isn't as grave, in order to help students feel confident with themselves (which wouldn't be achievable if a serious mood is shown).
Besides this, I'm also able to come up with ideas that may improve the experience of both colleagues and students, also accepting criticism and feedback from both groups. Nobody is perfect, and they may commit mistakes when coming up with ideas. However, I'll make sure to think of useful ideas that are manageable and agreeable by most, if not all of the KHS team.
Last but not least, I'd also like to mention my professionality and compliance to every single rule that I'm told to follow. Under no circumstance shall I break these rules, unless it's strictly told by a higher-up, such as a Principal or a Vice-Principal.



Level 105
Thank you for applying!

Fortunately enough, your application has been ACCEPTED!
It's up to par with what I look for in applications & I'm willing to allow you a chance at this role.


- DM Sun#0040 over Discord for further information.
- Please ensure you're in the Academics Discord! (


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