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Natsuo Hideki | Actual Character Biography | WIP.


Level 278
Natsuo ‘Natsu’ Hideki
General Biography
First Name
Preferred Name
Catsu ( dont ask ) , Nattie, Toothpaste ( your aware why )
Application seen here..
145 Ibs
A toned but muscless male. He lacks arm strength.
Skin Color
Pale and mostly healthy looking
Eye Color
An ambery brown
Hair style
Whatever it wants. Most of the time he simply combs it and leaves it be. So it curls over itself and just overall is what it looks like when he wakes up. So a bedhead I suppose.
Hair color
The left side of his head is a brilliant red, there is a fine line between that and the right, which is a tealish green.
Clothing Style
Don’t get him started. He could go from wearing his favrorite very lovely suit, to jeans and a purple ( very old and very patched ) sweater, then to T-Shirts. His style is whatever he feels like.
Natsu is missing his right eye, he lost it from cancer to the eye, and the socket is just empty. He has very horrible issues that go along with abandonment and any sort of physical contact, he is trying to work through them.
Date of Birth
July 5th 2003
Place of Birth
Osaka, Japan.
Sexual Orientation
Bisexual, Male lenient
Religious/Political Beliefs Natsu tends not to include himself in these. Particularly politics.. He finds politics a waste of time and he never really needed a religion.

General Appearance
Natsu is a 5’9 fit but not muscular male with a missing right eye and dyed hair. He often wears a resting expression blinking slowly and calmly, occasionally it switches to a soft smile or an upset look. He’d smell like mens cologne
Natsu is very tolerant. Kind of like a dog. You can put hats on him, or mostly do anything really, which has been a slight problem in the past He’s almost entirely food motivated and his favorite food is really any sort of Curry.
He tends to be a bit spacy but tries to listen best he can, when in public however, he becomes more confident and snappy, as if to hide his vulnerability underneath a snappy, slightly stuck up circus trick for fear of judgement. He’s the friend you can drag along for anything and he’ll just be happy to be there.
His Melanoma was the reason for the loss of his right eye as radiation treatment was no longer an option. He sort of has a bit of Alexithymia, he finds it rather difficult to express a large amount or a very complex emotion. Most of the time he just ends up crying because he has no clue what else really to do.
Character Voice
Natsu’s voice is deep and rough. Sounding like he’d just woke up most of the time, but it is in some way soothing.
This is His voice.
He carries around a brown school bag, which most often carries food duh, pencils, notebooks, and a stuffie or two. His goth earrings are one of his most prized possessions
He often wears a vest suit, and takes very good care of it. He has taken less care with his favroite purple sweater which has patches very roughly sewn ( he had no idea how to sew ) over holes.

While many have desperatly searched.. nothing seems to interest him enough for it to become a hobby of his. His only hobby is food, which doesn’t really count since he only enjoys eating it..
Serious Problems
His Autophobia is barely suppressible but its a very odd reason why, he’s never really been abandoned, he’s just always been clingy, or thats what they believed. Natsu’s parents taking many long trips for work didn’t take a good toll on his brain.
Natsuo Also has a reasonable case of Trypophobia. As for his physical contact issues, he’s beginning to open up, but he still very much dislikes it. I won’t get into details but he’s had some bad experiences with people touching him.( no, not like that.) They freaked him out pretty bad, and he’s hardly let anyone really do something as simple as placing a hand on his shoulder.

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