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New Roles/Tags | Returning old ones


Level 3
IGN: WhoIsEarthy
DATE: 7/21/2023
Bringing on some new roles to the server, and returning old ones. For example making a Karakura Football team for people 21 and above, and college kids who graduate and were on the football team have a chance of getting in more than others. With this being said, it could have separate teams for the sport, the KPD team, Hospital team, School staff team, government team, Shopkeepers, etc.

You could even make them have scheduled games and whatever wins the game could all get like 100k or something like that, I don’t know much about how much actual teams in real life get paid but it would be a cool concept, and could be really fun!

The homeless tag, I don’t know exactly why it had disappeared but in every community around the world the homeless exist, so why not let them exist in Karakura? Though Karakura isn’t super big so I would cap out the amount of people who can have it to 3 people. There are many places you could find a homeless person relaxing like the beach, the forest tents, in the mountains, the dumpster (Maybe the bears will share their cave, I’m trying to be the bear whisperer). It would be a great thing to see in SRP again, nostalgic for older members and a fun new experience for new players.

Another thing we could bring back is the Aquarium like the one we had back in 2019/2020 time period, just let’s not somehow let all the animals die randomly again. We could make it so there is one to four aquarium workers, seeming as the only things that actually need done in an aquarium on SRP is the person who gets the payment for you to enter, the person in charge of the turtle tank, the dolphin tank, and the axolotls. The rest of the fish don’t really need taken care of, just kept an eye on as they can be in closed off tanks.

My last idea is a museum, big dinosaur bone structures, old relics, ancient swords and even yummy snacks and cool items you can only get at the museum! With the museum there could be two tour guides/workers who keep an eye on guests and then the main museum owner. Seeing a museum in SRP is something i’ve always wanted, and still want to see. There are multiple spots I have found that would work perfectly (as you’re gonna need a decent sized area, for the bigger items.) With the custom items it will need…Lets just say it’s not gonna be a walk in the park and become easily set up within a week. I would love to fund all of it though, pay for the big dinosaur structures, the custom food and toys for the gift shop, the old relics, and anything else that may need paid for.

I have thought about this idea for a long time, in my old teacher applications my character backstory said he studied archeology and paleontology to one day open his own museum, so I am willing to go out of my way to make a place everyone can enjoy! (I was also thinking places like the aquarium and museum should be new safe zones just like the shrine.)

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This will benefit the community by adding more diversity and giving cool things to watch, explore, and even offer assistance at. I understand that most the community kind of just stands around most the time, so doing things like suggested could give people things to do whether it be watching a big football game where the KPD and the Hospital battle it out for who gets the first place prize in a tournament, or you’re taking a relaxing day to visit the museum or aquarium to pet axolotl, swim with dolphins (if permitted), or pet turtles. With the homeless tag, maybe it will inspire younger people who play the server to help out the homeless people in real life, as in SRP the homeless get bullied and are always begging for money so it could bring a change to how people see the world differently.

This post will be getting edited in the future, or ill reply with the images of homeless tag, and spots for places like the museum and aquarium.


Level 58
Neutral- I don’t like the homeless tag idea as almost everyone is homeless since they don’t have a house or an apartment.


Level 9
-1 for the new roles - let's remember that the premise of the server is SchoolRP, which I believe is the reason the homeless role was removed in the first place. attention and roleplay as a whole needs to be drawn towards the School aspects of the server, else what's the point in the server being revolved around it if people are going out of their way to get non-school roles to do things you could do in School? (this paragraph was worded badly lol, but why play football as an adult if you can just play football as a student, which is what the server revolves around?)

+1 aquarium and museum - could make for interesting new additions to the map / events / school trips. wouldn't agree with workers there though unless it's a player-ran store. simple npcs would be fine in my opinion


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.

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