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New School Team


Level 134
IGN: Cultality

DATE: 04/04/2022

WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Bring a dance team to the sever.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I think this will help the server connect more to culture but also be similar to ooc schools. Seeing that most schools having a dance team, I thought it’d be cool to suggest to the SRP Team to think about bringing a dance team to the high school and community college. Why? Well seeing that SRP is located in Japan, there’s a lot of culture there especially with Kpop. This would also give other players an advantage to be involved with the school more. Dance competitions could be held, or just to attend pep rallies with the schools host them. I also thought this would bring more realism towards the server as well. I think this will help the server itself branch off into more directions and reach new heights. The team made a female football team happen, and that really succeeded with realism. I think bringing a dance team will succeed as well. Sure they’re like cheerleaders but they aren’t holding Pom poms and shouting out chants. With a dance team you get to be free, make your own dance techniques. Not everything has to be athletic for a team. Thank you for your time, I hope you consider this suggestion.​


Level 31
As much as your idea of a dance team is nice, I believe this would be better off being implemented as a school club rather than an official Karakura Sports team. Yes, dance can be a sport however what you're proposing is more of a 'k-pop' type dance group, like a club. There is no competitiveness / a leading goal for this team to actually be considered a 'sports' team. You suggested performing at pep rallies however this is starting to overlap with what the cheerleaders roles are. I'm not saying dance and cheer are the same thing, however in the friendliest way said, in this case the cheerleading team has the title of a "sports team" more than your idea of a "k-pop group", as it sounds more like a hobby than a competitive team sport.

If you were to propose a competitive dance group idea and involve more ideas and realistic values to how a school would support an official dance team that revolves around hobbies like K-pop, J-pop, I would love to hear it. However as of now I'd see your idea as more of a club than an official team.

A school club will still give people an advantage to "be involved with the school more", and I bet people would love to see your club come into place.
If you really wanted this idea to become an official sports team, you would probably need more depth into your ideas and expand more in detail. However I respect your suggestion, and others may have different opinions from mine.


Level 109
im forcing the cheer team to learn this ive decided so try out for cheer team thanks demurity for letting me force everyone im forcing u too

but make ita club i would join



Level 35
yeah we do this or wtv

on a more serious note yeah, unfortunately probably not gonna happen
some alternatives
- apply for a club; guarantee cool events and such
- take your interest somewhere individually (e.g. karakura dance studio business)
- join the cheer teams because we do a lot of dance when we're not cheering for teams


Level 26
What I wanted to say has already been said above multiple times so

Indirect -1 (with indirect I mean -1 on a team more make it a club/apply for one)


Level 194
I like this idea but it should be a club as multiple like bonbons and demurity have said above! If it was a club it could be something to bring the Spartans and Bobcats together? I don't know, something cringey to make them bond. . Anyways!


Level 101
Again stated with other new team feedbacks; theres no need for more teams.
the server is already struggling with keeping the current teams we have filled and running smoothly, adding another team will just add problems as well as what demurity has said in her reply


Level 211
The cheer team and theatre club already fulfill what you are suggesting. As Rini and Sophia said, we don't need new teams... But if you wish an only dance club feel free to apply for it here


Level 87
Why is everyone trying to suggest a new team? If you want a new team I think one of the current ones will have to be cut/replaced. Teams already struggle keeping members for various factors and reasons with most cases I believe due to its popularity and familiarity with the plugin (not including cheer and swim for the plugin part). If it came down to actually cutting and replacing teams for new ones, staff would probably have to go based on those two factors, seeing which one is always losing and looking for members. I won’t say specific teams so that peoples feelings won’t get hurt but if you know then you know.

My point is there is no real way for a new team to be introduced unless one or both of these options are taken into consideration:
1. The sport is very popular or basically voted in favor for by majority of the community and actually aligns with Japan’s top sport
2. They finally decide to cut one of the teams and try something new

If you were around for long you remembered dodgeball being a team before it was ultimately cut from the roster. I don’t remember the reason but even so, it being a fun sport plugin to use in your spare time, it’s gone. Most likely because college didn’t have a dodgeball team so there wasn’t any rivalry and members may have gone inactive. (If you were on the team do correct me if necessary)

to make a long response short as this is probably my response to all suggestions like this: sacrifices/compromises will have to be made in order to introduce new teams :]

+1 tho


Level 37
-1, sorry if I'm dumb af but.. isn't that... cheerleading? Like Ik they do like stunts too but.. I haven't seen a sportteam dedicated to just dancing in a school before.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead

- This is effectively what a Cheer-Team is. If you're unable to join this, or want to start your own team, when club applications open again you should consider applying for a Dance Club

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