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Nikishi O’S Barnes. . . [It’s really just Tobias]


Level 278
Please loop this video, as it is the music for his bio!
1649469155566.pngGeneral Information!

Written Name
Nikishi Melissa O’ Sullivan Barnes

Preferred Name(s)
Little Man

Nonbinary ( He/Him They/Them)

Age and Birthdate
July 26th 20xx

Zodiac Sign

the walters - I love you so
Penelope Scott - Cigarette Ahegao
The Hoosiers - A Sadness Runs Through Him

Jack Stauber - Oh Klaholma

Physical Health/Description

Physical description
Before you would stand a masculine 5’0 and 1/2 Blasian kid with a beauty mark under their left eye. They’re covered in freckles and occasional blemishes. Scars run down their arms and pretty much everywhere else, it doesn’t seem like they like to talk about them. They give a shy aura about them, always apologizing and fidgeting. They often flaunt bags under their eyes from general emotional stress and lack of sleep. Blonde curls fall over their eyes. His eyes are typically either glossy with tears or that of a panicked animal. He appears to walk with a limp.

“My Names pip!!”

Height and Weight
Nik stands at 5’0 and a half and weighs about 114 pounds.

The closest I could find.
When pip is fronting His voice is smaller and higher-pitched.

He always sounds exhausted and therefore so he tends to cut off words, and slurs them together.
When Jack is front it seems to get slightly deeper and a little more gravely, almost like a morning voice.

Physical Abnormalities!
There is an odd little scar on his left temple, it looks like he hit his head
scars on his arms and thighs.
He is missing a front tooth
He tends to walk with a limp.

“Pay attention to me, i’m good, i’ll behave i’ll do what you tell me please just love me.“

Mental Health

Random Quirks/Odd Behaviors etc.
He’s naturally attracted to men with long hair. Like a magnet.. not sexually. He likes to play with their hair even though he’s bad at it.

His hair is floofy and curly, he’s stopped trying to tame it at this point.

they have a particular interest in adults?

properly pronouncing people's names? never heard of it

They has a bad habit of descending into 'episodes' or 'meltdowns'. They happen when they’re under extreme stress, tells they may be spiraling towards one are, scratching, yanking at their hair, banging their head, white-knuckled fists, a disoriented look, like they aren’t quite there. During these meltdowns they bang their head on the walls, the floor while yanking relentlessly at their hair. Their mind is in a state of total panic, and sometimes you just have to restrain them and wait for it to be over.

One of the things He does most when he's uncomfortabe or just needs a fidget is scratch, he scratches so much that he does need to keep bandages on his neck and arms to prevent himself from causing damage.

He’s often finding himself terrified of making anyone the least bit upset at him, and can hardly contain his upsetness when someone seems to dislike him.

He is easily flustered, as he truly believes that he isnt all that great, compliments are foreign to him and make him real embarrassed.

Their love lanuage is touch. It absolutely murders him inside when he can’t be touchy feely with his friends, because he doesnt know how else to make them understand how much he cares.

“Please stay with me.”

Personality/Mental Shit

The personality of Tobias/Nikishi!
He doesn’t seem very okay as of late. He has a want, a need for attention. He’s starting to go to great lengths to get it.. He’s no longer himself, and his need for love and attention may lead him into a downwards spiral. He’s beginning to enjoy hurting people, and scaring them. He enjoys taunting people, and holding information over their heads, information they don’t want getting out. He wants power and he can’t get much of it.

The personality of Pip!
Pip is a 5-year-old kid, often presenting terribly colored pictures in an attempt to show his love. Pip is terrified of Blackjack and often will crumble when he is fronting, and blackjack attempts to the front also. Pip and Blackjack are never seen fronting together, as Blackjack detests pip, and pip is too horrified to stand up for himself. Pip is often triggered by general stress, and overwhelming feeling.

The personality of Blackjack!
Blackjack is mean, and cunning, he cusses a ton and he hates Pip, as he finds them annoying. He is as the system had come to find out, 560 years old? Making him currently the oldest alter in the system. Blackjack manifested after pip, and is always an asshole, recent developments show however that perhaps Jack is more complicated than he seems? He has recently admitted to being a protector of the system, though he may not entirely understand that himself, it is a development! It appears he’s taken a liking to Malakai, Takida, and Fukui, and Hyun-Woo. He is often triggered by feelings of immense self hate, anger, and frustration. His biggest trigger is physical confrontations.

The personality of Derek!
Derek is a 2-year-old Texan male. He took a liking to the cow onesie, as he came to light not long after the ‘Cow incident.’ At the back of school.. * cough cough* u kno who u are * cough * and is the only alter in the system known to change clothes when he fronts. He could front for 5 minutes, and he’d still at least attempt to change, since he is very young, he does sometimes have trouble, but tries his best! Derek is just your typical toddler and actually takes quite the liking to football, even though he doesn't understand the rules, he just likes smacking the ball around. He is kind and always wears an aloof grin, excited about random things, and easily distracted. He and pip get along quite well. Derek makes it evident, and is always making sure everybody knows, that his favorite color is red. Derek is nonverbal. He is often triggered by baby treatment, and or the cow onesies. He js also triggered, like pip, by general stress and or overwhelming feeling to an even worse degree, such as news of a death.

The personality of Skink!
Skink is a cat alter. [This is in 0 way meant to be weird, or sexual, and js a very real thing that can happen.] Skink has been around perhaps as long as Pip has, maybe longer. Both alters stem from childhood trauma and very upsetting and severe mental distress in Tobias’s childhood that I am not going to mention because it can be triggering and I don’t want to violate any rules here. Tobias in his abusive household was indeed treated like an animal in some sense, made to sleep on the floor, he was forced to sit on the floor with his plate, because he was not allowed at the table, and he was often compared to an animal just as further torment. Tobias grew very close with a band of stray cats that wandered around in his neighborhood, often when hr was walking around outside, they’d come up to him like any house-cat. This alter is not overly odd. Skink is non-verbal, obviously, and has a lack of understanding to people. He often finds that simple things are entertaining, and yes, he does purr, but its the weird warped human version of purring. Tobias, personally, is rather embarrassed of Skink, which is why he has not been mentioned, people in Karakura could easily make fun of him, or another alter, for something that isn’t their fault.

The personality of Mono
They havent been very social with the other alters, so not much is known about Mono. Mono is a 24 year old of unknown gender. They seem rather uptight and spooked, but when calm, they are sort of parently, scolding people in parent ways. Ear pulling, shouting. Even though the body isn’t all that intimidating.. Mono manages to be at least a teeny bit scary.

Phobias, Conditions, Coping Mech.s
OSDD-B1 is a sub-type of Other Specified Dissociative Disorder type 1, where the members of the system are differentiated from each other but do not experience amnesia of events between the members. They may, however, experience emotional amnesia - remembering the event that happened, but not the associated emotion. Tobias's alters are aware of each other, and the fact that they exist in a single body.

Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder, or PTSD in which a person has difficulty recovering after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event. The condition may last months or years, with triggers that can bring back memories of the trauma accompanied by intense emotional and physical reactions.Symptoms may include nightmares or unwanted memories of the trauma, avoidance of situations that bring back memories of the trauma, heightened reactions, anxiety, or depressed mood.

Autophobia may relate to a childhood experience that led to a fear of abandonment, such as parental divorce or a death in the family. In some people, a phobia is linked with another condition.

Capiophobia is the fear of being arrested, though his fear of police goes father than that.
People with astraphobia feel extreme anxiety or debilitating fear when preparing for a thunderstorm. They may watch weather reports obsessively or have panic attacks (rushes of anxiety that cause intense physical symptoms) during a storm.

“W-Who’s this tobias you speak of- ha- haha- haa...”

Pip is in Yellow
Tobias is in Blue
Blackjack is in Red
Connor is in Teal
Derek is in green
Skink is in
Mono is in purple

Opinions will only be written for Alters who’ve spoken to that person. Non-Verbal alters will either have a thumbs up/down or have their actions

Nikki Monet ‘Nibbi ‘ Close-Friend Alive
“Nibbi!!! She is really pretty and has a pretty hat and and i love her like bigger than me!!”
"She’s lovely. I wish she had things better."

Asher Monet ‘ Ghosy! ‘ Close-Friend/Father Figure Alive
"He came back. He offered me some place to be protected. I took it. I’m not used to relying on people. He offered me a restart, and I needed that. I have to say.. i’ve always felt our of place when around him wnd his friends. Like i was a piece of a puzzle trying to force myself somewhere i don't fit. Now it is as bad as ever.”

Cyrus Monet ‘ Boss man! ‘ Friend Alive
"He confuses me. But he’s right. Everything he said was spot on..”

Aoife O’ Sullivan ‘Mommy’Adoptive-Mother Alive
". . . I love you. . .“

IbukiShe kinda torments him ngl Alive
“She knows. She knows who I am, she’ll never stop tormenting me. She’ll never stop. Please stop.”
Kaisan HakiFriend Alive

Fukui Saki ... ‘ momma ‘ Adoptive-Mother Alive

Liam Monet Friend? Alive

Celeste O’SullivanAdoptive-Aunt/Mother Figure Alive

Markus ‘Lucious’ TakaharaFriend? Alive

Zakary Monet ‘ Big Man ‘ Friend Alive

Nikolai O’ Sullivan ‘Bubby! ‘ Brother Alive

Maddison Reid ‘Mabbie ‘ Friend Alive

Takida Monet ‘Yogurt Man ‘ Close friend Alive

Malakai G. Laurent ‘ Mal’ Buddy! Alive

Skylar Tsu Friend Alive

Hyun-Woo Adenade . ‘ Woo’ ‘ Close-Friend Alive

Daisuke S. Holland ‘Bubba’Ex- Adopted Brother Alive

Beau M. ‘Mime man’Best-Friend
Distant sobbing is heard.

Nessa Monet ‘ M’mmy! ‘ Little Mother/Close-Friend Dead
"Don't ask. I dont wanna talk about it, so just shut up okay."
“. . . I hate to admit this.. but she was slightly terrifying.”

Miyazaki Koko... ‘Koko ‘ Close-Friend Dead
“she's went bye bye like mommy did.”
"Miya, m' sorry. I wish you'd have said something. why didnt you sAy ANYTHING!"

Asanae Takahara 'Domino' Monet ‘Fake Mommy! ‘ Aunt-Figure Dead
“I’m sad...."
"She can’t be dead cmon please- not her too please..”

“ I will eat your face.”

Wip? Prolly not.. lmao

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