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Official Introduction


Level 17
Good day everyone, and welcome to my introduction.

I'm known on the server as Boroski (or the much simpler alias, Boris), but many people have butchered up my name to their liking thus leading to the following aliases:

Biros, Brois, Boro, Bors, Brs, Broski, Broroski, B Rose, Brosi, Borody, Borodingdong, Bor Bor, Bori, Brorodin, Bordoski, Boraids and yet more to come..

With this introduction in mind, I want to make sure I am making my official introduction since my past introductions depict something way too old for my own personality.

That all being said, allow me to write down stuff and things about myself.

First glance
I joined this server somewhere in the early summer of 2017. If it helps, back then I remember @InhaleMyBanter still being a History Teacher, with his Administrator Rank. I believe @Valkyeie was still staff at that time, though I wouldn't know a iota about him. It was a much more different experience than what we have today.

The school, Taketatsu Highschool, was smaller and held fewer classes, but I would see it as a more comforting alternative to the bigger classes the teachers have in the new highschool, Karakura Highschool. Compared to the 20+ students, they had to hold somewhere between 9-15 students and generally it wasn't so much of an issue because there was another factor to this.

Teachers & Main Playerbase
Adult-ranked players didn't really have a choice for jobs back then. Pretty much every adult was a teacher or an employee of the school, which gave the school enough life to last until the map was changed to what we have nowadays. The Family Store, Coffee Shop and Pizza Parlor didn't need any player to administrate them as they would have NPCs that acted somewhat of a decoration and the players would simply buy their stuff with just a right click, as long as they had the money. It was a newbie-friendly method but it was deemed unrealistic in the long run, and now the new method is demonstrated by the player-administrated shops such as 11/7, built by @Nova and owned by @DarkwingRose

Classes would be perhaps commonplace, but just as commonplace was the issue of class-filling. It would feel like a "first-comes-first-served" event. I can remember notable teachers such as
@BearNecesitiess @toodlekim @Oosy_ @Brizzyslxys, ESPECIALLY @Adym and many others doing their job properly. Throughout my playtime I would befriend most of the players that were considered "relevant" at that time, and when I finally decided to get to know them better, @toodlekim introduced me to the server's Teamspeak, nowadays a mere nostalgic memory. 50000 people used to voice chat there, now it's a ghost town.

The Staff Team
I've met the whole staff team, one by one, in that Teamspeak server. Even @Ducks who didn't speak at that time. I didn't feel very confident as not only I wasn't THAT known and I feared about any little mistake I would do, but because I didn't have a reliable pair of headphones back then (not like I would have anything better at the moment, but at least there are no more police cars in the background )) )

I appreciate every staff member as they're doing their best to assure a satisfactory experience on the server, and I find them as close friends. If you know them well and you don't get on their bad side, then they'll see you as their friend. My favourite is @Ryanark but the hardest-working is @Lofken. My opinion

How did I get all the way to Moderator?
My relevance started to get more interesting when @Ryanark revamped the Discord server. It used to look like a shitposter's breeding grounds with a severe lack in roles and administration whatsoever, due to the TS3 server being generally more popular still. But now he got the idea of making the Discord server. He's carefully set roles and channels, building it into a proper server for the community to enjoy. I can remember the Trusted role being Friends of Staff when it first got introduced, along with the administrative roles and the Donator role. Since more and more people were getting trusted, it had to be renamed to Trusted and it stood like that until Ryan decided to recolor the role to the purple we have now.

I was very active, although such activity would be lost in the early-autumn. For a good two months, I've had to deal with school and a phenomenon caused by post-surgery (Because in mid-August or somewhere, I had to undergo a surgery.) After those two months, I decided to rebuild myself back into the community and make acquaintances with new faces such as @Boxerthelate , @DarkwingRose , @Sensational Ways and many others. I was kind of surprised my trusted rank still remained there for over two months, but at the same time I felt grateful.

Since then, I was getting used to the server's new map and overhaul in general, and at some point I've made the decision to become a Discord Moderator. I got closer and closer with the staff team since then, due to assisting with ideas for another roleplay server which is yet WIP (WW2RP) or simply casual chat.

Holidays were set in, and my colossal activity would lead me to more sub-communities established by the playerbase since I wanted to get involved in more activities. I've personally assisted anyone I could at that time and due to such matter I was getting praise and respect.

Somewhere on Christmas, @Ducks decided to reveal his voice on Discord. I remember hearing him for the first time as I was on the WW2RP test server with him and @Lofken. To me, he sounded like a hardcore 7'0" rich chavman, shaped greatly thanks to the typical British accent. Soon, the staff team would follow to hear Ducks' voice, and finally he decided to make it publicly, to much of the playerbase's surprise that they've now heard the legend himself.

Finally, at the end of 2017, @Ducks decided to begin the New Year by adding in new staff members. I was obviously the first candidate, and I was awarded the Trial-Mod rank, beginning my journey in the staff team. I was quite nervous at first, but fixing the community to the best of my abilities had me overcome this feeling.
Ryanark was also upgraded to Administrator, so that the role wouldn't feel underused (like really, there was no Administrator for 3-4 months. Only Senior Admins and Moderators). Shortly, @TristamEDM and @Atakka would follow in my steps after two days as I got out of trial, now an official Moderator.

And there we are, in 2018. I'm now making sure that the server is being "slightly" more peaceful using the staff powers I've managed to acquire.

Now, here is some random trivia about myself.

I'm from Romania, as seen on the national flag on the forum profile.
I'm heavily stereotyped as being a communist russian, due to the easily-misleading accent I have and my behaviour that would make you think I am indeed a russian at the first glance. Being used to the stereotypes, I've shaped myself like this.

My nickname, IGN and slangs are all based on the character I developed on the server, Boris Borodin.
My real name is not Boris, obviously. I only give out my real name to people I trust a lot.
I have three cats in my care. All found as strays, but they're still hella cute. I've taken a lot of photos out of pure joy and love towards the felines. Before you ask, yes, I'm a cat person.

With all that being said, I will now list the people who I consider in a way, a friend to keep
Long list, beware!

@Ducks (The Owner, really just a chill guy if you don't stress him of course.)
@Lofken (The S.A. who is doing his job well, and is currently the "oldest" staff member)
@InhaleMyBanter (The S.A. who is pretty much the other mascot of the server. Heavily praised Welshman.)
@Adym (The S.A. who is easy to approach, but hard to win an argument against. His friendliness would make you feel guilty just by not including him as one of your best friends. He'd make a forum thread about why he is the best player in Rocket League, unironically.)
@Ryanark (The Admin who would beat you in Rocket League with his left hand only and then complain that he did an own-goal by mistake)
@BearNecesitiess (My mentor and honest great friend. Helped me a lot with advices and methods using his own experience. Also great art too!)
@TristamEDM & @Atakka (The two co-workers who would know when to mess around & act seriously around their fellows)
@Koolji (The kind of person who would act professional at the first glance, but would strike you over with witty memes the moment you know him too well. Also my fellow communist.)
@Boxerthelate (The kind of person who would call himself after an old Romanian car. my name logan)
@Sensational Ways (The kind of person who would unironically drive a fast car holding a bottle of Absolut vodka in each hand and then expect to drive in a straight line.)
@toodlekim (The kind of person who would prefer surströmming over maple syrup)
@Kyle (The kind of person who would let a Teacher Assistant do the talking while he stays speechless)
@Brizzyslxys (The kind of person who would watch an hour of Cringe Moments without cringing due to her steel-nerves)
@DarkwingRose (The kind of person who would redefine anarcho-capitalism by selling everything into a gas station, causing most of the other shops to fall to bankruptcy yeeboi)
@Oosy_ (The kind of person who would consider renaming all the properties of Monopoly at her own will)
@ratgliitch (The kind of person who would blueball you using carbonara pasta)
@alice_fox (The kind of person who wouldn't stop rewatching the Shrek movies. On a honest note, she is an amazing friend to have and she cares about her close ones. Lovely artist aswell.)
@bryandaman (The kind of person who would score a triple-double during real hours, outsmarting you in basketball whatsoever)
@WildSense (The kind of person who would put anyone named Troy in the word "destroy")
@Relevance (The kind of person who would bribe you in bitcoins for a katana)
@JayTaskQuest (The kind of person who would sing you "Oh, Christmas Tree" for a free chocolate cup)
@JakeIsUrPapa (The kind of person who would try out things for the first time to get Trusted on Discord)
@Schuyler (The kind of person who would be happy to /roll above 100 just to feel more powerful in CombatRP)
@Ehko (The kind of person who would lead a mafia gang composed of football players)
@PacMug (The kind of person who would lowkey plan world domination while he's losing in a chess match)
@Doofus (The kind of person who would unironically find a crossover of Shrek, Johnny Test, Cory in the House and The Bee Movie a masterpiece)
@Nova (The kind of person who would pay you to listen to egg puns)
@Jello (The kind of person who would torture you with Christian jokes)
@SxvageJessica (The kind of person who would give you a rose everytime an opportunity arises)
@Ducks (again, the kind of person who would give you staff membership if you beat him in a game of ranked scrabble)
@Luna™ (The kind of person who would come up with an idea and then suggesting an even better one seconds later.)

(sorry if I missed anyone here tbh. just PM me on discord)
I now bid you farewell, and I hope that I have properly introduced myself for once.

tldr my name boris
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@SxvageJessica (The kind of person who would give you a rose everytime an opportunity arises)
Why is that so accurate when in real life I am like on of the most saltiest people around. Accurate though.


Level 2
Ah yes, its not a hidden fact that what you've said it pretty much accurate on what you've said about me, Boris. :phew:


Level 137
Sadly not in the list, but I mean its just a list so.

Anyway I love this introduction boris, best one I have ever seen in the years i've been on.

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