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Level 91

: : : Opening to the new Family, that thrives through art and philosophy : : :
[!] Upon becoming a clan member, you are not obliged to set your character with the family's last name or have adopted character, as you can be a simple follower along. GangRP is not followed in the clan, however, we do not prohibit it as long as ICLY it is not found out[!]

How will this clan benefit the server?
Creating a fictional Kagenouta Clan for a game community can contribute in several positive ways, enriching the overall gaming experience and fostering a sense of community and engagement among players.
Unique and Immersive Gameplay is strongest aspect. The inclusion of the Kagenouta Clan adds a unique and immersive element to the game lore. Players can interact with this distinct clan, learn about their fictional traditions, and engage in events or mini-venues tied to their arts, philosophy, and cultural preservation. This offers a fresh and captivating gaming experience.
Role-Playing Opportunities growth as well. Players can immerse themselves fully in the game by role-playing as members of the Kagenouta Clan. They can adopt the persona of a geisha artists, knowledge of old herbology, or philosophy, engaging in in-depth interactions with other players and fostering a vibrant role-playing community within the game (potentially interacting with factions and given suggestions by lore/event teams).
Expanding the Lore and World-Building: The introduction of the Kagenouta Clan enriches the game's lore and world-building. It opens up opportunities to expand upon the history and cultural significance of the clan, creating a more immersive and interconnected game world.

Specify the link to your Family’s Discord:
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Officially founded in the auspicious year of 2023, the Kagenouta Clan was a unique fusion of traditional Japanese values and the vibrant world of idol entertainment. For centuries, the Kagenouta family had been revered as custodians of ancient arts and wisdom, their lineage woven into the fabric of Japan's history. This lineage now gave birth to a contemporary venture that sought to celebrate the past while embracing the future.

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Specify the member base:
The following clan roster will be included of 4 factions (not including higher-ups):

-Geishas (6 Slots): Female traditional artists
Geisha artists, commonly known as "geisha," are highly skilled and accomplished performers in traditional Japanese arts. The term "geisha" translates to "person of the arts," and their artistry encompasses music, dance, song, and other refined talents. Geisha play a significant role in preserving Japanese cultural heritage, as their art forms have been passed down through generations. While the number of geisha has decreased over the years due to changing social dynamics, they continue to be revered symbols of grace, beauty, and traditional arts in Japan, and their performances remain highly sought after by both locals and tourists alike. Historically, geisha emerged in the 18th century during the Edo period in Japan. Originally, they were male entertainers, but over time, the profession shifted to become predominantly female. Geisha are often found in designated entertainment districts, such as Kyoto's Gion, where they train rigorously in traditional arts from a young age. Current Clan will display artistic talents of Geisha like Traditional line walk of Geisha’s while performing traditional music. They are not selected by young age, rather requited from around citizens and trained for time period, then displaying given events.

The artistic skills of the group include playing traditional Japanese musical instruments like the shamisen, dancing in elaborate kimonos, singing traditional songs, and performing classical Japanese theatre, such as Noh or Kabuki. Geisha also excel in the art of conversation, etiquette, and hosting skills, making them ideal companions for social gatherings and traditional ceremonies. For instance, in this specific clan, Geishas will be required to do the annual Kagenouta ceremony, which is a walk from given city location A to B (dressed in kimonos and holding traditional lanterns, using the slow walking technique), which will resemble ideology of Kagenouta Arts.

-Taikomochi (6 Slots): Male Traditional Artists
****ogical Group to Geishas, with the exception that this particular group will involve male artists.

-Neo-Geisha’s (6 Slots): Non-Binary Traditional Artists
As Modern times accept diversity and gender fluidity, taking Neo-Geisha traditions, clan decided to give a separate functional role for non-binary artists that seek to follow traditional Japanese arts and like Geishas and Taikomochis thrive within group of arts. While Neo-Geishas don’t mean non-binary category, as there is no formal term for it, the given subgroup was used for the clan functionality.

-Aidoru (6 Slots): Modern Idols
As modern society developed new form of musical displays Kagenouta Clan trains it’s apprentices to follow diverse ideas, formally giving idols ability to perform in different styles like J-Pop & K-Pop. Addition to the slot they will be following voice covers made by other artists chosen by the group.

Specify one (1) idea for an event your Family would do:
The Kagenouta clan organizes a grand annual event known as "Kagenouta Matsuri," a celebration that combines their love for traditional arts, kimono attire, and enchanting musical performances. Held in the heart of Karakura historic streets, this vibrant festival takes participants and spectators on a mesmerizing melodic journey through time.
As the day of the Matsuri dawns, the bustling streets of Karakura are adorned with colourful banners and lanterns, welcoming visitors from near and far. The event draws both locals and tourists, students and adults, who eagerly await the spectacle that the Kagenouta clan has meticulously prepared.

The highlight of the Matsuri is the Kimono Parade, where members of the Kagenouta clan, dressed in exquisite kimono outfits, grace the streets with their presence. Each kimono is a work of art, showcasing vibrant colours, intricate patterns, and subtle symbolism that reflects the wearer's personality and expertise within the clan's arts.

Accompanying the Kimono Parade, the air is filled with the harmonious melodies of traditional Japanese musical instruments. Geishas and musicians from the Kagenouta clan perform together, playing instruments like the shamisen, koto, and flute. Their ethereal tunes resonate with the rhythm of the city, captivating both participants and onlookers.

For a hands-on experience, the Matsuri offers interactive workshops where attendees may learn about musical tradition, food and more. Additionally giving opportunity for shop factions to demonstrate their sales of items and food.

Through the Kagenouta Matsuri, the clan not only shares their cultural heritage but also enriches the lives of participants, fostering a deeper connection to the arts, philosophy, and the rich tapestry of Japan's traditions. The event's enchanting ambiance and melodic journey evoke a sense of wonder and appreciation, leaving a lasting imprint on the hearts of all who partake in this magical celebration.

The Event would last given amount of time by Lore and Event team.

What are the themes/morals/beliefs/motives of your Family?:
“Through these moral principles, Clan Kagenouta strives to be a beacon of inspiration and enlightenment, using their art and deep philosophical understanding to contribute positively to the world and enrich the lives of those they encounter. Their quest for beauty, knowledge, and understanding is a lifelong journey that shapes their identity and influences their impact on the broader society they inhabit.”

Their Morals follow defined 6 paths of life:

1) Embracing Creativity: The clan values the power of creativity and artistic expression as a means of connecting with one's inner self and the world around them. They believe that art has the potential to evoke emotions, challenge perceptions, and inspire positive change.

2) Pursuit of Knowledge: The clan encourages a thirst for knowledge and continuous learning. Members are inspired to explore various fields of study, philosophy, and literature, seeking to expand their understanding of the world and the human experience.

3) Cultivating Harmony with Nature: Deeply connected to the natural world, Clan Kagenouta values the balance and harmony found in nature. They respect the environment and seek to live in harmony with it, drawing inspiration from the rhythms and cycles of life.

4) Embracing Change and Evolution: While honouring tradition, the clan recognizes the importance of adapting to change. They understand that growth and progress often require embracing new perspectives and evolving their art and philosophy with the shifting times.

5) Embracing Individuality: The clan celebrates the uniqueness of each individual and encourages members to embrace their own distinct talents and passions. They understand that diversity enriches the collective and allows for a broader perspective in their art and philosophy.

6) Seeking Wisdom in Silence: Clan Kagenouta values moments of introspection and contemplation. They believe that finding wisdom in silence and solitude helps to connect with the deepest aspects of one's self and fosters a sense of clarity in their art and philosophies.

What differs your Clan from the rest of Families?:
The Kagenouta clan stands out from others due to its unique blend of art, philosophy, and cultural preservation, making it a symbol of timeless elegance and wisdom. Several factors contribute to their distinctiveness:

-Fusion of Arts and Philosophy: Unlike many other clans that may focus solely on martial prowess or specific trades, the Kagenouta clan intertwines the worlds of arts, music, dance, herbalism, and deep philosophical understanding. This fusion allows them to embrace a more holistic approach to life and creativity, appealing to a broader range of interests and passions.

-Embrace of Modernity without Losing Tradition: While they hold tradition dear, the Kagenouta clan gracefully navigates the complexities of the modern world. Their ability to evolve and adapt to changing times while preserving their cultural heritage sets them apart from more rigid and insular groups.

-Unconventional Geishas and Herbologists: The combination of geishas and herbologists within the clan is rare and unconventional. This integration creates a unique skill set, as members possess both refined artistic talents and in-depth knowledge of natural remedies, giving them a multi-faceted and well-rounded expertise.

-Beauty in the Shadows: The clan's name, "Kagenouta," directly translates to "Song of Shadows." This poetic symbolism captures their allure, as they find beauty and wisdom in the subtleties and hidden aspects of life, making their art and philosophies more profound and thought-provoking.

In essence, the Kagenouta clan's extraordinary combination of art, philosophy, and cultural heritage makes them a beacon of inspiration, constantly evolving yet preserving the essence of their tradition. Their unique approach to life and creativity allows them to leave an indelible mark on those who encounter them, captivating hearts with their artistry and leaving a lasting impression of beauty and wisdom that transcends time and borders.

Clan Lore:
Centuries ago, in the heart of the Edo period, the Kagenouta clan thrived in the bustling streets of Kyoto, Japan. Named after the poetic phrase "Kagen no uta" which translates to "Song of Shadows," the clan was known for their unique blend of arts, herbalism, and the enchanting grace of the geishas.
The Kagenouta clan's origin traced back to a legendary geisha named Hanae, renowned for her extraordinary talents in music, dance, and the healing arts. Her beauty and allure were matched only by her profound knowledge of herbs and natural remedies. It was said that she could soothe both the souls and bodies of those who sought her guidance.

Under Hanae's guidance, the Kagenouta clan flourished, attracting gifted young women eager to learn the traditional geisha arts and the ancient wisdom of herbalism. They honed their skills in secret, hidden away from prying eyes, and their performances in the tea houses of Kyoto captivated nobles and commoners alike.

As time passed, Japan underwent significant transformations, and the Edo period gave way to modernity. The clan, like many others, faced challenges in preserving their traditions and identity. However, they remained resilient, adapting to the changing times while preserving the essence of their heritage. However, due to change over generations, aspects of bloodline were taken down and ability to perceive and learn the Kagenouta wisdom is what makes individual a part of the clan.

In the modern era, the Kagenouta clan found new ways to express their artistic talents and connect with the world. Embracing their musical roots, the geishas of the Kagenouta clan evolved into performers and singers, captivating audiences with their hauntingly beautiful melodies and evocative performances. Their songs, inspired by ancient stories and the secrets of nature, echoed the legacy of their ancestors.

Beyond their enchanting performances, the Kagenouta clan's members also embraced the digital age to share their artistry with a wider audience. They curated online platforms, showcasing their traditional and contemporary talents, and attracting followers from all corners of the globe.

Though the role of herbalism in modern society had shifted, the clan's expertise in natural remedies persisted. Kagenouta herbologists diligently studied ancient texts and combined traditional knowledge with modern research to craft innovative herbal products. These remedies, once only known to a select few, were now accessible to those seeking holistic healing and wellness.

The Kagenouta clan's devotion to their heritage and the arts garnered them national recognition. They became cultural ambassadors, participating in international festivals and events, sharing the beauty and traditions of Japanese culture with people worldwide. Today, the Kagenouta clan stands as a testament to the enduring power of tradition and the resilience of the human spirit. Their performances continue to transport audiences to a realm of enchantment and nostalgia, bridging the past and present through their melodies. Their herbal remedies offer a source of comfort and balance, fostering a sense of harmony with nature in an increasingly fast-paced world.

As they dance gracefully to the melodies of their ancestors, and sing songs that have traveled through time, the Kagenouta clan remains a living legacy, preserving the essence of their rich heritage while embracing the possibilities of a new age. They are a shining example of how tradition can evolve, thrive, and continue to inspire the hearts of generations to come.

Some of the clan attires you may get to wear as Clan Member:

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Level 91
Thread starter

1) The higher-up roaster is capped
2) Currently have 14 slots left to join!
3) Our Clan attires are almost complete for use!
4) First training for members shall be held by the end of the month
5) Our partnership expands within days!

[!] Crow Stamp would be marked down [!]


Level 91
Thread starter

A small refresh on Clan Community:
1)We have now included Custom-3D model copies - special clan accessories that are only accessible to Clan members!

2) The clan community has grown since it's official release, thus policy was refurnished to ensure comfort of every player!

3) Our applications are awaiting for all! New Players, OGs, Active/Inactive crazy heads! Hop on board for coolio fits and customs >:3

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