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oIXuanderIo's Black Market Dealer Application #1 | 'Otakemaru'


Level 4
oIXuanderIo (The account im applying on)

Describe your activity on the server:
I am an active member on the server spending around 4-5 hours on a normal day though if it’s a holiday these hours can increase depending on if I’m busy or not. While on the server I spend a lot of my time on my main account xXXuanderXx in which I play my swim captain character along with my adult character who I gangrp on. I spend a few hours a week on my gangrp character taking part in small gang events with the gang I'm currently in along with doing other things like working in the crime business Ikigai when it opens. However I also do other things in my freetime on the server like just normally interacting with others on the server building my characters along with developing them in different ways. This is one thing I enjoy doing as it allows me to go more into their lore more, along with develop them more. Another thing I do on the server is jockrp this is a thing that I am off and on with on the server but have been and do enjoy getting involved within. Overall I spend a lot of time on the server trying to get involved with many types of roleplay and I think being able to become a black market associate would let me create more interesting roleplays and become more involved in the crime community.

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:
orange_tm and I do have a working microphone!

Specify your country of origin and time zone:
United Kingdom, GMT

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:

Roleplay and more experiences
One of my biggest motivations for becoming a Bmd on the server is having more roleplay experiences and bettering it for other people who interact with me. As by getting this role it would allow me to take a deeper dive into the crime roleplay side of the server such as getting involved with more of the businesses and other black market dealers more. Though it could also lead to some good lore between my character and others along with other gangs too. I would overall just want to create a fun experience for those who interact with my character if I got the role. This has been a big motivation of mine since I interacted with one of the old Bmds who created a spark for me to get more involved within crime and the crime businesses and so on.

Taking part in the events is one thing that has always made me want to take part in the black market but along with this I want to also help create them giving my ideas maybe to make them better or for some events in general. Rather this be including other go help improve the roleplay aspect of not only just the black market but also gangrp and crimerp as people are constantly stuck in doing perms which crimprp and gangrp is not supposed to just be. Along with this events are a big part of crimprp that I enjoy and are one of the big things that I want to see more even if this be just for my character development or another person. I still loveangs for example something like when Valhalla was brought in for the shop raids or maybe just small interactions that will lead up to something bigger in the end. Overall I would like t taking part in them as it is a fun experience for both me and that person. Events allow me to build more into the lore of my characters and develop more into them.

More involved in gangrp / crimerp
Although I have been involved within crimerp and gangrp for a while on the server taking part in some unverified gangs along with some events rather this be a big crime one such as the valhalla and forelli tunnel or inside events with the gangs. During these events that took place I tried to suggest ideas and get involved with many other gangs as possible. Along with this I have also been in gangs as a higher up and a normal member and have experienced mainly the most I need with this part of the crime faction entirely this is why being a Bmd would help me with this goal of becoming more involved with the gangrp and crimerp community as it would give me the ability to create some unique events with other gangs but it would also help me get more involved in the crime businesses that I would not think of originally joining such as street racing and maybe even being involved in the bounty hunting side of things which I have yet to tryout. Overall it would just put me in a position in which I could enjoy more of the crimprp faction with others on the server bringing more fun moments along with a more in depth side to crimprp and gangrp. Finally it would just let me experience something that I have not on the server giving me more of that aspect.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:

On the server, having a whole lot of freetime would make me stand out from other applicants. The reason behind this would be that I'm able to attend almost anything that is needed of me rather this be events or just any meetings in general. Though this would also help me be a very active member of the black market this could be with something like openings, doing something involving the businesses or even something like just roleplaying with the people on the server. I am also normally active during many different times on the server allowing me to do things at almost anytime. Though there maybe occasions in which I am unable to make it due to college work this is rare as I am organized enough to make times which are dedicated to me doing the task.

Working in a team
Teamwork is something that would make me stand out compared to others as it is something that I constantly have done in real life along with in Srp rather this be in school or just working in a group in srp such as being in the swim team where I work together with my team to make more fun practices and team hangouts. I have had much experience over the years being a part of the team mainly in school in which I have worked with big groups of people or a small group of them. In the teams that I have worked on rather this be on schoolrp or out of character I have taken the role of leading the group or just helping out giving ideas on the side.


This is something that would make me stand out as I am able to organise my time making it so that I can find the best time for me to do things along with maybe the most proficient time to do things such as host a business opening or just an opening in general. Though being organised also helps me deal with stuff like meetings as it would help me organise myself so I am free at the time to make them if possible though most of the time I am able to due to having lots of free time and overall being organised. This will allow me to spend more time on other things like planning some lore events that are organised and ready for my character or even planning a small event with other peoples character that will push out more interactions with the black market dealers. Hopefully making the experience more fun for everyone and not just me! Along with this I would be able to organise my ideas maybe into a document to suggest new things such as something that could be done to better the crime faction or even the gangrp side of things as right now work is needed on gangrp to make it a more fun thing that has a lot more roleplay involved instead of the ordinary permissions being used.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:


School group work

During my time at school I have experience working in a team. This is useful to me as I have learned how to communicate with people and trying to voice my opinions on things and how to improve them. Although it's not always possible to improve on things straight away, I have experienced due to school work that there are ways to improve things even if you think that they are perfect. Another thing that I have learned from working in a group at school was how to lead a team in some sort of way rather this be just telling them what needs to be done and how to do it or getting them together and communicating ideas before actually turning the work into something bigger and making it happen. Overall working in a team at school has been a big part of my life and has taught me many ways to communicate my ideas with people.

School sport
Although I was not in a sport for long I have had the experience of taking part in it for a short while. While in a team I had learned how to work as a team through communicating with others and learning my role better and even taking over someone else's if possible. Though also through school sports I learned a bit of leadership within a team as I have had to do things such as lead a small group of people making sure they are on task and are able to do what is asked of them this has helped me in a few situations as I try suggest things that could help or something that can be improved up in situations, leadership also has gave me some insight into what would be expected of me being in a team and also how I myself when working with someone could make it less based on one person telling the other what to do. Overall it has just given me an insight of what people expect of me and how I can improve upon things if not necessarily the best at them.


Swim team

While being on Srp one of the biggest things that I have taken part in being a part of the school swim team. This has helped me with developing on my teamwork a whole lot as I have been a member of the team for around 9 months now. While on the team I have learned that as a team I should suggest ideas to make the experience more fun with everyone allowing not just me but everyone else who was on the team to have more fun and a more enjoyable place. As the name implies it is a team and one of the things that should be done as a team is helping each other improve on this even if this be the smallest of things along with creating a community that people can have fun with without feeling left out or just ignored. After a few months of being on the team I eventually became the swim captain of the team which I currently am on my xXXuanderXx account. Being swim captain has allowed me to dive deeper into working as a team along with working with others to make practices more fun for my team but maybe also others on the teams as well. One thing that I have mainly learned from being a part of the swim team is that if you get to know eachother better it becomes easier to voice your opinions within the group. Though it has also taught me feedback is a key part to give to a leader as it could possibly make things more fun for everyone.

Though I was not a club leader for a great amount of the time on the server it has still taught me a few important things. One of them being that working in a team allows you to be efficient with working on things as you can help each other out if ever needed. It also taught me that you are not working on things alone as you are after all working in a team for a reason and should be helping and getting help from others if you are stuck on something. Though it also taught me that you should ask for help if needed as others may not know that you are stuck on something. Once again though this gave me more insight into being a leader of something even if it was not for the longest it also helped me plan some events with other members of the club to make it more fun and interesting with them. Finally it taught that working in a group is fun as long as you are participating with everyone and communicating with them. Though this is almost everything as I did not spend a long time as a club leader due to me getting swim captain.

Being a part of the gangrp community has taught me a whole lot about communication. One of the main things that I have learnt is communicating when something has gone wrong, especially when someone has messed up and done something that they can’t do. It has taught me that you can sort out situations on the server without always getting staff involved as long as both parties communicate with each other. Not only has it taught me that but it has also helped me become better at communicating my ideas with others as I love helping people create some fun events especially if I get to be involved though in general it's just fun watching the events unfold and the development of the gangs go far. Although at times working in a team can be stressful due to some disagreements that could take place with ideas it has taught me that there is always a middle ground that you can all agree on is a good idea and would work perfectly rather this be with an event, lore or just something like a fun activity you could do as a group or just overall communicating your ideas together. Even though gangrp and crimerp can be stressful at times communicating with groups of others on the subject helped me learn that there are ways we could improve it and well make it a better experience for everyone who interacts within the community as a whole. It has also show through recent things that if everyone works together in the gangrp community we can push it away from the constant problem of it being seen more as pvp then actual roleplay. Overall gangrp has taught me a whole lot of things especially that communication is a big part of it. As without it things can be a mess and lots off disagreements can happen and without communication it would be a mess as a whole but also not fun as things would be difficult to plan and develop upon like gangs and events for them.

Government Faction
The government faction is something that I have taken part in while being on the server and it was a fun experience while I was a part of it. I learned a few things in this like communicating when to do something especially when I was involved within the trials as they were something that you needed to communicate in. This is so that the next person could move on with their actions allowing the trial allowing the trial to overall run more smoothly. I also learned to ask for help with something if I was stuck while a part of this faction as when I didn't know what to do I went to someone who could help me figure out what I was doing instead of staying in the same place stuck and not doing anything. Overall it taught me a few things and was a really fun experience overall because of the team I was working with at the time.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:

Bmds being more involved with gangs.

One thing that I believe would make the crime faction better as a whole is having more interactions with the black market dealers other than them just selling weapons. One way this could be done is the Bmds getting more involved with gangs and do things such as having meetings with gangs to create things such as a type of contract with a gang. One of these could be something like a gang helping a bmd who has an abundance of alcohol. The character would not be known as a bmd for example and could be seen as a masked person who is just asking a gang to sell alcohol for them. What would the reward be for the gang that does this? Well it could be done somewhat in a way that there is a limit for money for example the gang is asked to make one million with the alcohol by the bmd and once they get that money anything that is made over that limit goes to that gang instead of back to the bmd.

My second suggestion to make them more interactive with gangs is maybe also set up paid jobs for the gangs. A way this could be done is that a black market dealer would rather contact a gang lead or contact someone in the gang so that they can get communication to their leader and then request the leader for something. This could be something like get information on another group or even pay them to do something like harm someone that is a problem getting to for example a cop or someone of high value.

Localized gang chat that only gang members have access to in Ikigai.

Another idea that I am going to suggest is one that would help the gang community interact more through ikigai. This idea would take place in the Ikigai server and would add an extra channel or section to the discord server in which only the members of a gang will have access to. To get the role it could be done by putting proof that you are in a gang in the help channel of ikigai and then the role was given to you like the crime role used to be in the crime discord. Though how would this help the crime community?

The first way that I would see this helping the crime community is making it easier to host things like street races and making it more icly instead of just an announcement in a discord. This would also help the street racing business in the crime faction as it might be something they could use to announce something like a gang only race causing things like more competition and rivalry between the groups.

Another thing that this would be useful for is the Ikigai club. This is because there could be openings in which all gangs are invited to join and experience a unique opening or one that is made to be more tailored towards the gangs and making things such as more rivalry or common ground on rare occasions.

My last thing that the Ikigai gang only channel could help with is creating a sense of more rivalry as gangs could talk and well cause problems with each other over the app but may help give the bmds better contact to the gangs and groups.

Escalation from Minor perms to majors perms being changed.

An idea that I have had for a while that could fix the meaningless major permissions being used on someone after they have knocked someone out is editing the way that the major permissions are obtained. The way I would suggest this is editing the part of the rules in which it is obtained on the ko and instead it is gained if a weapon is pulled and used against the person. So for example if a fight broke out between two people and then one was ko’d but it was only a fight with fist the person would only be minor permissions though let’s say a something like a bat is pulled out and used against you in a physical or threatening way then you would gain majors. It would give more of a reason to why your character would want to take a limb and give a stronger motive.

Another addition with the Ko’s with fist only being minor permissions it would make help out gangs that mainly do things like delinquent rp mainly instead of using weapons in there activity though it would also help stopping majors on the team members who jockrp in school.

Finally, to make this rule better an additional thing that could be added is making majors only gained after something like a limb is broken as this would be a strong enough motive in my opinion to take a limb in return compared to just a ko. Also adding it could also be added is that for the weapon to be pulled it has to be in the second fight after the first Ko leading to more roleplay instead of the normal run up and beat the person up.


Fight club

One of my suggestions for fight club has already been a thing in the past when it was owned by the previous owner. Though I am unsure if it's going to happen again so I am going to suggest it anyway. The idea that I am suggesting is bringing back the gang tournaments or the representative fights. The reasoning behind this is because it would be a good way to ignite rivalries between gangs, maybe causing more interaction and maybe more lore events between the both of them! Although there maybe some problems with this such as the style of gang or even the problem of identities being revealed, the gangs could easily decline and to fill in that spot an application for a gang to take part in fight club could happen so the empty spot would be picked. The main contenders of this would be the unverified and verified like before though as previously stated if they are not interested or decline it they could make a public application for all gang leads to do if they wanted to take part. I just overall think it would be fun for the gangs to take part in but also add that sense of rivalry to fight club like it used to be during these events.

Street racing
My next suggestion is for street racing for the business in the black market although I know it’s in the works though the thing I am suggesting is like the previous suggestion for fight club. One thing that I suggest when the street racing business opens is getting the gangs involved in it. For example they could be involved like before where there is a race held and the winner gets a cash prize. This idea would make the racing scene more competitive and give the gangs something to compete over though. My other idea is just inviting all the racing gangs to a race, this could be done with my previous idea of the ikigai gang chat as only one announcement would be needed to get the gangs to show up. I think this idea would just overall cause more ic interactions between the gangs and cause more competition between them leading to them interacting more and maybe getting ideas to create events and problems with each other pushing more roleplay.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
Yes, I am familiar and updated with these rules. I also read them at least twice a month to keep updated with them.

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
I understand that if I leave the black market the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on me.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
I understand this and will take the risk to be a part of the faction.

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
I understand this and will not reveal any out-of-character plans if accepted with the role.​
Full Legal Name:
Keisuke Zennix

Criminal Alias:

Age & Occupation:
27, college bachelor dropout

Gender & Marital Status:
Male, Taken

Ethnicity & Race:

Known Languages:
Japanese, Jsl and Italian

Former Associations/Occupations:
Satanji Mizu-Kai (Former gang)

Highest Level of Education:
College bachelor degree

Physical/Mental Ailments: (If inapplicable, put N/A)
Anger issues:
From a young age Keisuke had a hard time dealing with his anger rather this be over something like a comment made to him or even due to the smallest of things. Although he tries to suppress it, this can lead to a large outburst of his anger causing him to be a lot more aggressive or even violent at times depending on the situation. Mainly he tends to not be able to hold his anger back and just tends to shout or yell before calming down.

Known Family Members:
Biological father: Unknown (Does not remember)
Biological mother: Sakura Itsuki
Adoptive brother: Eli Hanazono-Zennix
Rest of the Zennix family.

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:

Facial features
At first glance Otakemaru looks like the average person not really standing out within a crowd though did he really want that. . .? The most distinct things you could pick out at a glance was his scruffy jet black hair along with the blank expression that sat upon his face. That blank expression at a glance would seem harmless but the more it was inspected the more threatening his face would feel. As you took a closer look at the male you would notice distinct things like a deep scar that ran across his cheek like a fault line. Another few things you would notice are his deep brown eyes which at a glance from them would make you feel a great sense of unease the more his eyes had made contact with you. Otakemaru’s eyes would have an infinite depth which were easy to fall into making them easy to fear.

Body features and build
Looking more at the male's general appearance you would notice that he has quite a slim but muscular build that was quite unusual when you looked at him. Trailing down to his right arm, a large scar would be seen across his arm though it was faint and barely visible to those who were not paying attention. The last thing that would be seen is a very odd tattoo of the number ‘10’ that was situated on the side of his hand. It was very miniscule in size though maybe it had more meaning to it…? Though who knows, mystery is something that was clearly shown by Otakemaru’s appearance.

Clothing and accessories
The male would normally be seen in a worn jacket that was visibly old and rather broken in some areas. In contrast to this the jean he was wearing looked somewhat brand new compared to the jacket, a rather odd combination of clothing old and new. Though maybe the jacket just had some sort of sentiment to it. Moving to his accessories, he wears a small kitsune side masks at times due to his belief in the paranormal and his meeting with them on rare occasions. He also wears it out almost anywhere though overtime he has grown away from it and keeps it around for the sentimental value of it.

His style changes entirely while doing criminal activities. While doing them he has worn many different types of suits, normally ones that look rather unique or normal. His favourite being the one that he gained while being a part of Satanji Mizu-Kai though he limits his use to it due to people of that group being able to link it to past or previous members. So normally while doing crime he is found wearing a black suit with a red shirt and tie. Along with this he also has a horned ballistic mask which is named the devil’s gem although given out to a select few people by himself. He wears it to hide his identity from those around him or anyone witnessing the crimes he is committing.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:

Personality shown in the public
While in public, Otakemaru likes to put on a fake act or rather something that does not show his true self or true intentions. While in public he often shows himself as cold and rather distant from others allowing them to stay away from him though depending on the people it can also bring him great allies. Though not always secretive to the public about everything, his anger being one of these. He tends to stay to himself trying to not be involved in people unless he wants something or needs something out of them. Due to this, he does not have many people that he can trust within the town of Karakura and it's limited to only a few and those he trusts never gain his trust instantly they have to work for it just as he has to work for theirs… Even if he is using them to get something he wants. His overall personality in public is reserved or well to the best of his abilities.

Personality shown to those he trusts
Otakemaru is a very unique person when showing his true personality to others. When trusting someone who has no involvement in crime he will act more outgoing and loud around them along with being a bit of an airhead. Although this can sometimes lead to it being a bit problematic as he tends to slip up around them, maybe showing slight bits of weakness which he himself does not like. Although it has yet to go bad for him, he has the constant panic in his head that someone will betray him causing him to be extra cautious the next time. This has also led to trust issues with people and caused him to be a stubborn person when trying to keep things. He shows care though it is also not always in a direct way.

When involving himself with those who are criminals, mainly his friends from previous groups that he has been affiliated with Otakemaru has a difficult time trusting them and showing any sort of emotion to any criminal who is close to them, keeping himself rather dull and emotionless in a sense towards them. This is due to the fact they could use this against him at any given moment and Otakemaru is not a fan of being used this is clearly shown from his anger and rage he feels when a friend or trusted person betrays him. Emotions for these people are not his strong point and his personality is all a facade to defend himself from these people allowing them to not get a weakness on him.

Personality towards opposing groups or gangs
His personality varies a whole lot when other gangs or groups are pulled into the mix. One personality he upholds when interacting with a group is being bossy… clearly he is not a fan of being bossed around himself by those he believes to be lower than him. This can lead to him being selfish and greedy towards these groups rather demanding they do something for him though in return he will pay them just not treat them as well as he could. Another thing that he is like with gangs or other crime groups can vary on how they met one of these is if they are helpful towards him supplying him with what he needs and defending him in a given situation. This leads to Otakemaru being a rather loyal person to the group. giving them some trust and showing them a more interesting side, one that is not in it for the money and power although he likes it. He is not necessarily caring towards these groups and will still hide things such as his identity and things he would trust them more with his life than any other showing them a more talkative side to him or well one that has plans to achieve something… His facade still stands though a fake personality is given one that is cold, hating and to some degree evil.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail: (200+ words minimum)

Early life of Keisuke

Keisuke’s early life was full of happiness and love. He lived with his mother and father in the large port city of Osaka, where he lived a rather normal life with his family and friends surrounding him. This lasted for a few years, where he built a few bonds that lasted a long time in his life, one of the big ones being the bond he made with his best friend who played a big part within his life. As Keisuke began to grow older things began to change in his life one of the main things was his peaceful and loving life… At the age of 9 his parents started growing further apart due to things that Keisuke to this day still does not know the reasoning to why they slowly became further apart. The only thing that he understood was that they were fighting over things that were never physical though it was always yelling something that made Keisuke frightened and well in the end it eventually led to him forgetting his father due to the trauma of everything. His father also slowly became someone he cared about less to remember as he grew older. . . By the age of 15, he moved to a small town by the name of Tadaoka in which the only contact he remained in the new time was with his best friend who was supporting him during this time. As time passed Keisuke and his best friend grew further apart losing his one and only link back to his old home leaving him to forget himself entirely and remembering the person he once was. The only thing that Keisuke had from his old life was his mother, the person that he clinged onto for this period of his life. As he grew older he became more isolated from the world as he did not want to experience losing people again. . . He was somewhat of a person who just was there in the background watching the days go by with no one other than his mother in his life.

His best friends manipulation
Three years later after the events of him moving away from his home city of Osaka, Keisuke began to get a little more involved with people leading him to make a new friend. This friend would later become one of the closest people to him at the time giving him encouragement and confidence to become more social again. Overtime they became closer and closer until one day, Keisuke's best friend asked him a question, one that would lead to a new series of events in his life. . . The question that the friend asked was one about his past, something that Keisuke did not recall much of, mainly consisting of why was the man so lonely? Why was he so hidden off from others? Keisuke began to grow an annoyed look on his face, deep inside him he began to feel angry, something that he did not understand was this just his anger or something else? Keisuke took a moment and walked out of the room to calm himself before he walked back in the room. The only things that he stated to his friends were that his dad and mother were not on the best of terms when leaving and that he did not know his dad and that he also left his friends behind losing contact to all of those around him due to his mother wanting to move away. . . A smirk came across his friend's face before he went off the subject and just dealing with the day like it was a normal one ignoring the fact he just asked a question like that. . . After leaving Keisuke took a moment to try to reminisce but all that he would feel was anger at it all.

A few days had passed since that incident and Keisuke did not hear from his friend for around two weeks. He did attend school and his friend was still not around there. Maybe something had happened Keisuke had thought at the time though it was more that he was plotting something. When they finally saw each other again his friend was acting a little strange, something that Keisuke did not originally pick up on. When they next talked about everything his friend was talking a lot about how his mother had dragged his away on purpose and that it was all her fault. . . Which as his best friend explained more in depth Keisuke began to believe leading to his anger spiking out of control and him slowly planning to run away to another place. He had no planning, he just wanted to leave from this place he thought was hell at this point. . . Due to this Keisuke’s anger continued to spiral out of control making his rather violent leading him to yelling or fighting people over the smallest of things which led to him gaining the name Otakemaru. This was based off the mountain oni that was violent and powerful.

Although Keisuke was seen as a powerful person, he did not like to be seen as violent so he hid himself away from everyone so as to not hurt them over the littlest of things. . . He began to prepare his things, getting ready to leave. The only thing that he was missing was money and the only way he thought of getting this was stealing in which he stole his mothers money after grabbing it and a rushing of adrenaline shot through his body. Revenge was something Keisuke enjoyed though was it really revenge. . .

Coming to Karakura
After leaving his home, Keisuke traveled all over the country till he eventually came to a stop when he reached the island of Karakura. Upon his arrival in Karakura he had a different view upon the world. . . He wanted to live a life that was filled with enjoyment and one that he would have no regrets. The first thing that he did was try to get therapy for his anger problems trying to solve a way to deal with them in extreme moments, although this was not enough for him and he later dropped them trying to figure his own way out. His anger that was once out of control got better but it was still there and a problem to him. He then began to try a variety of things to deal with the anger entirely though it was clear that it would not eradicate it entirely. . . After dealing with his anger or giving up on trying to get rid of it entirely, Keisuke at the age of 24 ran into someone who would later become his brother, a man who was nothing but kind to Keisuke and later became someone Keisuke looked up to Eli Zennix though due to this Keisuke also hides things that would make him be seen as someone who is a terrible person. The main thing being the name Otakemaru which he keeps from everyone but likes to use as a name for himself when he performs criminal activities. The criminal activities he did originally started off as being something petty like stealing for a bit of extra cash along with stealing items to sell them. Though it later grew into something more as he wanted a bigger rush of adrenaline. As he began to start doing bigger crimes such as assisting people in getting revenge and more things such as even murders and hiding the evidence, he started to develop a thirst for power or well information on people. One rule that he went by was not allowing anyone to step in his path and control him or make him lose anything again. Other than the crime that he committed he lived a rather normal life hiding it from those around him or were not involved with him. Well until he turned 26. . .

Satanji Mizu-Kai
When he turned 26, Keisuke got an unknown message from a phone which asked him to meet in a room under the sewers in Karakura. The first thing that he thought was that it was some sort of prank or group that wanted to dispose of him. Although it still lingered in his mind of why someone would tell him to meet there. His curiosity and his hunger for more information on the subject led him to going down to the meeting though it was with some precautions, one of them is that he was always wearing a mask to hide his face and the other one was that if he was not heard from within a few hours something has happened to him. Upon arrival at the location the most that would be seen is another masked figure and well two other people a boy and a girl though both of them were masked too. Though he had originally planned to take a quiet approach, he took a bold one and stepped through the door asking them to get straight to the point and asked why he was there. Upon asked the question by the girl who was in a mask, he blew up in anger at them wanting him to join a group that for one was something that he never had heard of and well they seemed to want him to give everything away without telling him anything about themselves? Keisuke decided to provide them with a fake alias under the name of Yoru, one that he picked up in the heat of the moment though sticked with him through the entirety of the time in the gang. He asked them one last question and it was what their intentions were and what they planned to do. The answer to it correlated with people not standing in this way and led to him and his goal of not letting anyone stand in his way of getting what he wanted. Taking the offer he joined being one of the founding members of the group and led it to somewhat of a position that it got recognised by other gangs. Though he wanted something more and to have a higher place within the criminal world which eventually led to him leaving the group to try become a member of the black market.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer: (This can be anything — a weapon deal, an event they may be involved in, or maybe an interaction with a gang)

This would be a small event based around the choosing of an associate. Giving someone who my character trusts little tasks for them to complete though this would not reveal his identity in any way it would just build more trust between his character and the other person along with a little lore behind why they were chosen.

After doing a few background checks into the person, Otakemaru believed they would be a good fit for his associate, a neatly sealed envelope would be slid under the door of their home with nothing signed on it quite mysterious… As they opened it the person would read a message which read the following.

“Hello ???, I have been watching you for a while now and have noticed the wide variety of skills you have rather this being the ability to deceive those around you or gain information.” The ink on the letter would begin to fade off after this leaving behind nothing more than than. “I require you to gain information on a specific gang by the 1st of january. They go by the gang name of ???. Get me anything and everything you can get your hands on.” The ink faded out and all that was left was a note on the back of the envelope reading “Meet under where the fallen dragon rests.”
(This is under the gravestone with Mike Akihito's name on it. Aka the sewers under the graveyard)

Upon arrival at the location a mysterious masked figure would be standing there. The mask on his face looked something like an Oni and the suit clearly showed that he was someone of importance.

Otakemaru: The male was leaned against the wall like he had been waiting there for a while. . . Or a little too long. “You finally arrived!” were the only words that escaped his mouth at first before he leaned of the wall staring at the person in front of him “Did you get everything on the group I asked for? Did you collect any important information on them?” He lifted his mask only slightly so that the grin on his face was visible before speaking a singular word “Spill”.

???: A sense of unease came over them, their voice began to become shaky as they looked at the man that stood in front of them “I- I- Sir. . .” their voice was shaky not being able to spit the right words out for a moment. Taking a deep breath they began to speak once more, this time they were more clear “I managed to get some information- Though it is not a whole lot…” They shuddered at the thought of the man being angry at them for not getting much.

Otakemaru: A quiet chuckle escaped his mouth, he seemed rather amused at the person stuttering and seeming rather afraid of him “Some is better than none.” the male lowered his mask once again covering up his whole face once more “Pass it over or speak it and then I will contact you again at a later date. Though with the information you have gained, spiral off and gain more.”. The male grew silent, not speaking anymore words to the person stood in front of him.

???: Took the file out of his bag before staring down at the file that was held in his right hand. The person would nod their head replying with only a few words “Yes- Yes sir.” The male began to raise his hand, passing it over to Otakemaru before slowly backing away from them standing near the stair getting himself ready to leave “Anything else sir?” They stood there waiting for a reply.

Otakemaru: Took the file from the person's hands rather surprised at the size and weight of the file. This was little info for the person standing in front of him? He chuckled for a moment before slightly opening the file to look inside it. Closing it and looking up at the person as he spoke “This information should be enough for me… You must be being humble.” He spoke in a rather intrigued manner “At another time and another place. We will meet again just wait till you are contacted.” Turning around and leaving the male would chuckle at the file he was holding the file in his hand.

As both of them left the area Otakemaru began to think about their next meeting, this person already had his trust to some degree and with this information he truly recognised that this person could be an asset to him and those of the black market. Trust and skill was something that was needed to work alongside Otakemaru.

At a later date, a message was sent from a burner phone to the person's phone. All that was found is an image of the graveyard, above where they originally met. On the image there would be a line of text reading “Meet me where light does not exist. Three days from now”.
(This would correlate to the area that you can access through the maze called the abyss).

Upon arrival at the location the exact same mysterious man would stand in front of them. Though his suit would have changed this time it seemed darker in color and more worn than the previous one, was this really the same person?

???: Standing at the opposite side of the room from the masked figure the person would begin to feel uneasy, a sense of fear began to run through them as the hair on their arms began to stand up “Hello again sir… I have gained more information. Some that might be important”. Reaching into his pocket they pulled out a flashdrive one that was filled with previous information but also the new information they had gained in their free time. Showing it to the masked figure they spoke “This is a flash drive with the old and new information that I have gained. It involved some images of specific people… Those of importance to the gang.”

Otakemaru: Rather intrigued the male walked over to them before snatching the information out of their hands “Well done! You have shown that your skills are on the level of a professional.” He would then shove the flash drive into his bag before stepping back away from them chuckling at them “If given the chance to become something more within the crime world would you take that opportunity” an intrigued look spread across his face though it could not be seen by the other person in the room due to his mask.

???: “I would- I want to become someone important.” the person did not hesitate at all when thinking about this clearly wanting to become someone more within the crime world. His hands shivered for a moment waiting for an offer though all that would flood through his mind was what. He stood fearless for the first time in front of the person waiting for their reply.

Otakemaru: “Good answer.” was the only words that escaped his mouth as a grin appeared on his face before letting out a cough at them “Trust is something that needs to be built right… Now let's say it got broken potentially leading you to life in prison and you were only given two choices.” Stopped for a moment letting them take in all the information. A quiet chuckle escaped his mouth before they began to speak once again. “One you let them run free and you get arrested or option two you kill them and silence them forever.” The male stood waiting for an answer to oh such an easy question or atleast in his eyes it was easy.

???: The person thought for a moment this question could be difficult to answer depending on the person though that was never specified. He opened his mouth for a moment though he gave no answer only a sound came out “I-”. Taking a deep breath the person would almost instantly respond with “I would take their life. Even if it is someone close to me- they clearly do not care if I'm gone out of their life.” A cold expression slowly swept across their face it was clear their response was something that they would do if ever needed to.

Otakemaru: A chuckle escaped the male’s mouth seemingly happy by the reply of the person in front of him “Good response. Hesitation won't get you anywhere in this world, it will only cause regret.” The man shoved his hands into his pockets thinking for a moment this person already had shown their worth to him. They are somewhat of an asset to him now “How do you feel about working under me as an associate of the black market?”

???:Their jaw dropped being noticed by the black market is something they did not expect was it a dream? Just to check they pinched themselves staring before picking up his jaw “I want to work under you! I want to become something more. Loyalty is something I will offer along with the protection you will need.” He took a few deep breaths regaining himself before speaking one final word “Yes I will be your associate.”

Otakemaru: Nodding his head, the male reached into his pocket taking out a piece of scrap paper with his contact number on it. “This is my contact number, I already have yours so no need to tell me it.” After speaking those words the male turned around walking away from the location, a grin creeping across his face.

End of the interaction.

Obviously this event could do differently depending on replies to the character though I mainly did it if the correct answers were chosen. The only thing that would not be the same is maybe things like locations and what he asked them to do.

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer:


Level 270
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead

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