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Accepted Pallettes - Psychiatrist Application!


Level 7

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
I would describe my activity on the server as quite frequent; I log on almost every day of the week. It’s rare for me to miss even 1 day, and when I’m online, I usually stay on for around 2-4 hours. Overall, I would rate my activity a 9 out of 10.

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
My roleplay experience reaches as far back as May 2021. I have been a returning player for almost 3 years now, and I have dabbled in a number of different roleplay types. I’ve been a dedicated member of the sports faction since Summer 2022, having been on Bobcat swim & cheer, and I am now a member of the Spartan cheer team. My extensive experience in JockRP has benefited me in more than one way; it has taught me about working as a team to reach a common goal, and it has also helped me to improve my social skills as both a player and a person in general. It has also trained me to deal with certain situations on the spot and how to conduct myself properly to diffuse any sort of issue. It constantly pushes me out of my comfort zone and encourages me to put myself out there. I also participated in GangRP nearly a year ago, but have since decided to quit.

What is your motivation for applying?
My motivation for applying for the hospital faction on SRP is mainly my interest in finding new roleplay experiences. As I mentioned above, I have found most of my fulfillment in JockRP, but I have since begun to explore other roleplay opportunities. I have visited the hospital numerous times as a patient, which includes both surgeries and therapy appointments, and now I want to experience things on the other end of the spectacle. I have always been curious about roleplay outside of the school environment, and I’m ready to push myself out of my comfort zone and gain new experiences and knowledge. Working in the hospital faction on SRP will benefit me, as it will give me an insight on the inner workings of Karakura’s healthcare system, and it will help to improve my skills as a team player and co-worker.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist):


What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?
I have basic knowledge of hospital work, such as the emergency color codes; red being a fire hazard, blue being an issue regarding patient health, and white being an unstable patient who has become a danger to themselves and everyone around them. As far as my other knowledge, I have a basic understanding of each essential position in the field of medical work.

Higher Ups


The director is the head of all activities within the hospital, or better yet, the highest ranking official. The director oversees everything that goes on within the confines, whether it be a medical or non-medical concern. They are the ones who keep everything orderly and running smoothly. The director is also in charge of the employees; hiring, firing, training, promotions, and much more.

Clinical Lead
Within each department, there is a clinical lead, meaning that they are the ones in charge of their given department, while also having work of their own to tend to. They are dedicated individuals who are in charge of training their fellow workers to improve their skills and efficiency in the workplace. They oversee all workers and activity in their department to make absolutely sure that nothing is awry and that everything is running properly.

Head of Department
Just below the clinical lead, the head of the department is here to take over if one of the higher ups is unable to attend or give assistance. In this instance, the head of the department would temporarily take on the responsibilities of a higher up and tend to the workers and patients in their absence.

General Departments


Doctors are responsible for the less serious situations, such as routine check-ups, small injuries, and illnesses. Anything more severe than that would be within the responsibilities of a surgeon.

Surgeons are responsible for the more severe casualties, such as broken bones, severed limbs, and other issues that may require surgery or body modification. They are also able to prescribe medicine to treat pain or other medical conditions a patient might experience.

Psychiatrists are responsible for looking out for the well-being of any patients that may be seeking emotional support or guidance. They provide therapy sessions, assess and diagnose mental and behavioral disorders, and prescribe medication to help with any sort of disorder. They are also responsible for scheduling therapy appointments by patient request. Aside from the psychotherapy aspect of it, the psychiatrists are also responsible for noticing specific patterns and behaviors in patients in order to provide answers and adequate solutions to the patient’s problems.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?
Yes, I acknowledge this.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
Yes, I agree.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I acknowledge this.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I acknowledge that I am not to take IC situations to OOC.

In-Character (IC) Section


Character’s Full Name:

Nora Hanamoku

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female, She/Her

Character’s Age (if accepted):

Character’s Academic Background:
PhD in Clinical Psychology

Character’s Nationality:
Navajo (Native American)

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:

Character’s Spoken Languages:
Japanese, JSL

Backstory (100+ Words)

Early Life
Nora was born an only-child on December 6th, 1979 in a small town in rural Oklahoma. Her parents were both hearing individuals, but her grandmother was fully deaf since birth. Nora grew up living with both her parents and her grandmother, as she had reached an advanced age and needed help with everyday life, to which Nora had no problem giving assistance wherever needed. Nora’s grandma was born and raised in Japan, despite being ethnically Native American, hence why she learned Japanese Sign Language instead of American Sign Language. At an early age, Nora’s parents began teaching her how to communicate with Japanese Sign Language so she could communicate with her deaf grandmother. Being so young, Nora picked it up almost immediately, and quickly became good at the language. She loved showing her grandma all the new signs she learned, as it always made her happy to see that her grandma understood what she was saying. This motivated her to keep going with JSL, and eventually, Nora became fluent in the language. Communicating with her grandma slowly became easier for her, and she could eventually help out more with caring for her. Nora’s mom stayed at home and cared for her grandmother while her dad worked at a local law firm. Nora also attended school regularly, as does any typical child. But as soon as she arrives home from school in the afternoon, she helps her mother with household chores and tasks. This was routine until Nora’s early high school years when her grandmother unfortunately passed away due to natural causes. Work around home became lighter, and it gave her more time to focus on school. She also earned herself a part time job at her father’s law firm sorting papers and keeping everything organized. Nora continued with JSL and sometimes served at her school as an interpreter for big events, speeches, pep rallies, and other conferences and activities. Aside from JSL, her other passion in school was mental health. As someone with a busy personal life, she understood the pressure of juggling school, a job, and a family life. Nora took AP Psychology and AP Biology her final 2 years of high school and managed to score the highest score on both exams, a 5. She prospered in high school and graduated in the top 20% of her class.

College Years
Following through with her high school passion, she ultimately decided to major in clinical psychology. The transition from high school into college was rough, seeing as she went from a small-town school into a big, well-known college. She moved into her dorm at the University of Oklahoma, and almost immediately wished she’d chosen something different. She began missing her home, her mom, her dad, and all her friends. Her first few nights were spent awake in bed as her roommate loudly snored across the room from her. This was supposed to be it? She thought to herself. Why didn't she just go to her local community college? Or somewhere closer to home? Was this all a big mistake? Questions brewed in her mind, keeping her awake for hours on end. Eventually, Nora decided she needed something to distract herself with, something that could take her mind off her woes. So she decided to do something she hadn’t done since high school: study a foreign language. She’d studied Spanish in high school, but had no genuine interest in the language and quit after 2 years of classes, so she decided she’d learn something different. She began learning Japanese. She’d always been intrigued by Japanese culture, so why not learn the language, just as a hobby? Little did she know. Naturally, as a workaholic, she treated this as an opportunity to give herself more work to take her mind off her other work. Although it didn’t feel like work to her, since she found it so enjoyable. So every day when she came back to her dorm after classes, she got right to work reading, studying, and practicing her Japanese. After she finished her homework for the day, of course.

As the year went on, Nora found herself talking more and more to this one particular friend. They’d met in the library one afternoon, and Nora, feeling confident, decided to start a little bit of smalltalk between them. The two clicked instantly, and regularly met in the library to study together. Eventually, during their senior year of high school, Nora would end up marrying him, and the two would have their first baby together shortly after she graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychotherapy. They named their first daughter Thalia, and would eventually find out that she was born deaf. Nora, already fluent in Japanese Sign Language, immediately began teaching her husband and little Thalia how to communicate in Sign. She took a break from school to focus on being a mom for a year, then began attending an online university to earn her Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology. Since she did school from home, juggling being a mom and a student became immensely easy for her. Thalia was learning JSL with no problem, and so was Nora’s husband. Everything was perfect… until Nora received some shocking news: she had become pregnant again, this time with a set of twin boys. Now, being a mom, a student, and expecting, school became a little bit harder for her. But she persevered, earned her Master’s, and eventually had her twins. She gave them the names Hassun and Nikita, and they were both hearing. She still decided to teach them JSL so they could communicate with Thalia, however.

Additional Schooling
After earning her master’s, she and her husband decided to move the family across the globe. They moved to Kyoto, Japan, where Nora would go back to college for her final years of school, to earn her PhD in Clinical Psychology. She and her husband already spoke fluent Japanese, but the children on the other hand, could only sign. So they immediately put them into classes at school to improve their skills. Soon enough, Nora would have her fourth and final child, a daughter named Robin. She’d soon finally graduate with her PhD in Clinical Psychology, and after moving around multiple psychiatric firms in the Kyoto and Tokyo areas, Nora and the Hanamoku family decided to move to Karakura, where both Nora and her husband could find stable jobs, as well as a good education for all four of the Hanamoku children.


What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

Nora’s medical speciality is psychiatry. As someone who grew up working a busy life, she understood the mental and emotional toll of juggling school, family, and a part time job, which is something a lot of Karakura’s population can relate to. She chose this focus to help those who struggled the way she did when she was younger. Nora didn’t have any means of relief or outside support growing up, other than herself. So she decided to take it upon herself to be someone that people could confide in, receive help and support from, and gain answers to their problems.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
After finishing medical school, Nora decided to go into child psychology, researching and diagnosing mental disorders in children. She worked as a psychiatrist resident in a local psychiatry office in her newfound home in a small town on the outskirts of Tokyo. She worked there for 2 years before transferring to a different psychiatry nearby, one that granted her higher pay.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Yes, after completing her residency in Kyoto, she earned herself a position as an attending psychiatrist at a local psychiatry firm.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
Yes, after earning her Master’s, she went back to school to earn her PhD.


Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Nora Hanamoku is a middle-aged woman who stands at the height of 5’10”. Her facial features show signs of early aging, though the smile lines impressioned in her cheeks display a fulfilled, joyful woman. Her thick black hair is almost always tied back into a slick bun, and her bangs are always pinned out of her face. Even off duty, she always looked professional, ready for anything. Being a mother of a deaf child, she instinctively signs everything she says out loud. It’s always been a habit of hers, even if the people she’s talking to are fully hearing. Her voice is quiet and soothing, sometimes hard to hear at times. Though, she speaks slowly, and the deep, calming timbre of her voice could easily fill a dull space. Nora’s stance is dignified, standing upright with perfect posture. Again, professionalism is everything to her. Though some might be intimidated by her stature, her gentle mannerisms exemplify her kind intentions.


How does your character act on and off duty?
On duty, Nora is serious, ready for anything to happen. She awaits each patient with curiosity, and approaches them apologetically. Her biggest desire is for her patients to be comfortable around her, and she executes this by treating them with the utmost respect and kindness. During therapy sessions, she practices active listening and gives the patient plenty of space and time to say everything they need to say. As would any psychiatrist, she mentally scans their behavior, seeking any sort of pattern or recurring action or phrase commonly used. Her systematic way of thinking helps her in thinking of a possible diagnosis for each patient, even if a diagnosis is not what the patient wants. Like mentioned before, she always seems ready for anything. She quietly and discreetly takes notes as they speak in her best attempt to not make them uncomfortable. Nora always tries her best to make everyone’s emotions valid, whether it be providing some extra reassurance, or just a simple hug. She always keeps her knowledge brushed up, at the tips of her fingers.

Off duty, Nora is commonly found with her family. The moment she clocks out after a long shift, she becomes Mom again. She runs home to her sons and daughters, and of course her loving husband. She hugs and kisses them all, asks them about their days, the whole spiel. Tired from a long day at work, she cooks herself a light meal, probably instant ramen or microwave mac n cheese or something else quick and easy. When she’s not home with her family, she can often be seen strolling the streets of karakura by herself or with her youngest daughter, Robin… or, Robbie for short. She frequents the shopping district. Being a psychiatrist is a busy job, she’s gotta treat herself every once in a while. As a woman with style, she loves buying herself designer shoes, handbags, and even sunglasses. When off duty, she often dresses herself up in her signature professional style, but just a little bit more… extra. Nora enjoys styling her iconic slick-back bun with bedazzled hair clips and fun scrunchies, or sometimes wild flowers that her oldest daughter, Thalia, brings home for her.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Nora is perfectly capable of completing tasks on her own, but she’s never one to turn down assistance, or even company from another. She enjoys peace and quiet, organizing files and completing paperwork. Time by herself is valuable to her, as she utilizes this time to mentally recharge after a long day of working with clients and her co-workers. She adores them, her co-workers, but she has a tendency to mentally check out when the day is done. Her personality is quite introverted, as one might be able to gather, but this doesn’t stop her from doing her job properly. Overall, she functions better on her own than with others.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Nora’s plans for the future are short and sweet. In relation to her work, she hopes to continue working as a psychiatrist for as long as she possibly can. Earning a high rank is on her list of goals, though it’s not the most important thing in the world to her. All she really wants to do is help people and make Karakura Hospital a welcoming place to anyone seeking emotional or mental guidance. In terms of Nora’s personal life, all she wants is for her children to be happy. They are her world, her everything, and seeing them happy is worth every second of every day for her.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
In the view of others, Nora is a woman dedicated to her craft. She never misses a day of work, and the way she presents herself indicates to others that she is extremely proper, and capable of professionalism at any given moment. To some, her immense need to conduct herself professionally may seem intimidating, but those who know her are well aware of her soft, caring interior. Nora, however, underestimates herself. She simply sees herself as a normal woman with a normal life, doing her best to serve her community. Though at times, she feels that she’s too harsh (even though she’s the complete opposite) when telling the truth, or giving her patients news. She tries her best to word it nicely, though she still feels deep down that she was too firm. Others know well that her intentions are good, and that on the inside is a soft hearted, sweet lady.​
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Level 236
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, we hope you are excited to hear that you have been accepted!

- In order to proceed, you will need to join the Karakura Emergency discord (CLICK HERE) to receive your roles.
- You will also need to be online in order to receive an introduction and the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as a Hospital Worker.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 4lx. - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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