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pash too | Don't take roles upon temporary bans or

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Level 183

September 21, 2022

Do not take roles or properties off people when they get temp banned unless their case is extreme or big


Just imagine the hard work some people put in and the reputation to finally achieve a role such as team captain or big stuff like shopkeeper

Then, this very hard-working deep into the community and actually cares about it suddenly gets temp banned for a reason they didn't intend or expect such as failure to report a friend.. They're a human, they couldn't beat their heart to stab their friend that trusted them!!

They get reallyyyy sad because they cared about the community and just because they had a heart not to report a friend they apparently lost all their roles.. Not even a motive to apply again, your status on the server goes deeply downhill, not even your tower (I think), for a small case of not reporting a rule-break.

But rather, they could just be temp banned and given a chance to apply like a week or so to keep their roles.. How is that for smart x-x


Level 99
Community Team
Lore Team

Getting banned isn't something that should be taken lightly. In my total opinion, if you got banned then that's your fault even if it was for failure to report a friend. In most cases, people get banned for having 4 warnings. If someone was able to get 4 warnings to get banned in the first place, then they shouldn't be allowed to have the role because clearly, they do not care.

And for reporting friends, as Yonio stated before, it's usually people who were banned without a chance of appeal. With that being said, they should be removed from the community as a whole in those scenarios. If they were really a true friend, why would they go as far as never talking to you again over a Minecraft roleplay server? If they ended up blocking someone for it, they weren't really true friends. It's a server on Minecraft where people roleplay as cops, teachers, gangs, etc.

I do not think there is another situation that could be brought up that would result in a player getting banned without them being able to rethink their choices. It's either they get 4 warnings, do something completely inappropriate like ERP, or assist a bypasser.


Level 135
Some bans actually don’t require removing faction roles believe it or not. I’ve seen people get banned and actually be able to keep their role (this also happens within the community team).

That said, it is up to the faction lead to remove the player that commit the offense to get banned. The type of ban determines whether or not the faction lead wants that player representing their faction. I.e, a player could get banned for OOC toxicity minor offense (say 7-14 days duration) and still be allowed to participate in the faction upon them being unbanned, whereas a player who gets banned for a major offense of toxicity would be removed. It all depends on what the faction lead wants to do and the type of offense committed.


Level 130

This is all up to the faction lead, whether the roles should be removed or not. If they deem it necessary then it's their choice to do so.

However, it's also up to the individual to follow rules. Again, if you feel like a situation was mishandled though, feel free to make a report to staff regarding it.


Level 271
I'll go with that -1 / +1
I understand both of the sides, and it did happen for me when I was a school employee(which I got banned at the same itme and I asked to remove me and re-applied after I got unbanned); it fr depends o nthe case I assume, I can't to really say anything. . .I do believe in that people makes mistakes and it is fine to give a second chance, but it is fr depends on the faction and of course- the ban


Level 231
massive +1

Judging people by their mistakes is never a good metric.

Unless your ban is absolutely putrid and awful then I think you shouldn't need to be removed from your faction. It's also important to consider that people like shopkeepers should be examples or role models for the rest of the server... If you are finding yourself being banned in such high positions then how good does that mean you are at representing the server. It shouldn't be forced, but it should definitely be optional for the faction lead to DECIDE to remove you.
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Level 87
Isn’t that up to the faction? I don’t remember if I still had my role although I was banned before appealing a few days later.


Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
This shouldn't need addressing, however This is ALREADY optional, there is nowhere in the rules that state that as a faction lead you must remove any players after they have received punishment, it is entirely down to us to make the decision based on how however we feel appropriate. Properties aren't removed from players when temporarily banned, they still must wait the 30 days for inactivity as normal.


Level 36

Already really up to the faction lead. Bans that are 24hrs 100% shouldn’t be removed from faction however bans longer than 7 days or more should be 100% removed.
As said it’s up to the faction lead as they do own/control that faction.


Level 47
I think everyone needs a chance to correct their mistakes and get banned for a short time (7 or 14 days or less?) without being removed from the faction.
I've never been banned, but I tend to give a person a chance to correct.

Here are my other thoughts on the ban rules:
I wish it could be removed: Permanent ban no appeal.
Because this ruling is equivalent to a death sentence for a player.
administrator can set an appeal time for material breach of rules (one year later? Two years later?), I believe everyone can change!

Wrath ⛥

Level 99
+1 got banned for something i didn’t do a while back and it’s still on my record. always keep in mind the possibility of the person literally being innocent, too, guys. and if they aren’t than they most likely learned their mistake if they were active enough to have a role like that regardless. (unless the evidence is pretty damning, but still)
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Level 13
+1 you should keep the properties and roles. it aint easy to get them and its kinda lame that you can lose it all just by doing something small


Level 135
I’d like to reiterate what NoZinth said. This is all already a thing. You would only lose a property/apartment if it expires during your ban, or you have been offline for 30+ days. It is the faction lead’s choice to remove you as well. More often than not (and it’s quite unspoken of among the community), people will still retain roles after bans. It’s not something that just doesn’t happen, hence the uselessness of the suggestion. In the end it all comes down to how the faction lead would like to proceed.

Note this as well. The faction you choose to apply for is a privilege, not a right. You were the one that decided to break the rules and get banned, and it’s understandable for staff to remove you if they don’t want rulebreakers on their faction list.


Level 231
I think everyone needs a chance to correct their mistakes and get banned for a short time (7 or 14 days or less?) without being removed from the faction.
I've never been banned, but I tend to give a person a chance to correct.

Here are my other thoughts on the ban rules:
I wish it could be removed: Permanent ban no appeal.
Because this ruling is equivalent to a death sentence for a player.
administrator can set an appeal time for material breach of rules (one year later? Two years later?), I believe everyone can change!
Thing is about this -- unappealable perm bans are only ever given out rarely when they seem necessary. There are for examples a lot of threats to minor safety (bad, bad players) that SRP gives unappealable bans on. They get banned for good to protect the larger community. Same with any other unappealable ban. It takes A LOT to get yourself into the realms of unappealability.


Level 183
Thread starter
First of all,
And for reporting friends, as Yonio stated before, it's usually people who were banned without a chance of appeal. With that being said, they should be removed from the community as a whole in those scenarios. If they were really a true friend, why would they go as far as never talking to you again over a Minecraft roleplay server? If they ended up blocking someone for it, they weren't really true friends. It's a server on Minecraft where people roleplay as cops, teachers, gangs, etc.
You can recheck the suggestion to see the argument I replied with.. I will not repeat myself on this stupid topic, Yonio doesn't know what a true friend is in his case.. Pendejo

it is up to the faction lead to remove the player that commit the offense to get banned
Isn’t that up to the faction?
it is entirely down to us to make the decision based on how however we feel appropriate
Already really up to the faction lead

Alright, then, here's my opinion
Atleast enforce some way that makes it less possible for staff to remove people with minor incidents or not huge involvement or something because,

Although you own a faction, doesn't mean you should be able to play around with it.. I do think it is bad leading if you remove someone quite hard-working for a small case of ban.. Because a person hard-working puts in a lot of care and effort, just for a small thing they didn't expect or want, to hit them..

For an example, kii, the Swim-Team captain that recently got banned and I'm making this thread for. She apparently got banned for not reporting a situation that she didn't even want to involve in.. Though, it was her friend, and kii is too sweet that I can easily know she feels very bad about reporting her friends because it'd break their trust which will lead to no friendship as well

She also puts lots of effort for SRP and her team generally, lots of work and effort trying to keep the lead's head up and she gets stressed over anything bad that happens.. Just for her to end up, carelessly and inconsiderably banned for NOT REPORTING HER FRIEND which wasn't in her control because she felt bad x-x which, yes, could be a wrong from you, but you are a human and you do mistakes and have emotions just like @Toto said except, they aren't considerate of your humanity


Level 183
Thread starter

This is all up to the faction lead, whether the roles should be removed or not. If they deem it necessary then it's their choice to do so.

However, it's also up to the individual to follow rules. Again, if you feel like a situation was mishandled though, feel free to make a report to staff regarding it.

The individual picks being a human over your rules.. And I can't report the damn staff because the person did break a rule but couldn't damn control it so the higherups will fucking side the staff because hey, a rule was broken, although they're a human and their case is smallll.......... I bet the staff team fails the captcha to prove you're a human at least once every time it comes up


People need to be held responsible for their actions, your mistakes are on you.
What you said doesn't make sense at all, likewise, could you elaborate

+1 got banned for something i didn’t do a while back and it’s still on my record. always keep in mind the possibility of the person literally being innocent, too, guys. and if they aren’t than they most likely learned their mistake if they were active enough to have a role like that regardless. (unless the evidence is pretty damning, but still)
Yes, the effort, the care they put in their job and SRP generally.. SRP becomes part of some people's life, effort, work, just to be unfairly banned or for a small case.. But that's not the issue, they would apply it, they just lost their roles as a captain or shopkeeper where they got lots of models or stressed over their team and it feels so downhill


Level 120
Whenever applying for something, the first question you are asked after your usernames and activity is your punishment history, especially bans. This question is asked to determine whether or not you are able to be part of the faction you are applying for. Time relativity is vital when it comes to these punishments.

Most players on SchoolRP have the Highschool role (Grade-8 to Grade-12). Seeing someone with another role, for example, a team role, means they are a more experienced player. This means they understand the rules and are mature enough not to break them. Hospital workers, school faculty, government officials, etc. are considered experienced players since they worked hard enough to go through long applications. experienced roleplay, and professional training. This adds more to them being understanding of the rules.

Certain roles such as team captains and hospital clinical leads mean they have been there long enough, meaning they are experienced hence why they can't break the rules. Specifically, captains and clinical leads, are leaders, captains, and individuals for people to look up to. If they are banned, it means they are not fit enough for a role such as a leader or a captain. Personally, I wouldn't like my leader to be a rule-breaking individual.


Level 183
Thread starter
Certain roles such as team captains and hospital clinical leads mean they have been there long enough, meaning they are experienced hence why they can't break the rules. Specifically, captains and clinical leads, are leaders, captains, and individuals for people to look up to. If they are banned, it means they are not fit enough for a role such as a leader or a captain. Personally, I wouldn't like my leader to be a rule-breaking individual

So you're saying because you're a leader you can't do anything wrong at all? I know bans are usually something big but, I mean, failure to report your friend.. Because you felt bad... And you didn't even want to involve at all... Meh, sounds like u just didn't read anything above at all. kii was respectful, sweet, caring, and always stayed away from harm and she just couldn't report her friend because she felt bad and she didn't involve at all

Just because of that, she is quite unexperienced and doesn't deserve her role that she works and stresses her self a lot on? Yonio had better arguments lol
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