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Police Application


Level 2
IGN (In Game Name):LxrdNagato

Previous bans:I was banned one time for void rp when i was new

Describe your activity on the server:I play alot like 10 hours a day or 7

Do you have Discord? Yes l✘rdnagat❖#4827

Do you have a microphone? Yes not a good one

List your current and past applications: I didnt apply for any thing

What is your motivation for applying?:I like helping and ill love to help and i like this job i

really want to be a cop

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? The basic ones yes

What are the Police ranks?
-head lieutenant
-vice head lieutenant
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.I mean im no cop irl but i know basic staff like when to use power and when not
Why are Police important to SchoolRP? So people wont just break the rules of the city and got of with it
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?Yes

Tell us about your character:
He likes to be nice and help but he is alone most of the time he knows how to fight and win without hurting them He is nice not aggressive
how he look she has half blonde hair half blue a scar under is green eyes

what makes him unique?: he is good at doing staff like runing and he is strong he is very calm

What he's like on the and off the job?: Calm and nice

Outlook on his co-workers? he looks at his co workers as partners and friends

Plans for the future? To have a famliy and get to the head lieutenant rank and work as a cop till he gets old

BACKSTORY SECTION 1: Personal Details Full Name: Nagato Kaku

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr

Given Name(s): Nagato

Preferred Name:Nagato


Gender: Male

Religious Denomination:None

Marital Status: Has a girl friend


Current Location:Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2:Academic Details

Years of training: 3

Working Experience:4 years as a security guard.

Academic Degree:He'd have a masters in both criminal justice and criminology

Year of Graduation: 2012



Native Languages:English Other Languages:None
Last edited:


Level 135

- Substandard application, however, the effort to structure and organize your application is acknowledged.

- You may re-apply in 30 days.

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