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Denied Poloroidss | Shop Application


Level 102

Player Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
My general activity or player behavior mostly consists of trying to find other ways to make roleplay unique and unlock more roleplay abilities and potential the server has by creating ideas that would hopefully expand it

My schedule right now is
6am - 9am.
School for 7 hours or so.
5pm - 9pm

11am - 11pm

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes I do and as a fairly active player I don't see that happening.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
Poloroidss - Adult
PolarLoLs - College
AnotherPolar - Grade-12

Shop Information

What shop are you applying for?:


Seonbag | 선박
Arts and Crafts

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
As a highschool student past roles I've had on the server have really helped me improve my English literature skills in real life, when I was a Reporter it helped me understand the role and topic more and allowed me to improve on it during lessons and as a result of that I was able to come out top of my class in English language. I'm currently studying POB (Principals of Business) and doing research on the subject to help me improve on it like I did with Reporter. This role will help me expand my knowledge on how to truly 'get a hang' of the topic and flow with it more easily while also using what I already learned to help me run with the role smoother at the same time, To go with studying POB. I'm also studying economics and will use that knowledge to see how far it gets me as a shopkeeper, experimenting if you can use economic strategies from the real world in game. I've had a desire for this role ever since I joined the server and thought I would build up an experience that makes me suitable for the role, applying for other positions, roleplay experiences and more have helped me develop the knowledge and confidence i need to make a suitable application for one of the more depended on roles of the server.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
The type of store I'm applying for are ones that I see around my town alot and are very crucial to the students and schools around the area providing tools and equipment needed for certain assignments etc. An art and crafts store is one that sells products from Sketch books to actual painting equipment and other unique items, after observing the stores around my area for a few months I've decided that this is the type of store I'd like to go for as it's never been seen on the server before, at least in my eyes. The fact that there are items on the server that go unused that have big potential is another reason for me to apply for his type of store, with the new painting plugin even more potential is there for this type of store to thrive.

Tailors have always taken the spotlight when it comes to in character companies, which is why I'm going to introduce the commission of artists in game and in character, players will be able to commission an artist on rare occasions during a store opening and will have it delivered once it's finish, the process of this will be fully in character.

What will you sell in your shop?:
These are the current items on the server that are available for me to sell:

Pencils and Pens
Spray cans
Sketch books
Drawing tablets (if allowed)

These are the custom items I plan to sell in the store:
Paint Pallete

Paint bucket(s)

Large rulers

Paper Glue

Glue guns

Different paintbrushes

Acrylic paint bottles

Paintball Guns


How many employees do you plan to have?:
3 Manager - These employees will be in charge of applications and supervising employees whenever I'm not available

10 Cashiers - These are the employees in charge of serving the customers and giving them their items, 3 - 4 of them will he on duty each shift

5 Artists - These employees are in charge of opening their commissions for players to order their own custom art whenever the store opens, system is explained above.

What will your shop look like?
The shop itself will hold a unique paint splash interior to it with different colors on the floors and walls, shelf's and sections for different types of products will be setup to follow the style of a convenience store, the outside have a board for players to mark, paint and draw on when the store is open.

What events do you plan to host with your shop?:

Art Competition
This is a less creative idea but will be an iconic one to the stores' nature, annually the store will host an art competition to represent and expose some of the great artists in the community. Like the Roleplay Hub artists event it would be announced in character and through the discord that there is a deadline and theme for the competition, users are able to send in their submission then the winners would be announced through an In-character setting

1st Place - ¥1,000,000
2nd Place - ¥500,000
3rd Place - ¥300,000

Themes would be different depending on the time and season it's hosted, judges would be hand picked by me from the community to prevent unfair judgement and bias towards anyone entering in the competition.

Paintball Tournament
Using the custom paintball guns listed I'll be able to host a paintball Tournament in a similar fashion to the watergun fight hosted a few months ago. 2 Large teams will be made with different colors, red, blue, green and yellow will be the teams and players will be divided evenly between each team, they will be equipped with different colored paint guns they can keep, further system planning will be made with this type of event in the future, Prizes are dependent on elimination points

Team with the most eliminations get 1st and ¥900,000 split between each other

Team with the 2nd highest eliminations receive ¥500,000 to split between each other

Team with the 3rd highest eliminations receive ¥300,000 to split between each other

An entity fee will be required to enter so profit can be made from each event.


Additional notes about your application:
I'm not able to attach anymore images due to reaching the limit but j wanted to add an Interior and Exterior that I wanted for the store and couldn't add anymore custom items I wanted to place in the application.
Due to some hardware issues I won't be able to log onto the server this server until Saturday or Friday which is why I've been offline for a whole week.

Do you have any questions?: Some clarification on it shopkeepers can be involved with CrimeRp and the limit on what they can do is needed so I can figure out what to do if accepted


  • Valken-Gotcha-Tactical-.50-caliber-paintball-marker-red-1.jpg
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Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for taking the time to apply for Shopkeeper

- Side note: In my opinion it wouldn't make sense for a general arts & crafts store to sell paint ball guns​

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