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[PrisonRP] Comeback?


Level 5
IGN: MiyagiOnTop
DATE: 15/05/2020
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I would like to say, PrisonRP made a lot of fond memories, waking up at 6-7am just to grind in the mines or logging was a spectacular time. It is a good idea and don't know why it was removed. Some things were pricey (Looking at the baseball bat) but it was a good game mode and i'm sure others could agree too. It made GangRP and a lot of other rules much clearer and better to understand for me.


Level 24
yeah but we can probably make it in Roleplay Creator and maybe there you can bring it back if you get early tester to the roleplay creation servers


Level 90
PrisonRP was fun, and I enjoyed playing it, it just got so repetitive. It’s not exactly the funnest thing to be mining all day. . + when you would stop to type a message guards would start yelling and hitting you.
After like a week had passed there was almost nobody on prisonrp anymore, and the people that were were all prisoners. . People had lost interest in prisonrp so there was no real reason to keep it up when they had other ideas for what to do.
+ there’s always what Yakubi said, how it can always be made on RPM


Level 13
It was fun but the server went from up to down at player-activity, if it ever comes back, not sure, but if you wish to give it a try in RPM, go-ahead I guess.


Level 183

Thanks for the feedback however we've chosen to deny this.

Just create this on RPM when it releases.

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