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Private Interview #1 | Head of Tachitsu Interview.


Level 112
The atmosphere in the room crackled with anticipation as the interviewer, Hakaru Fuji and Masuyo Tachitsu exchanged a firm handshake. With a subtle nod, they took their seats, ready to delve into the heart of the matter.
The room hung in suspense, filled with silence, until the interviewer broke it with a deliberate throat-clearing, his voice cutting through the air like a razor-sharp blade.
Hakaru Fuji
"Let's talk about your brother's empire, the Kishi Division. What can you tell us about it? And how has life changed since its demise?"

Masuyo's demeanor remained composed, his gaze fixed on the interviewer as he spoke, his words carrying an air of intrigue and gravitas.

Masuyo Tachitsu
"The Kishi Division was no ordinary organization. It sprawled across Karakura, its influence reaching far and wide, making headlines and leaving an indelible mark on Japan. While I distanced myself from its operations, I couldn't escape the impact it had on my life... When news of its disbandment arrived, shock coursed through me. Metagarou, my older brother, sent me a personal letter, revealing his intentions to bring it all to an end, having achieved what he sought before his demise. His passing left me upset... He was not only my brother but also the catalyst behind my rise to success. He was dear family to me. Though, after the dust settled, it fell upon me to clean up the aftermath of his deeds, as much as I could, at least. I visited the families of fallen police officers, offering my sincerest apologies. To the civilian victims, I sought solace in the same manner, going the extra mile to compensate for the damages inflicted by my brother."

The interviewer nodded approvingly, his eyes dancing across the paper as he jotted down the key points, preparing to steer the conversation to the next captivating topic.
Hakaru Fuji
"Now, let's turn our attention to the recently outlawed Fight Club. What are your thoughts on its current state?"

A gentle smile crept across Masuyo's face, transforming his countenance into one of endearing intrigue. He inhaled deeply, savoring the anticipation before delving into his response.

Masuyo Tachitsu
"The Fight Club was like a cherished child to me. I inherited it from the Herringtons, refining and transforming it into one of my earliest triumphs. I instituted regulations, rules, and safety measures, even engaging in discussions with Mike Akihito to ensure its legality and proper taxation. Under my leadership, the club flourished, basking in a golden era of prosperity. However, since my retirement, it has declined... However, I harbor plans to birth a new establishment, one that is much better than just mere combat. Instead, it will be an oasis of entertainment, a haven for the public to revel in."

The interviewer's lips pursed in silent admiration before effortlessly transitioning to the final question, assuring Masuyo of a swift conclusion.

Hakaru Fuji
"Now, for my final inquiry, one that shan't detain you much longer. What is your current ambition in Karakura?"

Masuyo's eyes drifted away from the interviewer, lost in contemplation for a fleeting instant. Yet, an undercurrent of determination lingered around him.

Masuyo Tachitsu
"My ultimate aim is to rectify the chaos my brother wrought upon this land, breathing new life into Karakura. This island, my birthplace, and home, deserves nothing but progress, positive headlines, and a vigorous cleansing of the wreckage left by Metagarou. The Tachitsu family shall lead the charge, ushering in a new era of prosperity and restoration."

The interviewer gave an abrupt response to conclude his questionnaire.

Hakaru Fuji
“Wonderful. Thank you, Mr.Tachitsu. I appreciate your time.”

As the interview drew to a close, the interviewer stood from his chair, and walked over to the camera, shutting it off.

(Credits to @Undesires for making this possible.)

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