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Accepted Professor application | Fizzy_


Level 12


What is your Minecraft username?:

Fizzy_ (Applying with this account)

MidFizzy (Main)
Yenth (Alt)

Do you have any previous bans/warnings?:

No current warnings and no previous bans.

What is your time zone?:

What is your discord username and discriminator? (e.g. Tippie#6666):

Link all previous applications you made on the server:



Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I play on both my primary and secondary accounts for a few hours every day, making me a pretty active player on the server. Roleplaying and developing in-character friends are some of my activities on the server, and this leads to additional OOC friendships. I have a lot of fun making new acquaintances and getting to know new individuals.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I've only participated in roleplays in Minecraft. Prior to discovering SRP, where I now actively role play, I used to be active on other Minecraft roleplay servers. I have developed many solid relationships both on this server and through the roleplays. I used to gangRP as well, but I don't really gangrp as often these days. I'd like to switch to something new to improve my skills and find a more enjoyable character to RP as. I've been participating in SRP for over a year now, and throughout that time, I've learnt a lot about the server and about roleplaying.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
MidFizzy (Grade 12)
Fizzy_ (Grade 9)
Yenth (Expelled)

What is the subject you want to teach?:
Painting / art


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

OOC Motive
I have been RPing as a grade 12 for almost a year now, and I would like to try something new and different.

IC Motive
I'd like to become a professor so that I could try to improve the lives of young adults, and possibly ignite in them the same enthusiasm and interest in my field as I have. Modern Studies is a fantastic course to be able to further examine the current events and issues that can happen in such a fast paced environment.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
  1. I think the lesson I could host would be an art lesson. This would be fun because the best drawing would win a reward token.
  1. Another cool lesson I could host would be, an art bingo lesson, this would be fun and interactive for everyone and whoever wins would get a reward token.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
I think a cool field trip could be a trip to the forest and I think it would be cool to have a fishing contest, and whoever caught the biggest fish would win the class competition.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Ivy would take a couple of seconds to assess the situation, she would make sure they wasn't fighting and if they wasn't fighting she would walk up to them and ask them to move away from the bobcat jock and if they don't listen she probably

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
She would walk over to the student and she would tell them to be quiet and to carry on doing their task, if they didn't listen she would tell the student that if they didn't stop she would call SLT to have a chat with him.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and call out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Ivy would notice the music that was being played in her lesson, first of all she would identify the students who was playing the songs and she would walk over to them, she would tell them to stop playing the music, if it carried on she would give them 3 warnings before taking the phone and giving them detention, she would later return the phone after detention and tell them to not play music in her class again.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
First of all Ivy would assess the situation and she would quickly rush over to the group of students and she would try and break up the fight, but it wouldn't help, after not being able to not break up the fight, she would try and call for help on her radio while telling the students to stop fighting and even telling them that if they don't stop it could lead to detention and it could lead to an SLT visit. Ivy would continue to try and break up the fight. While she waited for staff to come help her. When the rest of the staff came they would eventually break up the fight and all the students would be given detention.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

My character, Ivy Mawji Drakos is a 5’7 Russian female. Ivy is very bright and she is also very caring towards everyone. She is also very good under pressure. She is a very positive view on everything, aswell as a great mindset. Ivy is from a poor family so she is very motivated to keep working and to keep her head up to make sure she never fails and she always succeeds in everything she does.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

On January 14th, 1996, Ivy Mawji Drakos was born in a small Russian town. Growing up, the girl shared her household with just one brother and one sister. Her mother was a beautiful person who took care of her, her brother, and her sister. She did a fantastic job raising the family, as she always did. She took care of the house, attended all of the children's school meetings, and worked full time to support her family. On the other hand, her father had a tendency to be overbearing. He frequently ignored the necessities of his family in favour of buying himself items with his wife's money. Ivy's mother would make sure her siblings looked after her once she was old enough to start school. She went to work after dropping the kids off at school and left her with just her siblings. Ivy was highly gregarious and quickly made many friends in her class. Ivy enjoyed her time at school since her brothers were good students who got along with everyone, even the professors. With the exception of her mother and father's ongoing disputes, which frequently took place behind closed doors, her life was as nice as it could be. She did this up to the age of 13. The parent's relationship had spiralled out of hand, and their fights had turned violent. As a result, her mother started seeking a new career. She intended to become a teacher in a nearby town in Karakura, Japan. She moved away from her husband to protect herself and her children from her husband, and now she will be divorcing. After a few months, her mother obtained a new position as a teacher in Japan, which paid nearly twice as much as her prior position. She had to relocate her kids so they could live in a more comfortable environment but in a place where they had no friends. She struggled with the choice and gave it to her kids. After seeing the assault, the kids made the decision to escape with their mother. It took them all exactly one month to covertly pack their belongings and depart. They could easily move out because the divorce was about to be finalised at the moment. The children had to acquire a completely new language and a new way of life until they finally arrived in Japan. They eventually adjusted, although Ivy did so more quickly. She started learning more about Japan in the month she had left before they moved. She and her family required a full two years to properly acclimatise to life in Japan, but Ivy picked up the language and culture the quickest and assisted her family in doing so. Ivy's outgoing nature helped her make a lot of friends at school even though she was still getting used to her new surroundings. The school's teacher, Miss Hikokki, was the one who assisted her. Miss Hikokki, a Russian-Japanese woman, was assigned the responsibility of teaching Ivy and her older daughter how to speak Japanese while interpreting for them in their lessons. She was the only person at the school who knew fluent Russian. She imparted more cultural knowledge on top of teaching her how to speak the language. Without her knowing it, she would encourage the girl to desire to be like her. The girl frequently returned home to his family and spent time teaching them what she had learnt after sharing tales about his day. Ivy attended the city's community college when she finally made it to college. There, she pursued her master's degrees in psychology, literature, and human sciences. There, she made friends naturally and did her best to better herself. After graduating, she spent some time with his family before returning to Karakura and seeking a professor position at KHS, just like her former teacher Miss Hikokki.


(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)

Fill in your answers on the lines ( _____________ )
To tick an 0 cross it or replace it with an X


Mrs Legal Name: Ivy Mawji Drakos
Birth Date: 14 / 01 / 1996
Preferred Name: Ivy
Phone Number: (030)-980-7624
Gender: 0 - Male
x - Female
0 - Other, namely _________

Religious Domination: Not Religious
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Russian
Current Location: Japan


Preferred teaching subject:

1st choice: Fitness
2nd choice: History
3rd choice: Biology

List other subjects you are qualified to teach:

List any activities you are willing to supervise; i.e., clubs, groups, drama, etc.:

I am willing to supervise any events, clubs and also drama lessons.

Place of study (School, University, College, etc)
Date From
Date To
Fulltime / Partime
Qualification with Grade, Class / Division
Subject Specialism(s)
Age Range
Full time
Highschool diploma
12 - 18
Full time
Bachelor's Degree
18 - 20
Karakura High
Highschool Diploma
12 - 18

4 - PROFESSIONAL CAREER - PRESENT SCHOOL (or another place of work, leave empty if not applicable)

Name of School: ___________________ School Type: _____________ Ages: ____________
Address of School: __________________
Date of Appointment: __ / __ / __
Post subjects taught and special responsibilities in the present post (where appropriate):
Reason for leaving:

5 - PREVIOUS TEACHING EXPERIENCE (leave empty if not applicable)

Post ( Name and type of school): ___________________
Date from: __ / __ / __ Date to: __ / __ / __
Ages Taught: ________
Fulltime or Partime : 0 - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving:

Post ( Name and type of school): ___________________
Date from: __ / __ / __ Date to: __ / __ / __
Ages Taught: ________
Fulltime or Partime : 0 - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving:

Post ( Name and type of school): ___________________
Date from: __ / __ / __ Date to: __ / __ / __
Ages Taught: ________
Fulltime or Partime : 0 - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving:

Post ( Name and type of school): ___________________
Date from: __ / __ / __ Date to: __ / __ / __
Ages Taught: ________
Fulltime or Partime : 0 - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving:

Post ( Name and type of school): ___________________
Date from: __ / __ / __ Date to: __ / __ / __
Ages Taught: ________
Fulltime or Partime : 0 - Fulltime
0 - Partime
Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
Reason for leaving:


Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): _____________
Obtained on: __ / __ / __
Instution where obtained: __________

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): _____________
Obtained on: __ / __ / __
Instution where obtained: __________

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): _____________
Obtained on: __ / __ / __
Instution where obtained: __________

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): _____________
Obtained on: __ / __ / __
Instution where obtained: __________

Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): _____________
Obtained on: __ / __ / __
Institution where obtained: __________


Any extra notes about you or your application (if applicable):


518-5183368_graphic-free-library-transparent-signature-random-random-signature.png Date: 10 / 02 / 2023



Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Welcome to the professor faction! You have already received your roles in the Karakura Academics discord server!

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