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Professor Application


Level 4
What is your Minecraft username?:

How old are you?:

Do you have any previous bans?:

What Country are you from?:

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I acknowledge this

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
I would say that I am very active on the server, on a scale of 1 to 10 I would say 9. I am usually online for at least 4-6 hours everyday, including after school. However, I cannot say I am too active on the forums, I look at them from time to to time for any updates and after events.

How long have you played SchoolRP for?:
I’ve played SchoolRP everyday for nearly a year!

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:
Language Application | SchoolRP - accepted
avoidinq’s JSL application | SchoolRP - accepted

Current Role/Degree/Grade on SchoolRP?:
avoidinq | Grade 12 | Football team
avoidinq2 | Grade 12


What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:
I’m applying to become a professor because I believe it will allow me to have a more diverse experience roleplaying on the server and its great opportunity to get more involved with the academic portion of SchoolRP. I’d also like to be able to give others and enjoyable roleplaying experience when attending classes and I believe that as a professor I would be able to do this. I would come up with classes that are eventful and enjoyable for the students that everyone would feel comfortable and confident taking part in which I believe is essential when holding a class. I want students to look forward to classes and enjoy participating!

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:
Yes, throughout my months of playing I think I’ve developed a good experience in Roleplaying. I have found that the more I play the more comfortable and confident I become when it comes to DetailRP. I find it much more enjoyable and try to do it as much as I can, whether it’s DetailRPing cooking, stretching or simple facial expressions when talking. I am able to DetailRP on the spot when needed to and find that it allows a further roleplaying experience. I also had practice with all the sports plugins. Since joining the Football Team on my other account I always try to practice as much as I can to further my ability. As well as the school clubs I am involved in, all of this has helped further my experience.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:
Classroom logs are an easy way to record that a class has been held and where you include the necessary information about the class that was held, such as what period it was and what was taught during the class and where you provide a screenshot of it. They are important because they help you and your faction lead keep track of how many classes you have held, and they are also important for higher positions to be able to make sure that teachers and professors are active and doing their job properly and meeting their monthly requirement of 15 classes.

As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
1. A |Professor is expected to make sure College Students behave during their class
2. Students should attend every class and be on time
3. If students are late they should provide a valid reason of why
4. If students are planning on leaving a class early for any reason the Professor should be informed
5. Students should listen to and respect their Professor as well as their peers
6. Students should feel comfortable to ask questions and ask for help
7. Work should be completed to a good standard and on time
8. No food or drink in class unless discussed before hand with the Professor and permission has been given
9. No phones or electronic devices are to be used excessively during a class
10. Students are there to learn and should be prepared to take any criticism
11. The professor should explain every task clearly and be open to any questions asked

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):
As I have mentioned, I’ve had experience when roleplaying on SchoolRP, along with discord servers in the past. When I first started playing SchoolRP I first got involved with GangRP but did not find much enjoyment in it. I have enjoyed roleplaying as part of one of the female bobcat football team and have found it made SchoolRP a much better experience. I try to make it to as many practices as I can and I always make sure I’m on time. I also being part of Perfoming Arts Club and try to make it to as many meetings and get as involved as I can with discussions.

College-Professor Knowledge

Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?
A College Professor is expected to educate their students on the subject they are qualified to teach. They must create and execute a lesson plan beneficial to the students, and the students must leave the class feeling satisfied with what they have learned. They are to act mature and as a role model for good behaviour to set an example for their students. They are expected to complete a quota of 15 classes per month. If this quota is met they will receive 450,000 yen with an additional 50,000 for everyday 10 extra classes held. Logging each class is essential to meeting this quota.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?
Kaji Yoshiro is a 6’4 Japanese male with soft, jet-black hair and rather dark, menacing green eyes. He would have a singular silver piercing in his left ear. If he isn’t in his usual blue, sporty attire, he’s wearing smart clothing, the classic white shirt and black tie. He would have a rather athletic build, it was obvious he worked out often. Most of the time he would wear a constant blank, intimidating expression, glaring at most people he comes by. His tone would match his appearance, speaking in a quite a monotone, deep voice. Although it may not be apparent, he truly cares for all his students as if they are his own. He believes in tough love, that going hard on them will toughen them up for the challenges they may face when they leave school. He believes that going soft on the students will not sufficiently prepare them for adult hood and the people they may have to deal with in the future. He doesn't respond well to disrespect and mockery, however he would deal with the student in a calm manner. He is usually described as rather blunt and brutally honest in his words however he would never go out of his way to purposefully embarrass one of his students in front of their classmates or make them feel uncomfortable. Yoshiro tolerates his co-workers, or at least that's what he says. Despite his often cold and serious demeanour, he rather enjoys conversing with his co-workers about whatever it may be. Whether it's about work, the students or even their lives outside of school. He sometimes even finds himself expressing his secret love for literature, which he is quite embarrassed about. He enjoys talking about his family and how proud he is of each of them. His main plan for the future is to be able to provide his children with a good future, so they are able to go down their own paths and have families of their own. He wishes to stick with his teaching career, providing his students with the knowledge and confidence for when they approach adulthood, and so they are able to reach the goals they have each set out to achieve.


You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?
I would approach them and ask them what all the fuss is about. I would then ask them to lower the volume and give them a verbal warning, letting them know that if this behaviour continues further action will have to be taken. I would remind them that they represent the rest of the school and should act like it.

A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?
I would give them a verbal warning to begin with and if they carry on I calmly ask them to step outside while I finish explaining the task to the rest of the class, then letting them get on and stepping outside to confront the student. I would then ask them why they are disturbing the class and will order them to attend detention either during lunch, or after school. I will remind them that they are no longer in high school, but college, and should act like it. In detention I would them tell them that that sort of behaviour is unacceptable and I do not want to see it repeated.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
&7&oHe would sigh opening the door, gesturing for the students to come inside. He would take his place behind his desk checking his watch, waiting for the students to take their seats before looking up at them and clapping his hands &r”Right! Now that we are all where we should be, you’ll each need a pen and paper on your desk because today we are taking notes!”

/me &r”LINE UP LINE UP” &7&oHe would pace back and forth along the line of students, looking at each of them individually with a rather menacing look, squinting at every few. Seeing that the students were all lined up as he requested he would stand in front of them, sighing &r”That should not have taken as long as it did.. I expect better of you” &7&oHis hands still behind his back he would gesture his head towards the door &r”To the track!! NOW!

/me &7&oHe would portray a huge grin on his face, approaching the student and patting them on the back rather forcefully &r”NOW THAT’S WHAT I LIKE TO SEE!” &7&oAn obnoxious chuckle would follow as his pointed to the student, looking around at the others &r”How about it eh?! Everyone should follow their example!”

/me &7&oWould cross his arms, tapping his foot clearly impatient, waiting for the students to end their conversation. After a few seconds of huffing and puffing he would slam him hands on the desk rather violently. After gaining everyone’s attention he would stand back up giving a rather patronising smile &r”Now that we are all paying attention.. can anyone tell me why warm ups are essential before a work out..?”

/me &7&oWould simply glare at the student with a disapproving look, looking them up and down before sighing &r”Why are you late…?” &7&oHe would then raise an eyebrow at the student awaiting a plausible explanation before simply scoffing and returning his attention to the rest of the class.

Born in Kyoto, Kaji grew up with his rather strict father and two older brothers. His father would leave for his job as a police officer early every morning, leaving the three boys to sort out themselves. Kaji’s eldest brother would usually take charge of the three, making sure they were all ready and had eaten before driving them all to school, where they would each go their separate ways. Throughout his first year of high school, Kaji was treated rather poorly, he was verbally and physically bullied for his skinny figure and rather feminine appearance. He was neglected by his brothers who were rather embarrassed of him and scolded by his father for being weak. After months of enduring this, Kaji’s father insisted on training him in self-defence in his free time. He would encourage Kaji to spend most of his time in the local dojo, working out and practising his defensive abilities. He would constantly be reminded that life is tough, and you won't get by being weak. Encouraged by his father, he would work out every day, whether it was running or weight lifting, slowly gaining an athletic muscular build. At times he felt himself losing his motivation, but was always encouraged by his family. The hurtful comments slowed down, but still continued. However, with his new found confidence, Kaji made sure to put the bullies in their place, or rather on the floor after fighting them... People slowly began to respect Kaji as he became more confident. He even began getting involved with sports around the school, which is when he found his love for football. His brother's would play football with him, impressed by how far he had come. He quickly gained popularity and was well known during his final years of highschool.
Going into college, he met a young, rather beautiful cheerleader in college and they quickly got together. The following year she was pregnant with their daughter, however after the child was born, and rumours were being spread about the situation around the college, she broke up with Kaji, not wanting anything to do with either of them and denied everything about her's and Kaji's relationship. From there, Kaji raised his daughter by himself with the help of his family. He began working as a janitor to be able to support himself and his daughter while he continued to pursue his training, thinking about the reason he had started. He realised that without his family encouraging him, he wouldn't be where he is now, and that not everyone has a family who will encourage them. This was when Kaji realised what he wanted to do. He then moved to Karakura with his daughter where he set out to achieve his goal.

In-Character Information

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
Kaji Yoshiro

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):
Kaji Yoshiro

Preferred Name:



Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):
Six years

Working Experience (# of years):
Ten years

Academic Degree:
Bachelor’s degree

Year of Graduation:

Physical Education


Native Languages:

Other Languages:

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:

Preferred Teaching Subject:
Physical Education


Additional notes about your application (if any):

Do you have any questions?:
Last edited:


Level 132

-Congratulations on being accepted into the Professor faction!
- After reading your application it was quite up to standards to becoming a Professor, After viewing this message you should be pinged in the Karakura Academic's discord to view further information within the chats there.

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