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Proper Punishments


Level 13
What's your Minecraft Username?: jayharu
What's the title of your suggestion?: Proper Punishments

What's your suggestion?:
Not too sure if this is how theyre supposed to be but-

Highschool Jocks are incredibly overbearing with their ignorant attitude

To be so honest, its quite annoying seeing the jocks run through school, do MANY crimes and do lots of illegal behaviors. It feels as if their role gives them a higher ranking over others (which is realistic icly) but-

Its pretty annoying when an entire group of them enter a classroom to just troll and cause trouble. If anything, there should be a higher punishment for them if they do anything INCREDIBLY BAD.

Here's some of my suggestions!

- Whenever there is a school game, maybe there could be a college coach, watching over the game or smthin and based on whoever think they played best could give them a scholarship. This scholarship could allow them an advantage over others when writing college exams and allow them to have some of the advantages Col Students may have. HOWEVER

Even though its an advantage over other students, they still have to do lots of things to even be qualified for it.
- Pass the first initial tryouts
- Have a certain amount of speed, acrobats etc etc
- And hardest, have the coach even notice them.

So its definitely not an easy feat and it will give others a motive to try to play on the server more to level up their abilities. And it'd make the players feel more rewarded at the end of the day

CONS to this though is that they have to be below a certain number of detentions per month and must have a certain number of classes per month to upkeep this scholarship.

This could allow for them to be a lot more like a role model in school than just running around school doing nothing but bully or annoy others.

(also maybe afterschool scholars could have gangrp and nobody has to know, once they dont find out nothing will happen right? ;)

Threatening to take away the role
This is a LOT more lenient than the Scholarship and still allows jocks to be bullies etc, however they just may not be so broad about it.
- In summary, just scholarship but a lot more reduced.

If anything, i'd like some other suggestions to add as to what could make these characters feel a bit more bearable to be around, also for faculty too.

(Main reason im making this thread is bc they flood into different classes like rats and disrupt it, a bunch of them also spray painted the college media room too ICly AND also nearly drowned a student in the school washrooms. As a faculty, ive witnessed all of this)

AND IM RESTATING AGAIN, Jocks could still be usual mean individuals if thats what their character is, it just will deter them from getting caught in the act every single time, more stealthy.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
TL;DR, Just to keep the school feel more of a learning environment while letting the jocks explore their character while abiding to school conformations


Level 136
I feel as if this is something you can easily handle in character. It's not difficult to take names and contact SLT if students are attempting to drown other students. In the end it's all roleplay. If classes are getting disrupted ICly, it should be handled ICly. Blatant OOC trolling should be reported to staff. That said jocks are still prone to the exact same punishment as normal students are. They are given no special treatment when it comes to breaking school rules.


Level 3
-1 for many reasons, Though I haven't been on SRP as long as every1 else, It is handled ICly (most of the time) by teachers or SLT if need be. The punishments should stay the same for every student. Teacher's ICly know to handle the situation inside of classes and they are (sometimes) given warnings until kicked out if continued. If this was added it would needed to go for EVERY student inside of Karakura because that would just make it unfair for other's when people in lower ranks do the same amount of bad stuff as they tend to do. Most of the time they are warned if caught by teacher's or any school worker and it is handled. They are mean, I will admit but that's not a reason to give them less limits to what they can do. I see what you're trying to do and where you're coming from but school workers know how to handle it (as I said b4) and they shouldn't be treated differently from other's.


Level 8
-1 Looks like someone got JockRP’d then got pissed… lol? Most captains already have certain rules, such as no GANGRP association, etc. Threatening to take someone’s OOC role on the team is stupid, as most teams allow people to switch characters every so often if they want to (or because of other reasons such as in Recovery)…


Level 35

Scholarships already exist? It has requirements similar to what you suggested (except less convoluted)
And there are already ways team members can get their roles taken away (ie: expulsion, suspensions, 3x arrested)

The way u write this suggestion it seems like you just,,, don't want people to jockrp nor do you understand the sports faction and its rules.


Level 13
Thread starter

Scholarships already exist? It has requirements similar to what you suggested (except less convoluted)
And there are already ways team members can get their roles taken away (ie: expulsion, suspensions, 3x arrested)

The way u write this suggestion it seems like you just,,, don't want people to jockrp nor do you understand the sports faction and its rules.
that wasnt my intention...
i said below that they could still be mean too.


Level 30
If im not mistaken isn't the role thing already done if they are redundant when it comes to causing trouble?
And scholarships are a thing. And jocks being disruptive in class is kinda "Their" Thing.


Level 11

When it comes to this. The 'Coach' part that's what captain's are for. The captains for the teams are the coaches. As a Captain myself i am technically a coach because when people try out i watch their skill, or when i do practices i tell the members what they need to work on more and what they need to improve on.

For Scholarships, the faction lead for college sports accepts or denies the scholarships, which they have to meet certain requirements already and its ONLY when a team is in short supply or when members are desperately needed.

No for threatening to take their role away constantly. As a teammember its annoying to have people constantly threatening my position because of a simple "no" my character says.

Most of this stuff can be handled ICLY as it should be. There has been enough team members who's characters are supposed to be bitchy and stuck up. getting oocly and IC threatened by faculty whom aren't even staff about their role being taken, just because faculty wishes not to deal with it.


Level 48
JockRP is annoying, yes. But that's what their suppose to be for us faculty, just let them be and they won't even bother you.
That's why whenever I see them, I just ignore them until they did something that they broke a rule. Or belike me, I just run away from them.


Level 143
The one thing I agree with here is that jocks are terrible in classes, especially when they come in groups. They often try and take the spotlight via disruption, and when I inevitably kick them their friends all either try to leave or just warp. It's like their sole objective is making our lives more difficult. I'd love to humor them a bit ICly, but I have a few dozen other players in the room that equally need my attention, and only 20 minutes to do something worthwhile. Large disruptions really aren't something we teachers should have to deal with, especially coming from players who are supposed to be accustomed to the community.

Note, if you are having persistent issues with a certain group of jocks, you can always report it to their faction lead and/or team coach ICly. Though, to have these problems over a long period of time would require them to attend your class more than once, so... Good luck.


Level 102
Since i know the exact situation this relates to you have to keep in mid that it's extremely rare for us to group up and go to a class, even if we do there's always one person with us whether n vc while we're doing it or ic to keep us from going too far, i feel like JockRP adds some sense to SchoolRP. I mean when you first join the server its highlighted right there


If it felt like trolling then tat was probably un-intentional, oter than that handle it IC


Level 29

The whole point of being a Jock is to be a nuisance. Restricting that will only make us find another way to annoy you guys, and we don't want that! You also can't have a SchoolRP without JOCKS. That's the whole idea of them exisiting.

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