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Protect and Defend: "This, We'll Defend!" | Revamped


Level 83
Protect and Defend: “This, We’ll Defend!”

OOC: “Protect And Defend” will be created as an addition to the biography of Carsten Visscher, during his service in the United States Army.

Serving your country is an inflection point, it sets your life on a new course.

“Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children.
Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.”

The exact quote once said by Theodore Roosevelt, the quote inspired me to serve my country. Not only is it the quote that inspired me to serve my country. But, it was the quote that changed my entire life. My mind, after service was corrupted.
My name's Carsten Visscher, and
this is my story.

September 8th, 2009

Crack, crack, crack!

The dreaded sound of enemy artillery percolated the Kunar Province of Afghanistan. Already? Just after inserting into the village, we were being fired upon from what seemed to be a bare minimum of 100 Taliban soldiers. Almost immediately, I grasped my M16A1 rolling to take cover behind a small house. I crouched down, grasping my M16 as I inhaled deeply. My heart and mind were telling me to run, but my body was telling me to fight. Fuck, I should've just sprinted, sprinted as fast as I could and never looked back because if I did, I wouldn't be who I am today, a monster by heart. By this, you should know what option I had chosen. Option two, engage in combat. I peaked around the corner, firing a volley of bullets onto the battalion of Taliban soldiers. Where was I shooting? I don't fucking know! At this point, the battlefield was covered in gunpowder. Abruptly, the fire ceased as the gunpowder cleared. Brief moments passed, I looked at the others and they nodded. I peeked my head around the corner.


If there's one thing I'll never forget, it's that the Taliban always, and I mean always have an RPG, whether it be small or large. The rocket hit a car, sending it flying into the air as it toppled over. Oh yeah! Did I already tell you that the aim of the Taliban was, by definition, horrible? I was their target, not the car. I jerked my head back around the corner and had taken a brief glance at my ODA. By their faces, I knew they were ready to move. We had twelve men in total, two were going to go crouch-walk between the houses and take cover behind the toppled car as the rest of the unit dispersed to take cover behind different houses, in groups of two. We did exactly that, and might I say, we couldn't have done it any more perfectly.

We were in position, firing on the Taliban. You know, what? I even dare say we were winning! We were giving them hell, the shouts of pain overpowered the sound of guns firing magazines-on-magazines. That was until it happened. I had been turned back around the house, reloading my M16. I peaked back around, I saw a dark figure shifting through the bushes. I raised the barrel of my M16 to align with the top of the bush as I rested my dominant eye on the sights, I fired once and the bush fell backward. To my dismay, it wasn't just a bush, it was a Taliban soldier. That was when I realized, if there was one, how many more could there be? Damn, did I jinx myself? Suddenly, I heard the horrified shout of our Detachment Sergeant, "THERE'S MORE ON THE GROUND! WATCH OUT!" those were his last words. I turned my gaze to him. But, I turned too late. His body laid on the ground, lifeless. His head was turned on the ground, facing in my direction and looking straight at me. His eyes were left open, staring at my soul. A part of me died that day, alongside my Detachment Sergeant. I was pissed off and because of this, I jeopardized and costed myself my entire ODA.

To be continued...
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