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Question list of the day!


Level 46
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite animal - And Why?
What is the Worst Holiday - and Why?
What is the Best Holiday - and Why?

Personally my favorite color is Pastel colors - Most specifically Lavenders, Baby blues, and Sage or Mint Greens!

My favorite animals are Snow Leopards, I love Snow Leopards because of the fact that they're so adorable - the cubs are so cute and they look fluffy, regardless of how dangerous they are - they're also quite fast and live in cold biomes - so I suppose I can relate to them because I love the cold! I'm also naturally a speedy person, so in a way it's kind of my spiritual animal, besdies Panda's! That's my second favorite because I can sometimes be a bit sleepy!

The worst Holiday in my opinion is Valentines day - Mostly because of the fact that I've never had a Valentine before - and I don't see the point of it >w< Sowwie Valentine lovers! I've also had bad experiences with making the Valentine card boxes when I was a child. My worst memory of Valentines day - is I used to get made fun of for not having a Valentine, because back in my old school dating was a must-have, and I didn't socialize much - so I was typically alone. So I always became the laughing stock! On top of that the awkwardness that comes with a day like that - imagine if you forgot Valentines day and your boyfriend/girlfriend got mad that you didn't give them presents!

The best holiday 10/10 is Halloween, I love dressing up as something scary and going out and trick and treating - or better yet giving out Candy! I really appreciate handing out candy because it's so adorable when kids face's light up when I tell them they can grab a big handful, since most of the days at least here - they will give out a single candy. Haha. It's one of those days that make me really appreciate others - and I really love horror movies! I think my second favorite is Christmas, I always love spoiling my family (when I can) with presents - and seeing there face light up. Not to mention regardless of how grumpy I can be - I appreciate being woke up, it gives me something to giggle at and make a story out of!

Have a Good day! <3

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Level 142
What is your favorite color? I like the color black and white because they are monotonous, I feel like it can go with many other colors, blending in and fitting in anywhere despite many other colors not going together well, it can get along with all of them, and go together as the base of something.
What is your favorite animal - And Why? It's hard to choose a favorite animal there are literally so many species on this earth, some not even discovered Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibian, Fishes, Insects, Crustaceans, and Arachnids out of all I think my favorite animal would fall under the mammal species like a dog or lion, the dog because of it's proud undying loyalty to its owner and because they are free creatures, going further in I'd say a pitbull or german shephard dog for specifications, and the lion because of it's strength and notoriousness, better known as the king of the jungle, an animal that all the animal species look up to and fear.
What is the Worst Holiday - and Why? The worst holiday by far is April Fools Day because no one wants to be pranked and then proceeded to be told that it's a joke.
What is the Best Holiday - and Why? This is an easy one I would have to say Christmas because my birthday falls just one day before it I guess not only that because around that time of year everyone is cheery and happy, you get to visit family on the holidays, meet and greet with friends, It's a very great holiday, and I am saying it's one of the best. Second, best is Thanksgiving because you get to eat a lot, even people who have no family or friends can find themselves a hot plate somewhere to chow down on.


Level 46
Thread starter

I didn't think of it that way - I like your color choice and reasoning. I really appreciate it!
Also I agree April fools is one of my least favorite's, but I've had the least of the worst time with it,

You're a awesome person! <3


Level 107
What is your favorite color?: Currently it's black and dark purple, it's basic yes though I think all my clothing that's mixed with black and purple look quite nice on me.
What is your favorite animal and why?: My favorite animal growing up was a black panther, actually. What made me so interested in them was their sharp bright yellow eyes and their mischievous personality. I always wanted to be a panther after I saw the Disney Movie "The Jungle Book".
What is the worst holiday and why?: I'd say valentines day. It's a bit embarrassing whenever people are handing you candy and stuff then you get a little "lol" from your friends the rest of the year about some girl or boy giving you a love note.
What is the best holiday and why?: Christmas and Halloween, honestly. One, my favorite months is December not only cause of the cold breezy weather but also because I get to hangout with more of my family throughout that month. Christmas brings me memories that I never want to forget. For example, waking up when I was younger and getting goosebumps right after I take off my blanket, walking down to the Christmas tree smelling in the scent of cinnamon. Halloween because I get to look different for a day without being judged, I suppose. But also because I go around with my friend group in a golf cart collecting candy and then going bowling afterwards at like 12:00AM.



Level 90
What is your favorite color? orange. . .
What is your favorite animal - And Why? cows. cows re amazzign
What is the Worst Holiday - and Why? idk
What is the Best Holiday - and Why? haha hallowieeen ig et to pretend im a 5 year old and go out dressed like a disney princess

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