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Question(s) of the day!


Level 46
Question List!
What is a annoying personality trait to you?
What is a fond IC romantic memory of yours?
Favorite season(s) & type of weather?
Favorite song currently?

Personal Answer
- Personally I don't find many traits annoying, but I feel like the typical mean girl is a bit over-used sometimes. I also agree with those below, that lying is a big no-no for me. I too also dislike it when people say they are better then others. Though I'm more used to it sometimes.
- When a character of mine sat on the edge of the beach with her at-the-time boyfriend. They watched the sun go down together, it was pretty cute. Another favorite of mine is when another one of my old characters that is no longer around was taken up to the mountains by her crush to view over Karakura. They both confessed to each other and ended up dating for awhile, before Brook passed away.
- I heart Winter and Spring! I personally like rainy days or snowy days.
- I am addicted for the past week-ish to Lana Del Rey 'this is what makes us girls'
I find it really fitting for the females of SRP!

Hope you are having a amazing day! Remember you're awesome & cool!
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Level 137
Question List!
What is a annoying personality trait to you?
What is a fond IC romantic memory of yours?
Favorite season(s) & type of weather?
Favorite song currently?
I hate people who are edgy. If they want to be edgy then they shouldn't talk to me.

Closest I've had to a romantic moment was having Weldim and Nye on the couch. Weldim slept on Nye's lap as he ate potatoes and watched cartoons.

Summer or anything above 50°. I HATE Winter for the fact that it is cold as balls, dude. Summer is better. Everything feels better in Summer. Ice cream, walking, AC, etc.

"Still Feel by Half•Alive" is a pretty good one.

Some songs I recommend:
Still Feel by Half Alive
Mama Mia by Austin Weber
Out of my League
I Don't Miss You At All
Circles by Post Malone
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Level 21
What is a annoying personality trait to you?
Accepting apathy. Stunts growth, stunts understanding, stunts your empathy for others.

What is a fond IC romantic memory of yours?
Story's too long to tell, was during the Takashima map.

Favorite season(s) & type of weather?
Winter and Daytime Rain.

Favorite song currently?
Feelin' nostalgic


Level 1
What is a annoying personality trait to you?
What is a fond IC romantic memory of yours?
Favorite season(s) & type of weather?
Favorite song currently?
I can be really annoying sometimes, like most of the time.
I'd say the current relationship that my character is in.
I'd say winter even tho I dislike the snow and I prefer it when it's kinda cold around -24.
Old Dayz by Rilès
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Level 4
- I hate when people aren’t completely honest or cover the truth with something important. To me it’s just better to know.

- I don’t really remember that many so either when I almost got engaged whilst waiting to be arrested by the Karakura Police or when I got married to someone I had only known for three hours. lmao

- I absolutely love Autumn and Spring because the weather isn’t too hot nor too cold, you enjoy the heat more when it comes out, it’s really nice to go out and the scenery just seems to look really beautiful in these times.

- I don’t have a favourite song right now someone give me suggestions aha

Thank You for literally giving me something interesting to do for a few minutes whilst in quarantine lmao.
What is a annoying personality trait to you?
- Hmm, I think when someone just lies about everything and anything is super super annoying. I understand a little white lie that wont butterfly affect anything, but lying that you couldn't come to a friends party because you got in a car crash? No.

What is a fond IC romantic memory of yours?
- I'm too awkward to have done any of that lol ;-;

Favorite season(s) & type of weather?
- Ah, I have an irrational fear to bugs so I'd say Summer and Spring are off the list. I prefer Winter because you can stay inside and have hot cocoa all day and chill watching crappy hallmark Christmas love stories.
Favorite song currently?
- Hmm... I never really know, I really like this song though, Akin ka na lang by Morissette Amon, it's a Filipino song that I love love love! I recommend lol.
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Level 13
What is a annoying personality trait to you?
I really don't like when people act like they're better than others because they're different. The best way I can describe this is the whole "I'm not like other girls" thing. I can understand if you think you're better than someone at singing or drawing but if you act like that makes you more important than them it starts to get annoying. Like, just because you don't wear makeup and read books doesn't mean you're better than others.

What is a fond IC romantic memory of yours?
I don't have any romantic memories since my character doesn't get attracted to people.

Favorite season(s) & type of weather?
I love summer and basically warm weather so it can include late spring as well. But I don't like super warm weather, I prefer when when it's warm and sunny with a light breeze. I just love how I can go outside without having to put on a bunch of layers. Bonus: it isn't pitch black outside at 4pm!

Favorite song currently?

I've been listening to the album Future Nostalgia by Dua Lipa a lot recently. I think it's fantastic and the name perfectly describes it! It has nostalgic inspirations with a futuristic feel to it. Out of all the songs in the album Future Nostalgia (the title track) and Physical are my favourites.


Level 46
Thread starter
These are all really great responses, and I appreciate it. I plan on doing Questions of the day every Two-three days. Possibly a bit more then that sometimes.
I can definitely see where you all are coming from with the lies, and acting like they are better. Those are big no-no's.
Dua lipa is a great singer, I was first introduced to her with 'New rules' it's still a favorite of mine because it is quite true to not let your ex's back in when they pull that kinda BS.
I'll make sure to give your guyses songs a try. <3


Level 75
Question List!
What is a annoying personality trait to you? People who dont give a damn about constructive criticism and take it personally as an insult.
What is a fond IC romantic memory of yours? When I F2Bed a girl named Lia Del Castro?? idk
Favorite season(s) & type of weather? pouring, storming rain and most likely winter.
Favorite song currently? Avicii - Hey Brother

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