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Question: What would you guys say your first experience on Minecraft was?

My first experience on Minecraft was when I was around 9 or 8 ish. I first got introduced to Minecraft via by tons of videos like (DanTDM Mod showcases) (PopularMMOs lucky block challenge) (Stampy). I then later on asked my parents if I could get a PS3, and I got one. They also bought me Minecraft PS3 Edition because they always saw we constantly binge watching DanTDM videos, probably the first ever world I opened up and played (not generated) was the tutorial world, the version of it was TU14. I never really played much survival because I was scared of the zombies and skeletons. How about you guys?


Level 142
I don't remember my very first experience with the game, but my earliest memory was from the Xbox 360 Edition on a specific seed that had diamonds and a mob spawner in a surface exposed cave right next to spawn. I remember repeatedly duping the mossy cobblestone to make a huge base out of it (which was very ugly, it was literally just a giant box).


Level 13
I legit started playing mc before it was even released. im a true og. beta testing ftw

but in all seriousness, my first mc experience was so long ago i dont even remember anymore,,
though i do remember that i used to do creative most of the time because i sucked at survival. still do </3

only the true minecrafters remember the stupid creative inventory from way back when when there wasnt any tabs and it was just a scroll menu with all the blocks. i can still remember the agonizingly long time i had to scroll to get to the specifically red beds.

also ive always been a pc gamer so yeah.


Level 278
the tutorial word where you cant leave that one little area until you finish it .. i would always go to the animals first

i remember tbe one version where you couldnt run or eat fod


Level 112
I started playing back in 2009 on a shitty Toshiba laptop that could not even run a survival world above 2FPS, so I was stuck with creative superflat worlds, and that is what got me started in building.


Level 172
News Lead
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First started playing minecraft on the xbox 360. Probably tried playing survival the first time with my brother and probably cried. (I was scared of the mobs)


Level 28
My first experience on Minecraft was when I was around 9 or 8 ish. I first got introduced to Minecraft via by tons of videos like (DanTDM Mod showcases) (PopularMMOs lucky block challenge) (Stampy). I then later on asked my parents if I could get a PS3, and I got one. They also bought me Minecraft PS3 Edition because they always saw we constantly binge watching DanTDM videos, probably the first ever world I opened up and played (not generated) was the tutorial world, the version of it was TU14. I never really played much survival because I was scared of the zombies and skeletons. How about you guys?
My first experience with Minecraft, I remember clear as day.

It was in first grade, and a couple of my classmates were discussing this game called "Minecraft". "Oh, it's really scary when it turns to nighttime," one said, "I hate when the zombies and spiders come out. Real gorey stuff."

Somebody who has no frame of reference for what a game like this might look like will definitely imagine Minecraft as an incredibly scary game -- keep in mind that I used to have arachnophobia too, so I was really scared to try it out.

A few months after that, I discovered this tour of a map called "Funland 3" on YouTube, there were a bunch of rollercoasters, loved it. I should explore it again sometime.

Then a few months after that, I managed to download the old Minecraft trial version, I really loved the demo world. A few weeks after that, I convinced my mom to get me Minecraft 1.7 - and that was that.


Level 76
lagging like hell because my pc back then only had 2 gigs of ram, which is like 10 years ago now


Level 102
My cousin had just got back from his trip from the US and he had the gsme on his ipad, i thought the game was stupid and we decided to play it, not too long from that i started watching videos about it and stuff and when i finally got a computer (chromebook) me and my brother tired our best to play it on there.. you could put games on a Chromebook so we got this shitty knock off on our r phones instead, then we found mcpe and downloaded it off there and finally got to play the actual bedrock edition game


Level 19
Community Team
My first Minecraft experience was playing PE Lite with my brother on my moms ipad, we like.. built really cool houses (those square ones with no detail at all) in a cave thing my bro found once, it was only ever in survival and we had to take turns playing because we only had one ipad.


Level 328
First experience was playing a 1.2.5 singleplayer world in 2012. I remember spawning in a tiny island where I learnt how to walk and destroy blocks.

Once I got into a mine, I got some cobblestone and got ready to return to the surface. However, when I was next to the exit to the surface, I saw something brown that moved at the corner of my screen. It was most likely a brown sheep, but my 12 year old self thought it was Herobrine, so I went on to leave the map and not play it again.


Level 46
My first time playing minecraft was from 2010, played it at my cousins' laptop to where the game is still in its beta stage.
Of course I was very young so I didn't know how to play survival properly, afterwards when I always go to my cousins, me and my cousins always play a 4 man survival which was fun, as we either make houses and go on adventures, the best one where we decided to play Herobrine's Mansion.

but when I fully played survial alone it was when 2014, to where I played 1.5.2
there I got my first diamond on my first survival world, I just wish I could get back to that world and see how I built my house and the world around it.

The memories that I have with my cousins will always be apart of me, and I'm glad that I got to have a great childhood of this game.


Level 68
Shrine Lead
I remember my first time logging into minecraft was years ago. I was fairly young and started on bedrock edition. In bedrock at that time there was a tutorial world. I never knew how to escape them but I remember building a tiny hut and going down to do minecraft things like mining and fishing. I continued through this world but never got out of the tutorial world. I can say every world I joined I had a tutorial world before they removed them. But I got so angry by them.


Level 175
Watching my older brother play probably. This was long before we had the beds and coloured wool update, when the minecraft colours were all really murky. We had a family conputer in the living room that could just about run Minecraft. He had a single player world where he was building a city and I used to just sit on his lap or next to him and stare at him while he built and asked what different blocks did and get really confused at what Redstone was (I still need him to explain to me what Redstone is). I was like, 4 or 5 I can't even remember, but I didn't start playing minecraft myself until I was 6 and had a tablet


Level 33
Minecraft pocket edition was my first version I ever played and that was in 2013, I can remember me just building. I would play Minecraft on my brother account and would once again... Build. Finally on March 14th, 2014 my brother bought me Minecraft and due to how crappy my PC was I couldn't really play survival as I kept dying over and over again (I didn't know about peaceful mode) so I instead just built stuff. I would also play on servers I seen on Youtube videos but couldn't really do much as I just kept freezing over and over again.


Level 47
Stampy's long nose is playing on his lovely world lmao. I rememberr I tried doing a bunch of stuff to try to to get on his lovely garden on my older cousins twitter account, I finally got added when I made stampy cereal artwork ( I made his minceraft skin with froot loops and cheerios lol ).


Level 175
Stampy's long nose is playing on his lovely world lmao. I rememberr I tried doing a bunch of stuff to try to to get on his lovely garden on my older cousins twitter account, I finally got added when I made stampy cereal artwork ( I made his minceraft skin with froot loops and cheerios lol ).
To this day I am still trying to get into the damn love garden

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