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Denied Receptionist APP | Sharktism


Level 10
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


How old are you? (Optional):


What is your time zone?:


Describe your activity on the server:

I am genuinely pretty active on the server, usually spending around 6-7 hours online a day plus added hours at night averaging up to around 7 hours whether its actively roleplaying or simply being afk. Not many things affect my activity unless I have specific family matters or work that needs attending to, Otherwise, If something were to come up and my activity would decrease I would notify others while also making sure to make up for the time and spend extra hours dedicating hours to the server. Although I do sometimes have mental health reasons that might affect my activity I am usually a very active person and continuously strive to increase my playtime of SRP on a day to day basis.

As for general char activity, I do have a few characters that I spend my time on. Although, I switch between them daily allowing me to spend around three or two hours on certain chars to be able to increase their roleplay lore as well as making sure I play on them an equal amount. Most would say I'm a decently active person, Although most of my time online is spent at night I do occasionally spend around 5 hours online in the morning before having to attend to other things.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

No, I have never been banned and don’t plan on getting banned anytime in the near future.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes, I do acknowledge and accept that if I am inactive I will be demoted and removed from the school faculty team.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:


In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

A school receptionist is responsible and reliable for assisting each and every student and guest with the utmost care and respect, Both out of school and in. They occasionally assist in escorting them to their correct destination and helping them around campus while attending to their correct needs and expectations. They perform various duties such as providing general administrative support to all, maintaining certain records, and keeping track of certain documents that may be deemed useful in the future like printing out different documents and forms for faculty.

School receptionists also take part in overlooking the school as well, Such as if none of school faculty are present during a certain time they would assist in a few different duties than usual during school hours. Responding to any trouble that may occur. They also have the ability to send out students news reports, call home to certain parents and so on. Receptionist's are expected to do their job diligently, And be a good role model for all. They are always there when need be as they provide overall care for both students and faculty alike. Their top priority is the safety of the students just like any other faculty member.

Overall, A school receptionist is a very important job to uphold that consists of daily interactions between students, other faculty, and those outside of school grounds such as KPD, EMS and more; which they would provide with Visitor passes upon identification. Assuring the safety of the students as stated previously, It is their top priority. Receptionists are usually seen in the front or south area of the school in small offices with a clear glass window, talking and guiding students or adults to their designated areas while also keeping a calm and straightforward demeanor.

Not only can you talk to them for day to day help but also receive and redeem certain items such as the new stickers that are being in use. As previously mentioned school receptionists aren't only available to the students but are another source of backup and help towards the other faculty members. They are there providing both general admission help as well as guidance and virtue to all. Like any other faculty member they are expected to be able to handle a school atmosphere and handle each task they are provided with the utmost of delicacy.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I’ve been roleplaying from a very young age, whether it was using my imagination with toys and figurines or logging onto a range of sites and apps and getting absorbed into all sorts of roleplay scenarios. Along with watching others especially Minecraft YouTubers roleplaying while I myself used tons of creative thinking and writing while trying to create my own role-plays with its own set of lore and unique potential. I am a writer and have roleplayed a numerous amount of times before, Writing and roleplaying is something I enjoy on a daily basis and have been interested in from a very young age. For many hours on end when I was younger I would roleplay in a well known server by the name of Lifeboat Network, I would log on daily to their city roleplay server and expand my roleplay knowledge and background there. During my time roleplaying on the Lifeboat Network server I have learned and overcome many roleplay factors, I enjoyed roleplaying to an extreme back then and still do. In conclusion, Roleplaying has been something I’ve been passionate about it for a long time.

As for SRP experience, I am a very quick and diligent learner with a certain amount of knowledge and experience. I've been on SRP for more than a year now and find myself to know a good amount about the server such as the rules, some of the lore, and its many phrases. I dabble mainly in Detail RP, Romance RP, and Emotional RP. Always making sure in each word and sentence I enhance my writing abilities to the max, I don’t necessarily Gang/Crime RP but I do have experience in it. and if I do I prefer to detail most of it than miss the important aspects of roleplaying and its lore. One of the many things I experience in my time roleplaying is getting extremely absorbed into it almost as creating a movie in itself, I've been interested in roleplay and have been roleplaying for around six years. Although I don't have first-hand experience with faculty role-play I understand work role-play and most of faculty role-play to a certain degree as I have a wide range of friends who work or have worked as faculty and have been observing them from afar to better extend my knowledge of faculty role-play as well as asking as many questions as possible before applying.

So, Apart from getting general tips and tricks from my faculty friends I would say I know a decent amount of faculty roleplay as well as general roleplay such as what I mentioned before. From what I know now, my experience varies and I think I’m fully qualified for the work and time this will require from me and will do my utmost job to enhance my current skills further into the community while also being able to assist and encourage other role-players to expand their roleplaying journeys.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:

I think it would be an amazing OOC and IC experience, Being able to spread my love for roleplay as well as increasing my knowledge and understanding of the roleplay world while also having a great time doing so. The employee faction itself just seems like an interesting and unique experience that I've been wanting to be apart of for a while. As well as providing my character intense lore opportunities and further understanding, being apart of the school employee faction will truly increase the time I spend on this server as I've been observing and wanting to join the faction for a while for a numerous amount of reasons. One of those many reasons is my love for writing, Not only can I contribute a lot of my writing factors into the employee faction but it will also help me grow and learn as both a role-player and writer which is what truly inspires me to be apart of the school employee faction.

Being a part of the school employee faction seems like a marvelous job that I’m willing to dedicate my experience and time to it. One of the many things that encouraged me to apply is also having another reason to log on every day, I love spending my time on SRP but at times it can get relatively boring especially solely playing on grade 12 chars from my past experiences. As with older chars I notice there's a wider range of role-play and further lore aspects that revolve around it, As well as during school hours I would actually have something to put my time towards instead of hardly doing anything. I do understand that there's not a lot of school employee's around at certain times I'm online, Which is also a reason that encourages me to join. Although occasionally being online in the daytime I spend more of my time roleplaying at night and I think joining the faction would increasingly help those with different time zones.

In conclusion, There's a variety of different reasons for me wanting to join the School Employee Faction as a receptionist. Those reasons range from just wanting to learn and enhance my abilities to being able to dedicate my time to such a faction, As well as bringing into the community a dedicated role-player with an intense passion for writing.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Nurse APP
Russian APP
Lore Team APP

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

Grade 12
Grade 12
Grade 12



/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Koi Mulgogi would be peacefully lounging at his desk, leaning back into his chair as his ears twitched due to the amount of ruckus this student was causing. He’d stare blankly at the student, His facial expression appearing utterly shocked that he was actually hearing these harsh words come out of their mouth. He'd take a sharp exhale before nodding towards the student and speaking in a low-soft tone in hopes of not further angering them, treating them like a small child with little to no understanding “Is everything alright? Let's not use those words on schoolgrounds, Mkay?” Keeping his composure as he waited for a response, he was mostly laid back and relaxed unless need be, Keeping a hand on his hip where his radio laid in case things escalated. He understood circumstances like this happened on a daily basis. Each time and every time he'd overhear such harsh words being tossed around aimlessly it grew his concern and worry for the young people of Karakura. He refused to just unwillingly throw detention slips around without fully understanding the situation and how the perpetrator feels, He has always had a big and caring heart that he wished to use for good. Although a clear, disappointed look was slanted across his face he tried to hide it to the best of his abilities. But at the same time, He didn't want to bring any attention to the mis troubled youth. Overall, My character's immediate action would be to keep calm and de-escalate the situation to the best of his abilities while in the end setting them straight and issuing them a detention slip if he sees the situation to be fit for one.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

Koi would be at his usual designated area, sitting at his desk as his warm gaze slowly shifted to the two students fighting, He’d let out a long, swift exhale followed by a fresh whistle before hastily reaching for his radio and walking over as he called for support. He would try not to bring much attention to the situation as he is conscious of how fights like these can lead to more damage than anticipated, He’d quickly deescalate the situation and separate them to the best of his ability as more support arrives, Once the fight was settled and support had arrived he would converse with both students together and then at separate times, making sure he understood both sides of the story. If the situation seemed severe and there was no clear witnesses he would check if the surrounding areas had any cams before taking any further action or bringing SLT into it. Overall, He'd remain his usual calm and collected self to reassure the safety of all students involved as deep down he would feel strong remorse for the children and their behavior. In the end, Issuing them both detention slips and making sure their overall health and safety is looked after.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

Koi isn’t the type of individual to step into someone’s personal business especially those he isn’t fond of, His laid back personality is what prevented him from losing his composure. He’d check the surrounding areas for nearby cams that might catch this coworker in the act as he understands most people get away with acting so childish and unprofessional in a supposedly safe school environment. Once he examined the situation more thoroughly he’d approach his coworker with a soft speaking voice, One that you would use on a small child that was throwing a fit. Koi would make sure he chose his words carefully to not bring anger upon the employee, He understood how to deal with matters like these so he remained calm and collected with a smile on his face as he slowly deactivated the situation. Later on, He would bring it up with a trusted colleague to see what he should do as well as notify SLT about the incident. His reaction being pretty laid back and neutral, As that was his personality for half the time. Although a part of him wished to act differently, His reaction speed and the way he issued it seemed to differ from how he usually acted with colleagues.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?:

Koi being the peaceful and independent person he’d keep to himself, occasionally making small, sarcastic but friendly remarks to the coworkers he knows best. He’d appear off as charming and to most a complete stranger, He usually finds himself leaning himself back on a nearby lounge chair close to the exit as he’d impatiently fidget around with his thumbs, waiting for something interesting to happen as most of his day to day entertainment consisted of students causing chaos. He seemed to always be on guard of something, whether he was in a safe place or not and whenever he got the chance he would use the opportunity to boast about his children or people in his life, He always seemed appreciative of the small things. He never looked happy or unpleased to be in the break room, Just acting and treating this as apart of his daily routine. At times, Due to Koi constantly switching personality he would occasionally zone out and keep a deadpanned face in the break-room which he wasn’t conscious about. Most would view it as scary, But in Koi's mind was as rainbow assortment of thoughts that he just couldn't seem to recollect. Overall being a calm and neutral type person in the breakroom, Although this attitude seemed to differ day to day.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me would swiftly turn his head and give the person in front of him a small comforting smile, one that a proud dad would give to their child. “Alrighty, Give me one moment please.” He’d reach his hand out to grab some paperwork next to him before pushing his body back and rolling the chair over to the nearby printer, He’d then slide the paperwork under the printer and reach his hand to press the button on the top. A loud noise would be had from the printer as the printing process had begun, Koi would then hastily rolled his chair back into its usual position as a small huff of relief exited him "Thank you for being so patient, It shouldn't take long." He kept his smile, As his eyes began settling onto theirs. The small accent he appeared to have due to his very present speech impediment slowly began disappearing as he seemed to gradually mask it away.

/me would be tapping his leg repeatedly under the counter where he sat, His left thigh hitting against the counter quietly. His tired eyes shifting around the surrounding area before they rested onto the student that stood in-front of him behind the clear glass. Before speaking the man would clear his throat and take a sharp exhale. “Heyo, What can I do for you today?” He'd then turned his head to plaster on a big goofy grin, He was anything but intimidating at the moment, He had a fatherly demeanor that seemed rather comforting and the smile on his face just seemed to grow as the seconds flew by. He appeared happier than usual, Although visible exhaustion would be present in his facial features and movements.

/me would give the student a small and polite nod, Sitting up from his chair and gently sliding it under the counter with his hand. “Alrighty, Lets see. .” He’d glance around the office before his eyes darted to a large filing cabinet. He'd then roll up his sleeves and begin to swiftly move his body with the utmost precision to tightly squeeze his way in between the door and the cabinet. He'd then begin to hastily slide his hand through various files before pulling out a brown box with a torn up sticky note plastered onto the front before carrying the box to carefully rest it on the counter by the student. Nodding eagerly as he appeared very pleased with himself. “Aha, See I knew I didn’t lose them.” Koi would then reach his hand to open the box and begin searching through it before pulling out a large pamphlet from the box, sliding it under the glass to the student who seemed to be patiently waiting.


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):
Koi Sang-eo
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Preferred Name: Mr Koi, Mr Sang-eo, Mr Mulgogi

Age (Minimum is 25): 28
Gender: Transgender Male (He/They)

Academic Degree: Bachelors
Major(s): Accounting
Minors: English

Nationality: Korean
Known Languages: Japanese, JSL, Korean.


Born in South Korea to a lovely individual, Ahnjong Sang-eo. Being the middle child of five siblings and their father not mostly present he was expected to accomplish much at a young age. He was an extremely polite and quiet kid, Being taught how to be respectful to every individual. His mother taught him many things, such as how to cook, How to clean, and How to fold clothes. He was truly a golden child throughout his entire life, His grades in school always remained consistent and good. Although He never had any specific dreams growing up, The ones he did have would occasionally switch and change their pace. He would always keep to himself and put others before him, Koi had a laid-back and calm personality. At the age of fifteen, he was in an astounding accident which had left him scarred both emotionally and physically. After the accident, he became more cautious and developed severe PTSD from it, At times disassociating from the world.

Years of going through various therapy sessions and medication managed to worsen him, So on his eighteenth birthday, he was encouraged to move out and rent a place on his own, which he did. A small apartment located on the far end of Moscow, Russia. He managed to land a job at a small gifted school as a caretaker. The school consisted of around twenty to fifty students with little to no activities so he didn’t work much but when he did he certainly did enjoy it and knew he wanted children of his own some day. He had made friends with many of the other faculty and children, He had felt strong remorse for them. He had a kind hearted soul, At times being a bit sensitive.

After a couple years of working there and finding nothing significant in his life, he decided he wanted to travel the world. He started his journey at the age of twenty and began taking various job opportunities in many cities and making millions of different memories and meeting plenty of new people. He had many problems with staying in one place, He was a big man with broad aspirations. During this time he began to figure out many things about himself. He wanted to settle somewhere and meet someone new, Start his own little family, and make a household full of happiness. Koi then came across Karakura Japan where he was convinced it was a loving and quiet place. His mind was filled with great things about Karakura and he was certain this was the path to greatness. So, At the ripe age of twenty-five he had decided to go through with moving to Karakura, Japan. It was a long journey, With many ups and downs. A huge decision that he was almost certain was going to turn out incredible.

Upon making his way to Karakura he had received some disturbing news about his younger brother, Ivan Sang-eo. A man with a similar personality to Kolya, A brave and outstanding individual. Ivan Sang-eo had passed on, Leaving Koi to care for his 16-year-old boy by the name of Minju Sang-eo. A young and mature boy who Koi had yet to meet before the accident that left them both mentally scarred. Of course, Koi was devastated for the right reasons but he always wanted to be a father and knew this was his chance. Minju then came to live with Koi in Karakura, Japan. Minju was a quiet boy and used to being homeschooled. Although, Koi wouldn’t have that. He later decided that the best hope in life was for him to go to Karakura High School. Koi wanted to give him the best opportunity he could at a chance to succeed in life, Koi had also taken notice of the available job opportunities in Minju’s new school. He had met a few of the previous faculty upon arriving and wanted to give it a shot. He understood with his work ethic and previous experience within the school field it would be a great fit. As well as being able to watch over Minju when necessary.

But him applying to be a Receptionist wasn't Koi's only duty at the time, Minju had Koi convinced to start an all-in-one corporate Tailoring business. Minju wished for this dearly and spoke of it fondly with him, Never going a day without talking about it. According to Koi, It was also a passion for Ivan. They had called it Sang-eo Remarks, Like any person would Kolya was hesitant. But he knew how badly Minju wanted this, He was truly a passionate and dedicated boy, These features in Minju causing Koi to see a lot of himself in the boy. Soon enough he had given in and decided to go with Minju’s wishes, They had then officially made; Sang-eo Remarks. Now, Koi has given it all not only to be a father, and a CEO of a growing business but also to possibly continue his work in the school field. Although this isn't what he imagined himself doing in the future, It sure was a big change.

Motivation for Joining KHS:

I’ve met a few of the people who work for this school and the students, Although some of them aren’t considered perfect they all have outstanding features that make them different from the others and have inspired me to consider taking a job here, I wouldn’t say it’s my dream but I wouldn’t say it isn’t something I look forward to getting. This school piques my utmost curiosity and I wanna learn more about it while also helping others along the way. I think I’d make a great asset to KHS and its team of like-minded figures as one day I hope to change how the world works, Making a difference in Karakura and its young-minded people while also being able to enjoy my job and continue to expand my working industry in the school field. Something that I'm more or so used to and wouldn't mind to continue to do for a long time. In conclusion, My main motivation for joining KHS is to be able to spread my knowledge and work ethics to a further community. One that I am rather used to, My motivation ranges and grows each and everyday. Applying has been something I've been looking forward to for a while, Knowing it would give me the happiness I've been seeking for a decade. Being able to provide for my family while being in the same vicinity as them, Overall being able to strive within a peaceful working community.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

I’ve worked in medium sized schools with not many children back in Russia. Of course, I was much younger then and have become an entirely different person now as my work ethic and dedication has changed drastically and for the better. I know how to handle most children during stressful and draining situations that may occur, I understand how chaotic a school environment can get especially with a decent amount of students and a rough area. To put it short, Working around and with kids and other adults is something I’m passionate about and have a wide variety of skills in. I'm a very communicative person and find this job to suit me to a certain extent especially with my previous work ethics and abilities.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

As previously stated, I have a small amount of experience with working with schools, I like to say I do have enough knowledge on caring and communicating with young minds while also treating others with the respect and kindness they deserve which a lot of people don’t have. I know how to handle others and myself in certain situations that most might perceive as difficult and unhandleable. I can provide great wellness to the school, Although I don't like comparing myself to other applicants it is to make known I have plenty of the right skills to handle being in such a tough environment that will take a drain on most people's health. I also have a distinctive and consistent working technique that will provide great assets to the faculty and its students. I know during my time working in the school field previously was marvelous and know I can continue striving to do that here, Providing both the school and its community a sense of guidance and hope. Encouraging others as I hopefully inspire the youths of Karakura. With my dedication and time I'm willing to give to Karakura High-school I see that as enough of a reason on why I should be accepted over the other applicants. In conclusion, I am willing to devote all my time and diligence towards KHS in all ways possible.


/*You may leave this blank*/

"Your gaze slowly shifting to a 5'8, 130lbs Korean male. His oceanic blue eyes staring into your soul, He had a calming father figure aspect about him. His eye color was unnaturally blue, Matching that of the ocean. You could almost tell it was contacts, His scattered dyed hair bringing to light his beautiful clear skin, He'd have a noticeable birthmark on his right eye that trickled down to his neck. He'd speak in an calm yet high-pitched tone of voice for his age, As if he was just going through puberty at the mere age of 28."

Additional notes about your application: Character is not fully created yet, Age will be bumped.
Do you have any questions?: N/A
Last edited:


Level 197
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction, after careful review, we have unfortunately decided to deny your application. We apologize for the inconvenience, however due to the large amount of applications this wave we cannot elaborate further on the reason for denial, however once spots open back up again we encourage those denied to re-apply.

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