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Rei H. Chinatsu | Biography (W.I.P)


Level 61
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Basic Information

First Name:

Chinatsu, Helvete





Athletic, yet feminine

Skin Color:

Eye Color:

Hair Style:

Long brown hair

Hair Color:

Professional yet- childish

Multiple scars across her body.

Date of Birth:
October 31st 1984

Place of Birth:
‘Colmar’ France



Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:

Political Beliefs:
Also, unknown.

General Appearance


Rei looked a bit younger than the normal person at her age, she had short hair that rested at her shoulders that was bleached blonde, surprisingly fit her. She stood at 5 foot, kinda short for how she acted. . But she had an athletic and feminine build, almost always wearing a white jacket with some sort of red outfit underneath. She also had a scar on her back almost never being shown, as she also wears makeup to cover scars that would normally be visable. If she ever did have her jacket off, her outfit barely changed. And every, once in a while- it was very very unprofessional.

To say the least. She is different from others that work with her, as she's passive aggressive. As she is also a major realist, trying to make sure whatever she says is as real as she can get. She's very loud. (This will be updated in the future.)


Character Voice:
oc voices !6:08 to 7:12

She almost always wears, a white coat with a name tag on it with her work, whenever she can she dresses how she wishes. She wears her favourite color red. Whenever off-duty she wears what she wishes.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
She currently struggles with alcohol and tobacco..

Has multiple scars, always covered.


Hayden Chiba Fontaine [ALIVE] Son.
"I will protect you, make sure your safe. Stay safe forever."

'Max' ??? [ALIVE] Friend?
"Your really nice- I havn't really talked to you face to face, but whatevs."

Tomoharu Daigo [ALIVE] Close friend/Ex-Co-worker
"Havn't talked to him for a while. . Kinda miss him."

Cecillia L. Onasis [DEAD} Ex-Girlfriend
"I'm sorry."

Ukimo A. Kunyimo [ALIVE] ???
". . .."

'Fey' [ALIVE] Pet bird
"You may always be getting hurt. But I'll make sure they rot in hell."

Makoto Shimada [ALIVE] Friend
"You can act stern sometimes- But I'll still care."

??? [ALIVE] Love Intrest
"Hes really nice, his son was lying when he said he was rude. . Or stern. . He just knows what he wants."

More will be added in the future. .



October 31st, 1985. Rei Chinatsu was born into the world, the distant cries of her parents filled the room. The tears they shed that day, would be the only emotion they would ever show to their daughter. By the age of five years old, Rei was their house-pet. Following their every order, clumsily making them food. Pouring drinks for them, she obeyed every command without hesitation. Never knowing better, she was too young, too innocent to understand the cruelty she faced. Not until she began elementary school. At recess each day, they’d all reveal lunch boxes packed to the brim with delicious treats. Heartfelt notes from their parents, this couldn’t be said for Rei. She went to school on an empty stomach and returned home the same. This continued for quite some time, that was until she reached the age of twelve. She knew she deserved better, understanding the corruption that trickled through her bloodline. She packed together her small collection of belongings and ran, she ran and ran until the house was nowhere in sight. Cold and hungry, Rei sat and rested on the side of the road. Countless cars driving past, tearing up water from the gutters in her direction. Too tired to move, she submitted to the rain and it’s violent waterdrops. Just as her vision became blurred, falling into a deep sleep. A faint feminine voice approached her. The woman mumbled under her breath, the next thing she knew. Rei was strapped in the backseat of a car, the seats were clean and in perfect condition. Unlike the interior of her parents car, she felt safe; warm. The car rolled to a stop, the lights of a large mansion shining through the car window. Illuminating her face, the silhouettes of countless people decorated the mansion’s windows. After being guided inside, she woman appeared once again. Kneeling by her side, “It’s all over now- you don’t have to suffer any longer. Welcome home.” She spoke, leading Rei up countless flights of stairs. A large mahogany door greeted her. As she opened it, her vision was overwhelmed with pink. Her very own bedroom! Decorated with toys and a sturdy bed. Rei was finally home, finally free. The rest was history! Raised amongst countless other children, each had their own stories to tell. Fleeing their own families for countless reasons, finding themselves in the presence of ‘The Countess’. A woman who’s kindness was overwhelming. Using her family fortune to create a safe haven for children in need.

As she continued her life with her new family, plenty of doors opened themselves to her. One such door was the path of education, she was invited to a private school alongside all the other children. She immediately rose to the top of the class, excelling in each of her subjects. This behaviour caught the attention of a boy, her very first love. He was sweet and genuine, the kind of boy that bought her flowers each day. Behind this facade was a boy who was well accommodated with the idea of violence. As Rei found herself in his grasp, she realised the kind of family he was associated with after it was too late. She was strapped in and ready for the ride, slowly being introduced to all of his family. Countless years passed, with each that went by. Her knowledge of the city and it’s violent families and gangs widened, finding herself amidst them. By the time she was 15, her boyfriend was still by her side. Not for long at least, with his growth. He became more unstable and unsafe, threatening Rei’s safety on countless occassions. The boy she loved was gone, with that. She left him, never seeing him again. As her life seemed dull once again, she met a girl who brought color back into her world. Scoring a part-time job alongside school, Rei found herself working with Konomi. A girl her age who went to the same school. The two of them hit it off right away, they were inseparable. Spending every moment of each day in each other’s company. To this day, they continue to be best friends. Living their lives alongside each other well into adulthood.

By the age of 25, Rei found herself married. At first he was charming, but as time took its toll. He reached the same fate as her previous boyfriend, trading a life of peace and love for violence. Resorting to violence to get his way, one fateful night. Rei pushed him too far, talking back to him in the heat of their argument. Her husband grabbed a large steak knife from the kitchen, grabbing her throat and shoving the knife in her mouth. Cutting her tongue clean off. Leaving her unable to speak properly, once again. Rei had to run away, leaving behind another potential lover. She rented a small apartment for the time being, hiding from the public eye in order to avoid her now ex-husband. On a late night stroll one night, on the side of the exact same road Rei found herself on thirteen years ago. She found a young man sitting there. Tears running down his face, Rei knelt by his side. Gently patting his shoulder, “It’s okay now- it’s okay, you’re safe now-” She smiled warmly. Taking him back to her car, he remained silent. That was until they reached her apartment, he spoke up finally. His voice was sharp and direct. “Thank you-” He muttered, over time. He opened up to Rei, getting to know each other incredibly well. Following in her adoptive mother’s footsteps. Rei knew what she had to do, months later. She greeted the boy with adoption papers. “Hayden- would you do me the honor of being my son?” She smiled, tears dancing their way down her face. He excitedly nodded his head, signing the papers without hesitation. Rei was officially a mother. They faced the world together, Hayden’s addiction. Rei’s trauma, they faced it all hand-in-hand. Relying on each other for support through everything. Not only were they mother and son, but best friends. The pair craved a fresh start, a new beginning. One mundane evening, Hayden sat in their living room. Spinning the globe atop the dining table. Firmly pressing his finger into it with each spin, landing his finger on a new each time. One of these times, a name popped out at him. ‘Karakura’. The name sounded familiar, but he was curious to learn more. That evening, Hayden spent countless hours on his phone researching the city. The clock struck midnight, Hayden stormed into Rei’s bedroom. “Let’s go here! Pretty please!” Rei ignored the request at first, yet the more she thought about it. The more it began eating away at her, the idea of leaving behind everything for a fresh start. The uncertainty of tomorrow, this fantasy Hayden has planted in her mind. It drove her crazy, after weeks and weeks of contemplation. She finally gave him an answer, “Pack your bags kiddo- we’re going to Karakura!” She excitedly squealed, Hayden ran into her arms. They stood there in each other’s embrace for a short while. Happy to be united in their uncertain future. The following morning, the two strolled over to the airport. Finding themselves at a big glass door, as they took their first steps inside. A consultant rushed over to them. “Where will you be flying today?” She said, a warm and inviting smile painted across her face. “Karakura! Two flights to Karakura please!” Hayden stammered, clearly excited about their new journey. The woman replied, “Of course! Right this way- please enjoy your flight! Enjoy yourselves in Karakura, the city of dreams.”

Hayden Played by: Drainingfeeling
Ukimo played by: MrMochiii
To be continued. .
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