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Rei Helvete makes a youtube channel!? | Official first video


Level 61
This is obviously. . Just for oocly entertainment, these all just started off as a joke- and became an actual thing as Ive been wanting to write more lately. More may be added? Who knows!
| Edit : If I do actually end up making this into something more than just this post, I will most likely just be putting it up on wattpad and I'll bump this if that does happen..

And this. . Was 5 pages on google docs. . so have fun reading it!

If you are sent this video icly of course you can take all of this icly, otherwise. You may not take this icly.

Rei Helvete - luvnnyla
Kenai Helvete - SuitKink
Masked person 1 - unknown
Attired group of 3 - unknown


A notification popped up on your phone. .
Rei Helvete has posted a new video!

“Halloween special; a visit to France! | A night we’ll never be able to forget..”

The video began. . With a black screen.
Rei stood in the center, staring directly at the camera, which seemed to be shaking by whoever was holding it. Then she began speaking, it seemed to be quickly put, and she even appeared to be out of breath. . The background seemed to be somewhere in the woods, during sundown. .
“We did not plan on this happening. . What you’re about to watch is unscripted, unedited. . Please keep your eyes out while watching and tell us if you find anything we haven’t. .-”
The camera then suddenly fell straight onto the ground, and the sound of leaves crunching was heard as Rei completely stopped talking. . Then the camera finally cut, going to a black screen.
“Be careful when you explore places, we thought we knew this place. We did not.”
Then it cut back to black, The text on the screen disappearing, then going back to the regular video.
It was back to Rei! She seemed to be in a good mood, doing her normal bow. . The background seemed to be in a parking lot, with no cars around right next to a forest, with a small parting way between it in which there seemed to be a building. . Then she began speaking.

“Hello, all! Welcome back to my channel! For. . As seen in the thumbnail and title, for Part one in France!! Which is our early Halloween special. Which for the first part of this series will be us exploring an abandoned house! Which. .”
Rei moved out of the way, as the camera followed her every move. After a moment of silence, leaves crunch in the background. She was standing on the small pathway, which was between trees, as she was standing off to the side. What was shown was an obvious pathway leading to a house. .
“Is right here! This is a new topic for us to be doing. Exploring places isn't something we normally do if you're a normal here for our content! Anyways. . We didn’t do a lot of research if I will be honest. . Except that we do know that this place is abandoned! So let us just get into this place, yeah?”

The video then cut into the cameraman and Rei walking in, the camera seemed to not be focusing on anything. And their mics off, keeping their conversation unknown. . Yet in the background, within the trees the viewer would be able to see a masked person following them. . Going more into the trees to not be seen by the duo. . Then the camera was lifted up, both of them turning their mics back on which was attached to their shirts, only Rei in the frame, as she smiled at the camera. Then a voice was heard, seeming to be the unknown cameraman;
“Three. . Two. . One. .”
Then she began talking instead.
“Okay. . We are now here in front of the house! As you can see. . We will now- not be shutting off our camera. . Yet sometimes, we will shut off the light. . If we are found. Blah, blah. . I think you all get the point yeah?-”
As she was speaking, she was walking backward. Not keeping an eye on what is behind her, one of her feet got caught on a branch- almost making her fall. . But she luckily caught herself. A small chuckle from the cameraman was heard, laughing at her almost fallen mistake. . As Rei stood up, she awkwardly chuckled along, as she went to face the house, now being careful to not fall. . Stepping over fallen logs, and ducking under low tree branches. . The duo then explored inside, as Rei continued talking. The video seemed to be going perfectly fine until one point, she was standing in a room, reading something off of her phone to the viewers, which was the history of the house. . In the video you could see a window behind her, the same masked figures eyes. . Still seeming to be un noticed by Rei, but noticed by the cameraman.
A hand, which almost looked shaken up by what they just saw, pointed exactly where the masked figure was. . Which was now gone, as Rei turned around to look at the window, even sticking her head out it, visibly confused as she looked back at the camera.
The cameraman continued to explain what they saw. . The cameraman stepped closer as they grabbed her arm, tugging her away from the window for her own safety. . The video still continued on, Rei and the secret masked figure that ended up in a few scenes. Every time the cameraman dragged her away from the scene. . At this point, they wanted to leave for Rei’s safety but due to her confusion on it, they stayed. Until it got to the point, where Rei was walking backward down a hallway, talking to the camera and cameraman about her recent events in her life. There was a room to her right when she suddenly got pulled into it, with a scream from Rei. Before the cameraman got to the room, Rei was out of the mystery person's grasp as they were out the broken window, fully escaped. . As down the hallway, the cameraman saw a flashlight, of another mystery person. . At this point, this whole thing seemed to be planned by the mystery duo. . Attacking on the vlogging duo. The camera light quickly switched off, as Rei was trying to calm down from the event. Her flashlight was off, as her back was facing a wall, both the door and broken window in her sight. It was obvious, now Rei was scared of what was happening next on how she looked beyond the camera, seemingly at the cameraman.
“Fucking. . Hell. . What's happening now?”
The camera drifted so it was looking at the window more, oak trees were blowing in the breeze, and in the distance, you could see the start of the blues starting to fade due to sunset coming near.
“We need to leave, now, Kenai. .”

The unknown cameraman was also finally given a name. Kenai, the video was silent for a moment, as Kenai rested the camera upon their side, only the view of a wall and a door being in the frame as distant voices were heard. . Obviously not from them as they were farther away, not speaking French. . More of Japanese, making the possibility of people watching knowing what is being said. . Yet still too far away for anything to be heard clearly. A whisper was then heard.
‘We. . need to leave. . Now.’
The camera was lifted up again, letting Rei go into frame as it was now slightly shaking, even Rei seemed to be shaken up from the recent events. As she seemed to mumble things under her breath as she made her way towards the window, 2 people were seen at the bottom. . Both of their faces unable to be seen, at the end of a latter as Rei quickly ducked back into the room. . It was now three strangers versus Rei and the cameraman, Kenai. Was this the night these 3 strangers, were finally going to do something to Rei? It was obvious by how she was acting, she either knew this was coming and hoped it to be later than sooner, or that this almost seemed to be planned beforehand. Then the two were whispering, so quiet their mics could barely pick it up. Then before the viewer would know it, the duo sprinted out of the room, down a hallway that was away from where the previous flashlight was, they were heading towards the front of the building. The video continued of them running, never seeming to stop before they got to the pathway before the parking lot, where the camera went back to focusing on Rei. It was shaking. .

Rei stood in the center, staring directly at the camera, which seemed to be shaking by whoever was holding it. Then she began speaking, it seemed to be quickly put, and she even appeared to be out of breath. . The background seemed to be somewhere in the woods, during sundown. .
“We did not plan on this happening. . What you’re about to watch is unscripted, unedited. . Please keep your eyes out while watching and tell us if you find anything we haven’t. .-”

The camera then suddenly fell straight onto the ground, and the sound of leaves crunching was heard as Rei completely stopped talking. . Then the video ended, with her normal outtro. .
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Level 61
Thread starter
I'm gonna use this comment for this, but I'll only be editing this one while I'm at school. Aka so I can work on this during school!
AKA you can look at this if you want spoilers for the upcoming chapters/episodes, or if you want to read it before it officially comes out - Like a behind-the-scenes of it.
This is most likely just gonna end up being notes/ideas then once I get home I'll type it all out.

- Restaurant vlog
- Masked figure appears in the background during multiple scenes
- A group of people in black attire walks in
- Group seated next to Rei & Kenai
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