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Removing/Revising Rule, 7.2 | SUGGESTION


Level 21
IGN: FoldableSpork
DATE: 7/19/22

WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Either remove rule 7.2 or revise it to make it something like an admin/gang lead-permissioned act of joining/creating another gang/delinquent group on a separate character and remain in the other.


For a long time, GangRP has been a decently large factor of players' time spent on the server. There have been MANY changes to the crime faction that I adore. Like with Hebwig's removal of the "KPS" permission. Though, there is one recent rule that has affected me and others that was made with it; Rule 7.2 "You may only have one character and one account in a gang (refer to terminology for what a gang is)". I understand this will not interrupt the casualRPers. Though, a portion of the gangRPers have/will be affected by this. This is a big change, so I encourage you to look at my reasoning & benefits before -1/+1.

I am an active, and loving member of Akihito. It is the first gang I've ever joined, and my character devotes her life to it. However, like many others; I have multiple characters. All of them fleshed out, with story and lore. Though, on 7/14 luvochi and I made one of the most interesting ideas we've wanted to do. I know for me, and many others, we don't want to sacrifice two characters' lore for the other. Though, we had to put a full stop to any form of "gang" behavior (by the server's definition). Something similar happened with ImKana and Aidanator14, with their group "Rakkiyatsu" ( ). Aidan himself isn't a part of a gang, but ImKana is the captain of Akihito. They were making something AMAZING in my opinion, but Kana had to step down from his position as Rakkiyatsu's lieutenant because of this limiting rule. Another group affected by this is the Event Triad group Kana and a bunch of others set up. If we ever want to bring them back for more awesome events (like the recent boat one), the members would have to leave Akihito. (Though many of them weren't members, some were.) While these are the only situations I know, I'm positive others have been affected as well. I believe this rule is limiting others' ideas. This is a block-game roleplay, not a life-changing DND session. No player should be limited to one thing.


1. more rp oppurtunity for players - doing the same rp with the same crowd can get boring - rinse and repeat

2. Different gangs cover different criminal views - yakuza are about making money and extorting basically, Delinquent crew are for different reasons such as being the best fighter in school; or the fastest racer who will do anything to get to that path! There's a lot of awesome ways to be the server's defintion of a "gang."

3. I understand Meta can be used by some select people but that fact shouldnt ruin the rule for everyone - example kana being akihito captain and then playing sureiya who was rakkiyatsu's basically second leader, Rakkiyatsu took no part in RP with akihito and kana didnt leak any facts to give us advantages in RP so it can easily be done where players can play 2 characters in 2 gangs that take no part in being assossiated with each other

4. Some 'gangs' are being called gangs when thats not what they are meant to be because of 'criminal acitvity' but all they are doing is partaking in fights

• 5. With the removal of the KPS permission, we might be able to get even more AWESOME lore-based gangs with this; though a lot of those people are in already-made gangs. This can allow for more creativity again, and not limiting others' ideas.

More will be added as people bring even more benefits up.
Please also read other's replies before giving a full opinion on this!
Credits to: @Aidanator14 @Kana , @luvochi , and @hexfairies for helping me write this.
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Level 130

As someone who has NOT ONLY helped with this suggestion but has been personally affected by this rule, I believe it should be overturned. I do not believe you should be able to join that many gangs, maybe limit it to two, but MAINLY I think it should be up to the lead of whatever gang you're in (and whatever one you're joining). After all, the motto of this server is "Imagine it, roleplay it" but I cannot do that when I'm limited to expression on a single character.

You could argue "Just don't crimerp", but if we're going in accordance with the server's motto, there shouldn't be limitations such as this on what you can and cannot RP on separate accounts. Feel free to disagree, I'd like to hear any and all opinions, not only to this thread, but my comment!


Level 102
While i somewhat do agree with this rule it isn't easy trusting anyone who's in your gang while being in another you don't really know about or do but just don't trust the person to keep things confidential, I feel like this rule should be up to the gang lads instead? but i personally like the rule the way it is


Level 130
While i somewhat do agree with this rule it isn't easy trusting anyone who's in your gang while being in another you don't really know about or do but just don't trust the person to keep things confidential, I feel like this rule should be up to the gang lads instead? but i personally like the rule the way it is
Imo that's up to the gangs lead to weed out the ones who are using it for malicious reasons. Metagame is already a warnable/bannable offense, and use of it through this can be punished by the exact same thing.


Level 21
Thread starter
While i somewhat do agree with this rule it isn't easy trusting anyone who's in your gang while being in another you don't really know about or do but just don't trust the person to keep things confidential, I feel like this rule should be up to the gang lads instead? but i personally like the rule the way it is
I agree with this a lot. I'll put a thing in it after a few more comments that the Gang leads should make this a rule!


Level 12
I too was quite disappointed with this rule. As Kismet mentioned, we were in the process of creating a delinquent group. It already has members, lore, etc. So far, everyone has had an AMAZING time in it. We've all had great experiences with this new theme of cult-like behavior. Though, with this new rule, everything is quite... limiting. I understand that there has been some metagaming problems when it comes to players in more than one gang, but there are other ways to prevent that without taking away a huge part of SRP's creative freedom. Revision of this rule would allow much more roleplay opportunities, as it can be tiring, or almost boring, sticking with the same thing for some time and not being able to try anything else. The server's definition of "gangs" are very vague. It's stated to be a group of people doing criminal activity. Gonna throw in google's definition of gang real quickly- "A gang is a group or society of associates, friends or members of a family with a defined leadership and internal organization that identifies with or claims control over territory in a community and engages, either individually or collectively, in illegal, and possibly violent, behavior." Rakkiyatsu is a great example of a group which has been marked as a "gang," though honestly, using the direct definition of gang, it isn't one. It is simply a group of delinquent street racers! Which is such a cool concept!

Aforementioned, I said there could be other ways to keep control of metagaming. Staff approval could be one quick solution. Say you're in Akihito and want to join another gang. Of course you'd have to ask MikeShotZ for permission, as he's the creator, but you can also write to any other staff and have them approve you being in more than one gang. Another way is to limit this rule to verified gangs, though keep it so the leader can still give you permission to join other gangs. If those leaders find that member not suitable or trustworthy to not metagame, they can simply deny permission. I would also recommend enforcing greater punishments for metagaming. As of now, most times it is just a simple warn. If metagaming is that much of an issue in the GangRP community, there should be a bigger punishment in order to persuade others to follow the rules. As in bigger punishment I mean something like a temporary ban from GangRP or the server, or to be kicked from the gang they're in. There are many ways to fix the issue of metagaming without limiting player's experiences, as it isn't fair for those of us who haven't done anything wrong.


Level 17
binky & kana basically summed it up perfectly. would love to see this become a thing, though. :]


Level 4

I agree entirely. I may not be affected much with this rule but, I think it is ridiculous. I truly believe that if we are limited to just 1 gang, so many will get bored. I also believe that the server's definition of a gang needs to be rewritten. Not all crime groups are "gangs". I've only recently gotten into crimeRP and truly, I don't think a delinquent group is the same as a gang or a yakuza. I feel like the limit to the amount of gangs should be up to the leaders of said gangs.


Level 14

I used to partake in roleplay with Akihito as Daichi Kajiyashiki as one of the 3 LT's in the group, as time progressed I still adored the Akihito clan as a whole and i loved RPing with all the gang but i felt for myself that I had hit a wall with Daichi and didn't find it fun to progress with his character anymore and sometimes logging on actually felt more like a chore than a hobby.

I created Rakkiyatsu my new street racing delinquent gang as a way to partake in the new era of GangRP that Heb is bringing about with the street racing and car meets while also taking part in delinquent RP such as things like BullyRP, just hanging around with friends and not attending class or even fights with other classmates/delinquent groups, such as Sukeban that was made by @Polar or Kuchisake made by @luvochi and @FoldableSpork where no main crimes would take place other than this; the most I'd do would be a school/street brawl with bats/pipes and then of course the street racing, but under the new rules this has made these subjects fall under the category of 'Criminal RP' and has forced people to leave different gangs because they can only partake in one gang.

I saw polars post about his views:
While i somewhat do agree with this rule it isn't easy trusting anyone who's in your gang while being in another you don't really know about or do but just don't trust the person to keep things confidential, I feel like this rule should be up to the gang lads instead? but i personally like the rule the way it is

With what polar says I can totally agree with his facts that there can be a certain level of wariness / being untrusting but i feel it should be the Gang leaders duty to decide if the person is fit to join their gang if they're in another.

For Rakkiyatsu before joining kana aka ImKana asked Mike (Akihito lead) if he would mind him working on and joining the Rakkiyatsu problem to which his reply was No he wouldn't mind and therefore kana joined on his alt account on his sureiya character who I have since roleplayed with countless times on my character Ryota Miyasaki.

With the new rule being in place kana has had to leave Rakkiyatsu and only be in akihito which now from a lore side of view doesn't make sense, why would sureiya suddenly just leave?

But my views on the rules being changed still stand for others and not just my own desire/benefit, I remember when I first joined SRP and played a few different characters, when i first approached the GangRP scene I was member to different gangs that had different goals and ideals so that I could find a crowd that I enjoyed roleplaying with and it then allowed for me to find more roleplaying opportunities.

I understand that there are concerns to players metagaming and using knowledge they gained on another character to either boost themselves in a roleplay situation or give information to others on a different character, however there are already rules in place to combat against metagaming and such so if players are found to be doing this then they can easily be punished due to the rules that are already in place for that.

Now there are some areas I do agree with the rule however, if a player has 5 alt accounts and then decides to join 5 different gangs I believe that is excessive and should not be allowed but to be in 2 or 3 gangs that have different factors i believe it should be okay as the Akihito Clan Yakuza take part in totally different RP to what Rakkiyatsu does however due to it all being put under the same roof someone cant be allowed in both which i feel is very limiting to players.

For a Roleplay server to turn around and start placing limiters on places and telling people "One character can only be in a gang" is very restricting in my honest opinion, i believe that if a player wants multiple characters to partake in crime RP then this should be allowed so that the player can express their character in the way that they see fit and also to make sure that the players enjoy playing their own characters and they done get bored doing the same thing over and over again.

A last part is after the change to the KPS rules I believe that more players may start to check out GangRP maybe little by little now that they know that their hours, days or even years of hard work on a character and lore wont just be flushed down the toilet due to one wrong fight, so allowing them to check out all area's of the field and get a good feel for what is out there in the GangRP community would be a good idea.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk :)
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Level 175

Please this rule implementation literally destroyed a project I have been working on for ages, I really want it gone so I can do my project.


Level 231

I think the rule's there for a reason but with provisions or a limit of 2 gangs then sure.


Level 183
+1 . If you're complaining about trust or snaking, here's a simple answer

First off, I think the gang is responsible for anything related to "trust" or something near that. . If they don't want people in another gang, they can have their own rule for it. However, I don't think this rule should be completely removed, I think amount of gangs you're in should still be limited while you can still be in more than one gang- and also not have rivalry exist between the gangs. Even then, I think gang leaders are to be responsible for this, having their members choose between the two gangs if their member is in a gang they have rivalry with.


Level 135
I don't agree with this.

Though you make valid points, I view this as like being a part of a faction. This rule was rightfully implemented. Like you can't have two KPD accounts or two EMS accounts, so on and so forth, you should limit yourself to one gang at a time. Having to make a decision on one sole gang means that you will be even more dedicated to that organization. Should you wish to leave and do something else, that option will always be available.

This rule weeds out people who are joining gangs just to say "I was in that gang" and ruling out people who are active in one gang and inactive in another. This rule should have been implemented a very long time ago. Yes this forces players to make a choice, but it is a good choice. It allows for more active gangs and more dedicated members. I myself am currently torn between two gangs. I will be making my decision as per the rule stating. I don't think the rule should even be altered. Having staff verify someone being in more than one gang is a task in its own for our staff team and would be terribly difficult to manage.


Level 194
Big ol' +1

I was actually talking about this the other which is kind of funny, anyways everything that has been said above (including solely the +1's) is basically what I am thinking! Thank you Sally for this suggestion.

Gangrp is a very broad definition, and it can/does stretch out to be anything from a crime family like Scaleta (o7) to a old fashioned gang like Bonten, or a cultish type group like Myraid. Why am I bringing this up? Well, each character that a player makes has different lore and events that happen spiraling into different parts making the character a character, however, with this rule characters aren't allowed to be as creatively introduced as most of the player-base would enjoy. One gang limits alot of things, as a gang is a very wide definition for multiple things - such as the examples I provided above.

Changing this rule to something more specific such as "One player can only be in one verified gang across all accounts" or even "One player can only be affiliated with one gang, however they can partake in criminal groups on other character/accounts under the allowance of said gang leaders" would be so so much better for the community. This rule seriously dumbs down the moto "Imagine it. Roleplay it" along with other things, which I won't get into.

I probably have more to add but I can't really think of anything right now, sorry if something doesn't make sense I'm on my phone.

Tl;dr snazzy suggestion I agree.

Also to Infi since I just reloaded the page, the gang leads should be able to weed out people like that from the get-go telling from how they interact with other gangs and people that they qualified or aren't. People can say "I was in this gang!!" If it's just one anyways, so that doesn't make the most sense to me. Dunno, that's all!


Level 183
Like you can't have two KPD accounts or two EMS accounts,
That's a very different thing - I'd see a gang and another as two different factions. . For example, you can't have two characters/accounts in one gang, but you can have two accounts in different gangs just like you can be both KPD and EMS with two accounts


Level 21
Thread starter
I don't agree with this.

Though you make valid points, I view this as like being a part of a faction. This rule was rightfully implemented. Like you can't have two KPD accounts or two EMS accounts, so on and so forth, you should limit yourself to one gang at a time. Having to make a decision on one sole gang means that you will be even more dedicated to that organization. Should you wish to leave and do something else, that option will always be available.

This rule weeds out people who are joining gangs just to say "I was in that gang" and ruling out people who are active in one gang and inactive in another. This rule should have been implemented a very long time ago. Yes this forces players to make a choice, but it is a good choice. It allows for more active gangs and more dedicated members. I myself am currently torn between two gangs. I will be making my decision as per the rule stating. I don't think the rule should even be altered. Having staff verify someone being in more than one gang is a task in its own for our staff team and would be terribly difficult to manage.
Thank you for your reply Infi!

While I understand it is "apart of a faction", with stuff like KPD or EMS, that is a lot of a heavier role. With this, I feel like the term "gang" the server uses is very vague, and isn't equal to all parts of CrimeRP. With KPD and EMS it's usually a big part of the server, I know when I see them I go "Oh! A KPD/EMS member! Cool!" but you don't see that with a tag that says "CRIMINAL" and it makes sense.

Thank you TONs for the reply though!

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