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Remy Émile Velasco Augustin Biography


Level 4

This was written on: 4/10/2022

“Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment.”

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First Name:
Remy Émile


Family Name:

Preferred Name:
"You can call me Remy! Only family and the people I am close to call me Émile, so maybe once we get closer you can call me that!"


18 [2022]

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165.1/5'5 ft


A slim but athletic body, somewhat a mesomorph body build; A medium build with higher-than-average
muscular development and relatively low body fat. People may describe it as a naturally athletic physique.
Strong enough to do simple hand-to-hand combat with experience.

Skin Color:
Floral White

Eye Color:
Silver Chalice

Hair Style:
She would often wear her hair down; wavy and just about below shoulder, with messy bangs slightly below her eyebrows.

Hair Color:
Light Natural Blonde Hair Fading to Cadet Green with a White Strike.

Fashion Style:
Old Style: A somewhat tomboy-ish style, mostly wearing comfy and slightly oversized clothes, basically liking to show off a tasteful amount of skin. Usually Casual and Comfy; Often with bright pastel or saturated colors, mainly yellow. Still she sometimes likes to wear some revealing outfits whenever she feels like it.

New Style: Since Remy has grown older and matured, she now likes to wear some feminine items.

Date of Birth:
1993/ 09 / 22 - Libra

Place of Birth:
Legazpi City, Philippines


Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:
"My parents were Christian, but they never really pushed me to be a Christian."

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Often seen with her short wavy hair down. Always wearing a hint of yellow in her outfits; often jackets or jewelries. She has noticeably light freckles all over her face, an Alchemy tattoo on the side of her neck, along with a black septum piercing. She either finds herself with a sweet smile on her face with an energetic body language, or taking a nap in any type of position and place. Can rarely be seen smoking.

Remy has a Charming and Creative; light yet bright personality; Extremely Sociable but would never talk first, usually avoids first moves, and is more of a listener but will try when extremely interested, often cluelessly-brutally honest. She is extremely Naive and clueless about certain things, somewhat innocent. She is pure at heart, and is a good-humored as well a good-natured person who would rather hangout with animals[Animal Lover] than people. She always tries her best to nice and honest, as well as loyal to the people she is close to, but she can't help but say things that aren't very nice cluelessly in a way of trying to be nice and honest. She is a very patient person, never seen angry or holding a grudge towards anyone. People often find her pleasing to be with, mostly because she effortlessly charms them. She is relatively clumsy and has a hard time focusing. She tends to crack under pressure and explode... Although she is quite stupid and surprisingly knows how to flirt and say some sweet words... Not the best in comforting. Usually a very heavy sleeper/napper, she takes naps whenever she can.

Chronic Rhinitis

Character Voice:

Remy is often seen on her phone, usually watching Gakuen Babysitters on repeat. She is often carrying her Thoughts Book

Remy has a wide range of clothing, often in a comfy style and manner. She has a collection of yellow jackets in a variety of thickness. She mostly likes to wear saturated and bright colors, mostly yellow and green; but whenever she is feeling down, she likes to wear colors varying in pink, red and purple.


Remy's usual 'everyday' outfit, maybe happy, a lil normal.

Remy's Workout Outfit, what she usually wears for midnight jogs.

She has more outfits to come, so keep your eyes out for them.

Remy loves to create and paint Collage Paintings, following her other hobby of collecting trash, mainly magazines and newspaper to create these. She loves to listen to music whenever she can, but whenever she can't she just likes to whistle the tune of a song. She also likes to watch sweet and innocent animes that don't take up too much time.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:

Traditional Painting, Creativity and Attention to Detail

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Father: Joshua D. Santiago
Mother: Desiree S. Augustin
5 Older Brothers

Velasco Family:
Althaea C. Velasco
Mikio Velasco



In Estevez Memorial Hospital, Inc. of Legazpi City, Philippines; September 22, 1993. A girl was born to Joshua D. Santiago and Desiree S. Augustin and Five Older Brothers. Here the girl was given the name Emile meaning Eager, she was given her mother's surname by the choice of both Joshua and Desiree, but her first name was quickly Remy meaning Remedy, inspired by the rat in ratatouille, since her mother was obsessed with the movie. Remy grew up in a Middle Class society, being raised with affection and enough attention, and was pretty much treated like a princess and was often spoiled by her parents in a Normal Sized Bungalow in a village housing of Legazpi. Here she was home-schooled by her parents, learning French and Tagalog, along with livelihood and at home skills, and given with artistic freedom, where she got her hobby of Painting Collage, but she was still taught strict values such as honesty is the best policy and that she should respect anyone, and being taught being gay wasn’t the way.l. She was a clever and creative child who loved to be with nature and animals. Here she stayed only until she was 7 Years Old [1st Grade], her parents decided to move to Karakura Japan for more business opportunities along with more academic opportunities for Remy.

When they arrived at Karakura Japan, Remy was sad but still excited, thinking of the future and as well opportunities for herself. They moved into a traditional modern; normal sized apartment. Here, Remy spent most of her time in her room, as well as mostly staying at home being homeschooled by her parents, teaching her Japanese and helping her have more developed social skills, until the age of 12 years old. At the age of 13, she finally went to Karakura High School for 7th Grade, this was a huge change and was a permanent change as well. She had a hard time finding friends since she was a shy child, but she quickly got used to being fine with herself and studying attentively.

When Remy was 15 Years old in 9th Grade, Remy started to get stressed in school, often questioning what is wrong with herself, it was becoming more obvious that Remy was having a hard time focusing and listening, getting easily distracted. Her parents brought her to a Psychologist, here she was diagnosed with ADHD, finally she was given answers to her curiosity and what was wrong with her. Her parents couldn't believe it and had a hard time accepting it, but they had to and understood that Remy couldn't control this, they helped Remy ease in and be more self-aware. She uses a book where she writes her distracting thoughts.

Although in 2020 when Remy was only 16 years old, Remy's parents decided to get a divorce and move to France to become an Overseas Worker, hopefully trying to gain more income for Remy's future, this of course saddened Remy, but she had to accept it because this is what they think is best for her future. Remy's brothers also went on with their lives attending schools and getting jobs, and Remy was left with her Grandma who was flew from the Philippines to take care of her, but recently in 2022, her Grandma passed away from Breast Cancer. Now this made Remy kinda lonely, luckily she is close to Althaea C. Velasco, a Velasco Family Head, so she decided to join the family. She still lives in the same apartment but she has decorated it to suit her liking and basically has made it into an art studio. She found cigarettes as a somewhat stress reliever, although she barely smokes.

For Now, Remy is happily living by herself, keeping in touch with her parents, and likes to take pictures of animals and is often seen painting Collages in her sketch book :))))


Remy has now grown older and has matured, she continues to pursue art. She has grown to become more in touch and comfortable with her feminine side.​


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Level 183
I love this biography. Well organized.. Beautiful!! Your character also looks nice.. This deserves more activity than it has the biography is sooo cool

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