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Level 10
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:

Main account: kittyp4wz

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:

Yes! I have both discord and a microphone. My discord username is kittyp4wzz

List your timezone and country:

I am in the EST timezone and I live in the USA.

Describe your activity:

I’d describe my activity on the server as a solid 9/10. I am constantly trying to work towards making my characters as accurate as possible with jobs best fit to their interests. Many of my characters play important roles in my life seeing as making and developing characters is one of my biggest passions. School has unfortunately started up for another long year so I had to drop down a grade due to how long my school day is but I strive to make sure logging onto SRP is one of my main goals and motivations. I am typically on for around 4-9 hours every day.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:

My motivation for applying for a reporter is a multitude of reasons, the post prominent being that despite school-related stress, my passion for writing remains strong. This is why I want to apply for different factions on a game I enjoy. The act of writing helps me unwind and forget about the world around me. It doesn't matter what topic I am writing about, it merely matters that I get to write it. Writing is a true passion of mine and I hope to apply it in every aspect of my life, whether it be in a real-life or virtual setting.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:

In school, I have found that writing is a strong suit of mine. I am particularly skilled in subjects that prioritize writing, and my librarian application is a clear demonstration of my potential in this area. Besides, there's always room for improvement. Writing has been a source of comfort and outlet for my creativity, allowing me to express myself freely. I enjoy writing about my characters in Google Docs, and this daily activity helps alleviate any stress I may be feeling. Writing truly has the power to calm the mind, especially in the right setting and surrounded by supportive people.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:

I’ve read the rules more times than I can count and I am certain that I will follow the rules provided.

Why should we accept you over others?:

I believe I should be accepted over other applicants because my strong suit is my ability to use my creativity with writing and apply it in various situations. As someone who finds writing to be a passion, I have learned to let my creativity flow, and the possibilities are endless. I have also learned that there is always room for growth when it comes to writing, and I am constantly striving to improve my skills. However, I do not believe that I am superior to others who also enjoy writing. Rather, I see writing as a form of self-expression and a way to connect with others. While I may excel in this area, I recognize that others have their own strengths and should not be discounted. It is my hope that my love for writing and my desire to grow in this area will be apparent in my work, and that I will have the opportunity to showcase my skills in a practical setting.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.):

Yes I understand.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:

Yes. I don’t imagine me ever becoming inactive any time soon and do not ever plan on it.

Summarize what you imagine work as a reporter is:

The role of a reporter can be both challenging and rewarding. It requires a deep passion for journalism and an unwavering commitment to telling the facts. As a reporter, you will often be required to meet strict deadlines, which can be incredibly demanding, particularly when reporting on serious events such as deaths or tragedies. Additionally, the job can be highly rewarding, providing the opportunity to cover a wide range of topics, from exciting festivals and holiday activities to breaking news stories and important social issues. The satisfaction of bringing crucial information to the public can be immense, and the job can provide a sense of purpose and meaning in life. Ultimately, being a reporter requires a skilled balance of perseverance, creativity, and empathy, making the role both demanding and fulfilling.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name: Isamu Jeo Myung-Kimura

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g.,
Ms, Mr):
“I would probably tend to use the name Mr. Myung…”

Current Age (25+):
“I am twenty-five. It’s rude to ask for one’s age, y’know.”

Past job/work experience:
“I do not have any past work or job experience…although I sometimes wish I did.”

“I have a degree in both psychology and liberal arts, majoring in linguistics.”

Nationality and born location:
“I am Korean, born and raised in Itaewon-dong, South Korea. The rest is not your concern.”

Phone Number:
“My phone number is 030-842-8445. Why do you ask?”

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:

“I consider myself to be an intelligent and focused individual, with a penchant for precision and a keen attention to detail. Despite my stern exterior, I am known for my nurturing nature, with a genuine love for others that shines through in everything I do. My personality is a unique blend of strength and gentleness, making me a valuable asset to any team I'm a part of. My ability to inspire and motivate others is a testament to my innate leadership qualities, and I take pride in being a source of encouragement and support for those who need it. Overall, I am someone who is both reliable and trustworthy, always striving to make a positive impact in the world around me.”

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
“I am interested in writing about the latest and hottest news roaming the loud and busy streets of our wonderful city, of course. I can achieve this by hovering around hotspots in Karakura, bouncing from each as I gather new and exciting information to make various reports about. I believe going out of my comfort zone is a must when it comes to writing because if you do not make that jump then you are not able to grow properly.”

What are your expectations for the job?:
“My expectations for the job are similar to most. I expect to educate people on bustling topics that arise around Karakura while also working my way through tight deadlines. I hope to work with people who truly have a passion for writing and reporting while also having the ability and freedom to report on non-biased topics.”

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
“Between us, no I do not. I don’t believe setting myself up with a criminal record is anything I should be worried about.”

Fluent Languages (Underline your native): “I am fluent in Korean and have learned JSL over years of extensive learning.”

You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

[!] A faint tapping could be heard through the microphone before an abrupt stop, followed by a cough and a familiar trailing voice. [!]

“Goooood morning Karakura Citizens! It’s been a rainy few weeks recently, hasn’t it?"

[!] A deep chuckle rang throughout the microphone. [!]

"Alright, time for the more important stories of today. I am happy to announce that shop fever has hit Karakura City!"

"Our team of reporters has been keeping a close eye on local stores in and around Karakura City, and we have been amazed by the sheer number of new establishments appearing on the scene. From antique shops to clothing boutiques, it seems like there is a little something for everyone in the bustling city."

"In fact, just yesterday, we received a report of a florist shop opening right in the heart of the business district. With its quaint and cozy atmosphere, it has become a hit with locals and tourists alike."

"But it's not just the shops that are drawing people in. We also have reports of our local shrine opening up its doors to offer traditional Japanese services along with equally as interesting ghost ordeals for the especially daunting Halloween season. With its serene and calming environment, it's become a popular destination for people looking for a moment of peace and relaxation."

"It's clear that the residents of Karakura City are excited about these new additions to their community. And it's not hard to see why, with so many unique and interesting businesses opening up, it's no wonder why people are clamoring to check them out."

"So if you're ever in the area and want to experience the best of what Karakura has to offer, we highly recommend checking out the local shops and establishments. Who knows, you may just find something you've been looking for or pick up a new friend along your journey!"

“It's quite remarkable, truly, and I believe it speaks to the resilience and ingenuity of our residents. The excitement is palpable, and I, for one, am thrilled to see such enthusiasm in our town. It's heartening to see these entrepreneurs taking a chance and starting something new, and I believe that their drive and determination will only serve to benefit our community. It's a true joy to see so much growth and promise in Karakura Town, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.”

“The sudden surge in new shops opening in Karakura City is a sign of progress and development. It shows that the community is thriving despite the challenging conditions posed by the monsoon season. The locals have refused to let the weather bring them down, and have instead chosen to start new businesses and pursue their dreams. This demonstrates a level of resilience and determination that is truly inspiring. It also speaks to the ingenuity of the community, as these entrepreneurs have found unique ways to thrive in the face of adversity.
Furthermore, the excitement surrounding the new shops is palpable. The city is buzzing with activity and anticipation, and it's a joy to see so many people excited about the growth and promise that these new enterprises offer. It's also encouraging to see entrepreneurs taking a chance and starting something new, which requires a significant amount of courage and resolve. Their drive and determination will undoubtedly be advantageous for the community as a whole, and they'll likely make a positive impact in the future.
Overall, the sudden surge in new shops is a testament to the strength and ingenuity of the Karakura City community. It's truly heartening to see such enthusiasm and optimism during difficult times, and it gives me hope for the future of our city.”

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

“Interview with Karakura EMS; The Uproar of Injury.”
9:45AM - 11:45AM

[!] Faint TV static would be heard, followed by a loud clearing of the throat and decreasing sounds of speech and whispers. Soon after a few cameras would begin rolling. [!]
“Ready for a take!”

{Mr. Myung} Thank you three for taking time out of your day to meet with me. I would like to jump straight to it now that we are all settled.

[!] Mr. Myung would be seen to straighten his tie and fix his own posture now that the cameras had started rolling, giving the three EMS before him a smile. [!]

{Mr. Myung} Any of you are free to answer these questions. Now, How do you three believe the injury rates in Karakura have gone up within these recent weeks?

[!] A clipboard would be taken out of Mr. Myung's bag, paired with a pen. [!]

[EMS1] Ah-...I believe injury rates in our city have regretfully been going up by the masses from what I have gathered.

[EMS3] You could say that again! They've gone up by what seems like HUNDREDS. We’ve been seeing things like broken bones, lacerations, or even serious head injuries!

[Mr. Myung] Oh my…that doesn't sound pleasant whatsoever. How do you believe so? Or, In better words, what do you believe could be causing such horrid findings?

[EMS2] It sounds to me like those forest dwellers are at it again to be frank with 'ya. Every October it's like all y'all are visiting our emergency rooms because of some spirit attacking 'ya!

[EMS1] You couldn't have described it better…but we’ve also been seeing an uptick in cases involving gang activity and physical abuse.

[Mr. Myung] It seems like the three of you are in agreement with those statements and I appreciate your input. How often do you three see cases as severe as the ones you've mentioned?

{EMS2} Honestly, to be real with you, almost every week. Karakura is becoming a sadly dangerous city by the looks of it. We've been getting a ton of horrific cases as of late.

{EMS3} I'm in full agreement there, I tell ya'. All I've been seeing when I clock in is broken bones or some fella' dripping blood onto the floor.

{Mr. Myung}
[!] A sharp inhale through his teeth would be heard through the microphone. [!]
Oooh…that doesn't sound like a pleasant sight…whatsoever. Is there anything else that you all feel has to be mentioned before the next question?

[!] A sigh would be heard from the opposing microphone. [!]

{EMS1} Well, the job has become much harder due to the increase in injuries. We're working harder than ever to keep up.

Additional Information:

(not finished, was supposed to rewrite and use the base material to structure my responses... I will not be doing this method in the future)

Last edited:


Level 172
News Lead
Government Lead

After review of your application, it has been made clear that your application is AI-generated.

- You are blacklisted from applying to the News faction.​

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