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Rick's Hospital internship application


Level 26

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game-Name):


Time spent on SchoolRP:
long time? like 3 years on and off?

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I usually get on srp 3-5 hours a day if possible though sometimes there are days where I don't get on and play some games with my IRL friends or brother. When I am online I usually go onto my KPD account to hang with my friends there or my college account where I am on the baseball team and hang out there. I also have a professor account where I still need to get used to sometimes but I should be fine.

Which timezone are you in?

In-Character (IC) Section

Characters Full Name:

Juan Jefe

Characters Age:

Characters Current Medical Knowledge:
Currently, Juan has not that much medical knowledge though he has been interested lately in how medical things work as he goes on yt a lot looking at how people treat certain wounds. When he was young his parents were on the dark side of life where they dealt drugs and money and sometimes they would get beaten up or their packages would get stolen and they would need to fight to get it back and then Juan would treat them at home so he needed to learn many things at home to get his parents back up and running. though when they moved to karakura his parents got arrested at the airport and Juan has never seen them ever again hence why he lost some of his medical skills but he is still interested in learning them.

Characters IC Phone Number:

Is your character over 2 months old OOCly? (Required):
yes, Juan has been here for over a year minimum

Is your character affiliated with any gangs or illegal activity?:
no, Juan despises those so he never wants to be in contact with any of those people, only if he needs to help them or save them

Does your character carry a criminal record, if so, what?:
Juan was forced to help gangrpers out and was told to hold onto a weapon and he got caught by police and deeply regrets doing that, he also has been arrested for being drunk in public but that's all, after this he hasn't done anything wrong anymore as the mentioned things were over a year ago.

Do you understand the general information regarding interns? (Listed under the #Internship channel in the Karakura Emergency discord):
Yes, I understand the information provided in the said channel

Ty for reading :)


Level 236
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator
After a discussion with the Hospital Higher-ups, we have decided to deny your internship application.
- Any inquiries regarding this can be sent to alex!#4532.

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