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Rini Y. Kōraru | Character Biography


Level 71
Shrine Lead
Rini Yamada Kōraru

Basic Information

First Name:
Surname: Kōraru

Preferred Name:

Aliases: N/A

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Height: 5’0 | 152.4cm

Weight: 83 kg | 138ibs

Build: Athletic

Skin Colour: Light olive skin

Eye Colour: Faint Hazel

Hair Style: Waist-length straight hair that flowed down her back, and one part would fall down the front of her left shoulder. Some stands fell down the sides of her face framing and it was commonly a little messy.

Hair Colour: Russet (Dark brown with a reddish-orange tinge.)

Fashion: Childish fashion mixed with an adult look, Rini commonly wears cute outfits with some childish accents and are colourful. However a little, adult-like and mature at the same time. For most of her clothing, she designs herself with fun little accents.

Abnormalities: Female is of shorter height than most people and has a childish personality that adapted after her trauma as a kid.

Date of Birth: 15th of May 1995

Place of Birth: Clovelly, England

Nationality: English

Race: ???

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Religious Beliefs: Shinto

Political Beliefs: N/A

General Appearance

A small athletic female standing at 5’0, she would have waist height long russet hair flowing commonly down her back and one side hanging over her front left shoulder. The rest framed her face and was a little messy some of the time. Soft light hazel eyes, commonly joyful. And a bright smile.

Personality: Childish-like personality, she sometimes has moments where she acts like a child or younger than what she is because of past situations. And commonly mixed with an adult-like seriousness being serious when she needs to normally when she is teaching. Being supportive, joyful, kind and positive to her peers, colleagues and kids spreading positive emotions around to those who may need it.

Diseases/Illness: Nothing recorded in her history.

Character Voice: Rini would have a soft calming voice, never really to be able to be taken seriously as she sounds nice. And her accent is a mix of English and Japanese. The English accent can be heard more, she’d sound positive and happy most of the time, also being well mannered. (No video or clip)

Equipment: A small dino plushie 'Alex' (This is her comfort Buddie she carries it everywhere), an Acoustic guitar (cherry blossom pattern), oceanic earrings, a black phone, Karakura tokens and a spare book and pen (given out to students who may need them), Toy gun (SAAOUS), and a National ID.

Clothes: Her favourite outfit to wear is a red long sleeve top that goes up to her neck with a red and white dress over the top patterned with small hearts and dots, long white socks one higher than the other and red heels. Outfits differ depending on her mood or choice of style for the day.

Hobbies: Tailoring, Family / Pet care, work / study-related things, being a total idiot, art-related things, writing, acting and almost every sport besides basketball.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Dyspraxia (Clumsy Child Syndrome)

Skills: Getting herself injured / or being clumsy (knowing to trip over or run into something on accident), cooking, multitasking (doing two or more things at once), basic first aid, acting / drama-related things, playing guitar and origami.

Emma Di Rosa Kōraru (Passed 2004 - involved in a fatal plane crash)
"You always supported me and I love you for it and forever"

Asai Kōraru (Passed 2004 - involved in a fatal plane crash)
"May your spirit follow you and Kōraru will guide you, then your heart and everything else will fall in line"

Francis Kōraru (Passed 2012 - Unknown)
"You were my grandmother and my greatest support"

Lev Kōraru (Brother Passed - Non-biological)
"You were the biggest bottomless pit I knew but the best brother I ever had, rest well brother..."

Min-Jun Kōraru (Brother Missing : Non-biological)
"You have gone missing but may Kōraru protect you. . . and don't knock people out with basketballs"

Tetsuya Kōraru (Brother : Non-biological)
"Haven't fully met you yet.."

Saybil Kōraru (Brother : Non-biological)
"The most demotic brother around, but I still love you"

Min-Ji 'Shin' Kōraru (Adoptive Daughter)
"Please don't summon demons again you gothic child, but I'll forever love you"

Mathieu R. Kōraru (Adoptive Son)
"You're the craziest son I've had but I love you for being unique"

King Julian (Pet bird)
"I love you with all my heart KJ you're so adorable"

Kaku (Pet bird)
"I don't see you much but you're amazing"

Pimp (Shared pet bird)
"Don't call me midget... but I love you too"

Udon (Pet Raccoon)
"I don't see you much but you leave a mess.."

Kori (Pet bird)
"I haven't seen you in months I miss you.."

Outside Family / Relationships:
Neo Corvid (Fiancée)
"The one person who loved me for me, I'll love you and never will stop, you're the best partner I could ever ask for"

Felix R. Corvid (Son like figure)
"I've never met someone with so much humour"

Camille 'Cam' Corvid (Daughter like figure)
"I've always enjoyed spending time with you"

Kumiko Z. Yamada (Family Sister)
"I don't see you much but I miss you.."

Quillsontavius (Felix’s Pet / Duck Friend)
"You're the size of a bowling ball lose some weight. . . please-!"

Katana 'Kat' Yamazaki
"At first I was unsure of you... but now I trust you"
(Anyone I missed I'm sorry, friends are out of this list or it would've been 10x longer)

It was a spring night and in the small house, sat alone in a small field of flowers, trees branching off and covered in leaves. In England on the outskirts of the small town of Clovelly sat a lonely house. This house was home to the Kōraru family, a soon to be mother and father had prepared the house for the arrival of their child yet it was delayed. On the 15th of May, their daughter was born. Her name was chosen by her father, the name being Rini meaning little bunny. Rini carried her mothers looks having the natural dark brown hair and the soft jaw line, however carried her fathers intelligence and eyes being a soft hazel.

She was raised as an only child, attending school at the local village. Her mother, Emma Di Rosa, being of English-Italian descent, had lived in this area for almost her whole life. She then was sent over to Japan to study and get a better education. There she met Rini’s father Asai Kōraru who too studied at the same place. They moved away to England again to start a family. Because Rini was not fully English decent the students tended to pick on her and made fun of her for it. However her parents encouraged her to do as much as she could and take up as many opportunities as she could.

She was one of the smarter students in all her classes in her first years of school and was rather athletic and sporty. “From the day you could walk you were trying to run!”, her parents always told her. On Rini’s 9th birthday her parents sent her away to Tokyo Japan to visit her grandmother. Her parents promised her they would meet her there in a few days, however it never happened. 4 days after she had arrived her grandmother got a call and came in to talk to Rini. She informed her granddaughter that her parents had both been lost in a plane accident after the plane had a faulty engine and crashed into the coastline of England. Because of the passing of her parents her grandmother became her full time caretaker. For a 9 year old so close to her parents this traumatised her causing her to stop talking. Rini was mute for 10 months and in her grandmother's desperate attempts to help her she enrolled Rini into a high class school nearby.

Rini spent a year studying there before eventually gaining back her speech. She always came home with some achievement or reward to show her grandmother which she was delighted to know Rini was managing well. She was commonly chasing her dreams and doing a lot of physical work. Fascinated by athletes and medical work from a young age Rini was constantly hitting goals in those areas. Being one of the most athletic females in her class, always trying out for teams or trying to become a part of some physical activity.

One night while doing her homework Rini heard her grandmother come back. However she never came to meet Rini nor could she hear her grandmother talking much. Out of curiosity she packed up and went to meet her, however she stopped to see her grandmother with another child beside her. She introduced her to the small male child and told Rini that his name was Lev! He was going to be her new brother and live with them as well. Rini at first was unsure about having a new sibling especially since she had grown up alone. But then eventually became comfortable around him and accepted him as her brother.

Quickly graduating to another high class highschool over in Japan. Rini was creating a life for herself fast. Her brother was ahead of her in his schooling but still they were really close. Rini has made a small friend group among the girls in her year level and were some of the most well known. Rini being the athletic one of the team while the others shone in their own ways.

While at school Rini and Lev too got a text from their grandmother saying there was someone she wished they would meet after school. Curious, the two walked home together and entered the house to find her grandmother had adopted yet another child. His name was Min-Jun and only 8 years younger than Rini. Both being excited greeted the new family member and all seemed to get along really well, after time they became so close it was like they all were siblings since birth.

At the age of 17 Rini got home after a busy day. The house however when she entered was rather quiet and off putting. She was confused and walked down the empty corridors, as soon as she entered the main room she found her grandmother out cold on the floor.

In fear she rushed over and shook her tears running down her face and out of panic she called Lev and Min-Jun begging them to come over. As soon as they arrived they realised what was so important, Rini had called the hospital and soon after Lev and Min-Jun arrived so did the ambulance. About 2 hours later in the hospital Rini and Min-Jun were notified and they told them they had lost their grandmother… She then contacted Lev telling him the bad news before going back home with Min-Jun. She locked herself in her room and sat there crying. Missing 4 weeks of school grieving over her grandmother's passing, also facing the fact and realisation that she was what was left of Kōraru her parents always told her about this but she didn't listen. And eventually she returned for the end of the school year.

Rini finally graduated from highschool and set out for another top of the ranks Academy. Spending hours studying and working hard and also looking after Min-Jun she managed to submit her form, her hopes high. She wanted to get a part time job so she was able to earn some money for her and her brother, after searching for 5 days she managed to get a small job at a sushi store working 8 hour shifts every day.

Two months later on her 18th birthday she got a message back from the Academy she had tried to enrol in saying they had accepted her and were delighted to welcome her into the Academy. Excited, she packed 2 weeks early and told Lev. While also contacting a friend of hers to manage and look after Min-Jun as Lev was out of the country. At 5am the day of her departure she dragged her stuff into the back of a taxi and headed there. Her new hope for 2-3 years was to get the job of her dreams. Rini had studied for the past hour the night before, determined to find a job she wanted to do and saw the opportunity to become a teacher! However she had her eyes set on a physical and health educational teacher or Performing arts teacher, one working around physical activities, and the other acting and drama, something she loved the most.

After her hard work and dedication she had managed to get the perfect scores and mastered her degree before staying there one final year to learn basic first aid and medical attention. Her friends she had made there had all moved away or left after finally getting the degree they wanted. However what Rini thought was going to be 2-3 years turned out to be 4 and she walked out excited for her new journey ahead of her.

When she got back home she was disappointed and found out that Lev had moved away to Karakura in Japan, a small city a little far away from Tokyo. He had messaged her saying that he was planning to move to the city a few months ago yet Rini had dismissed it focusing on her studying. Curious she messaged him back saying she was to also move there hoping to get a job there as well. After having the small conversation she went and met her other brother Min-Jun after 4 years being away he was surprisingly happy to see her again and had changed quite a lot. She informed him about Lev and they talked a little before she headed back off to her hotel.

That night she sat there in the small hotel room she had rented out booking flights to a small local airport in a town around there, she would land then take a taxi to Karakura. That night anxious and excited, she managed to fall asleep. She was only 22 and yet doing everything alone.

The morning of her departure getting ready to catch her flight her friend messaged her urgently telling her to come over. Turning her flight down she went to her friend to find they had lost their close friend. Rini, upset with what happened sayed back in Tokyo assisting her friend and helping her with her life for another 5 years getting a job at a local business which she hated. She dyed her hair a light brown trying to fit in with her friends and after her 6th year she had enough and finally messaged Lev telling him she would meet him in Karakura this weekend.

Booking another flight she set out this time to achieve her goal. Saying bye to her friend she packed her stuff and finally got onto her flight, flying for 2 hours before landing in the small local town. She stayed there for a night looking around the town and its features before booking a taxi the next morning to Karakura. Once she had gotten to the tunnel Rini was anxious and scared that she had made the wrong decision yet when she got there she finally met her brother again.

She lived with him for a few days applying for a job at Karakura high as a P.E. teacher. While waiting for a reply she got a small job at a local cafe working there for 6 hours a day. Nervous about her application she asked Lev if they had ever accepted 27 year old teachers, he being a good brother reassured her it was going to be OK and that maybe they had before.

After a month passed and she got an invitation to do an interview as she had been accepted! Over excited she turned up shaking and after passing her interview started her job at Karakura High, she was finally doing her dream job and was delighted.

After a few months she got an apartment overlooking the coast of Karakura. She thought it would be better to move out and let her brother have his space as there was not much room and then walked out after hours of moving stuff. She ran into a small bird only a few weeks old. It seemed to be abandoned and no owner or parent in sight.

She decided she was going to take him home and look after the small bird, setting him down on her counter and walking back and forth trying to think of a name before deciding on King Julian and KJ for short. He seemed happy enough and joyfully she took him in.

Continuing on, Rini kept living her life here in Karakura and spending her time doing what she loved the most, making new friends and meeting new people.

(This backstory I’ve copy and pasted from the original doc I’ve written it on if you’re interested or want to full version of the backstory ask me and I’ll give you the link)

‧̍̊°。˚ .° 。˚ °。˚ °。˚ . ° 。˚ °。˚‧̍̊
Discord - Diving#5539

In Game Accounts -

[L.T] - [Teacher] [28] Rini Y. Kōraru

[F+] - [Fox] [1] Raven / Nokoribi

[F+] - [Duck] [1] Quillsontavius ‘Quill’ / Aflac

[F+] - [Grade-12] [18] Madoka 'Doka' Noruma | Viya Miyazaki | Hotaru 'Yōko' Kōraru

"If we can learn to hate, we can learn to love"

‧̍̊°。˚ .° 。˚ °。˚ °。˚ . ° 。˚ °。˚‧̍̊
Last edited:


Level 1
Rini Yamada Kōraru
View attachment 30927

Basic Information

First Name:
Surname: Kōraru

Preferred Name:

Aliases: N/A

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Height: 5’0 | 152.4cm

Weight: 83 kg | 138ibs

Build: Athletic

Skin Colour: Light olive skin

Eye Colour: Faint Hazel

Hair Style: Waist length straight hair that flowed down her back, and one part would fall down the front of her left shoulder. Some stands falling down the sides of her face framing and it was commonly a little messy.

Hair Colour: Russet (Dark brown with a reddish-orange tinge.)

Fashion: Childish fashion mixed with an adult look, Rini commonly wears cute outfits with some childish accents and are colourful. However a little, adult like and mature at the same time. Most of her clothing she designs herself with fun little accents.

Abnormalities: Female being of shorter height than most people and a childish personality that adapted after her trauma as a kid.

Date of Birth: 15th of May 1995

Place of Birth: Clovelly, England

Nationality: English

Race: Caucasian

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Religious Beliefs: Shinto

Political Beliefs: N/A

General Appearance

A small athletic female standing at 5’0, she would have waist height long russet hair flowing commonly down her back and one side hanging over her front left shoulder. The rest framing her face and a little messy some of the time. Soft light hazel eyes, commonly joyful. And a bright smile.

Personality: Childish like personality, she sometimes has the moments where she acts like a child or younger than what she is because of past situations. And commonly mixed with an adult like seriousness being serious when she needs to normally when she is teaching. Being supportive, joyful, kind and positive to her peers, colleagues and kids spreading positive emotions around to those who may need it.

Diseases/Illness: Nothing recorded in her history.

Character Voice: Rini would have a soft calming voice, never really to be able to be taken seriously as she sounds nice. And her accent is a mix of English and Japanese. The English accent can be heard more, she’d sound positive and happy most of the time, also being well mannered. (No video or clip)

Equipment: A small bee-cat plushie (This is her comfort buddie she carries it everywhere), an Acoustic guitar (cherry blossom pattern), Karakura tokens and a spare book and pen (given out to students who may need them), Toy gun (SAAOUS), and a National ID.

Clothes: Her favourite outfit to wear is a red long sleeve top that goes up to her neck with a red and white dress over the top patterned with small hearts and dots, long white socks one higher than the other and red heels. Outfits differ depending on her mood or choice of style for the day.

Hobbies: Tailoring, Family / Pet care, work / study related things, being a total idiot, art related things, writing, acting and almost every sport besides basketball.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Her clumsiness nothing else.

Skills: Getting herself injured / or being clumsy (knowing to trip over or run into something on accident), cooking, multitasking (doing two or more things at once), basic first aid, acting / drama related things, playing guitar and origami.

Emma Di Rosa Kōraru (Passed 2004 - involved in a fatal plane crash)
Asai Kōraru (Passed 2004 - involved in a fatal plane crash)
Lev Kōraru (Brother : Non-biological)
Min-Jun Kōraru (Brother : Non-biological)
Min-Ji Kōraru (Adoptive Daughter)
Isibéal Kōraru (Adoptive Daughter)
Nikki Kōraru (Adoptive Daughter)
Felix Kōraru (Adoptive Son)
King Julian (Pet bird)
Kaku (Pet bird)
Pimp (Shared pet bird)
Udon (Pet Raccoon)

Outside Family / Relationships:
Neo Corvid (Boyfriend)
Felix R. Corvid (Son like figure)
Kumiko Z. Yamada (Family Sister)
Quillsontavius (Felix’s Pet / Duck Friend)

It was a spring night and in the small house, sat alone in a small field of flowers, trees branching off covered in leaves. In England on the outskirts of the small town of Clovelly sat a lonely house. This house was home to the Kōraru family, a soon to be mother and father had prepared the house for the arrival of their child yet it was delayed. On the 15th of May, their daughter was born. Her name was chosen by her father, the name being Rini meaning little bunny. Rini carried her mothers looks having the natural dark brown hair and the soft jaw line, however carried her fathers intelligence and eyes being a soft hazel.

She was raised as an only child, attending school at the local village. Her mother, Emma Di Rosa, being of English-Italian descent, had lived in this area for almost her whole life. She then was sent over to Japan to study and get a better education. There she met Rini’s father Asai Kōraru who too studied at the same place. They moved away to England again to start a family. Because of Rini being not fully English decent the students tended to pick on her and made fun of her for it. However her parents encouraged her to do as much as she could and take up as many opportunities as she could.

She was one of the smarter students in all her classes in her first years of school and was rather athletic and sporty. “From the day you could walk you were trying to run!”, her parents always told her. On Rini’s 9th birthday her parents sent her away to Tokyo Japan to visit her grandmother. Her parents promised her they would meet her there in a few days, however it never happened. 4 days after she had arrived her grandmother got a call and came in to talk to Rini. She informed her granddaughter that her parents had both been lost in a plane accident after the plane had a faulty engine and crashed into the coastline of England. Because of the passing of her parents her grandmother became her full time caretaker. For a 9 year old so close to her parents this traumatised her causing her to stop talking. Rini was mute for 10 months and in her grandmother's desperate attempts to help her she enrolled Rini into a high class school nearby.

Rini spent a year studying there before eventually gaining back her speech. She always came home with some achievement or reward to show her grandmother which she was delighted to know Rini was managing well. She was commonly chasing her dreams and doing a lot of physical work. Fascinated by athletes and medical work from a young age Rini was constantly hitting goals in those areas. Being one of the most athletic females in her class, always trying out for teams or trying to become a part of some physical activity.

One night while doing her homework Rini heard her grandmother come back. However she never came to meet Rini nor could she hear her grandmother talking much. Out of curiosity she packed up and went to meet her, however she stopped to see her grandmother with another child beside her. She introduced her to the small male child and told Rini that his name was Lev! He was going to be her new brother and live with them as well. Rini at first was unsure about having a new sibling especially since she had grown up alone. But then eventually became comfortable around him and accepted him as her brother.

Quickly graduating to another high class highschool over in Japan. Rini was creating a life for herself fast. Her brother was ahead of her in his schooling but still they were really close. Rini has made a small friend group among the girls in her year level and were some of the most well known. Rini being the athletic one of the team while the others shone in their own ways.

While at school Rini and Lev too got a text from their grandmother saying there was someone she wished they would meet after school. Curious, the two walked home together and entered the house to find her grandmother had adopted yet another child. His name was Min-Jun and only 8 years younger than Rini. Both being excited greeted the new family member and all seemed to get along really well, after time they became so close it was like they all were siblings since birth.

At the age of 17 Rini got home after a busy day. The house however when she entered was rather quiet and off putting. She was confused and walked down the empty corridors, as soon as she entered the main room she found her grandmother out cold on the floor.

In fear she rushed over and shook her tears running down her face and out of panic she called Lev and Min-Jun begging them to come over. As soon as they arrived they realised what was so important, Rini had called the hospital and soon after Lev and Min-Jun arrived so did the ambulance. About 2 hours later in the hospital Rini and Min-Jun were notified and they told them they had lost their grandmother… She then contacted Lev telling him the bad news before going back home with Min-Jun. She locked herself in her room and sat there crying. Missing 4 weeks of school grieving over her grandmother's passing, also facing the fact and realisation that she was what was left of Kōraru her parents always told her about this but she didn't listen. And eventually she returned for the end of the school year.

Rini graduated finally from highschool and set out for another top of the ranks Academy. Spending hours studying and working hard and also looking after Min-Jun she managed to submit her form, her hopes high. She wanted to get a part time job so she was able to earn some money for her and her brother, after searching for 5 days she managed to get a small job at a sushi store working 8 hour shifts every day.

Two months later on her 18th birthday she got a message back from the Academy she had tried to enrol in saying they had accepted her and were delighted to welcome her into the Academy. Excited, she packed 2 weeks early and told Lev. While also contacting a friend of hers to manage and look after Min-Jun as Lev was out of the country. At 5am the day of her departure she dragged her stuff into the back of a taxi and headed there. Her new hope for 2-3 years was to get the job of her dreams. Rini had studied for the past hour the night before, determined to find a job she wanted to do and saw the opportunity to become a teacher! However she had her eyes set on a physical and health educational teacher or Performing arts teacher, one working around physical activities, and the other acting and drama, something she loved the most.

After her hard work and dedication she had managed to get the perfect scores and mastered her degree before staying there one final year to learn basic first aid and medical attention. Her friends she had made there had all moved away or left after finally getting the degree they wanted. However what Rini thought was going to be 2-3 years turned out to be 4 and she walked out excited for her new journey ahead of her.

When she got back home she was disappointed and found out that Lev had moved away to Karakura in Japan, a small city a little far away from Tokyo. He had messaged her saying that he was planning to move to the city a few months ago yet Rini had dismissed it focusing on her studying. Curious she messaged him back saying she was to also move there hoping to get a job there as well. After having the small conversation she went and met her other brother Min-Jun after 4 years being away he was surprisingly happy to see her again and had changed quite a lot. She informed him about Lev and they talked a little before she headed back off to her hotel.

That night she sat there in the small hotel room she had rented out booking flights to a small local airport in a town around there, she would land then take a taxi to Karakura. That night anxious and excited, she managed to fall asleep. She was only 22 and yet doing everything alone.

The morning of her departure getting ready to catch her flight her friend messaged her urgently telling her to come over. Turning her flight down she went to her friend to find they had lost their close friend. Rini, upset with what happened sayed back in Tokyo assisting her friend and helping her with her life for another 5 years getting a job at a local business which she hated. She dyed her hair a light brown trying to fit in with her friends and after her 6th year she had enough and finally messaged Lev telling him she would meet him in Karakura this weekend.

Booking another flight she set out this time to achieve her goal. Saying bye to her friend she packed her stuff and finally got onto her flight, flying for 2 hours before landing in the small local town. She stayed there for a night looking around the town and its features before booking a taxi the next morning to Karakura. Once she had gotten to the tunnel Rini was anxious and scared that she had made the wrong decision yet when she got there she finally met her brother again.

She lived with him for a few days applying for a job at Karakura high as a P.E. teacher. While waiting for a reply she got a small job at a local cafe working there for 6 hours a day. Nervous about her application she asked Lev if they had ever accepted 27 year old teachers, he being a good brother reassured her it was going to be OK and that maybe they had before.

After a month passed and she got an invitation to do an interview as she had been accepted! Over excited she turned up shaking and after passing her interview started her job at Karakura High, she was finally doing her dream job and was delighted.

After a few months she got an apartment overlooking the coast of Karakura. She thought it would be better to move out and let her brother have his space as there was not much room and then walked out after hours of moving stuff. She ran into a small bird only a few weeks old. It seemed to be abandoned and no owner or parent in sight.

She decided she was going to take him home and look after the small bird, setting him down on her counter and walking back and forth trying to think of a name before deciding on King Julian and KJ for short. He seemed happy enough and joyfully she took him in.

Continuing on, Rini kept living her life here in Karakura and spending her time doing what she loved the most, making new friends and meeting new people.

(This backstory I’ve copy and pasted from the original doc I’ve written it on if you’re interested or want to full version of the backstory ask me and I’ll give you the link)


Discord - Diving#5539

In Game Accounts -

[R+] - [Teacher] [27] Rini Y. Kōraru

Quillstontavius [F+] - [Fox] [1] Raven / Puppy Malone

DrivingCrazy [F+] - [Duck] [1] Quillsontavius ‘Quill’ / Aflac

_CreditCardInfo [F+]- [Grade-11] [17] Yuuki R. Ukiyo / Viya Kōraru

Rini Lore


  • oooh yeahhh.jpg
    oooh yeahhh.jpg
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Level 42
Rini Yamada Kōraru
View attachment 30927

Basic Information

First Name:
Surname: Kōraru

Preferred Name:

Aliases: N/A

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Height: 5’0 | 152.4cm

Weight: 83 kg | 138ibs

Build: Athletic

Skin Colour: Light olive skin

Eye Colour: Faint Hazel

Hair Style: Waist length straight hair that flowed down her back, and one part would fall down the front of her left shoulder. Some stands falling down the sides of her face framing and it was commonly a little messy.

Hair Colour: Russet (Dark brown with a reddish-orange tinge.)

Fashion: Childish fashion mixed with an adult look, Rini commonly wears cute outfits with some childish accents and are colourful. However a little, adult like and mature at the same time. Most of her clothing she designs herself with fun little accents.

Abnormalities: Female being of shorter height than most people and a childish personality that adapted after her trauma as a kid.

Date of Birth: 15th of May 1995

Place of Birth: Clovelly, England

Nationality: English

Race: Caucasian

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Religious Beliefs: Shinto

Political Beliefs: N/A

General Appearance

A small athletic female standing at 5’0, she would have waist height long russet hair flowing commonly down her back and one side hanging over her front left shoulder. The rest framing her face and a little messy some of the time. Soft light hazel eyes, commonly joyful. And a bright smile.

Personality: Childish like personality, she sometimes has the moments where she acts like a child or younger than what she is because of past situations. And commonly mixed with an adult like seriousness being serious when she needs to normally when she is teaching. Being supportive, joyful, kind and positive to her peers, colleagues and kids spreading positive emotions around to those who may need it.

Diseases/Illness: Nothing recorded in her history.

Character Voice: Rini would have a soft calming voice, never really to be able to be taken seriously as she sounds nice. And her accent is a mix of English and Japanese. The English accent can be heard more, she’d sound positive and happy most of the time, also being well mannered. (No video or clip)

Equipment: A small bee-cat plushie (This is her comfort buddie she carries it everywhere), an Acoustic guitar (cherry blossom pattern), Karakura tokens and a spare book and pen (given out to students who may need them), Toy gun (SAAOUS), and a National ID.

Clothes: Her favourite outfit to wear is a red long sleeve top that goes up to her neck with a red and white dress over the top patterned with small hearts and dots, long white socks one higher than the other and red heels. Outfits differ depending on her mood or choice of style for the day.

Hobbies: Tailoring, Family / Pet care, work / study related things, being a total idiot, art related things, writing, acting and almost every sport besides basketball.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Dyspraxia (Clumsy Child Syndrome)

Skills: Getting herself injured / or being clumsy (knowing to trip over or run into something on accident), cooking, multitasking (doing two or more things at once), basic first aid, acting / drama related things, playing guitar and origami.

Emma Di Rosa Kōraru (Passed 2004 - involved in a fatal plane crash)
Asai Kōraru (Passed 2004 - involved in a fatal plane crash)
Francis Kōraru (Passed 2012 - Unknown)
Lev Kōraru (Brother : Non-biological)
Min-Jun Kōraru (Brother : Non-biological)
Saybil Kōraru (Brother : Non-biological)
Min-Ji 'Shin' Kōraru (Adoptive Daughter)
Mathieu R. Kōraru (Adoptive Son)
King Julian (Pet bird)
Kaku (Pet bird)
Pimp (Shared pet bird)
Udon (Pet Raccoon)
Kori (Pet bird)

Outside Family / Relationships:
Neo Corvid (Fiancée)
Felix R. Corvid (Son like figure)
Kumiko Z. Yamada (Family Sister)
Quillsontavius (Felix’s Pet / Duck Friend)
(Anyone I missed I'm sorry, friends are out of this list or it would've been 10x longer)

It was a spring night and in the small house, sat alone in a small field of flowers, trees branching off covered in leaves. In England on the outskirts of the small town of Clovelly sat a lonely house. This house was home to the Kōraru family, a soon to be mother and father had prepared the house for the arrival of their child yet it was delayed. On the 15th of May, their daughter was born. Her name was chosen by her father, the name being Rini meaning little bunny. Rini carried her mothers looks having the natural dark brown hair and the soft jaw line, however carried her fathers intelligence and eyes being a soft hazel.

She was raised as an only child, attending school at the local village. Her mother, Emma Di Rosa, being of English-Italian descent, had lived in this area for almost her whole life. She then was sent over to Japan to study and get a better education. There she met Rini’s father Asai Kōraru who too studied at the same place. They moved away to England again to start a family. Because of Rini being not fully English decent the students tended to pick on her and made fun of her for it. However her parents encouraged her to do as much as she could and take up as many opportunities as she could.

She was one of the smarter students in all her classes in her first years of school and was rather athletic and sporty. “From the day you could walk you were trying to run!”, her parents always told her. On Rini’s 9th birthday her parents sent her away to Tokyo Japan to visit her grandmother. Her parents promised her they would meet her there in a few days, however it never happened. 4 days after she had arrived her grandmother got a call and came in to talk to Rini. She informed her granddaughter that her parents had both been lost in a plane accident after the plane had a faulty engine and crashed into the coastline of England. Because of the passing of her parents her grandmother became her full time caretaker. For a 9 year old so close to her parents this traumatised her causing her to stop talking. Rini was mute for 10 months and in her grandmother's desperate attempts to help her she enrolled Rini into a high class school nearby.

Rini spent a year studying there before eventually gaining back her speech. She always came home with some achievement or reward to show her grandmother which she was delighted to know Rini was managing well. She was commonly chasing her dreams and doing a lot of physical work. Fascinated by athletes and medical work from a young age Rini was constantly hitting goals in those areas. Being one of the most athletic females in her class, always trying out for teams or trying to become a part of some physical activity.

One night while doing her homework Rini heard her grandmother come back. However she never came to meet Rini nor could she hear her grandmother talking much. Out of curiosity she packed up and went to meet her, however she stopped to see her grandmother with another child beside her. She introduced her to the small male child and told Rini that his name was Lev! He was going to be her new brother and live with them as well. Rini at first was unsure about having a new sibling especially since she had grown up alone. But then eventually became comfortable around him and accepted him as her brother.

Quickly graduating to another high class highschool over in Japan. Rini was creating a life for herself fast. Her brother was ahead of her in his schooling but still they were really close. Rini has made a small friend group among the girls in her year level and were some of the most well known. Rini being the athletic one of the team while the others shone in their own ways.

While at school Rini and Lev too got a text from their grandmother saying there was someone she wished they would meet after school. Curious, the two walked home together and entered the house to find her grandmother had adopted yet another child. His name was Min-Jun and only 8 years younger than Rini. Both being excited greeted the new family member and all seemed to get along really well, after time they became so close it was like they all were siblings since birth.

At the age of 17 Rini got home after a busy day. The house however when she entered was rather quiet and off putting. She was confused and walked down the empty corridors, as soon as she entered the main room she found her grandmother out cold on the floor.

In fear she rushed over and shook her tears running down her face and out of panic she called Lev and Min-Jun begging them to come over. As soon as they arrived they realised what was so important, Rini had called the hospital and soon after Lev and Min-Jun arrived so did the ambulance. About 2 hours later in the hospital Rini and Min-Jun were notified and they told them they had lost their grandmother… She then contacted Lev telling him the bad news before going back home with Min-Jun. She locked herself in her room and sat there crying. Missing 4 weeks of school grieving over her grandmother's passing, also facing the fact and realisation that she was what was left of Kōraru her parents always told her about this but she didn't listen. And eventually she returned for the end of the school year.

Rini graduated finally from highschool and set out for another top of the ranks Academy. Spending hours studying and working hard and also looking after Min-Jun she managed to submit her form, her hopes high. She wanted to get a part time job so she was able to earn some money for her and her brother, after searching for 5 days she managed to get a small job at a sushi store working 8 hour shifts every day.

Two months later on her 18th birthday she got a message back from the Academy she had tried to enrol in saying they had accepted her and were delighted to welcome her into the Academy. Excited, she packed 2 weeks early and told Lev. While also contacting a friend of hers to manage and look after Min-Jun as Lev was out of the country. At 5am the day of her departure she dragged her stuff into the back of a taxi and headed there. Her new hope for 2-3 years was to get the job of her dreams. Rini had studied for the past hour the night before, determined to find a job she wanted to do and saw the opportunity to become a teacher! However she had her eyes set on a physical and health educational teacher or Performing arts teacher, one working around physical activities, and the other acting and drama, something she loved the most.

After her hard work and dedication she had managed to get the perfect scores and mastered her degree before staying there one final year to learn basic first aid and medical attention. Her friends she had made there had all moved away or left after finally getting the degree they wanted. However what Rini thought was going to be 2-3 years turned out to be 4 and she walked out excited for her new journey ahead of her.

When she got back home she was disappointed and found out that Lev had moved away to Karakura in Japan, a small city a little far away from Tokyo. He had messaged her saying that he was planning to move to the city a few months ago yet Rini had dismissed it focusing on her studying. Curious she messaged him back saying she was to also move there hoping to get a job there as well. After having the small conversation she went and met her other brother Min-Jun after 4 years being away he was surprisingly happy to see her again and had changed quite a lot. She informed him about Lev and they talked a little before she headed back off to her hotel.

That night she sat there in the small hotel room she had rented out booking flights to a small local airport in a town around there, she would land then take a taxi to Karakura. That night anxious and excited, she managed to fall asleep. She was only 22 and yet doing everything alone.

The morning of her departure getting ready to catch her flight her friend messaged her urgently telling her to come over. Turning her flight down she went to her friend to find they had lost their close friend. Rini, upset with what happened sayed back in Tokyo assisting her friend and helping her with her life for another 5 years getting a job at a local business which she hated. She dyed her hair a light brown trying to fit in with her friends and after her 6th year she had enough and finally messaged Lev telling him she would meet him in Karakura this weekend.

Booking another flight she set out this time to achieve her goal. Saying bye to her friend she packed her stuff and finally got onto her flight, flying for 2 hours before landing in the small local town. She stayed there for a night looking around the town and its features before booking a taxi the next morning to Karakura. Once she had gotten to the tunnel Rini was anxious and scared that she had made the wrong decision yet when she got there she finally met her brother again.

She lived with him for a few days applying for a job at Karakura high as a P.E. teacher. While waiting for a reply she got a small job at a local cafe working there for 6 hours a day. Nervous about her application she asked Lev if they had ever accepted 27 year old teachers, he being a good brother reassured her it was going to be OK and that maybe they had before.

After a month passed and she got an invitation to do an interview as she had been accepted! Over excited she turned up shaking and after passing her interview started her job at Karakura High, she was finally doing her dream job and was delighted.

After a few months she got an apartment overlooking the coast of Karakura. She thought it would be better to move out and let her brother have his space as there was not much room and then walked out after hours of moving stuff. She ran into a small bird only a few weeks old. It seemed to be abandoned and no owner or parent in sight.

She decided she was going to take him home and look after the small bird, setting him down on her counter and walking back and forth trying to think of a name before deciding on King Julian and KJ for short. He seemed happy enough and joyfully she took him in.

Continuing on, Rini kept living her life here in Karakura and spending her time doing what she loved the most, making new friends and meeting new people.

(This backstory I’ve copy and pasted from the original doc I’ve written it on if you’re interested or want to full version of the backstory ask me and I’ll give you the link)


Discord - Diving#5539

In Game Accounts -

[R+] - [Teacher] [27] Rini Y. Kōraru

Quillstontavius [F+] - [Fox] [1] Raven / Puppy Malone

DrivingCrazy [F+] - [Duck] [1] Quillsontavius ‘Quill’ / Aflac

_CreditCardInfo [F+]- [Grade-11] [17] Yuuki R. Ukiyo / Viya Kōraru


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