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Denied RomeosDisaster | Builder Application


Level 14
-- Activity --
IGN (Minecraft Username):
What's your activity and availability like for SRP?:

Pretty active, I'm not much of an active rper on it as a whole, but I try to at least be active in the creative server or just to spectate around for a bit. I'm available pretty much all throughout the week at any time [Minus - 4PM - 11PM onwards.] I try to be as responsive as I can when asked and will attend as many projects as possible

-- Questions --
Do you have Discord? If so, supply your Discord tag (e.g. User#0000):

How long have you been building?:
I'd say as long as I've been playing minecraft, which was maybe.. 2012? I'm not a very active builder but I adjust my skills accordingly as much as I can, I haven't been in many major build projects and just kind of have spur of the moment inspirations that hit occasionally, but I do find it a very enjoyable and fun hobby.

What are your goals and aspirations for building and being on a team?:

I look forward to taking part in large and small scale projects for the server, whether it be for functional or decorative use in Roleplay. I hope to add my touch to a build regardless of what it is. If I'm accepted to the team I hope to be as much as a help as my skills may offer, even if I'm not as tech savvy in worldedit.

What are your strong suits as a builder? (Interior, Structure, Organics, etc):

Organics, interior, terraforming. Interior is a bit.. weird. Ive done it many times before in the SRP server and I consider myself decent in building bedrooms and small decor like plants, hallway pieces, and so on.

Do you understand building is a team effort and wont always be building by yourself?:

Yes absolutely, that's what makes the position so appealing.

What type of style does your builds consist of? Is there more then one? (Modern, Medieval, etc):

Typically medieval/fantasy style, I try to do more rustic styles, but mostly my buildings are based around their landscape and the landforms.

-- Portfolio --
Supply us with at least 4 screenshots of your build (Do not use shaders):

alot of my screenshots are too large for the post to support.

ss 2.pngss 5.png


Level 339
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application, however after careful consideration from myself and the other Builders we have decided to decline it.

* Got a question about your application? Click here.

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