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rvbybaby's suggestion

michelle <3

Level 6
IGN: rvbybaby
DATE: March 1st, 2021
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Personally, I believe that every team should be based on skill, rather than gender ICly. My main reason for this is because in America, football in SRP is soccer. Multiple females and males play different sports such as cheer, soccer, etc. Soccer is a unisex sport, and I feel the SRP "soccer" is biased. Due to this, I believe it's unfair that females cannot try out for football, in which is called soccer in America, and males cannot try out for cheer. I feel some males have a hobby for gymnastics, and cheer is their only opportunity to roleplay it ICly, but if they would like to get on the team, they would have to create a female character. I feel some males would be a lot more comfortable acting more masculine, rather than having to roleplay as a female character. I also feel some females also may have a hobby for soccer, and SRP football is their only opportunity to roleplay it ICly, but if they would like to get on the team, they would have to create a male character. I feel some females would be a lot more comfortable acting more feminine, rather than having to roleplay as a male character.


Level 12
I totally agree with you here, there is no reason football and cheer should bar female and male participants respectively. Creating an additional female football team and male cheer team would be great for the server, as there are plenty of people willing to participate in these sports.


Level 77
I feel like this would be a nice addition to the server. Statistically speaking, almost 50 percent of collegiate cheerleaders are male. As well as this, Cheerleading is a recognized sport in Japan that requires physical strength and athletic ability. Teams can either be all female or co-ed featuring males and females. I think it would work well if there was a mixed team with both male and female cheerleaders. A separate football team dedicated for females would be nice to see too. Japanese women do play football, for example the women's team won the 2011 World Cup as the first Asian team ever, and were runners-up in 2015. I would like to see this implemented. Good suggestion!


Level 231
football and cheer were the original sports and were made gender specific for that exact purpose. They should stay like that to honour the pre-existing legacy.


Level 328
Regarding this suggestion, I have divided thoughts; on the one hand, it would be nice to see both genders in teams whose playerbase is ICly strictly male or female. It would add more roleplay possibilities and it would label KHS as inclusive and non-sexist

However, it is also needed to take into account that most teams do not usually have both genders in the same team. If you actually search it up, the only team that has males and females is rifle practicing, which was kind of unexpected to me

However, I do agree that it would be nice to have male cheerleading teams, and female football teams. In fact, nothing prevents players from creating their own teams with their own restrictions. This can be seen with teams such as Golden Leo's, where they work together despite not being an official team. However, if you're talking about making it official (with tags included), that would be up to the High School/College Teams Faction lead


Level 41

Please don't flame me for this and I swear I'm not trying to be sexist but seeing a guy on a cheer team or a girl on a football team is just super weird. Especially with the fact that JockRP is a thing and the football teams heavily rely on those (Coming from an ex-football player) and I don't think acting like a jock is a thing females do in general. On the other hand, cheer is a sport literally created for girls. It's a role only girls are supposed to play. I have never in my life seen a guy on a cheer team or a guy wear a cheer team outfit (unironically) at all. I say keep it as it is now.

(Again, don't hate me please just my opinion)


Level 25
We are no longer in an era that restricts teams to a certain gender just because it's a sport "made for girls/boys". We have unisex teams and/or leagues for each respective gender. "Honoring a pre-existing legacy" is... A dumb phrase, to say the least, and I don't mean to be rude. If Six, Banter, Oph, or whoever-- chooses to deny this, then so be it. But I ask of those that oppose of this idea to understand that we're not constricted to gender-defined stereotypes/roles in the real world.

To state that JockRP is constricted to one gender is again-- another dumb phrase, and I'm not intending to be rude. Any female character on the server is capable of backing up her team, beating people up, and waging rivalries and conflict between other characters-- because that's basically what JockRP is. Be there for your team and be all rough-n'-tuff. And to say that's not what JockRP is... doesn't make sense. Additionally, your ability to JockRP does not rely on your IC nor OOC gender, it just relies on your ability to roleplay well and fit into that role. Take our beloved Mako Baek from the college football team for example. He's played by a female and she OOCly has a pretty tight connection with the team from what I know. Nothing differs with Jayla (the roleplayer) being on the football team as a female than any other male that could have gotten that spot.

Generally, yes, this is a pretty great idea. But as Yonio stated, this leads to restrictions and rules needing to be followed that are set by the SLT and some people do not want to have to succumb to that. If this does somehow get approved, I really hope that player-created teams like the Golden Leos do not have to be put to rest because there's already a competition (boys teams vs girls teams).

So, in short:

I have never in my life seen a guy on a cheer team or a guy wear a cheer team outfit (unironically) at all.

Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. :)
Male cheerleaders are typically used as bases for pyramids and whatnot due to their strength. Very beneficial to teams wanting to perform those kinds of stunts.

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Level 154
Stealing from Yonio with my rating, I agree mostly. As someone who had to travel the world with his cheer-star older sister, her team and every team she went up against had male cheer leaders. I could see cheer being a bi-gender sport, having both girls and guys on one team. However, sports like football I could see there being two separate teams. This isn't American Football, it's soccer and there are plenty of female teams out there.


Level 35
It's obvious to most people that cheer as a sport can be inclusive of both guys and girls and this is not the first time this suggestion has been brought up. The same goes for the football suggestion- many professional female football teams already exist and have done well, and all of Abi's statements just go to confirm that this is something common not just within the world but within Japanese society.

Unfortunately, this suggestion for both intermixed football and cheer has been brought up many times before in the past. Suggestions coming from Evan regarding male cheerleaders and Eden regarding female football players have both been as well-thought-out as these but have nevertheless been shut down by staff and faction leads before. If anything, I think there should also be leeway for characters that are not confined to a specific gender on these teams. HOWEVER, considering the fact that the SRP player base continues to suggest for these things to be inputted I think it's something that team captains and faction leads should take into consideration despite the firm denials in the past considering the consistency of these suggestions.

I also wanted to quickly debunk a couple of points I saw, specifically from Shadify and Totoro-Sam because- I understand it's your opinions but I disagree with a few things I've seen.
"Football and cheer were the original sports and were made gender specific for that exact purpose. They should stay like that to honour the pre-existing legacy."
Maybe it's because I haven't been within the community as long as others, only having joined in late 2019, but I don't know what purpose nor pre-existing legacy you are referring to. There's nothing to protect nor honour regarding gendered teams, if anything it just continues to exclude and squash the potential for inclusive characters.
"Seeing a guy on a cheer team or a girl on a football team is just super weird."
It's only weird if you make it weird. Not sure where you live but I'd consider both to be pretty commonly displayed in media, only held back by gender constructs.
"(Coming from an ex-football player) and I don't think acting like a jock is a thing females do in general"
Coming from a current female, I would argue that any girl can beat someone up while going 'Wagwan G' just as well as a dude. Again, this stigma is only supported by gender constructs and there isn't any scientific support to back that women can' like jock. There's also a multitude of women that have played male jock characters and have been great at it, having awesome relations with the rest of the team OOCly as well- as Xan said, a good example of this as of current is Jayla / gotsnapped on College Football. It goes both ways as well- guys have played female, cheer characters that are just as capable and good at fitting in with team dynamics. You may be like- "Oh well then they can just play their guy or girl characters!" but it just sort of argues - what difference would it make if they played characters of the opposite gender? None for the most part, I'd argue.
"It's a role only girls are supposed to play."
I don't know if you completely scrolled past Abi's input considering that it's only two cards above yours but this is not true, whatsoever. Male cheer teams, female cheer teams, and - wait for it - co-op cheer teams of both genders all exist and are common to be seen at university and high school levels.

"I have never in my life seen a guy on a cheer team or a guy wear a cheer team outfit (unironically) at all"
This is only your perspective. Like Xan said, you don't speak for anyone else and just because you haven't seen something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Mookie's points sum up my opinion perfectly. A cheer team made up of both genders is very possible and something that I know most on the current college cheer team support wholeheartedly. Sports like football, on the other hand, have the capability of being split off into teams for both genders considering that sadly there's not a large portion of gender co-op teams out there. Having both teams may mess with the Fraternity and Sorority construct, which I think is a bigger concern to staff than we make it out to be, but on the new map there won't be either so I think this is something certainly worth thinking on.

+1, shawties
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Level 110
football has female player teams, you can freely make them and add the team to KFA, you don't need to have the tag if you want to play football.
For cheerleading, i agree but player made teams some allow all genders
overall, it would be a good idea but for now, i think it's best to probably stick to playermade teams


Level 38

Please don't flame me for this and I swear I'm not trying to be sexist but seeing a guy on a cheer team or a girl on a football team is just super weird. Especially with the fact that JockRP is a thing and the football teams heavily rely on those (Coming from an ex-football player) and I don't think acting like a jock is a thing females do in general. On the other hand, cheer is a sport literally created for girls. It's a role only girls are supposed to play. I have never in my life seen a guy on a cheer team or a guy wear a cheer team outfit (unironically) at all. I say keep it as it is now.

(Again, don't hate me please just my opinion)

This is probably the silliest and dumbest thing I have ever seen. Let's put an example on the table: my character is a female, however she used to be all rude to others. I can play her in a way she gets someone to their nerves (ICly), and due to that I have had to combatrp, are you saying that a female can't JockRP because it's a female? Says who? Literally as it's been said, JockRP is about proud of the team, protect their team at any cost and represent it, no matter the gender.
With that said, +1


Level 41
Additionally, your ability to JockRP does not rely on your IC nor OOC gender, it just relies on your ability to roleplay well and fit into that role. Take our beloved Mako Baek from the college football team for example. He's played by a female and she OOCly has a pretty tight connection with the team from what I know. Nothing differs with Jayla (the roleplayer) being on the football team as a female than any other male that could have gotten that spot.

There's also a multitude of women that have played male jock characters and have been great at it, having awesome relations with the rest of the team OOCly as well- as Xan said, a good example of this as of current is Jayla / gotsnapped on College Football.

OK sorry, what? When did I say anything about OOC gender??? I'm only speaking about IC gender here and that is what the suggestion says. I don't get why you're bringing up OOC gender into this. I know very well that OOC females are part of the football team (i.e. Jayla) and I do not mind that at all. You understood me wrong lol.

It's only weird if you make it weird. Not sure where you live but I'd consider both to be pretty commonly displayed in media, only held back by gender constructs.

Again, I'm saying this from where I live and from what I've seen on the internet (Movies, shows, pictures, etc.). I don't get the issue with not realizing that something exists. I feel like you're overreacting here.

I don't know if you completely scrolled past Abi's input considering that it's only two cards above yours but this is not true, whatsoever. Male cheer teams, female cheer teams, and - wait for it - co-op cheer teams of both genders all exist and are common to be seen at university and high school levels.

This is only your perspective. Like Xan said, you don't speak for anyone else and just because you haven't seen something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I read Abi's reply fully and I acknowledged all of it but again, I did not know that male cheerleaders are a thing. Generally, cheerleading is not a world-wide sport. It's only available in some countries hence why it's not that widely known. and again, I've never seen a male cheerleader online or in photos. Legit just saw it for the first time in Xan's attachments.

This is probably the silliest and dumbest thing I have ever seen.

This is the reason why I always put "Please don't hate me" before literally EVERY suggestion I make cause nowadays, this is the only reply you get when you disagree with something everyone is agreeing with or say your opinion publically about literally anything. It's either that or a massive overreaction over something not really worth it. Please learn how to take criticism and stop taking everything to the heart. You could just say you disagree and that's it. Why all this hate? I don't get it.


Level 25
OK sorry, what? When did I say anything about OOC gender??? I'm only speaking about IC gender here and that is what the suggestion says. I don't get why you're bringing up OOC gender into this. I know very well that OOC females are part of the football team (i.e. Jayla) and I do not mind that at all. You understood me wrong lol.

Oh no no, you were understood perfectly fine! But the reason why OOC gender was brought up was to argue the fact that gender in any shape or form does not hinder on the ability to perform JockRP or any sort of stereotypical gender-constricting genre of roleplay for that matter. As Mariih said, more politely put, any IC female is capable of doing anything that the current male jocks do, the same way it's roleplayed by females OOCly. Gender in any case, being in character or out of character does not affect the ability to uphold these roles. OOC gender, again, was brought up to further enforce this narrative.


Level 35
In terms of OOC / IC gender, you cut out the part of that quote in which I stated "You may be like- "Oh well then they can just play their guy or girl characters!" but it just sort of argues - what difference would it make if they played characters of the opposite gender? None for the most part, I'd argue." That was where I was going with it for context- not attacking you for something you didn't bring up, but leading into that point. So you may have been the one to misunderstand in this case.

"Again, I'm saying this from where I live and from what I've seen on the internet (Movies, shows, pictures, etc.). I don't get the issue with not realizing that something exists. I feel like you're overreacting here."
I'm not saying that there's an issue with not realizing something exists! There's no use attacking people for that. My thing is saying that just because you personally haven't seen nor experienced something, doesn't mean that you speak for others when disagreeing with this sort of suggestion.

"I read Abi's reply fully and I acknowledged all of it but again, I did not know that male cheerleaders are a thing. Generally, cheerleading is not a world-wide sport."
I don't know if it was a misunderstanding, but the way that you worded it made it seem very much like you hadn't read Abi's response because while she did discuss cheerleading as something that is permitted to both genders in Japanese society and many others, but this quote from your original response made it seem like it went over your head.
"It's a role only girls are supposed to play."
And then, a little snippet from Abi's response:
"Statistically speaking, almost 50 percent of collegiate cheerleaders are male"

"Why all this hate? I don't get it"
Just like you are giving your opinion on this suggestion, I am giving my opinion on why I believe your arguments to be invalid. It's not personal, and it's not hate. If the contents of an argument is invalid or has mistakes that suggest incorrect or weak information, it basically wagers a correction. Maybe I misunderstood what you were saying in the original, but I simply saw something disagreeable and wanted to respond and argue from my point of view.


Level 62
I believe that every team should be based on skill, rather than gender ICly

An important thing in football is being able to jockrp and sadly combatrp comes with jockrp, if any male were to hit a female on srp while being on a official sports team touko and the entire server would flip out. now you can 100% join the football team and have a character that isnt 100% male (I.E Trans men) we welcome that! but you do have to identify as a male.


Level 11
An important thing in football is being able to jockrp and sadly combatrp comes with jockrp, if any male were to hit a female on srp while being on a official sports team touko and the entire server would flip out. now you can 100% join the football team and have a character that isnt 100% male (I.E Trans men) we welcome that! but you do have to identify as a male.

IC females can combatrp though and Jockrp does come with more then just combatrp,,
I don't know what Touko has to do with it as I doubt Jockrp is starting random fights with either gender..i'd assume said fights would have more context behind them, which I think a tough female character is capable of
The situation you brought to the table doesn't have much or anything to do with females on the football team at all but the Jocks behavior which you guys willingly rp (nothing wrong with that)


Level 25
An important thing in football is being able to jockrp and sadly combatrp comes with jockrp, if any male were to hit a female on srp while being on a official sports team touko and the entire server would flip out. now you can 100% join the football team and have a character that isnt 100% male (I.E Trans men) we welcome that! but you do have to identify as a male.

Hey king! I just wanted to let you know that woman beating and self defense are two completely different concepts! Hitting a woman as a man because you have advantage over her and she provoked you in the slightest manner is woman beating! Hitting a woman as a man because she constantly harassed you and/or did physically inflict damage to you is not woman beating, but self defense! CombatRP being a major part of JockRP does not mean you go beat up women simply because they are the rival team, and the same thing goes to women going to beat up men because of the rival team! If you are provoked, sure, it makes way for combat, but simply existing should not wage for hands being thrown unless your character's morality is absolute shit. However, if you ICly fight a female in self defense and you are unable to calmly diffuse the situation and explain to her and/or anyone else who calls it woman beating that it was not woman beating, then that's on you for being unable to keep your calm unless it's apart of your character to blow up in a fit of rage because of an accusation.

So respectfully king! I'm going to have to disagree with you.

You, as well as Carnage, being HS football captain and all-- should encourage different forms of "JockRP", because it's much more than seeing a rival team's colors and wanting to beat them up. Go back to playing pranks-- steal each other's mascots and deface each other's hideouts again! That was fun and very interesting to see as an outsider.

With all that being said, there are still no reasons as to why IC females allegedly do not hold the same capabilities of being able to JockRP the same way IC males do.


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