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Sammy ‘Dallas’ Hamilton


Level 278

General Information!

[!]pictured above is Sammy when he was maybe 10, before he lost his eye, with his cat pea[!]

「 Written Name 」
Samuel Taylor Hamilton

「 Preferred Name(s) 」

Little one


「 Gender 」
Cis Male!

「 Age and Birthdate 」
He’s 18, born November 2nd 20xx

「 Zodiac Sign 」


Representative Songs!!
Monsters - Katie Sky - Representating his relationship with Henry, and how Henry is basically there for him always, despite his own problems.

Best Friend - Rex Orange County - His relationship with Noah!

Physical Health/Description

He’d be an American male of 6’9 stature with a slouch and tired-half lidded eyes. Eyes which were amber-brown in color, and despite the rest of his face, swimming with emotion. There was a large scar around his right eye, which was missing from the socket. <it isnt in the picture, but thats the besides the point.> You find his expression is often neutral, or negative. A smile from this giant is rather rare, among other things. His smile is close lipped, and looks as if he doesn’t know how to smile?

Height and Weight 」
6’9 258 pounds

「 Voice 」


「 Physical Abnormalities!
Samuel is missing his right eye, the scar around it spiderwebs across his face, and he uses his hair to hide it, because he’s embarrassed, and finds the scar ugly.

“Please don’t yell..“

Mental Health

「 Random Quirks/Odd Behaviors 」
₪ He speaks with a stutter, and hardly opens his mouth. He is a selective mute, and only really talks to Nylu and Henry.

「 Phobias, Conditions, Coping Mech’s 」

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a disorder in which a person has difficulty recovering after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event. The condition may last months or years, with triggers that can bring back memories of the trauma accompanied by intense emotional and physical reactions.

Age regression occurs when someone reverts to a younger state of mind. This retreat may be only a few years younger than the person's physical age. It could also be much younger, into early childhood or even infancy. People who practice age regression may begin showing juvenile behaviors like thumb-sucking or whining. It is a coping mechanism to deal with stress and trauma most likely stemming from childhood.

Selective mutism is a severe anxiety disorder where a person is unable to speak in certain social situations, such as with classmates at school or to relatives they do not see very often. It usually starts during childhood and, if left untreated, can persist into adulthood.

Clinical Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life.


₪ Relationships ₪

> ⚠️ Oi, Uh, Abuse trigger warning for his parents quotes.<

「 Bruce Taylor Birth Father Jailed 」

“I-Im sorry ill cllean it i pro-rromise. Pplease dont hitt me! Iim rrely ssor- ssorry!

「 Ohara Taylor Birth Mother Dead 」
Momma..? Momma why didn't you stop him why didnt you help me i hate you i hate you i hate you i ahate you-

「 Nylu Kuri…… Close Friend Alive 」
“ Nylu! He’s fun to mess with. I like that he is very understanding. I think he is my best friend.”

「 Blitz …… Friend Alive 」
“Why does she call Nylu a kitty cat? Thas weird.”

「 Makkuro ……… Friend Alive 」
“ I know Nylu loves you more than anything. I know he promised you that you’d be okay, even though i think between the two of us that you arent. And. Im. Im afraid for Nylu, because I know he loves you so much. I-I dont know what he’s gonna do after you’re gone. He doesn’t seem too worried now, but I don't think it’s sunken in yet.” [cried writing this :(]

「 Noari ……… Friend/Love interest!? Alive 」
“I-Ium- wh- what about him- he- ahm- he’s pretty- so what! Are you trying to get me to talk about how cute his laugh is? Or how is hair is like weirdly soft? Well dont even try cuz it wont work.”

「 Henry Hamilton ‘Papa‘ Adoptive-Father/Attached at the hip Alive 」

“I will always be here papa. For like, ever.. whichis a rrEAally big long time! I slept withoutta nighmare for the firs time in a while. Ahhmm.. i slip really fast around papa.. i dont know if i like How fast it happens but uhm. It happens i guess.”
Last edited:


Level 41

General Information!

View attachment 30098
[!]pictured above is Sammy when he was maybe 10, before he lost his eye, with his cat pea[!]

「 Written Name 」
Samuel Taylor Hamilton

「 Preferred Name(s) 」

Little one


「 Gender 」
Cis Male!

「 Age and Birthdate 」
He’s 18, born November 2nd 20xx

「 Zodiac Sign 」

View attachment 30079

Songs He Likes 」
Anything by Boywithuke but especially Two

Physical Health/Description
View attachment 30096

He’d be an American male of 6’9 stature with a slouch and tired-half lidded eyes. Eyes which were amber-brown in color, and despite the rest of his face, swimming with emotion. There was a large scar around his right eye, which was missing from the socket. <it isnt in the picture, but thats the besides the point.> You find his expression is often neutral, or negative. A smile from this giant is rather rare, among other things. His smile is close lipped, and looks as if he doesn’t know how to smile?

Height and Weight 」
6’9 258 pounds

「 Voice 」


「 Physical Abnormalities!
Samuel is missing his right eye, the scar around it spiderwebs across his face, and he uses his hair to hide it, because he’s embarrassed, and finds the scar ugly.

“Please don’t yell..“

Mental Health

「 Random Quirks/Odd Behaviors 」
₪ He speaks with a stutter, and hardly opens his mouth. He is a selective mute, and only really talks to Nylu and Henry.

「 Phobias, Conditions, Coping Mech’s 」

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a disorder in which a person has difficulty recovering after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event. The condition may last months or years, with triggers that can bring back memories of the trauma accompanied by intense emotional and physical reactions.

Age regression occurs when someone reverts to a younger state of mind. This retreat may be only a few years younger than the person's physical age. It could also be much younger, into early childhood or even infancy. People who practice age regression may begin showing juvenile behaviors like thumb-sucking or whining. It is a coping mechanism to deal with stress and trauma most likely stemming from childhood.

Selective mutism is a severe anxiety disorder where a person is unable to speak in certain social situations, such as with classmates at school or to relatives they do not see very often. It usually starts during childhood and, if left untreated, can persist into adulthood.

Clinical Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life.


₪ Relationships ₪

> ⚠️ Oi, Uh, Abuse trigger warning for his parents quotes.<

「 Bruce Taylor Birth Father Jailed 」

“I-Im sorry ill cllean it i pro-rromise. Pplease dont hitt me! Iim rrely ssor- ssorry!

「 Ohara Taylor Birth Mother Dead 」

「 Nylu Kuri…… Close Friend Alive 」
“ Nylu! He’s fun to mess with. I like that he is very understanding. I think he is my best friend.”

「 Blitz …… Friend Alive 」
“Why does she call Nylu a kitty cat? Thas weird.”

「 Makkuro ……… Friend Alive 」
“ I know Nylu loves you more than anything. I know he promised you that you’d be okay, even though i think between the two of us that you arent. And. Im. Im afraid for Nylu, because I know he loves you so much. I-I dont know what he’s gonna do after you’re gone. He doesn’t seem too worried now, but I don't think it’s sunken in yet.” [cried writing this :(]

「 Noari ……… Friend/Love interest!? Alive 」
“I-Ium- wh- what about him- he- ahm- he’s pretty- so what! Are you trying to get me to talk about how cute his laugh is? Or how is hair is like weirdly soft? Well dont even try cuz it wont work.”

「 Henry Hamilton ‘Papa‘ Adoptive-Father/Attached at the hip Alive 」

“I will always be here papa. For like, ever.. whichis a rrEAally big long time! I slept withoutta nighmare for the firs time in a whil e”


Level 99
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Lore Team
“ I know Nylu loves you more than anything. I know he promised you that you’d be okay, even though i think between the two of us that you arent. And. Im. Im afraid for Nylu, because I know he loves you so much. I-I dont know what he’s gonna do after you’re gone. He doesn’t seem too worried now, but I don't think it’s sunken in yet.”

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