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SapouT | Police suggestion


Level 21
IGN: SapouT
DATE: 11/7/22
Lately i have noticed that police forces overpower crimminal forces by a lot. They have better gear, higher rolls,body cams and cctv, stab proof vest, and radio which literally allow them to get on and appear at something because they were called via radio. It is way too much as the other side consists of crimminals thatfight with metallic masks and swords. Also with a smaller roll. So i believe that police forces should get a small nerf such as: Perms to use each weapon of them, for example cops can just try to search you, many times for no reason at all and if u run they tase you. I believe that it would be better if they didnt have perms to tase you and needed to use they batton in these situations. Secondly, being able to use a firearm only when someones life is in danger. Alsorolling a higher amount is way too much considering their great advantage when it comes to weapons. Our main weapon reaches 3 blocks and theirs reach 30 therefore i think having equal roll is good as its already hard enough to go close to them with while they shoot. Lastly they should at least have a good reason every time they search someone thereforenot searching people just because they wear a suit andlook like gangrpers.
People will be more confident when it comes to fighting officers therefore create many interesting situations that people avoid nowdays as its extremely hard to defeat officers, The game would be more interesting to officers, as it wont be so easy to win, and it will actually have a sense of thrill and a sense of risk, and it will be possible to have riots etc. therefore bringing new activities in crimminal roleplay.


Level 130
Neutral / -1

Personally, I think Police should remain OP, mainly because they're supposed to be. There's only a limited number of police officers in the station y'know. And by having them be OP, it discourages players to get into encounters with them by hiding their crimes a lot better, which is more realistic imo. Just like in real life, people tend to avoid the police because confrontations with them will usually end up with them getting arrested or smthn.


Level 211
for example cops can just try to search you, many times for no reason at all and if u run they tase you
Hi! Ex-KPD physical trainer here.. You know, To actually JOIN kpd you have to go through 2-3 weeks of training. That includes all the informational parts (rules, ic-acknowledge, police force... etc) and the physical training! Every and each officer get the same exact training and the first thing you should know is: They never pat someone down for no reason.
It can be for multiple reasons, like Wearing a mask, Using something that conceals your identity (hoodies), you being at a crime scene, you matching the described criminal, you causing a scene in front of the officers, or trying to bait them (it happens a lot), between much more.

being able to use a firearm only when someones life is in danger
This is kinda already a thing. The only times they do use a weapon is when 1) Someone's life is in danger (the officers, their colleagues, and in hostage situations), 2) When they are SURE someone has a weapon on them and it's very dangerous to only use a taser. Like, common knowledge... If I have a katana and I can literally kill you right now you wouldn't use a taser, a Glock is the safest way.

Lastly they should at least have a good reason every time they search someone thereforenot searching people just because they wear a suit andlook like gangrpers
People with tuxedos/suits are only pat-down when there is a description of it. Maybe you noticed that A LOT of Gang RP'ers use suits. If I received a call that a guy in a suit was holding a weapon at the plaza, the common thing to do is: Go to the plaza, pat the people I see in suits down to try to find the guy.

extremely hard to defeat officers
I wouldn't think so... I mean, yeah, it is supposed to be hard to kill a trained officer. But if you actually plan it, you can do it. I think sometimes you guys forget how Gang RP has no limits. If you join a full gang with others you have literally 100 players. Let's pretend you only got 20 people, BRO, what will the police do? First is very rare for them to be all online at the same time and second they don't walk in big groups. This is exactly why gang RP should be more planned instead of running to them and doing /me stabs carotid. Plan your attacks and you'll get better results instead of acting solo you'll most probably get caught.



Level 267
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead

just literally everything Maria said. Few other points to make though:

-Stab proof vests are not a thing anymore
-There is always a reason for why you’re getting pat down
-Only a small number of officers have a glock. We use the glock if someone’s life is in danger or we are certain you have a deadly weapon
-It should remain hard to kill an officer, you already see 18 year olds running around having killed like 10 people. We don’t need it to be anymore unrealistic


Level 328
I will try to explain all the advantages that you mentioned from an In-Character and Out-Of-Character point of view

They have better gear
I will now list down all the "gear" we have. I'm guessing you mean our equipment, since the only special gear that we use is Riot Gear, which is mainly used for concealment purposes and for carrying more ammunition

- Handcuffs: Self-explanatory. They're used to jail people. The only "nerf" I would suggest implementing is changing the current jailing system to a new one. In any case, real-life police departments usually have way more than 27 officers (if we were to take for granted that all officers are on duty 24/7). And even those departments who don't either don't have to deal with as much criminality as Karakura, or simply contact other police departments for assistance (Regional/National police, even the military in extreme cases etc.). All of this is not a possibility for us, so I believe that getting teleported to the station once you are cuffed is fair in order not to stall arrests for too long

- Radio: This item is actually already a nerf in regards to police history. Around a year ago, we had permissions to use a discord VC for In-Character purposes, considering that moderation in regards to Gang VC's was, and is still is difficult. Nonetheless, due to popular demand from the GangRP community and Staff intervention, we removed it and had the new radio plugin implemented to allow us to communicate better. Real-life police departments have them, so removing this isn't an option

- Taser: Although I must admit that it is true that real-life tasers can only shoot twice, we already have a cooldown to use this. Besides, there are other factors that justify this such as the fact that only around 1/3 of the force has glocks (unlike real-life departments, which allow officers to have glocks from an early stage). Besides, although its range is set to 7, it is actually much closer when it comes to chases (4 blocks).

- Luminol Spray: Self-explanatory. It's an item that's used for investigation. Can easily be bypassed if you use bleach and water

- Baton: Self-explanatory. It has the same stats as a bat. We barely use it since the taser is a way safer option. Real-life departments only use batons for crowd control during riots (which can't really be controlled in roleplay due to CombatRP reasons, and how unefficient it would be), break through windows, etc. Don't get me wrong; police DOES use batons when necessary and when there are no other alternatives. It's just that if we have the chance to use a safer option, we will choose it

- Breathalyzer: Self-explanatory. At most, you'll be getting fined for being drunk

- Med-kit: Real-life departments use them to save injured people (I suggest you do some research on this. It is actually a small kit found in the officer's vest that can be used to apply torniquets on a wound)

- Body-Cameras: Real-life departments also use them. It is true that it may be unrealistic for them to be broadcasting their footage 24/7, but consideringour radios cannot send GPS signals like real-life radios (Code Zero) do, this is a justified addition. Besides, you can easily spray over it or destroy it (Refer to our police information document)

- Pepper Spray: Same as the baton. We barely use it since we have better and more efficient alternatives

- Glock-17: In addition to what I said about only 1/3 of the KPD having them, our glocks have already been nerfed multiple times. They can only carry up to 8 bullets, and we cannot have more magazines on us unless we are in Riot Gear. Their range was also reduced in comparison to some years ago

There are other pieces of equipment, but they're mostly ItemRP'd or make sense in a police context (crowbar, fingerprint scanner, etc.)

higher rolls
I'll mention what Maria said about our training. All officers must go through at least 2-3 weeks of training before they can actually become Patrol Officers (the second lowest rank of the force). This training includes hard physical excercise and mental strength to memorise police formations, techniques, procedures, etc. All of this ICly justifies the 200 rolls. Even so, the fact that we can roll higher doesn't mean it's impossible for GangRP to combat us. We can still be really unlucky and roll a one-digit number. It's mostly about luck, really

CCTV, specially in Japan, is really useful considering that Japan is one of the countries that have invested the most in this. Although it is true that you cannot break them, this is because it is impossible for staff to know if they'd be broken, covered, spray-painted, etc. There are criminal groups such as Cyber who are already aware of this and try their best to avoid them by documenting where they are (@Lewk )

stab proof vest
This is most likely outdated since the Weapons Profile document dates back to 2021, back when Police Vests were thought to be a thing

Perms to use each weapon of them
We already have guidelines for this. In regards to arrest, although we encourage roleplay, you can ask staff to void an arrest if you believe it was invalid. When it comes to equipment, we also have rules set so that officers don't overuse their glocks. For example, as said above, we will only use our glocks if someone's life is in danger or if we're certain you have a weapon on you

Same goes for tasers. If you were not running away from a police officer and they clearly did not yell anything at you, you can decide to void the taser (and in consequence the unlawful arrest for evasion)

Our main weapon reaches 3 blocks and theirs reach 30 therefore i think having equal roll is good as its already hard enough to go close to them with while they shoot.
It is true that we have long-ranged weapons. Leaving aside why we will never allow normal players to have dynamic weapons that interact with one's movement for obvious reasons, our weapons are dependant on aim, whereas your effectiveness is usually dependant on luck. Depending on the context, this can be an advantage or a disadvantage. If you're running away from us and know how to properly evade, it will be extremely hard for us to actually hit you with a taser ( much more with a glock). Besides, officers are the ones that need a good reaction time, considering that when you wish to kill a cop, you will immediately run up to them, pull out a weapon when you're 5 blocks away from them and press a keybind before they can even right click at you

Lastly they should at least have a good reason every time they search someone thereforenot searching people just because they wear a suit andlook like gangrpers.
I'm guessing you're pointing this out because you or someone you know has gone through a search that, from your or their point of view was unlawful. All searches that we do should be suited to our guidelines to search people. I would explain them but Maria and Hirathex have already done a good job in explaining this all

Lastly, even with all of what's mentioned above, it is still more than possible to attack and even kill police officers. Examples of this are Stefano Marie (BearDucky), Ezio Accardi (FrostbytePD), and other officers who were injured even in the line of duty.

Again, GangRP should not be focused on fighting cops. Cops are meant to be that obstacle that should be avoided, considering that even if you kill one, the most you'll get is clout for having killed one. You won't actually get any In-Character reward such as weapons, money, masks, given that you cannot mug most items from us

I hope I made myself clear in this message


Level 175

First I'd like to adress the suit situation. If a officer is called by andither officer and their like "there is someone by the shopping district threatening people with a weapon, their in a suit." Obviously you would go and search each person with a suit, common sense.

To adress the statement that cops should have a reason to pay you down. They do.
Cops pat you down if you match the description of a criminal, your in a mask, your by a crime scene etc, they have reasons for it, they shouldn't need permissions to do so.

Also, killing cops can be done, it is not impossible. If you plan it correctly it can be done, plus, if you have enough of your gang members to help, one singular cop stands no chance. Even if they call back up, usually it's one or two cops online, so your basically fine.

Cops are meant to be a obstical for us to avoid, their meant to make gangrp more hard and add some kind of realism, and fun to it. Personally I wouldn't enjoy gangrping if cops were no threat, it makes it fun, and it makes you plan more, and makes it more realistic.


Level 183
Everything stated above and additionally, many cops mentioned putting lore and stuff in their chatacter and the role endangering them. While they must be responsible for what they involved their character in, they shouldn't be stabbed or severely harmed so easily, especially with many GangRPers using throwaway characters and would keep going after any perms they get. So, basically, they should be OP and I think getting to stab a cop should be a lucky shot yet I hope the cop still gets saved and doesn't completely die.

I have KPD friends!!! Cool suggestion though


Level 92

Whilst I do agree that the KPD is definitely stronger than any singular gang by itself, it should be that way. GangRP isn't about having constant interactions with the KPD. The aim of it should instead be to limit any conflict with the KPD as much as possible whilst committing crimes. As Yonio said there are ways to avoid the CCTV and criminal roleplay without getting on the radar of the KPD. Whilst there are definitely times when altercations cannot be avoided, it is realistic that the KPD would have an advantage over the other party as they are, well the police department.

I think that instead of aiming for a nerd for the KPD the better option would instead be to plan better in order to avoid fights where you clearly are aware you are at a disadvantage. Whilst I won't say how or where there are ways to travel from just about anywhere on Karakura to another spot whilst completely avoiding every single CCTV.

The KPDs advantage is only as big as you allow it to be if you plan well and don't give them a chance to catch you, they are basically helpless. All in all, though, I think the KPD being as strong as they are in a one-on-one situation is what gives the sense of achievement when you manage to win. If they were nerfed, not only would gangs overrun them easily due to their restricted roster which if I am not mistaken currently capped at 20, but the overall sense of beating a police officer in an altercation would also be ruined as it would no longer be rare but instead be something most players are capable of doing.


Level 13
If you were to nerf cops, no one would be scared of them. The KPD is supposed to be semi-overpowered, to be able to actually fight gangs; most of the time cops are overrun by gangs, as the KPD has a player cap of how many cops there are allowed to be. Honestly, it is very easy to actually kill cops, if you just have the numbers over them. If you nerf them, gangs would be able to 1v1 cops.
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Level 217
body cams were added to nerf KPD and reduce CCTV cameras around the city though they kind of slowly piled back up lol


Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator

Currently, the gangrp part of the server is in comparison to other factions (except maybe.. highschool) bigger than ever. I daily see cops losing eyes, losing limbs, getting killed, or getting other injuries. Whilst maybe... the KPD indeed has more gear and such, this is realistic. How often do you hear in the news a cop got killed in a town of about.. 2000 citizens? Almost never.

The KPD faction already has received countless nerfs during the last years, if you'd ask me: We need to give them buffs instead at the moment. Especially with things like: 'action to do this', 'action to do that', 'have evidence for this and that', 'only have so many ammo clips'.

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