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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | An Exposee - The Bobcat Cheer Team


Level 11
[An Exposee - The Bobcat Cheer Team]
The Bobcat cheer team. Everyone knows of their existence, but many may not know the truth about them. Their twisted fantasies being forced onto other people to live, took a simple high school and college rivalry way too far, and unleashed brutal bullying onto innocent students, typically fellow Bobcats. Yet, they continue to paint the Spartans as the true villains all because they are too egotistical and self-centered to look within.
In this report on the Bobcat cheer team, I looked to discover every single bit of information on them that I could. You will find first hand accounts from both Bobcats and Spartans on how they have been victimized by the Bobcat cheer team. You will see a deeper look into the rivalry, and how the Bobcats even admit they started the recent surge, and one of their cruel and disturbing methods of punishing those they dislike.

[Misinformation and Kōdō Senjutsu]
Now before we continue on, I am certain you all heard the preposterous claims made by my fellow journalist Rohesia Saito. I am here to personally inform you all that you’ve been greatly deceived and lied to. Key context to why she made that claim was left out, and I for one am STRONGLY against misinformation. Mr. Senjutsu wasn’t really going around attacking people, or was even a woman beater like they claim. Instead, they have an ideology that if you aren’t willing to disrespect others, you will be disrespected and ATTACKED.
The cheerleaders have displayed, nearly daily, that they are willing to take any story and manipulate and twist it to make it paint themselves as the victims and their enemies as the monsters. It couldn’t be any more of a lie. Lexy Sparks herself will even admit she started it. A direct quote from her states: “The whole reason it got so violent in the first place was to WAKE THEM UP.” (Lexy Sparks). As you can see, they have no issue with inciting violence themselves. What makes you think they wouldn't be here in the situation with Kōdō Senjutsu as well?

[The Tragedy of Aubrey Grace]
Then, there is the tragic and truly heart wrenching story of Aubrey Grace. Many of you may not know who she was, and that is what makes this story all the more tragic. Often said by her peers to be a very nice and honest Christian girl who had a true passion and love for her craft. People seemed to only have great things to say about her, and it makes it even more sickening that she has been seemingly swept under the rug.
A while ago, the Bobcat football and cheer teams went camping. What happened on that camping trip is unknown, but what is known is that they aggravated the spirits of Karakura. It caused the teams to become a mess as the hauntings of the ghosts were truly getting to the Bobcats. Something had to be done, and sadly, Harley Bex and Lexy Sparks were the ones to devise a plan.
They wanted Aubrey to be the one to try and exercise or seal the ghost away. She happily agreed, but there was one issue. A major issue they all glanced over. She is Christian, and may not be the best candidate to seal away a Japanese ghost, as it might have ties to Shintoism or Buddhism. When a member addressed this lapse
in logic, they were simply ignored or not heard.
And so, they went back to the Forest. The footballers were goofing off and laughing, having a grand ol’ time. Unknowingly though, things would take a dark turn. Aubrey sat beside the bonfire, one similar to the photo attached. She was praying with her rosemarie when suddenly, almost in an instant, the fire consumed her. It grew large and consumed everything below her waist, and yet not one person stepped in to try and save her. There was nothing left of her besides her rosemarie, now being charred by the fire.
However, once the incident passed, she was completely forgotten about. The whole cheer team seemed to have forgotten about her. There is no knowledge on if there was a funeral or any kind of service paying tribute to her. A truly kind soul simply erased from the minds of her friends and almost swept under the rug.
I tell this story not to try and paint anyone as villains, but to have the story of Aubrey be known. A kindhearted girl who had her life taken way too early due to negligence regarding the undead. May she rest in peace.

[An Arrogant and Cruel Leader]
Now as everyone knows, there is a strong amount of conflict between Spartans and Bobcats. It’s normal that they’d be rivals, but the levels of Bobcats take it to are downright absurd. Some would even describe the individuals of the Bobcat team, like Lexy Sparks, as “crazy”. And quite frankly, after doing all this research I couldn’t agree anymore.
Lexy Sparks, the leader of the Bobcat cheer team, is not one to think. Instead, she simply does. Does, does, does, without even thinking of the consequence. For example, when she was called to Mr. Akihito’s office. Instead of being rational, she decided to talk back to the leaders of the school and got herself suspended! Not thinking!
She continues to impose her own rule over Bobcats and Spartans alike with no care for the consequence. It is time someone brought consequence to her. Even those on her own team have been victims of her picking favorites amongst her cheerleaders, and she continues on because nobody opposes her! It is time you, the people, stand up to this insane tyrant.

[A Disturbing Punishment]

Now, everyone knows that some members of the cheer team have made themselves a long list of enemies. And with this, they decide to exact a cruel and disturbing fantasy onto those they dislike. This involves chaining people up like dogs! How disgusting! You may have noticed in my first article how some of those I interviewed mentioned how they, quote, “...was walking me like a dog. She threw a leash over my head and dragged me…” but it goes so much deeper than that.
I was lucky enough to get an interview from a victim of one of these people where they give a more in-depth exploration of this cruel fantasy. This person preferred to remain anonymous, and so I will simply call them by a codename.

[Interview Would Begin…]

KK: “So if I may ask, how have you been a victim to members of the cheer team? And, if you’d like to specify, which members exacted any acts onto you, feel free.”

“Dun’no if victim is the word… This shit is old news, to be fair. As in.. A month or two old? But, one of the newer members revealed.. Eeerm.. Some type of, dun’no if it’s school like… Appropriate to say, but that s**t was a whole revelation. Not only to me, but to them too. I assume. I was like locked up or something. Jailed? Chained? Yeah.. That.” :BH

KK: “Chained? Are you able to go more in depth on what you mean by that?”

“Chained? How much more is there to say on that? . . . Chained to the balcony. Dun’no how much there is to add on that, ya’know? Dun’no what was all chained up, but there was some deadly weapon involved too.” :BH

[The Interview Would Come to a Conclusion]

How disgusting! What kind of weird freaks chain people up like dogs as a punishment? Some members of the cheer team, it seems, are more than meets the eye. Disgusting and evil monsters. Some are great, such as Nogi Nakazawa and Hikosaburo Vacazamora, but there are definitely evil monsters lurking amongst their ranks.
Anyways, this is my last report. Thank you all for reading my articles, and I would like to give a special thanks to my fellow reporters for always making me feel included. Anyways, this is Kingston D. Karicorn signing off and, remember, if they start a fight there is no problem in finishing one.


Level 43
The most sad thing about it is Aubrey's death ;_; i feel bad for the poor girl

She was cool and kind why did she dieee D:

长卂丅卂尺卂 尸卄丫㔿

Level 120
Cheerleaders aint on nun, they cant even bully me - an easy target -. The people they bullied 100% consented because of realisticRP, which I totally repsectfully approve. But I don't think they would stand in a real fight.

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