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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Kohitsu Uenari, is it a ghost?!


Level 37

[ The feed would lock onto Khadijah as she sat in front of the camera with two other females by her right side ]

“Khadijah Alioua here signing in on 1/30/2022! Hello and good day, today’s report is all about the rumors about a rather interesting individual… ghost?!- That’s been lingering outside the school gym in the grassy patch and what my friends experienced on this certain topic as well as other interesting rumors!”

“Who do I have here with me today you may ask? Well, let’s let them introduce themselves!”

Clair Celty:
“Heya! My name is Clair Celty, I'm eighteen years old and a basketball team member!”

‘Farah’ Sawonde:
“Yo, yo! I’m Farah Sowande, a seventeen year old basketball team member, and the best baller in Karakura.”

“Thank you for joining me today girls, but back to today's topic… This figure that they encountered not too long ago.. The information we have been able to gather about him is that his name is ‘Kohitsu Uenari’, a 40 year old male. He is a past hospital staff member but we’re not sure of what hospital BUT!- After a deep research about him, we’ve found out that he was ONCE a hospital staff member but left not too long after, despite being one of the best out of his age range, but where did he leave to?

I’m not sure if you guys are going to like this.. After going through some illegal and criminal activities, the former hospital staff model actually ended up in JAIL and was shot during a prison break which you know already how that would end… What do you guys think about this?”

[ The feed later panned to show the area in which they experienced this sighting before it screened back to the girls ]

“There’s not much we can really offer due to how little time the girls had with the odd figure but one thing we can say is.. He seemed nice? But out of nowhere I was told he began hysterically laughing saying he’d kill us all?! WHAT?! And then he disappeared!! What in the world man, I don’t understand it myself but he didn’t hurt anyone so I guess it’s safe to say he’s safe.. For now.”

“This is all we can offer for now but we’ll be back with updates once we get them!- And also! Don’t be scared to try and contact the figure.. You might actually enjoy the experience but be careful..There’s more than one that lingers around that area so you may not get Kohitsu.. But someone or someTHING much more dangerous than him, stay safe out there guys. This is Khadijah Alioua signing out... Please don't tell my mom I'm hunting ghosts!”

[ The screen then transitioned and became black plastered with black and white images of Kohitsu Uenari of when he was still a member of society, a hospital staff acting out his duties before the the video ended ]

[OOC NOTE:] If you haven’t already, make sure to check out the new and released event zones!

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