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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Serena Santarossa: A Haunting Chronicle


Level 86

Brandy Millwell's Paranormal blog of Karakura Academics: Case 02.
Satomi & The Entity of the Swim Team Ouija Board

Unveiling Unexplained Paranormal Incidents: A Chronicle of Haunting Encounters with the Spartan Swim Captain

Serena Santarossa, a witness to the spectral occurrences, has encountered a series of spine-tingling events that have absolutely no ‘reasonable’ explanation.. As she recounts her haunting experiences, each one shed more light onto the ghostly phenomena affecting the Spartan Swim Team—or so it seems.

I'm Brandy Millwell, and my intention today is to present Serena Santarossa's unsettling stories. My goal is to overall expose the paranormal activities taking place at Karakura Academics, and this is just a piece of it. Following her accounts, I aim to dissect these chilling experiences, piecing together clues to unravel the shocking puzzle behind what or who might be responsible for these haunting encounters!

INCIDENT 01: The Possession

Serena Santarossa first started with the first incident she shall recount. She states it started off with whispering, "it felt like she was constantly right behind me.. not that I could see her had I ever turned around- you know?" she said. Then insults started to be said, lies, things that were no longer true but she remembered it to the day. As she began to be bombarded with the aggravating whispers, she felt an urge—One that was not her own. She felt like she needed to grab something sharp - like her known scissors that were nearby. It was at this point that it is believed the known school ghost, Satomi, took hold of Serena—A possession. Last thing she recalls is wrapping her hands around the blade of the scissor, and feeling herself drop in temperature.

The next thing Serena can recall is being dragged out of the haunted classroom by her brother, close to being frozen to death. Allegedly from what he states, Serena nearly stabbed him during her possession. She also nearly stabbed former professor R. Hallward, who was known for his Speech & Debate classes.. Along with his odd connection to the spirit of Satomi.

INCIDENT 02: Ouija Board Disturbance

Within the Spartan Swim House attic resides an Ouija board—a conduit to the spirit world. The board being there has caused minor events and instances here and there inside of the house . However, not all the incidents were small .. Once while attempting to contact a spirit with her team, Serena had a printer and a couch being thrown at her. It was right after she had asked for the spirit’s name, as well as after she asked why it wished to reach out to her and her team. According to the Spartan captain, with the exception of that occurrence, nothing else notable took place.. Inside the house anyway.

INCIDENT 03: Haunting at the Beach

A haunting specifically targeting the Spartan swim team involved a spirit whose name eluded Serena and others. This entity lured them to the beach, attempting to enact a sinister prank by almost drowning someone—an ominous display of spectral mischief.

INCIDENT 04: The Whispering Walls

Serena Santarossa was at one of the cheer team houses to visit a friend.. As well as Juni—her brother. They were simply talking about Patricia, his old captain, and one of his teammates was coming down.. so Serena hid around the corner to attempt to scare them.. It was really quiet for a moment, and then she heard something whisper from behind her. However, her back was against the wall. There was no way someone could be behind her.. And there wasn't another room on the other side of the wall— no crawl space.. and then the ceiling began to crumble- no fair warning, no nothing..

It whispered to watch out beforehand, to move just before a part of the ceiling cracked—sparing Serena from harm with a chilling warning. However, a lot of the drywall and insulation got in her hair.. She made a point to state how “DISGUSTING!" it was.. And how It took multiple showers to get it all out..

A Closer Examination

Serena's encounters had a common thread: whispers in each event. These chilling communications hinted at Satomi's cold and self-centered nature, while other occurrences presented a distorted, incomprehensible warning and voices.

Understanding the Phenomena

The incidents involving the Spartan Swim Team seem intertwined with their experimentations with the Ouija board.. Aggression and luring tactics were employed, indicating a hostile entity summoned through the board.

The scope of this haunting surpasses typical poltergeist activity—whispers and manipulations of location defy conventional explanations. Considering the malevolent nature and the board's connection, I'm compelled to entertain a darker possibility—demonic activity.

Conclusion: Demonic Presence

I only even consider such an option due to the ouija board connection, as many reside within the board or travel through it. On Top of that—it's clear the haunting is not a friendly one, nor a quiet one. On multiple instances the ghost has been violent, either via throwing objects to being able to lure people out to drown them—not many entities are able to have enough power to manifest enough energy to throw objects, let alone lead someone outside of one area to another just to attempt to kill them. It requires immense power, energy, and it's not something any entity can do. That is why I am for once actually considering the possibility of demonic activity to be the unfortunate cause of these instances, matter of fact, I think that's what I have to conclude the activity in this case to be—demonic.

Serena's harrowing experiences, intertwined with spectral presences and eerie communications, paint a picture of a haunting far beyond the conventional... The chilling reality of these encounters remains—a haunting that defies explanation, leaving the spectral veil between our worlds ominously thin.
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