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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Unveiling the Mysterious 'Baseball Ghost'


Level 86

Brandy Millwell's Paranormal blog of Karakura Academics: Case 01.
The 'Baseball Ghost'

Unveiling the Mysterious 'Baseball Ghost' Phenomenon

There's a realm that exists beyond our perception, a domain inhabited by entities we often assume depart to a world inaccessible until death. But what if some choose to linger? Ghosts, spirits, ghouls—these ethereal beings are what remain among us. And according to certain baseball team members, they have encounters with these otherworldly entities.

I'm Brandy Millwell, delving into and categorizing the series of 'Baseball Ghost' incidents that have been unfolding over recent months. My investigation involved in-depth interviews with members from both the Bobcat and Spartan baseball teams. Among them, two individuals stood out—Alyssa Yasushi, a former cheerleader turned baseball player, known for her online presence, and Kenshi Hasegawa, a member of the Spartan team. Their encounters shed light on this enigmatic phenomenon. Here are their stories:

Alyssa Yasushi's Encounter

According to the seven-teen year old girl, she was minding her business at the baseball pitch on one cool night. She tells me she was often there to take onrain photos. She made it clear she likes to take photos from different angles in different lighting so she has a plethora of options she can post another time on Onrain. However, it seems like tonight. She was not alone. Alyssa sat on the lowest level of the bleachers, posing and taking photos.

When she finally sits down properly in order to review the photos she had taken, her baseball mysteriously starts to roll away. Assuming it was just the wind or she knocked it somehow, she picked it up and placed it on the level of the bleachers behind her so it was out of the way. Quickly, the pink haired female went right back to her photo work. She turned her camera around to face her, doing a kissy face and peace sign into the camera lense to take a selfie before freezing .. Behind her, she notices the ball slowly creep forward before rolling off the edge, bouncing on the bleacher level she sat on before rolling to the floor. Alyssa furrowed her eyebrows with a huff! How annoying, she thought. This time she had to get up from her seat and stomp over to the ball before she kicked it into the fence with spite—then picking it back up. As she tried to carry it back to where she sat.The ball seemingly flew from her hands and out into the field where a ghastly figure stood. Terrified, Alyssa gave a loud ‘EEK!’ before running off, not looking back ..

Kenshi Hasegawa's Experience

Kenshi’s experience is one he did not provide many details of, however the context is known. The college male was taking part in a baseball game at the pitch, where he was having a bad day. He claimed he was struggling to hit the ball, an off day it was for him .. And eventually he got striked out about nine times in a row.

It was only after the ninth strike did issues begin to arise, a foul stench began to fill the field, one that no athlete could even tolerate. As the game continued the screams began as well, screams with no origin .. boo’s from an unpresent crowd. Kenshi eventually did leave the area, as he called it he ‘got away’ .. But the stench and Voices be heard cannot leave his memory.
The heart of the matter lay in understanding these encounters. Hasegawa shed light on the 'Baseball Ghost,' an amalgamation of spirits of past players who haunt those they consider unworthy. Their most frequent appearance? When a player strikes out nine times or more—Kenshi's unfortunate fate.

Unraveling the Entity Behind the Phenomenon

Initial classifications pointed to the Interactive Personality or Poltergeist. However, the complexity of multiple spirits raised questions. Alyssa's encounter seemed more aligned with Poltergeist activity—interference without direct involvement in the game. Yet, Kenshi's case aligned almost perfectly with an Interactive Personality, except for the entity being composed of multiple spirits.

To explain my first assumption being the classic ‘Interactive Personality’, which is the most common of all ghosts spotted, allow me to give some context to the phenomenon. Typically, an Interactive Personality is a deceased person that somehow would hold some significance to you, in this case, former baseball players haunting the baseball teams. These spirits do not have to be friendly, and show themselves in a variety of ways. This being becomes visible, speaking, making noise, emitting a fragrance/odor, and or making physical contact. However, this does not meet all the criteria mentioned in the stories. An interactive personality is one spirit, not an entity made up of several deceased. In addition, yes an Interactive Personality can touch you, but it cannot move items. You can only feel it.

This brings me to the next option on the list, a Poltergeist. A Poltergeist is the stereotypical ‘noisy ghost’ because it is said to have the ability to knock, move, make noise and manipulate the physical environment. This checks off some of the criteria, such as the moving of Alyssa’s baseball.

It was at this point I began to suspect a possibility, perhaps multiple spirits being present, a different ghost per each experience. It only makes sense.. As for Alyssa’s experience, she was not even on the field, nor was she playing. She was minding her business when something began to mess with her, not to mention she is a newer player to the team and learning quickly. She and her experience do not quite match the criteria for the Baseball Ghost like how Kenshi did … And so, I am classifying Alyssa’s experience as Poltergeist activity .. However, that still leaves me figuring out Hasegawa’s incident. The thing that gets me with his experience and insight about the Baseball ghost is that it truly does fit ninety-nine percent of the criteria to be an Interactive Personality. However, the fact of the entity being made of several spirits really throws me off.
Further research led me down a captivating path. Could it be a case of possession, several spirits coalescing after a player's possession and death?

I started to go down a rabbit hole of possibilities… One of them is quite interesting. Usually two souls, or spirits cannot exist as one but there are exceptions to be made .. possessions. Possessions often have one or multiple spirits in one body. That got me thinking, what if a previous baseball player got possessed and died? Making the spirits ultimately stuck together permanently, joined together by the one who died last. But, even if this was the case, what shall we call the ghost now? This led me to the Yūrei, spirits from Japanese folklore lingering due to unresolved matters. It seemed fitting for the situation at hand.

Conclusive Classifications

In summary, Alyssa's experience aligns with classic Poltergeist activity, while Kenshi's encounter is best categorized as a Yūrei. Two distinct paranormal occurrences, each with its unique spectral nature, unfolded at the baseball

This investigation into the 'Baseball Ghost' phenomenon sheds light on the intricacies of paranormal encounters. Alyssa and Kenshi's stories, intertwined with the lore of spirits haunting the field, offer a glimpse into the unseen world that coexists with ours. The classifications provided here aim to offer clarity amidst the spectral mystery that envelops these baseball grounds. Alyssa having a run in with a Poltergeist .. and Kenshi with a Yūrei.

The realm of the supernatural continues to fascinate and astound, reminding us that within our everyday reality lies a mysterious, ethereal tapestry waiting to be unraveled.
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Level 11
I have yet to see the baseball ghost come up, but now I'll bring the Ouija board to practices so we can summon it.

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